Chapter 504

Yingpanling is the main peak of Gaolan Mountain. It is famous for its strong fortifications. Apart from the dangerous terrain, the Qinghai Majia Army can also take advantage of the Gouwa Mountain and Majia Mountain. Such a geographical location makes it very difficult for the attacking party uncomfortable.Very

This is a three-legged fortification. In the south of Lanzhou City, a relatively complete defense system is formed, relying on the main peak Yingpanling, supplemented by Gouwa Mountain and Majia Mountain on the left and right. The firepower of the three positions can support each other. , Therefore, no matter where the PLA's attacking forces start their attack, they will be hit by consistent firepower from all three sides.

Pulling the whole body, as long as one position is hit, it will attract firepower from three sides to retaliate. In view of this situation, the Sixth Army of the People's Liberation Army, which is mainly attacking the battalion, decided to attack Majiashan and Gouwa with part of the [-]th and [-]th divisions. The two positions in Shanshan, and the whole of the [-]th Division and the rest of the [-]th and [-]th Divisions attacked the main camp of the Qingma Army, and the Li Yong Independent Brigade supported by the headquarters was used as the general reserve of the whole army.

The Sixth Army's combat plan seems to be to attack three positions at the same time, but this is just a cover to make the enemy unaware of their true intentions. The battles against Majia Mountain and Gouwa Mountain are only containment rather than attack. The real target is the camp leader. Only by capturing the camp leader can we suppress the remaining two positions with firepower. Otherwise, even if we take the two positions with great strength, we will not be able to defend them.

Containment is not a feint attack. If the enemy can't move his hand, he must hurt it. The task is not easy. The commander Luo Yuan sent the order to the commander in charge of attacking the two positions: No matter what difficulties you encounter, no matter how much sacrifice you have First, we must contain the enemies of Majia Mountain and Gouwa Mountain. First, we must not allow the enemy to reinforce the camp leader.Second, the two positions cannot be allowed to form crossfire against the troops attacking the camp leader. If the above two points cannot be achieved, the commander will follow the law.

In the early morning of August 25th, the re-prepared Northwest Field Army launched its second attack on Lanzhou City. The two regiments launched an attack from a front line of tens of kilometers in radius. At the same time as fierce fighting broke out in the Doujiashan position, the PLA's battle against the main peak camp leader also started at the same time.

Commander Luo Yuanfa of the Sixth Army gave an order, and a hundred or so cannons that had been strengthened opened fire together. The muzzles stretched, and one after another shells hit the Qingma Army's position, and the Yingpan leader's position was immediately engulfed in a sea of ​​flames .Very

Bombshells, fragmented armor shells, grenades, incendiary bombs and other shells were fired in batches, and the howling sound of the shells passing through the air was frightening. The command group personally went to the front line to direct the artillery bombardment.

The artillery fire extended to the top of the mountain little by little, and hit one after another. Gao Xiang commanded the troops to constantly correct their position, hit barbed wire, minefields, trenches, bunkers, and hidden firepower points. The surprising accuracy rate impressed the infantry of the Sixth Army.

The heavy howitzer battalion of the independent brigade is the trump card firepower of the whole brigade. The total number of various artillery pieces exceeds 100, of which the main force is a few 105mm howitzers. Now the bombardment of the enemy's positions is mainly based on these [-]-odd howitzers, plus six The artillery fire that the army had before, and the shells that rained heavily blasted the entire camp leading position like a boil.

The entire position was trembling, and from time to time, brick and stone firepower points and the corpses of personnel were blown to the sky. The troops fight with momentum, and the violent artillery attack is a way to enhance the momentum of the troops. The artillery fire attack excited the troops waiting at the foot of the mountain. The soldiers watched the excitement while preparing, and some even said in a sour tone: "Look, the artillery fire of the independent brigade is still powerful. If this can be done like this two days ago Come on, maybe we will take down the enemy."

The fierce artillery bombardment lasted for a full hour. This level of artillery preparation has never been seen in the history of the Sixth Army. The positions held by the Qingma Army were shrouded in gunpowder smoke. After the artillery bombardment, the real infantry attack began.

The assault force of the Sixth Army that launched an attack on the camp leader was the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division. This is a heroic force with a history and heritage. It was the [-]th regiment that made great contributions to the former Northwest Field Army's attack on the fortified Panlong Town of the Kuomintang Central Army. This time, Commander Luo Yuanfa took them out again, just to use this sharp knife point Insert it deeply, into the heart of the enemy.

The Fifty Regiment lived up to their expectations and achieved certain results in the first attack on the camp leader a few days ago. The third battalion occupied a small enemy position and was in their hands all the time. This is very impressive. It was easy, because the entire field army made little progress in its first attack on Lanzhou. Only the third battalion of the [-]th regiment was considered to have occupied a small piece of the enemy's position, which was still under the threat of enemy firepower. Down.

After the failure of the first attack on Lanzhou, Boss Peng ordered the troops to readjust and deploy and prepare for the battle again. However, the red-eyed third battalion did not execute the order to withdraw, but asked the superior for instructions. To withdraw, you have to stick with the enemy, and wait for the next big army to attack, and you will still be the tip of the knife.

There were more than 500 fighters in the third battalion, and after occupying this small position, there were no more than [-]. They really didn't want to withdraw from this position that was exchanged for their blood and lives, and they said nothing.

There were less than 100 soldiers, and the nearest enemy position in the camp was less than [-] meters away. In order to pull out the tip of the knife that the People's Liberation Army had stuck in its stomach, the Qingma Army tried every means , using grenades, explosive packs, and light and heavy machine guns to block fire, but no matter what method was used, this small army was always nailed there and persisted for several days.

After the second attack started in the early morning of the 25th, the [-]th commando regiment rushed forward with a groan. The soldiers rushed desperately, because there were still three battalions fighting the enemy ahead, and it would be very dangerous if they were not taken over. up.

The main force of the Sixth Army attacking the camp leader was the [-]th Division, and the assault team of the [-]th Division was the [-]th Regiment, and the forward force of the [-]th Regiment was the [-]rd Battalion that had been entangled with the enemy for several days.

There was no water, no food, not much ammunition, and two-thirds of the casualties, but the third battalion was stubbornly not withdrawing. After the second attack of the large army began, because of the geographical advantage, the third battalion could use more troops than other troops. A lot of time quickly passed.

Advance, assault, and rush forward while the gunpowder smoke from the artillery fire has not cleared up. The soldiers pounced forward. The point of the sword of the third battalion is the seventh company in the front. There are 45 people in the seventh company who can still fight. Instructor Cao Derong divided the 45 fighters into nine combat groups, five in each group, and formed a combat team to attack.

Instructor Cao Derong is a bearded veteran with a dark complexion and a strong body. When marching, he always carries several rice bags and rifles on his back. Although the load is much heavier than other soldiers, the instructor's body is always Straight and straight, Cao Dirong is very old, and he is the oldest soldier in the entire Seventh Company. Whether marching or fighting, the instructor is an example for everyone to learn from.

The Sixth Army’s first attack on Lanzhou was not successful. There were heavy casualties in the camp leading position. After the order to stop the attack was issued, the third battalion was unwilling to withdraw from the occupied position because many battles cost their lives. In fact, it was only the third battalion that did not One of the reasons for their willingness to withdraw, and another reason is that when their battalion was fighting Panlong, they had been involved with the Kuomintang defenders. Their actions were praised by the commander-in-chief of the field army, Mr. Peng. The commander agreed to their request.

After our army's attack on the camp leader's position resumed, the third battalion couldn't wait to invest in the bloody battle against the enemy's forward position. The nine combat teams of the Seventh Sharp Knife Company alternately attracted the enemy's firepower and covered each other to advance.

The camp lord's position is steep with steep cliffs and strong bunkers. Although our army's artillery fire is fierce, it is impossible to blow up all the enemy's fortifications. The attacking troops suffered heavy casualties because they were exposed to the enemy's firepower.

When the troops rushed to the front of the main position, they were blocked by a high and steep cliff, which was half natural and half artificial, with no place to stay, and there were still green hills on the half waist and top. The hidden firepower of the Ma army kept spraying flames, and the officers and soldiers of the [-]th regiment of the assault force kept falling in the fire net. The four companies that had moved to the forward position could not get out, and were completely exposed to the enemy's firepower.

This big cliff is about five meters high. It was specially dug by the Qingma Army before the war. There are secret passages in it that can connect with each other, allowing mutual support of personnel and firepower.

The situation suddenly became tense, dangerous, extremely dangerous, this is a blind spot that the artillery fire cannot reach, the 105mm howitzer commanded by Gao Xiang is a curved fire gun, the shells cannot hit this position, what should I do?There is only one way to carry forward the old tradition of our army and blow up the cliff with explosives. However, the enemy's bullet rain is too dense, and the firepower of the third battalion cannot be suppressed at all. The soldiers performing the blasting mission fell in front of the cliff one after another.

The Seventh Company used two combat teams to blow up the big cliff, but all ten soldiers fell on the way. The instructor Cao Derong looked around. His soldiers were running out, and the Seventh Company with more than 100 people could still There were only 20 people who persisted in fighting, and the company commander had already been seriously injured and was carried down. He himself was wounded in two places, and his body was stained with blood.


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