The beacon of youth

Chapter 521 Fighting the Lost Dog in Lanzhou

On the other hand, the Qingma Army seems to have a lot of personnel, but most of them are fresh recruits. The Eighth Cavalry Division and the Fourteenth Brigade still have a little old foundation, and almost all the new divisions are rookies. They didn't even let go of their guns. This kind of troops can fight smoothly, but once they encounter difficulties and setbacks, they are finished. When encountering such a strong army as the du li brigade, the failure is also in the process of being cleaned up. "Reading" "Reading"

Several main forces of the Northwest Field Army broke through the fortifications of Lanzhou City, entered Lanzhou City with the momentum of Mount Tai, and launched a large-scale urban street battle with the main force of the Qingma Army. They competed house by house and street by street. It made the soldiers and officers of the Qingma Army panic.

How can we not panic when there is a fire behind our buttocks, we all know that the big iron bridge is their only escape route, once it is captured by the People's Liberation Army, everything will be over.

At midnight, the Qingma army guarding Lanzhou gradually ran out, and was squeezed out by the troops of the People's Liberation Army entering the city. According to the plan formulated before the war, when retreating, they should be separated from the front and back, covering each other and retreating. There is a key issue here. Everyone withdrew, who was behind to stop the troops of the People's Liberation Army.

Ma Jidang, the commander-in-chief of the Qingma Army, once appointed his direct descendant, the 82th Division of the 190nd Army, to do the final defense in front of everyone, and he also made a solemn promise: "Please rest assured, even if the 190th Division is wiped out, other people will be allowed to fight." The troops withdraw first, and I, Ma Jiyuan, keep my word."

But now it was time to retreat, these senior officers of the Qingma Army couldn't find the commander-in-chief Ma Jiyuan at all, not only the commander-in-chief, but also the few trusted subordinates and guards around Ma Jiyuan. Few of the senior military officers who have been there for so many years are fools. After a little thought, they will understand what it means to not be able to find the commander-in-chief.

As soon as Ma Jiyuan ran away, whatever plan he made was completely ruined. The 82th Division of the 190nd Army, which was supposed to stay at the end and fight with the PLA to cover the retreat of the main force of the Qingma Army, ran back first, and the whole division went straight to the Yellow River. The iron bridge comes.

Ma Zhenwu, the commander of the 190th Division, is the so-called direct descendant of Ma Jiyuan's faction, but what about the direct descendant? Ma Jiyuan didn't let him know at all when he ran away, and he was just a pawn crossing the river as the leader of the first division. Having realized this, Ma Zhenwu no longer had the intention of working hard, and ordered his 190th Division to retreat quickly. As for what to do with other troops, that was not something he could consider.

As soon as the 190th Division ran away, it put enormous pressure on the officers at all levels of the Qingma Army.

The troops in charge of the cover withdrew first, and the battle was almost impossible to fight. Later, they simply ignored the order, whoever arrived first would run, and the People's Liberation Army deserved to be wiped out if they ran slowly.

They all want to cross the bridge first, and they all want to take out more of the remaining troops to preserve their strength so that they can earn more capital in the future, but they all ignore the fact that the Yellow River Iron Bridge is now in the hands of the People's Liberation Army. Ma Ying, the officer appointed by Li Ma Jiyuan to guard the bridge, has long since disappeared without a trace.

A large group of people came to the big iron bridge indistinctly. There were infantry and cavalry, and a small number of large trucks and jeeps. It was hard to see how many people could run over at night. Anyway, there were many people, densely packed with black people. .

Li Yong ordered the troops to prepare for battle, and planned to use three infantry battalions and one reconnaissance battalion to block all the routed Qingma army, use the high-shelf machine gun battalion and the supply battalion as the reserve team, and the artillery battalion to launch at the right time. Li Yong thought about the problem very much. Comprehensive, but not pedantic, if the infantry is really blocking the retreating enemy, the artillery should be used, and of course, it is better not to use it.

The officers of the Ma's Army knew that a fierce battle broke out near the big iron bridge, and they also knew that there must be a communist army nearby. But they didn't expect the troops defending the bridge to be defeated so quickly, and they didn't expect the iron bridge to fall. Anyway, the cavalry Ma Ying, the commander of the Eighth Division, is also a veteran commander of the Qingma Army. With him, it is estimated that he will be able to stand up for a while.

The four infantry battalions of the du li brigade waited in hiding in the dark night. The soldiers squatted in dug trenches and fortifications waiting for the commander's order. The order was conveyed briefly and forcefully: "No smoking, no loud noise, Don't use the flashlight, don't expose the fire, prepare to fight."

In the front of the position are three infantry battalions and one reconnaissance battalion. Thousands of soldiers in the four battalions are as calm as a single person. Some soldiers cover their mouths with hats when they cough, so as not to be exposed. Even the slightest goal.

The tranquility around the big iron bridge was a bit abnormal, and the soldiers of the Qingma army who were gradually approaching were overjoyed. It seemed that the Eighth Cavalry Division and the Fourteenth Brigade really had two brushes. The army fought back, well, speed up, as long as you can run across the big iron bridge, you will have a way to survive.

These officers and soldiers knew it well before the war, and no one took the thousands of people in the newly formed First Division seriously, thinking that they were nothing more than a bunch of cannon fodder. Eighth Cavalry Division and Fourteenth Brigade.

The crowd of Heihuhu quickly approached from hundreds of meters away, 500 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters, 80 meters, still did not hear the commander's order to fire.

The soldiers were not in a hurry, they lay quietly on the parapet of the trench, the safety of all kinds of weapons were fully opened, the lids of the grenades were opened like boxes, and they stared wide-eyed at the Sergeant Ma who ran over frantically

There is nothing to worry about. The People’s Liberation Army is fighting in close combat. We are talking about annihilating the enemy in close combat. 80 meters is a little farther, and it is 40 meters. Hearing this, brigade commander Li Yong took out his pistol, fired at the black crowd, and then ordered loudly: "Fire."

The soldiers of the Ma Family Army who were running also felt that there was something wrong with the big iron bridge, because it was too calm, a bit too calm, besides, I didn't see soldiers patrolling on the bridge, the Eighth Cavalry Division wouldn't even send troops to the bridgehead guard? ? ?Does this make no sense?

But doubts can only be doubts. Large troops swarmed over, and the People's Liberation Army behind them chased after them. Anyone who stopped would be trampled to death by the crazy flow of people. Calm question, only on the bridge is true

It was getting closer and closer to the bridge, and it seemed that it would take another few minutes to rush up, but at this moment, gorgeous firepower broke out suddenly on the position in front of the bridge, like fireworks in the middle of the night .

Why do you say it looks like gorgeous fireworks, because the firepower of the infantry battalions of the du li brigade is too strong, and the strength is a bit outrageous and unacceptable.

The soldiers of the [-]rd, [-]th, [-]th Battalion and the Reconnaissance Battalion have never won any tough battles. The battles in the past few days have caused the [-]st Battalion, the [-]nd Battalion, the Tank Battalion, the Artillery Battalion and the Machine Gun Battalion to be taken away. All the fighters were holding back their palms and itching. After finally taking such an opportunity, their anger exploded all of a sudden.

The distance of about 40 meters is the time when infantry light weapons can exert their power most. Not to mention those light and heavy machine guns and small artillery, a large number of equipped submachine guns are also suitable.

This is Li Yong's idea to put the enemy at a distance of about 40 meters. The weapons and equipment of the du li brigade are very powerful, but there are also shortcomings. The shortcoming is that the range of infantry light weapons is too short. There is no power to say, but the shooting range is hard to be flattered. The Tommy submachine gun that fires 1143mm pistol bullets has an effective distance of only 50 meters, and its accuracy is poor at a distance.

In order to plug this defect, the duli brigade equipped the infantry squad with a large number of Czech light machine guns, and also retained some [-]-type rifles with good range and precision.

However, these measures are only expedient measures. Dividing the ammunition into several calibers in an infantry squad will bring huge pressure to logistics and bring unnecessary troubles to troop replenishment. To completely solve the problem, there must be a Advanced infantry squads use light weapons.

(Thirty-eight rifle caliber 65, Czech light machine gun caliber 792, Tom-type caliber has two types, American-made 1143, Shanxi imitation 1125)

But this kind of thinking is a bit too much. There is still a long way to go before the People's Army can get a unified infantry squad with guns. (my country's first infantry squad gun family was born in [-]. It is called the five-six-type squad gun family, which are five-six-type semi-automatic rifles, five-six-type submachine guns, and five-six-type squad light machine guns)

Light and heavy machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, and all the weapons in the several infantry battalions of the du li brigade were firing, and the violent blows knocked down the fleeing troops of the Qingma Army like cutting wheat.

The soldiers grabbed the trigger and fired fiercely, and they didn't forget to throw a grenade when changing the magazine, because this was an opportunity, and they had to seize the opportunity to make more contributions, otherwise, how could they make contributions if they wiped out the Ma family army?

Running and running, the Qingma Army who ran desperately did not expect that today, in Qinghai and Gansu, Ma Bufang's troops existed like overlords, but things have changed, and today's Qingma Army is chased by the PLA like a lost dog.

It's as if a dangling hooligan was hit head-on with a heavy stick, and the Ma's army who ran towards the Yellow River Iron Bridge was beaten back by the fierce firepower of the du li brigade, and they were still dead bodies on the ground. I want to understand why the big iron bridge was so quiet just now, it turns out it has already been occupied by the People's Liberation Army, and they are waiting for them to hit the muzzle.

It took a while for the Qingma Army, which was stunned by the sudden burst of firepower, to slow down, nainai, the communist army has blocked our retreat, and some officers shouted loudly in the chaotic army: " Brothers, you can't retreat, you have to rush to the death, you have to rush to survive, go on."

Congratulations on the commissioning of the first aircraft carrier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the advancement of the People's Navy.

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