The beacon of youth

Chapter 53 Li Yong's Determination

Li Yong asked these people to continue the discussion and then walked out of the courtyard where the recruits lived. What Li Yong didn't expect was that not only the captive soldiers were fascinated by his words, but even the four veterans were also thinking that such a day is really Okay, but the company commander is not even a party member. Where did he know these theories?

These veterans know the details of the company commander. When the spy company was first formed, there were 26 people. Except for the company commander, they were all veteran party members who had been tested by the fire of war. Captured captives.

On the surface, it seems that the head of the group trusts Li Yong, but who is the head of the group Zhao?Without absolute certainty, it is impossible to hand over a unit, no matter how small the unit is, no matter how small it is, Li Yong is the company commander, of course it is no problem to lead everyone to develop well, otherwise this small unit Although it is small, it is not something he can master alone, because there are party branches in the company.

Li Yongneng thought about the same thing about the head of the regiment, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with what the head of the regiment did. On the contrary, he thought that what the head of the regiment did was right. The army must be in the hands of the party. This is what our people's army must do. , If someone thinks that the army is personal property, then what is the difference between him and a warlord.

The Northwest Field Army was established on the basis of the [-]th Division, and the [-]th Division was established on the basis of the Red Second Front Army. It is the old army of General He Long. Most of the middle and senior commanders in the army belong to General He Long. old men.

From the beginning of the Liberation War, General He Long handed over the army to Boss Peng according to the instructions of the party. Not only did he have no complaints, but he also fully supported Boss Peng's work. Such a thing is unimaginable in the Kuomintang army, but it is very common in the eyes of the Communists. The army is the party's army, and anyone can command it as long as it is necessary. Those who engage in the Shantou faction are not Communists.

Several veterans knew that only the company commander was not a party member, but the company commander had a deeper understanding of the party than the other 25 party members, and the instructor did not know as much as the company commander. Don't think about it, anyway, there are many things that the company commander doesn't understand, and it's not bad.

Putting aside the wild thoughts of a few veterans, Li Yong walked out of the recruit platoon and went to the place where the wounded of the health team lived. Captain Hu Xiaolian was leading someone to change the wounded dressing. Seeing Li Yong coming, the wounded all greeted him.

Li Yong asked how the wounded were doing?Hu Xiaolian told Li Yong that the lightly wounded would be fine in a few days, and the seriously wounded had to be cared for. The exact time would depend on their recovery.

He also told Li Yong that it was thanks to the two doctors this time, without the two of them, these four seriously wounded patients would have been enough, and the previous skills of their health team would not be able to save these seriously wounded patients.

Li Yong hurriedly expressed his thanks to the two doctors who had been captured, and asked them how they were used to it. If there were any problems in life, he would report them to the captain. If the captain couldn't solve them, he would work with the instructor to find a solution.

The doctors and health workers who were captured were very grateful to Hu Xiaolian for speaking well for them. They knew that Li Yong was not as easy-talking as he appeared on the surface. Well, the soldiers all knew that the company commander was very easy-going when he looked at him laughing, but he was ruthless when he attacked.

Li Yong didn't know these private names of the soldiers at the beginning, but he didn't care when he learned about them later.

When he came to the lightly wounded, Li Yong asked everyone to recover as soon as possible, and told the lightly wounded that our company will have a big operation recently, but we don't have enough manpower. If you can recover, you will be the last assault force. 20 Many lightly wounded people knew that there was a shortage of people after hearing what the company commander said, and this operation was no small matter, otherwise the company commander would not have said this to the wounded. Everyone said that the company commander should rest assured that in a few days basically It will be fine, and we will definitely be able to catch up with the company's battle plan.

Li Yong likes these soldiers from the bottom of his heart. If they were placed in the Kuomintang troops he had been in before, they would soak in mushrooms when they were not sick, and it would be even worse if they were a little injured. Knowing that participating in one more battle will result in more casualties, but these soldiers of my own demanded to return to the team one by one when they saw that the company had taken action but was short of manpower.

Another four days passed. On this day, Zhang Jinsong reported that he had captured some spies. These people did not seem to be his own people. They drove a few donkeys and packed several bags of millet. The Eighth Route Army delivered food.

But the folks in northern Shaanxi are not so easy to pretend. The enemy's scouts are all veterans. It's all year round mixing with ordinary people. If you can't even see this, it's a waste of time.

Li Yong looked at several enemy scouts pretending to be ordinary people and said to Li Yuming, "Pull it out and collapse, then dig a hole and bury it."

The soldiers of the police squad could not help but pull out the screaming people and shoot them. The instructor Wang Chengde who heard the gunshots came over and said to Li Yong, "Dayong, our troops are disciplined and cannot kill prisoners."

Li Yong: "Old Wang, I also know that our troops are disciplined, but now is the critical time. We don't have manpower to guard them. These people are veterans of the enemy. It is difficult to educate them. It is useless for us to let them go." It is still a disaster, I will pay attention to communicating with you in the future, and you will criticize me after our battle is over."

Li Yong thought that if he communicated with the instructor, could he still be killed?Hey, talk about it later.

According to the information sent back by Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance platoon, Li Yong knew that the time had come to attack. The main force of the enemy's cavalry had been taken to a place more than 300 miles away from Qingyang by Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou's squad.

The enemy’s horse cavalry on the northwest battlefield were not equipped with wireless telegraphs, and long-distance communication relied on cavalry messengers’ human transmission. After the battle started, if the enemy in Qingyang City asked for help, it would take nearly a day and a half to ride horses for more than 300 miles. It takes three days to go back and forth for [-] miles, which means that the special agent company has at least three days to attack. As long as the special agent company resolves the battle within two days, even if the enemy returns to help, it will not pose a threat to the special agent company, and the battle will be over long ago. , The spy company was able to transfer smoothly.

Li Yong came to the yard where the recruits lived again on this day. The soldiers were very happy to see the company commander coming, and said to Li Yong that they figured out what the company commander said that day. They are all five-foot-tall men, why can't they live vigorously? Once, he fought the world with the company commander.

Li Yong said happily: "Comrades, our company is about to take action. Now we are short of manpower. If you decide to join our army, you are very welcome, but you are not doing it with Li Yong. You are following our party to make revolution, and you are following * *Working with the PLA, if we die, we will be martyrs, and we will live for the common people. If we don’t die, we will be heroes when the revolution succeeds. At that time, everyone will marry a beautiful wife, and they will all have a bunch of **** child."

Seeing that the soldiers all laughed, Li Yong went on to say: "Everyone, don't think I'm talking nonsense. Now all the battlefields across the country are fighting in full swing, and the Kuomintang is retreating steadily. Only our northwest battlefield is the most difficult, but comrades When have you ever seen the troops of the Communist Party lose? The Battle of Longdong is about to end, and the Kuomintang is about to end in this area. We also have to cooperate with the main force to fight. Wait a while and you go to the supply chain to receive weapons, and What you have explained is that our company’s automatic weapons and equipment have been picked up by other platoons. Now there are only rifles and grenades, but I assure you that after this battle is over, our company will still have a big seizure. You can choose the weapon as you like, what do you think?"

The soldiers said one after another, company commander, you have to count on what you say, and you can choose with us when the time comes.Li Yong told everyone that what I said must count, and whoever said what didn't count would be crap. Amidst the laughter of the soldiers, Li Yong walked out.

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