The beacon of youth

Chapter 536 Thought Work

Chapter 56 Thought Work

The engineer battalion of four to 500 people, according to the order of the deputy commander, got up and assembled. Many off-duty people were asleep. The sudden call of the assembly whistle made these people curse while putting on their clothes.

"Damn, what kind of assembly is there in the middle of the night, is the communist army coming? Is it impossible, how can there be any communist army without a single shot?"

No matter how unwilling you are, the military order is like a mountain. It is time to gather and must gather. The sharp-eyed people found another problem. There are many people standing in front of and behind the deputy commander. It seems that they should be the troops who just came back from the new brigade. .

The small-scale engineering battalion has long been spread. It is said that Deputy Commander He took in more than 100 soldiers who came back from the new brigade. He also said that he wanted these people to be the Jingwei company of the military department, and he would directly command.

The Jingwei company of the military department?Those are relatively awesome troops, they are the commander's cronies, a group of deserters from the new brigade, what can they do to make the deputy commander so interested, these boys are really lucky.

The reconnaissance battalion of the du li brigade pulled the whole battalion over, moved quietly in the night, surrounded the camp of the engineer battalion, surrounded the sentries, surrounded the assembled soldiers, and surrounded all the soldiers. Everything is surrounded, and the reconnaissance battalion of more than 1000 people seems to be very easy to deal with the unprepared 2nd Army Engineering Battalion. The only thing that makes people worry is the engineer battalion commander who has mastered the levee detonator.

However, with the cooperation of Deputy Commander He, this is not difficult at all. A major officer ran over in small steps. After standing at attention and saluting, he did not understand why the officer wanted to call for an emergency assembly, but was controlled by Erzi Ning. , two soldiers stood close to him, and stabbed him between the ribs with two daggers in the dark night. Although the kid didn't understand the reason, he didn't dare to move anymore.

Seeing that everything was almost ready, Zhang Jinsong strode out, not only walked out, but also walked in front of Deputy Commander He Shuheng.

Zhang Jinsong's behavior made those who are interested feel that something is wrong. The highest officer in the entire camp is undoubtedly He Shuheng. What does it mean that this person walked in front of the deputy commander?Is his military rank higher than Chief He?

In the Kuomintang's military system, the concept of hierarchy is extremely strict, and it is impossible for a junior officer to stand in front of his chief, unless it is fighting.

Zhang Jinsong didn't care what the people in the engineering battalion thought, he could think whatever he liked, Zhang Jinsong who stood up shouted loudly: "Brothers, let me tell you a piece of news, the large troops of the People's Liberation Army are getting closer, what should we do? "

There was a buzzing below, and some soldiers shouted: "Who are you? Where did you hear the news? It's easy to handle when the People's Liberation Army comes. Didn't the higher-ups instruct us to blow up the embankment and drain the water? Of course, the People's Liberation Army won't be able to get through this release." .”

Zhang Jinsong: "Don't worry about who I am, I must be someone who knows the news. I want to ask a question, are there any locals in our engineering battalion?"

The soldiers below answered in a confused manner: "What kind of question is this called? We are all locals, you can't be from a province!!"

The soldiers wondered as they answered, who is this guy?Standing in the front and yelling in a big way, seeing what Deputy Commander He meant, he didn't want to stop it at all. Isn't it just a few soldiers from the new brigade who can still become Jing?

"Since everyone is a local, I would like to ask another question. Once the Yellow River embankment is blown up, will your fathers and fellow villagers be able to escape? Can your brothers and sisters escape? Maybe the PLA did not drown a few, ordinary people But they are about to drown. Even if you have a way to make the common people run out, what about the large fields and crops? Without the fields and crops, what will the people eat? How will the villagers live in the coming year? You are all natives of Ningxia Baby, haven't you thought about this?"

Zhang Jinsong’s series of questions made the assembled engineers and soldiers speechless, and these soldiers thought, yes, even if the villagers all ran out, the fields and crops would not be able to escape, once this large piece of land turned yellow If so, the villagers will have only two ways out, one is to wait to be starved to death, and the other is to drag their children and take their daughters out to flee the famine. The thought of fleeing famine makes these soldiers feel like they are in a mess. Trembling, that feeling is unbearable.

In the old China at that time, there were many soldiers who didn’t understand doctrines or leaders at all. They had only one purpose as soldiers. They were soldiers to eat food. It is called: "There is food to gather troops." This is the truth. Many people have had the experience of fleeing famine, and now they still shudder when they think about it.

"Then what do you think should be done? Once there is an order from above, if we don't blow up the embankment, we will disobey the order. Neither the commander nor our army commander will spare us. Disobeying the military order will be shot."

Zhang Jinsong continued to enlighten these soldiers: "These things are easy to handle. As long as we all listen to Deputy Commander He, the problem can be solved. Now let Deputy Commander He give you a lecture."

He Shuheng is the deputy commander of the 2nd Army. In the eyes of these engineers, he is a high-ranking officer. He may not have many opportunities to meet each other. The methods he said will be highly credible.

Is there any way, He Shuheng doesn't want to die, but also wants to make meritorious service. He has reached this level, so he completely wants to open up and work with the People's Liberation Army.

He Shuheng cleared his throat, and said slowly: "Brothers, I really don't want to hide it. It is also very difficult for me to bring everyone to carry out this task. Why? Because I don't know who I am loyal to now, and everyone will find it very strange Why do I say that, it stands to reason that we are **, our 2nd army is also the battle order of **, if we are **, we should be loyal to Chairman Jiang, but Chairman Jiang has already been defeated and fled to Taiwan, well, Our next allegiance should be our chairman (Ma Hongkui, Chairman of Ningxia zheng fu), but our chairman has also run away, who should we allegiance to in the future? Some people will say that we will be allegiance to the commander (Ma Hongkui's second son Ma Dunjing) , the commander-in-chief of the Ningma Army) But what I learned is that our commander is also thinking about how to escape, and the planes are all ready in Yinchuan. Everyone thinks that my official position, He Shuheng, is not too small. Major General and Deputy Commander , but there is no place for someone like me on the plane in Yinchuan. Brothers, the PLA has millions of troops. Can we stop them by blowing up the Yellow River? When the time comes, the officers will all fly away, us people What to do? They will be arrested by the People’s Liberation Army and ordinary people and questioned, and they will be executed lightly.”

The engineering battalion with hundreds of people was silent. In the era of wild and chaotic times, the information that the bottom soldiers knew was really limited. It was the first time they heard these things, but the first time they heard it was very shocking. Zhang Jinsong and Ning Erzi nodded secretly. It is said that there are no capable people in the Kuomintang army. Does this He Shuheng have a talent for giving reports? He is quite provocative.

He Shuheng is the deputy commander of the 2nd Army, and he is the chief officer. How can the soldiers solve the problem that the chief officer has a headache? An officer who is usually familiar with He Shuheng shouted: "Mr. He, what do you think we should do? I listen to you."

Someone suggested it, and someone followed, shouting in disorder: "Mr. He, if you make up your mind, we will listen to you. Whatever you say, we will do it."

He Shuheng: "Thank you for your love, I am so grateful, to be honest, even though I am a deputy army commander now, but once the large troops of the People's Liberation Army come over, I will be the same as my brothers, either killed or captured , or fleeing everywhere, the end will be very bad."

When he said this, He Shuheng paused for a moment, looked at the gazes around him, and raised his voice and shouted: "But I am not willing to just sit around and wait to die. I want to lead my brothers on another bright road. Now that our Chairman Jiang is gone, the chairman is gone, and the commander is also going to run away, then we have nothing to miss, and everyone simply joins the People's Liberation Army, which can be regarded as a great virtue for the common people in this area."

With a bang, the whole venue was in chaos. Some soldiers were stunned, and some whispered to each other. The incident was so sudden. I didn't expect that the deputy army commander, who has always been aloof, would think of taking everyone to join the People's Liberation Army. A little mental preparation for this matter nothing.

The venue was chaotic for about ten minutes and then slowly quieted down. During this period, Zhang Jinsong, Ning Erzi and others did not say a word, in order to let the officers and soldiers of the Ningma Army digest the sudden news.

Although these soldiers in the engineering battalion don’t know much information, they are not idiots. Engineers, at least have some skills and culture. Some asked: “Sir, we only have a battalion with a few hundred people. The 2th Division and the 56nd Cavalry Brigade are nearby, and they will come over as soon as they find out that we are going to join the People’s Liberation Army, and then the hundreds of us will all be finished.”

As soon as Zhang Jinsong heard the soldiers' comments, he felt that there was a connection. It seems that He Shuheng and himself were not in vain, because from the words of the soldiers in the engineer battalion, it can be heard that they are not very disgusted with voting for the People's Liberation Army. What they are worried about is that once they vote for the People's Liberation Army Will be wiped out by the rest of the 2nd Army.

"Let me answer this question. To tell you the truth, we are not deserters from the new brigade, but the reconnaissance troops of the People's Liberation Army. Our large troops will arrive soon. The People's Liberation Army is responsible for your safety. As long as the brothers sincerely follow the People's Liberation Army, Life and property are guaranteed, and I can also tell everyone that the 2th Division and the 56nd Cavalry Brigade of your 2nd Army are already under our control, and their day of demise is not far away."

Good guy, the People's Liberation Army and the People's Liberation Army have been talking about it all day long, and they've been calculating how far away the large troops of the People's Liberation Army are.

The soldiers of the engineering battalion all stared wide-eyed, wanting to take a closer look at what the chief of the People's Liberation Army looked like, and whether he was a communist and a wife as advertised.

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