The 245th division of the Kuomintang central yang army system ran all the way to Zhangye under the deterrence of a large field force. Together with the original Zhangye Kuomintang local troops, the total strength is close to 1, which is indispensable compared with the ** brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army. How much, for this reason, after Li Yong led his troops to catch up, two opinions formed within the ** brigade.

One kind of view is that we should strike while the iron is hot, launch an attack immediately, win in chaos, and quickly eat up Zhangye and defend the enemy.The other thinks that launching an attack right away is suspected of underestimating the enemy. The ** brigade should wait for the arrival of the main force of the Second Army, and then launch an attack after the three main divisions of the Second Army arrive. .

Theoretically speaking, the second option is the safest and most certain. Concentrating troops to fight annihilation is the PLA's traditional advantage. However, Li Yong, the brigade commander, does not think so. Law is dead and people are alive. While the so-called safe plan is beneficial to one's own side, it also gives the enemy an opportunity. Once the ** brigade stagnates, the 245th Division of the Kuomintang can have time to deploy defense and To build various firepower equipment, you must know that although the Kuomintang army has more defeats and fewer victories in the confrontation with the People's Liberation Army, it also has advantages. This advantage is that the regular army of the Kuomintang fights well in positional warfare. If the enemy is given a chance, the troops will have to pay a much higher price when they attack again.

The second reason is that the original strength of the Kuomintang army in Zhangye was two security companies in two places, according to Li Yong.What kind of tricks can the strength of the two companies come up with, and it is impossible to have any large-scale defense system. The 245th Division of the Central Yang Army has just arrived and is not familiar with the environment and geography of Zhangye.It will take some time to expand the defensive area. The ** brigade can launch an attack while the enemy is not stable. Another point is the most important point. That said, troop morale was low.This is the most important thing. What kind of battle can a soldier fight if he has no fighting spirit.

Based on the above points, the ** brigade should not only wait for the arrival of the main force, but should also launch an attack immediately.Hit them off guard.

In the combat unit, the final decision is still in the hands of the brigade commander. Li Yong decided to prepare for 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes of preparation.At the beginning of the attack, the ** Brigade launched a sudden attack from the front of Zhangye, trying to blast the enemy out of the city without encircling it with iron barrels.Gather in the wild.

As the old saying goes, we must flexibly use our army's strategies and tactics.Despise the enemy strategically, but pay attention to the enemy tactically. The ** brigade has more than 1000 people. It is not a good way to disperse the troops and surround them. Entering the city and fighting the enemy will increase the loss. The strength of the ** brigade lies in its strong firepower, but the houses in the city are densely packed and there are obstacles Too many, street fighting will reduce the advantage of the side with strong firepower, so we must use our own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, use the sudden offensive to break through Zhangye's city defenses, and blast the enemy out of the city like ducks. In the wild, that is the world of the ** brigade.

At dusk, when it was time to start a fire for cooking, the 245th Division was also preparing to light a fire for cooking. Thousands of officers and soldiers in the army were full of complaints and curses.

Keep running, where do I have to go, I have already reached the depths of the Hexi Corridor, my eyes are full of desolation, why do I still run when I get to a place where rabbits don't shit?Can you still run there?Didn’t it mean that the People’s Liberation Army won’t come? Why didn’t they stop? The officer said that he could still go to Jiuquan, but what can he do after arriving in Jiuquan? The Third World War didn’t start, and I didn’t see that the officer was talking about it all day long. The big boss in the United States has any intention of sending troops, but the Communist army is racing with the soles of their feet against the wheels, chasing desperately. If this continues, I really don't know where we will go home.

Outside the city, the artillery battalion of the ** brigade was busy with all its strength, and the howitzers were neatly lined up in the back row at a certain distance. Open up a bit, I’m talking about you, why are you acting like a bitch, didn’t you hear that the brigade commander told you to prepare in 10 minutes, hurry up.”

Gao Xiang kept yelling back and forth, cursing in his mouth, and his feet were not idle. When he saw someone who moved too slowly, he just kicked him, and kicked his soldiers to run to work one by one, following wild wild animals who had a good time. like a dog.

Finally everything was ready, the muzzle of the black hole was raised high, like a rooster in heat, Gao Xiang panted and reported to Li Yong on the phone: "Report to the brigade commander, the artillery battalion is ready, please give instructions."

Li Yong knew that Gao Xiang was a good guy. The eight-way veteran who was born with mud legs had grown into an outstanding artillery commander. It took less than 10 minutes for an artillery battalion to complete the battle transition on the march. It's not easy, not to mention that the artillery battalion of the ** brigade is different from other troops, and the wealth of the family is even stronger than an artillery regiment of ordinary troops.

"Well, yes, this guy will develop in the future." Li Yong muttered softly and gave the order to fire. With the red flag in the commander's hand of the artillery unit waving fiercely, hundreds of cannons At the same time, red flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun. Amidst the deafening bang and the tremor of the earth, groups of projectiles, driven by the gunpowder, flew out of the gun bore at the speed of the rifling.

Rapid fire, intermittent fire, six rapid fires, eight intermittent fires, the howitzer battalion produced thousands of shells in a blink of an eye.

It is indeed a regular army of **, and the family is quite rich. Even though they have been running for such a long time, the soldiers' rations are still enough. The hissing sound of moving objects rubbing against the air.

There was a scream of "chirp chirp" in the hissing sound, and the scream with the ending sound was heartbreaking. The officers and soldiers of the 245th Division are regular Kuomintang troops who have seen big scenes. They knew what was going on when they heard the sound, did he? Yes, it’s not good, this is the sound of shells hitting, run.

It was too late, and it would be too late to run after hearing the sound, because it was not a few shells, nor dozens of shells, but hundreds or even thousands of shells that fell from the sky at the same time. The 245th Division of the Kuomintang has nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.

A few shells can still find a place to hide based on experience, but thousands of shells will cover an area, and there is no way to dodge without preparation.

The ground is full of bomb craters, the ground is full of flames, and the sky is full of shell fragments flying in all directions. Within the range covered by the artillery fire, it becomes the death net of Shura hell. Human flesh and blood are as fragile as paper under the violent firepower. , Flesh, broken corpses, and tattered weapons flew into the sky together.

The scene was terrible, the soldiers of the 245th Division were crying and howling, desperately trying to find a hiding place, but where there was no hiding place, the shells fired by the PLA were like heavy rain, and the rat holes were blown up How many times, where can people go to hide?

Without the power to fight back and the ability to resist, the 245th Division was completely stunned. After the intensive artillery fire extended back, Li Yong ordered the armored troops to attack.

"Boom, Galala," tanks and armored vehicles drove up in groups. Behind the tanks and armored vehicles was the most classic weapon of the ** brigade, five 150mm heavy-duty howitzers.

The ** brigade tasted the sweetness in the battle of Lanzhou. Now these big guys are like hammers into the wall. In the ** brigade, they play the task of breaking the city wall. Attack the city wall from behind.

Gao Xiang's artillery successfully suppressed the firepower of the Kuomintang army on the city wall. The bombs and incendiary bombs turned the entire attack area into a sea of ​​flames and a restricted area for life.

Without the threat of enemy firepower, the artillerymen manipulating these big guys became more unscrupulous. They pushed the cannons closer and closer, stripped their arms and fucked hard. The soldiers thought, what are you afraid of?Anyway, with our Deputy Commander Zhang holding it, there are enough shells, just slam.

In the Battle of Lanzhou, these five cannons made great achievements, but the few remaining shells in the ** brigade were also exhausted. Commander Zhang Zongxun of the field army who knew the situation worked hard and ordered the logistics to ensure the supply of their shells. Whoever can't complete the task will be dealt with, and this gives the treasures of the ** brigade a chance to speak again. With a fierce person like Deputy Commander Zhang as a backer, the soldiers are in a good mood after getting used to poverty , Be generous when working.

Firing, firing, blasting at the city wall, doing this is much better than sending guns directly by soldiers. Not only is it faster, but the most important thing is to avoid casualties.

I don't know how many shells were fired, and there were no people. It is estimated that in about ten minutes, Zhangye's city wall was blasted by these big guys.

The artillery fire extended backwards, the tank rushed up to cover the front, and the city wall was blasted by heavy artillery to open a big gap. The ** brigade completely grasped the initiative on the battlefield. The horn sounded, and a large number of infantry swarmed up.

Thousands of Tom-type submachine guns kept sweeping, smashing the stunned and not dead soldiers into plug holes and mud. The infantry occupied the bombed city wall and opened the city gate , Tanks and armored vehicles drove in one after another.

In Zhangye City, the headquarters of the 245th Division of the Kuomintang.

The sudden attack frightened these senior Kuomintang officers into stupidity. No, when did the large army of the Communist Army surround them? How could the soles of the Communist Army's feet catch up to the wheels of the ****'s car? This makes no sense. (To be continued..)


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