The beacon of youth

Chapter 565 Doubt

Boss Peng mentioned one thing in the telegram sent to his superiors, saying that the people in Gansu are not rich in manpower and material resources. Another point is that they do not mobilize more when they first arrive in the area. This is actually a lesson learned from the old base areas. Therefore, the army cannot allow the local people to bear too much burden, and it is better to stop in moderation.

Li Yong requested some supplies from his superiors for the troops that were about to enter Xinjiang, including goggles and sunglasses for individual soldiers. In addition to goggles that can fight in windy and sandy weather, sunglasses are even more essential equipment.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and Xin Jiang is about to enter the snow season. Anyone who has experience in snow marching and combat knows that the snow-covered land reflects the sun very much, and the eyes are exposed to the snow for a long time If you don't try to solve this problem, you will suffer from a strange disease-snow blindness when you march and fight in the Xueyu area for a long time.

After suffering from snow blindness, people's eyes will be red, swollen and teary. Once suffering from this strange disease, it will have a great impact on the combat effectiveness of the troops. Sunglasses can solve this problem very well, so these two small items It doesn't look big, but it is extremely important equipment for the troops who are about to march and fight in the snow.

General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander who commanded the Allied Forces to fight against Germany during World War II, once said: "The outcome of any battle, campaign, or even war is determined by logistics."

The words seem big, but they make sense when you scrutinize them carefully. Some people say that war is about logistics, and logistics is a symbol of a country's strength.

The senior leaders of the field army certainly understand the importance of logistics support for the troops that are about to enter Xinjiang. President He Longhe and Political Commissar Xi are doing their best to raise supplies for the troops in the rear, and then transport them to the frontline combat troops in Jiuquan continuously.

The supplies needed by the large army are too much, too many to bear. For this reason, not only the entire Northwest Field Army is mobilized, but other field armies are also providing support for the first field. The superior dispatched vehicles 536 from the North China and East China military regions vehicles, and leased 45 large transport aircraft from Soviet Airlines.Be prepared to ship in large quantities by air as well as by car.

Also use the plane for air transport! !This is a jaw-dropping message, something that was unimaginable a year ago, but in October of [-], at the end of the War of Liberation.This wish is no longer an extravagant wish for the Tubalu members of the Northwest Field Army.

The soldiers who heard the news were uneasy, happy and fearful, because the troops of the Eighth Route Army marched to conquer the world by marching on both feet. It was watching the enemy's planes laying eggs in the sky, but I didn't expect that I would also have a chance to go to the sky.Some grassroots cadres and soldiers approached their superiors and said that they would rather walk than take any planes. The superiors asked why, and the soldiers replied plausibly: "Of course the reason is very simple. If you encounter an enemy in the sky, what will you do?" What to do? We can’t throw grenades or use bayonets, so this battle will be impossible, so it’s better to walk.”

The chiefs were dumbfounded by their soldiers.But I also know that the cultural level of my troops is low. Some soldiers have not even read a book, and they don't know a few words.The only bit of culture is also learned in the army, and it is understandable to be unclear about strange things. For this reason, the army that is about to enter Xinjiang has also conducted a large-scale science promotion and explained it to the soldiers. The sky, the enemy's planes can't get through.

Yiye also mobilized 450 vehicles within the scope of the field army, collected more than 100 vehicles from the local area, and formed a mule and horse transportation brigade. On this basis, he also raised more than 3000 tons of grain.380 tons of animal feed, 80 tons of grass, 35 tons of beef, 1600 tons of gasoline, and a large number of cotton-padded clothes, cotton shoes, socks, kettles, goggles, fur hats, 8 pieces each, and 2 pieces of leather clothes.There are [-] tents, replenishment stations and gas stations are set up during the march, and [-] large rest stations and [-] large supply stations are set up. loss.

It seems that a lot of supplies and equipment have been prepared, but for the troops who are about to march long distances, they are still insufficient. For example, cars are far from meeting the needs of the troops, so most soldiers still have to walk on their feet Enter the northwest frontier of the motherland.

On October [-], [-], it was early winter in Jiuquan, the temperature had just dropped below zero, and the Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains were already covered by heavy snow. What awaited the troops entering Xinjiang would be endless snow fields and mountains. But the hearts of the soldiers are hot, because the god of war in their hearts—Boss Peng is giving an oath speech to the troops:

"Comrades, according to the order of the Central Military Commission, starting from the [-]th of this month, we will march towards Xinjiang one after another. This march is of great significance. Each of us will be remembered by the party and the people. However, this time Marching will also be extremely difficult. We have to brave the wind and snow, climb mountains and cross deserts. The arduous journey is no less than the Long March. Although there are no enemies with guns to chase and intercept us, the low temperature of tens of degrees below zero , The snow several meters thick, the lofty mountains and the endless desert are more terrifying and dangerous than the enemy with a gun. Comrades, to complete this great march requires will, courage, and the Red Army is not afraid. Do you have the spirit of going on an expedition?"

Mr. Peng always yelled the last sentence, yelling loudly with all his strength, and the soldiers responded to their commander with deafening roars. After nearly three years of fighting in the Northwest battlefield, Mr. Peng's magical tactical command has been deeply rooted. It was deeply imprinted in the hearts of the soldiers. All the officers and soldiers in the army took it for granted that as long as Boss Peng said it would work, it would definitely be possible. It's not that the armed forces are making us fight in a hurry. As long as our Boss Peng is here, we will definitely win the battle.

Prestige is not achieved by shouting slogans, but by fighting one after another. Boss Peng led more than 2 officers and soldiers to fight bloody battles with enemies dozens of times his own, and experienced unimaginable hardships and hardships. How many people can achieve such a record in the world's military history?How many armies can do it?The soldiers' trust in Boss Peng has been imprinted in their bones.

Li Yong and the soldiers of the ** brigade also stood in the crowd listening to Boss Peng's speech. People are easily infected in an environment of tens of thousands of people. Brigadier Li and the soldiers cheered and shouted slogans together, but Li Yong I still have mental problems and I haven’t really understood it. The most needed equipment for the troops to enter Xinjiang is undoubtedly the car. The entire field army is scrambling around. I heard that the troops in North China and East China have also supported a lot. Our ** brigade is equipped in the Northwest Field Army. The brigade-level unit with the most cars is a wealthy landlord and rich family. Speaking of the number of cars, the number of other units combined is not as large as that of the ** brigade, but why doesn’t the superior chief come here** Brigade transfer car? ? ?And there is not even a little news of trouble! !

Li Yong and Wang Chengde have discussed this issue together several times. Their decision is that as long as the superiors ask for as much as they want, they should even dim the lights of the cars in the whole brigade. The car with the best condition will be given, not only the car, but also the driver. Everything must be based on the overall situation of the troops entering Xin Jiang, but what is strange is that until now, the superiors have not said that they will leave the city. **The brigade transferred a few cars out, what does this mean? ?

Faced with Li Yong's doubts, the political commissar Wang Chengde joked in a rare way: "Dayong, let me tell you what's going on with you, you're more serious about our brigade's family background than a dog. What's the matter today, is it a good thing that the chief doesn't come to transport the car? Are you not feeling well? I think you are sick."

Putting aside Wang Chengde's jokes, in fact, Lao Wang also has doubts in his heart, but this guy is more calm than Li Yongneng.

All the problems and doubts finally came to light after the conference. A correspondent from the headquarters found Li Yong and Wang Chengde and told them to hurry over.

Boss Peng's room is not big, but there are quite a lot of people inside. Li Yong and Wang Chengde took a closer look, okay, not only Boss Peng is there, but almost all his immediate superiors are here, including Commander Wang of the Corps and Guo Pengjun of the Second Army Political commissar Changhe Wang Enmao, Boss Peng asked straight to the point: "Little Li Yong, how is life going? Do you feel very problematic recently?"

Having been in touch with Boss Peng a lot, Li Yong has long since lost his sense of unfamiliarity, and there is nothing to be nervous about, so he opened his mouth and replied: "Hey, report to the chief, there is no problem, the days are going well, and there are almost six days after rest. It has been seven days, and the soldiers' physical strength has fully recovered, the wounded have been sent to the field hospital in the rear, and the ammunition has been replenished. In a word, as long as the superior has a task, they can be pulled out immediately."

Before Boss Peng could say anything, Commander Wang on the side snorted a few words: "Hmph, I don't believe you didn't notice anything, and there is no problem. Do you know what our field army has been up to lately?"

Li Yong: "Report to the commander, of course I know, it is preparing supplies for the large army."

Commander Wang watched the ** brigade grow and grow day by day. It can be said that without the strong support of Commander Wang, the ** brigade would not be where it is today. Li Yong and Wang Chengde are two commanders that the commander likes very much , but no matter how much credit they have made, they should be trained more when it is time to train, so as not to save these two guys from cocking their tails: "It's good to know, to tell you the truth, at first the superior planned to transfer a hundred cars from your brigade, or even The driver brought gasoline along with him, and thanks to the intercession of the boss, you didn’t let you bleed, how do you feel? Are you going to secretly laugh?” (To be continued..)


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