The beacon of youth

Chapter 58 Surprise 5

Seeing the soldiers moving forward slowly approaching bit by bit, Li Yong shouted: "Fire."

Four Maxim heavy machine guns and twelve Czech light machine guns roared immediately, and the salvo of bullets sent bricks and tiles flying around the wall guarded by the enemy, and the soil on the wall fell down.

The enemy's firepower was suppressed at once. As long as someone dared to poke his head out, his head would be smashed and knocked off the wall before he could shoot. I dared to go up and shoot, but grenades were thrown from it from time to time.

No one's head is made of iron, there is only one for each person, and it's not good to eat anything if it is broken. Under the firepower of a heavy machine gun, even an iron plate can be pierced, let alone a human head, hiding in the wall and throwing it out. The grenade is quite safe, and the bullets cannot hit it, but it is impossible to see what is going on outside.

Seeing that the enemy's firepower was suppressed, the two groups of soldiers led by Ma Changsheng and the deputy platoon leader rushed out from behind the cover, accelerated and ran forward from both sides, and within a distance of less than 100 meters, only After more than ten meters, Ma Changsheng threw a grenade in while running, and then the soldiers threw grenades into the yard from both sides.

Li Yong watched the soldiers throwing grenades one by one, and the sound of explosions in the yard was connected together. After each soldier threw in about five grenades, a total of more than 300 grenades, Li Yong shouted The sound stops firing.

As soon as the machine gun fire ceased, Ma Changsheng and the deputy platoon leader led the soldiers over the wall and jumped in. Immediately, the sound of submachine guns fired in the courtyard. By the time they opened the gate and rushed into the courtyard, the fighting inside was mostly over.

There are more than 100 enemies in a company. They fought with the third platoon for a while, and some were killed by machine gun fire. After hundreds of grenades were thrown in, how many people would be left in the yard.

Ma Changsheng and the deputy platoon leader in the yard were leading the soldiers to look for remnants of the enemy. Ma Changsheng's eyes were red, and he shot at the living people with his submachine gun, even the wounded. His third platoon had more casualties this time. , more than a dozen lightly or severely wounded, four of whom were sacrificed, and the casualties were close to one-third of the entire platoon. If the enemy of this company did not resist the third platoon, there would only be a few minor injuries, not even serious wounded.

The other fighters in their platoon are the same as their platoon leader. As long as they see something alive, they will shoot in bursts, regardless of whether the opponent surrenders or is injured. Since the establishment of the spy company, their third platoon has never suffered such a big loss. The commander came up with reinforcements and almost capsized.

This is good, after the battle, all the prisoners in this compound were not caught, and Ma Changsheng and the soldiers in the third row were all thrown away.

If the instructor Wang Chengde was present and saw Ma Changsheng doing this, he would definitely stop it, maybe he would have to be punished and put in confinement or something. Li Yong didn't care about this. Seeing such a large number of casualties in the third row, it was a shame that he didn't shoot these dead people himself. Save face.

After finishing this group of enemies, Li Yong led his team to other places to continue to collect the enemy's deserters. No matter how advanced the weapons are, people are always the most important. Although these Kuomintang soldiers are not good at fighting, it depends on how they are educated and trained. In the hands of the Eighth Route Army, as long as they stay in the army for a period of time, they will become fearless warriors. This is definitely not the author's nonsense. Most of the soldiers in the Northwest Field Army during the Liberation War were captured. When Mr. Peng reported to the Central Committee There is a saying: Soldiers and ammunition mainly come from the front.

Gradually the gunshots became less and less, and after another hour or so, the gunshots in the entire Qingyang City gradually subsided, only sporadic gunshots came from time to time, and Li Yong knew that the victory of this battle had been won again. .

When Li Yong returned to the enemy's regiment headquarters after making half a circle in Qingyang City, the fourth and fifth platoons of Ning Jinshan and Wang Huhu also came back with the prisoners, and the instructor Wang Chengde was explaining our army's policies to the prisoners.

The battles in the fourth and fifth platoons went smoothly, without encountering any effective resistance. The soldiers happily escorted the captives back. These captives were still carrying various materials and ammunition on their backs and shoulders. Complacently following along with their guns in hand, these captives are free labor and don’t need to be used for nothing. In the words of the soldiers, they all learned from the company commander, and they have to take advantage of everything.

Seeing the dark crowd of prisoners in front of the regiment headquarters, Li Yong called Sun Quanhou over and asked, "Old Sun, how many prisoners are there?" Sun Quanhou said, "I haven't found out yet, plus the ones you brought back just now probably have more than 700 prisoners." .”

Li Yong asked Zhang Jinsong to pick out all the veterans and officers who were rogue-eyed and mischievous, and put them under custody separately, otherwise the camp would be bombed if there were too many prisoners.

Zhang Jinsong took people to pick more than 40 people out of it, and Li Yong asked the logistics platoon and the recruit platoon who performed well in this battle to clean up the battlefield. The five platoons divided the captives into groups of 50 people, and each group was guarded by ten soldiers. In this way, the captives were divided into more than a dozen groups in a short time, and more than 100 soldiers could be guarded.

People are courageous animals. The more people there are, the more courageous they are, and the more likely they are to make trouble. An introverted person may do something unexpected in a crowd. It is easier to manage people separately. If the officers and some veterans are picked out, the rest will be nothing.

Seeing that everything was almost done, Li Yong called Li Yuming over, and whispered to the more than forty officers and veterans: "Your squad will take these people to the back, and be careful not to let the instructor see them. Less, these people see that you don’t have many people, either want to run or rebel, and then I have to say what to do?”

It's not the first time for Li Yuming to do this. He has practiced his hands well, and he understands Li Yong's thoughts very well. He replied: "I see, company commander, these people are stubborn, and they will definitely rebel when they get to the end. I have no choice but to eliminate the enemies who resist, and the instructor can't say anything even if he knows."

After finishing speaking, he brought more than 40 captive officers to the back with the understanding police soldiers. Li Yong nodded, yes, Li Yuming, this kid, does he have a good head?

Not long after, there was a burst of submachine gun shooting, and everyone in the square was stunned. Everyone, including the instructor Wang Chengde, didn't know what happened. Isn't the battle over? Everyone's heart was relieved, and it was the sound of the special agent company's unique Tom submachine gun firing.

Not long after, Li Yuming ran back and reported: "Report to the company commander, the instructor, when our squad was escorting the prisoners to the back, these officers and prisoners wanted to resist, but we have all wiped them out cleanly and thoroughly."

The soldiers of the secret service company knew most of what was going on as soon as they heard it, and they said to each other: "Li Yuming is pretending to be the real thing, he doesn't even blink when he lies, it's better to stay with the company commander, a few months Your work will pay off."

Another soldier followed up and said: That's right, who is our company commander?If you don't have an eye for being with the company commander, then you are not the same as a dead person.

The instructor Wang Chengde is a smart man, of course he knew that it was Li Yong who did the trick, but there was nothing he could do. If he killed him, he would kill him. What if he had already killed him? It is really difficult to modify.

After dawn, Li Yong sent some soldiers to put up notices on the streets, telling the people not to panic, it was the Eighth Route Army who fought back, and the Eighth Route Army liberated Qingyang City again.

I will update a chapter today, and I will talk about it in the afternoon. I definitely don’t have time tonight. Although I can’t compare with the masters, my results are better than last week. Thank you everyone.

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