The beacon of youth

Chapter 589 Yiwu Offensive and Defensive Battle 2

() Under the instigation of the county magistrate Abaidula, more than [-] rebel bandits howled and rushed towards the positions held by the soldiers, without any covering firepower, they just charged with their eyes wide open.

Are bandits stupid?Bandits are people too, so of course they are not stupid. If they are fighting, they naturally want to have covering firepower, but this can only be thought about. The rebel bandits composed of some district and township self-defense forces don’t even have a complete set of rifles, and ammunition is even more scarce. There will be some covering artillery fire and heavy machine guns.

The bandit weapons that attacked Yiwu were too bad, and they were not at the same level as the garrison troops of the People's Liberation Army. The only old rifles that were left were all kinds of models, and the calibers of bullets were also different, which brought great difficulties to the preparations before the battle. It seems that the bandits didn't pay attention to this problem. Whether they are prepared or not, it doesn't matter how much ammunition they have, as long as they can charge up.

The equipment of the bandits is a bit similar to the conditions when the old Northwest Field Army was first established, a bad rifle and a few rounds of bullets. However, the original Northwest Field Army beat Hu Zongnan's central yang army to pieces with their crude equipment. These bandits can do it The old Northwest Field Army like that?The answer is no, they can't do it, because they don't have independent strategies and tactics to guide them, and they don't have a tenacious fighting will and fighting spirit. They are just some rabble who rebelled in the border areas.

The chaotic bandits gradually approached from a distance of more than 200 meters to less than 100 meters. There was still no sound in the PLA's position. Not only was there no gunfire, there was not even a coughing sound. On the contrary, the charging bandits hesitated, and their pace slowed down. Some even stopped and lay down on the ground to look around indiscriminately.

Why is this happening, the pressure is too great, because I don’t know if there are troops of the People’s Liberation Army in front of me, and I don’t know when they will shoot. It really takes a little courage to move forward with a straight chest. There is a familiar saying, unknown dangers That's what scares the most.

Abdulah, who was supervising the battle at the back, was furious when he saw this scene, and jumped to his feet and cursed: "****, these idiots, why didn't they charge before they saw the People's Liberation Army?"

This guy yelled from behind: "Brothers, don't hesitate, rush up in one go, rush up to join the cavalry company, there are few communist soldiers, maybe we have scared them away."

Abdulah was still thinking about the cavalry company in the city, and was still thinking of cooperating with them, but he didn't know that the cavalry company had already been wiped out by the People's Liberation Army, and even the surviving horses had become prisoners.

The bandits who hesitated for a while rushed over again, pushing forward and back a little bit, the soldiers watched coldly, waiting for the order from their deputy battalion commander to fire, some soldiers were still whispering: "***, just rely on These heads of rotten garlic still claim to wipe out our People's Liberation Army!!! It's really too long."

Hu Qingshan really likes close combat. It used to be like this when ammunition was scarce when he was in the Eighth Route Army. Now that there is a lot of ammunition, it is still the same. The old habit is really hard to change. Sometimes he himself said, hey, who made us come from the Eighth Route Army with three guns , There is no way, I am used to it.

Putting the bandits at a limit distance of about 20 meters, Hu Qingshan poked his head out from behind the cover, and shot the crowd with the submachine gun in his hand.

Thu Thu Thu, Tom roared, Hu Qingshan's marksmanship was tricky and accurate, a few bullets shot into the chest of the bearded bandit at the front, and then exploded from the back.

The distance is too close. If it is an ordinary rifle, it may punch a few holes in the human body, and then the bullet passes through, but the Tom type is much more ruthless. The large-caliber projectile will tear the guy's chest to pieces in an instant. His back exploded, and the so-called invulnerable bandit leader spewed out a bloody arrow with fragments of internal organs and fell down.

Hu Qingshan's gunfire was an order, and the soldiers of the two platoons fired from three directions at the same time. The violent explosion of the Tom style and the Czech style poured the bullet rain wave after wave, just like it was raining heavily. . ,,

First, a row of soldiers stood in the front. After the battle fell into a stalemate, the roundabout troops attacked from behind, from behind, fired, fired, and shot violently with the weapons in their hands. More than 200 submachine guns and light weapons The machine gun fired non-stop, combining long and short point shots. When the magazine was empty, it was replaced immediately, and when the barrel of the Czech-style gun was red, it was replaced.

The structure of the Czech style is very reasonable. If an old shooter is paired with a soldier, if he is well-trained, he can replace a barrel in ten seconds. The performance of the type light machine gun requires the barrel to be replaced every two hundred rounds, twenty rounds per magazine, and must be replaced after ten magazines).

The battle between the two platoon soldiers of the first battalion and the bandits broke out suddenly. Except for the mortars and heavy machine guns hidden by Hu Qingshan, all the other weapons opened fire.

Ghosts crying and wolves howling, people turned on their backs. Under the violent burst of firepower, the attacking bandits suffered heavy casualties. Although there were many violent bandits, they were not at the same level as the People's Liberation Army in terms of weapons, equipment and firepower. The messy rifles were the best There were no weapons, and there were no rapid-fire firearms at all. Under the intensive firepower, they were knocked down one by one, and blood flowed.

It's like a mad dog that wants to bite is turned in a daze when it is hit head-on with a stick. It only knows how to grin its teeth but can't find the direction to bite.

The berserk shooting lasted for about ten minutes before seeing the effect. According to Hu Qingshan's estimate, the enemy suffered at least two or three hundred casualties in just ten or twenty minutes of fighting.

The weapons are not as good as the PLA, the tactics are not as good as the PLA, and the will to fight is even worse. Running back, running, painting tattoos and drinking talisman water are useless.

Humans can think, and bandits are the same. No matter how superstitious they are, the most basic thinking is still there. After the gunshot, I saw that the guy with the most tattoos was beaten to pieces by the bullets, and I knew that this thing is nonsense. It's the boss who is fooling them. Anything invulnerable is fake.

Run, run as hard as you can, you won't die if you run out of the weapon range of the People's Liberation Army. The bandits are like dogs that have been scared out of their wits, running back desperately.

Hu Qingshan knew that this was an excellent opportunity to fight back. It would be too useless for him, an old soldier, to waste such a good opportunity. After throwing a few grenades in a row, Hu Qingshan jumped out of the bunker and chased after him.

Hu Qingshan jumped out, charged with a submachine gun in his hand, his silent actions were orders, and of course the soldiers, like their deputy battalion commander, all jumped out to chase, chased fiercely, sweeping guns and dropping bombs.

They kept sweeping with submachine guns, and kept throwing out the grenades one by one. A range of 30 meters away was shrouded in a sea of ​​flames. The soldiers, led by their deputy battalion commander, attacked the attacking bandits. Carry out a fierce countercharge, and fiercely counterattack the past.

The bandits were fooled for a while, because they had never seen such a battle before. These district and township self-defense forces used to show off their power to the common people. , This is the first time I have seen such a large number of casualties.

It is easy to hide in the fortifications and shoot, but it is not easy to jump out and charge, but Hu Qingshan and his soldiers have no psychological barriers, seize the opportunity to fight back, this is a tactic our PLA is most used to.

Bandits are always bandits, and they are incomparable with the regular army. That is to say, armed forces like bandits are good at fighting with the wind, but once they are beaten back, it will be difficult to organize them.

Hundreds of violent gangsters were beaten up by two platoons of People's Liberation Army soldiers, and finally retreated in embarrassment, running around, wishing his parents would give them another pair of feet.

Hu Qingshan led the men to chase after him for a while and then retreated. No matter how embarrassing the bandits were defeated, Hu Qingshan still had a plan in his head. It is not enough to just think about enjoying the war. Their main task is to stick to the county, so they are not suitable for chasing too far.

The People's Liberation Army went back after chasing him for a certain distance, and Abaidula, who was still in shock, ran out of the county with his people. This guy opened his mouth and panted like a dog, and while panting, he muttered: "****, the Communist Army is too big!" It was fierce, it was too fierce."

A leader came over and asked, "Sir, the firepower of the communist army is too strong, and the brothers suffered heavy casualties. It is really impossible to rush, what should I do?"

what to do?Abaidula turned his head around, and he now understands that even though he has a lot of people in his hands, if he wants to take Yiwu over with these people, there is no way for him to come, even if they are all dead. If he can't get it back, the fighting power of his men and the People's Liberation Army are not at the same level at all, and it's useless to talk about it.

Ai Baidula, who was in a state of desperation, was scratching his head. There are more than 800 people, but they can't beat two or three hundred communists.

Ai Baidula was scared by Hu Qingshan and the soldiers. After the first charge was repulsed, he never dared to organize a second attack. He thought about it, until his head wanted to explode, and then he really wanted to Come up with a way, this guy explained to his subordinates:

"Since we can't get in, we won't attack. Let's surround Yiwu so that the communist army can't get out. I'll go to Commander Usman immediately and ask the commander to send troops to reinforce me. A hundred communist troops."

After thinking about it, the solution I came up with was to ask the bandit leader Usman for reinforcements, and a few fast horses set off in the dark, and the people on the horses were Abaidula, the leader of the Iraqi riots, and several of his men. My confidant, this guy also became cruel, gathered his mobs and confronted the PLA defenders around Yiwu, and he took a few people to ask for reinforcements. (To be continued. Please search,!)

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