The beacon of youth

Chapter 591 Yiwu Offensive and Defensive Battle 4

() Using the night as a cover, Yilier sneaked into the barracks of the Seventh Division of the Qitai Cavalry.

The Seventh Cavalry Division belongs to the No. 20 Second Corps of Xinjiang, which is the designation of the People's Liberation Army. Why is she, a woman who was born as a bandit, so courageous? Isn't she afraid of danger?One must know that the current People's Liberation Army is forming a force to suppress bandits, and Yilier, her father Usman, and the bandits under his command are exactly one of the targets that the Communist Party government wants to eliminate.

Of course, Yilier would not be so stupid as to send herself to the door. She came to Qitai to rely on something. There are many Kazakh officers in the Kuomintang period in the Seventh Cavalry Division. These officers not only admire his father Usman , I don’t have a good impression of the People’s Liberation Army. It is the general trend to follow the 22nd Corps to peacefully uprising. In other words, it was a last resort when there was no other way. This time, Eliel's arrival just gave them a chance, just like a fly that wanted to lay maggots encountered a rotten egg with seams.

In a room with dimly lit butter lamps, the atmosphere is smoky and secretive, and the smell of cigarettes in the closed environment makes people unable to breathe or open their eyes, but even so, the doors and windows are tightly closed.

Dozens of officers were sitting around Yilier, only to hear Yilier whispering something:

"Big brothers, you don't have to doubt my identity and sincerity. I am Yilier, and I am here to persuade you eagles on the prairie to do great things together by my father's order.

The officers in the room were dull and silent. They knew what Yilier said and believed in her sincerity. Letting their daughter come to the barracks as a lobbyist would be a good way to show Usman's attitude. Let them express their opinion on whether they will follow Usman to become a bandit.

Being a People's Liberation Army is psychologically reluctant, but being a bandit is not reconciled either. This is a big matter of decapitation, and there is no turning back if you participate.Therefore, when Yilier's words fell to the ground, no one answered for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit cold.

Yilier seemed to be prepared for the cold atmosphere, and when she saw no one answered, she continued to ask with a smile: "Brothers, don't rush to express your opinion. You have been in the Communist Army for several months. How do you feel? What's the matter?" Tell me about the benefits."

Now that there was a response, an officer replied indignantly: "Hey, what good will it do? You can't smoke opium. Women can't piao, and you can't drink as you like. The Communist Army also sent a lot of political cadres here." , giving us lessons every day, asking us to get rid of our warlord style, and also asking us to change our brains and ideas.”

Another went on to say: "Not only that, the political workers of the Communist Army have also set up a soldiers committee in the army, saying that they will never beat and scold soldiers anymore, and that soldiers and officers are equal, soldiers and officers How can we be equal? ​​If it is equal, what would I do as an officer? If this continues, our rights will be emptied in a short time."

"That's right. If you don't act anymore, the **** plot will succeed. At that time, no one will listen to you, and you won't even be able to mobilize a single soldier. The Communist Army can do whatever it wants, and you want it You can't live if you die, if you want to die, it will be too late to regret it."

Eliel is very good at mobilizing emotions.Seeing that these officers were tempted, they continued to encourage them: "What's so great about a woman who smokes big cigarettes? Those who make big things don't care about small things. Why don't you give up everything and leave your family and career as an official? The third world war is about to start Yes, ** with the support of the Americans, they will definitely counterattack the mainland. President Jiang of Taiwan has appointed my father as the commander-in-chief of Xin Jiang to suppress the Communist Party and appease the Communist Party. He will be in charge of all military affairs in Xin Jiang. Do you want to live on in vain, or do something big with vigor and vigor? Do you still want to be a division commander or an army commander? If you want to, pull the troops out and work with us. Father's commission is ready , signed by President Chiang himself."

Eliel wasn't talking nonsense, Wu Siman did have a lot of commissions in his hand.

The commission of the Kuomintang was still very strictly controlled in the early days of the establishment of the Kuomintang government. It was not easy to get one, and it could be used to honor the ancestors, but it was completely different in the later period of the War of Liberation. A few hundred people dare to call a commander, and as long as they say they are **, they will be given an official position. The so-called letter of appointment is not much better than a butt wipe.

In order to cheer up the thugs in Xinjiang, Taiwan's Kuomintang government did everything possible to send spies to bring boxes of commissions to Wu Siman, although Wu Siman felt that these paper-like commissions would be better than a few rifles and Bullets are cheap, but it works well to fool these people.

Yilier's persuasion and temptation worked, and the vacillating officers decided to do big things together with Usman, and become division commanders and army commanders in the future.

These people hit it off with Yilier: "Okay, we all listen to the commander-in-chief and Yilier, and we will act tonight to kill all the political workers sent by the Communist Army and take the troops away."

"Yes, if you want to act quickly, the opportunity is rare. Ye Changmeng is likely to be discovered by the Communist army. It is better to start as early as possible. I will bring people to cooperate with you."

A dark cloud lay over Qitai. Under the instigation and instigation of Yi Lier, the Seventh Cavalry Division rebelled. They brutally killed all the political workers at all levels sent by the old PLA troops, and once again beat up the blue sky of the Kuomintang. White sun flag.

Instructors in the company, instructors in the battalion, political commissars above the regiment level, and the Seventh Cavalry Division were transferred from the old People's Liberation Army. The blood of political workers at all levels stained the land of Xin Jiang.

Looking at the long team around her, Yilier felt a sense of accomplishment. After a night of rebellion, she finally pulled out the Seventh Cavalry Division at dawn. The Seventh Cavalry Division with more than 5000 people is a very powerful force , especially they are still a regular army team, much stronger than those temporarily assembled rebels.

A dozen military officers gathered in a temporary camp. These guys are the backbone of the rebellion. Yilier, who has changed into a Kuomintang army uniform, is also among them. There were many rebels, but at this moment, all eyes were on Yilier.

Because of Usman, Yilier became the leader of these rebel bandits. However, Yilier did have a way. At this time, she was analyzing the situation and assigning tasks to these rebel leaders who had just rebelled.

"Use Zhenxi as the base, develop towards Hami in the east, cut off the connection with the interior, control Mulei, Qitai, and Jimsar in the west, and if successful, further attack Dihua (Urumqi), and deal with the Communist Army for a long time. Here Basically, we are waiting for a big change in the current situation, waiting for Taiwan’s President Chiang and the Americans to counterattack the mainland.”

"This is my father's plan. It has already been approved by Taiwan President Jiang and supported by American allies. We are also preparing to increase our manpower in a large amount, and the minimum number of troops must be 10. With the help of American friends, we have Confidence drives the communist army away from Xinjiang, everyone, the opportunity to show great ambitions has come, our current task is to start from Qitai, take down Yiwu as quickly as possible, and then threaten Hami, as long as Hami can grasp it In our hands, great things can be accomplished.”

With the vision and plan in mind, more than 5000 cavalry bandits rushed towards Yiwu rumblingly, and arrived near Yiwu a few days later.

The bandits who were still confronting the People's Liberation Army around Yiwu saw the smoke and dust rolled up by the horse's hooves from a distance. These thugs who were frightened by the beating thought they were troops of the People's Liberation Army at first, but when they saw Ai Bai running in the front When the diarrhea happened, the group cheered ecstatically, no need to ask, the ones who came must be his own people sent by Commander Usman.

Because of the backward transportation and communication means and the bandit's strict blockade, Hu Qingshan and his soldiers stationed in Yiwu did not know that the bandits outside the city had received a lot of support, but they did not sit idle, but Use all the reserved materials to repair and strengthen the fortifications to deal with the larger-scale attacks that the bandits may come.

The task of the first battalion and two platoons before departure is to cooperate with the work team to ensure the safety of Yiwu County. They cannot retreat without orders from their superiors. Therefore, no matter how many rebellious bandits there are, Yiwu must stick to it.

Yiwu has a special geographical location. There is a mountain in the north of the city, which the locals call Beishan.

Beishan is more than 2100 meters above sea level, with a wide field of vision. Standing on the mountain, you can see the surrounding situation at a glance. It is the commanding height around Yiwu County. Hu Qingshan, who is familiar with the battlefield situation, of course cannot give up this life-and-death position for defending the county.

The two squads with the most combat effectiveness were placed on the Beishan position. In order to strengthen them, Hu Qingshan assigned two of the five heavy machine guns to them.

Each combat squad of the du li brigade has more than 20 members, plus the temporarily assigned heavy machine gunners and ammunition men, the number of fighters on the Beishan position exceeds 50, which has reached one-fifth of the entire guard force of Yiwu For a while, Hu Qingshan gave the orders to the soldiers of the two squads that as long as there is one person left, they must defend the Beishan position, and they are not allowed to retreat even a single step without an order.

Perhaps it was based on the feeling of an old soldier, Hu Qingshan didn't think that the bandits would let it go, more difficult battles were yet to come, it was always right to be more careful.

Fortunately, there is a supply station in the city, and this large supply station is completely in his hands after the cavalry company is eliminated. The ammunition and food stored in it are sufficient, which also provides Hu Qingshan and the soldiers with great confidence. The soldiers naturally thought that as long as there was food and ammunition, who would our old Eighth Route troops be afraid of?It's no big deal if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, just fuck his mother. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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