The beacon of youth

Chapter 599 Fighting Yiwu's Miraculous Jujube Walking Horse

() Lao Yang, a soldier who came to Yiwu with the troops, asked him to deliver supplies to the Beishan position. The reason was that he had a well-trained red date walking horse. ,!

This war horse and Lao Yang have been inseparable for more than ten years of war. Later, Squad Leader Yang got older, and this extremely spiritual war horse also got older. For this reason, the superior retired Squad Leader Yang from the combat unit and at the same time turned the war horse into a transport horse, and came to the du li brigade with the old Squad Leader Yang. According to the superior, people and horses are here to support the elderly .

Lao Yang is too familiar with this war horse, to what extent, he is so familiar that people and horses can communicate directly, and sometimes he doesn't even need to say the password, when Lao Yang makes a movement or a gesture, the horse will know it What does his master mean? It's almost a little mysterious.

It is precisely because of the silent comrade-in-arms, Zao Walking Horse, that Lao Yang has the confidence to ask the deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan for instructions. It is very difficult to conceal when intercepted by the bandits' firepower. The casualties of many soldiers were actually caused by pulling the camels to a concealed position. The above-mentioned problems can be overcome by giving them horses. The speed of the horses is fast and the movements are far away Much more flexible than camels, as long as the tactics are used properly, they will definitely be able to send supplies to the mountains. ..

Squad leader Yang's reason is very good, but Hu Qingshan thinks he still can't impress him, why?Because the horses brought by the troops before coming to Yiwu were not just a jujube horse, and some were captured after destroying a cavalry company of the Bianka Brigade. The Yiwu defenders did not lack horses. There are so many war horses, why do you only ask the old squad leader to take risks?This does not qualify for cleanup.

Hu Qingshan's question made Squad Leader Yang sigh.Patted the deputy battalion commander's shoulder and said: "You're not stupid, haven't you noticed yet? Although we have a lot of war horses, who can be as clever as jujube walking horses? Zao Walking Horse and I are familiar with the coordination of war horses, so I am the most suitable person in the army to deliver supplies to the mountain, so it is decided. I will carry out the task."

After explaining the reason, Lao Yang no longer cared whether Hu Qingshan was worried or not.It doesn't matter whether he entrusted the task to himself or not, but tied all the supplies to be transported to the back of the horse, and was ready to go.

Compared with everyone's nervousness, the clever Zao Walker didn't make a sound, but gently rubbed his head against Squad Leader Yang's face, as if he knew that he was going to perform a mission.

With the mood of Hu Qingshan and the soldiers going up and down, Lao Yang set off, and Hu Qingshan's heart also trembled, for fear that Lao Yang, who came to retire for the elderly, had something wrong and he couldn't go back and explain it.

However, things were a bit different from what Hu Qingshan and the soldiers had imagined.From the moment they set off, it was obvious that Squad Leader Yang and Zao Walked the Horse were different. When other soldiers went up the mountain, they held the reins of the camels tightly with their hands. They were afraid that if they were not careful, the camels carrying supplies would be shot. Frightened by the sound of the cannon and ran away, all the hard work would be in vain. Even in the face of the bandit's firepower blockade, they dared not let go and rushed up the mountain. There is no rein on the horse at all.Not to mention the question of whether to lead a horse or not to lead a horse. The sound of guns and cannons has no effect on it. It has been accustomed to such sounds after years of war.

The red horse without a rein followed the old squad leader step by step.Use various terrain and features to touch the mountain quietly. When Squad Leader Yang is running, it will run along. When Squad Leader Yang is lying down, it will also lie down. When Squad Leader Yang is lying down to observe the enemy Beside Squad Leader Yang, the eyes on the big head revealed a look similar to that of Old Yang, well, it was almost the same.

go all the way.Lao Yang didn't need to issue any orders and passwords at all. He could understand every gesture and body language in front of him. .

In this way, with seven turns and eight turns, after passing seven or eight trenches, and then a dozen or so ditches, the supplies were sent up the mountain one by one without the bandits noticing.

This is the first time that supplies have been sent up the mountain without alarming the bandits. It's so damn amazing. The soldiers who went down the mountain to observe miraculously couldn't get along with each other. The soldiers talked about each other. His warhorse is just as powerful.

Hu Qingshan was also deeply moved. They all said that the old revolutionaries and the old Red Army were not simple, but they were all heard of. The leather is thick, as if he doesn't pay attention to anyone, but it is undeniable that this guy is really capable. At this stage, war horses are not rare in the army. look like.

Not only did the supplies go up the mountain, but they also wandered back without anyone knowing. When Squad Leader Yang and Zao Walking Horse came back quietly, the position at the bottom of the mountain was boiling again. Everyone laughed and cheered quietly. and hail the old warrior and his marvelous steed.

Since then, Lao Yang and his Zao Walking Horse have been contracted to send them to Beishan.

Zao Walking Horse is as good as his master, Squad Leader Yang, but this does not mean that they have not encountered danger. During the war years, danger is everywhere. No one's head is covered with iron. The bandits also noticed the existence of this war horse, but another unexpected thing happened. This jujube horse knew how to pass through the enemy's blockade.

When encountering a bandit attack, it can quickly lie down and hide with its owner, Squad Leader Yang. When Lao Yang ordered it to charge, he would use our army's firepower to suppress the gap between the enemy's firepower, spread his hooves, and rush to the top of the mountain quickly, killing the soldiers. The water, food and ammunition they urgently needed were sent to the position, and the mission was completed excellently every time.

This is not the most amazing thing, because the speed of the war horse is much faster than that of a human. Zao walks the horse and often waits for the slow-running Squad Leader Yang during the execution of the task. Far from walking the horse quickly, after a few missions, the two-legged Lao Yang became a drag on the four-legged horse.

How to solve the problem of the difference in speed between people and horses, improve the efficiency of supplying the Beishan position, and reduce the chance of being discovered by bandits. Later, Squad Leader Yang made another decision that made everyone stare at him. It was decided to let the fast-running Zao Lima go to perform the task alone, he didn't care about anything, and saved Zao Lima from waiting for him on the way.

Including the deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan, Yiwu's soldiers were all stunned. Of course, there would be no danger if Lao Yang didn't go to the Beishan camp to carry out his mission. Horses to perform tasks alone! ! !Damn, I've never heard of it before, can this work, Lao Yang, an old revolutionary who is not very old, is he confused.

Regardless of whether the soldiers understand it or not, and regardless of whether Hu Qingshan objects or not, Squad Leader Lao Yang made the decision anyway. He tied up the items and put them on Zaoyuema's back. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he went straight to the Beishan position alone.

Under the surprised eyes of the soldiers, Zao Lima set off. On the way, it sometimes lay down to hide, sometimes stood up and galloped. Its tactical movements were extremely flexible and quick-witted. Hearing for help to the soldiers on the Beishan position, after the soldiers on the mountain suppressed the enemy's firepower, they suddenly jumped up, took advantage of the intermittent firepower to rush straight up the mountain, and finally delivered the supplies to the top of the mountain successfully.

The performance of jujube walking the horse made everyone do not know how to describe it, because there is no way to express the mood of the soldiers with the words used to describe the horse.

Is this still a horse? ?How can it make such a tactical move? What is the difference between this and a brave warrior? Ah, there is still a difference. Jujube walks a horse without talking, and runs faster than a warrior. The rest is basically the same , its performance is no different from that of a good fighter, and more than that.

The astonishment of the soldiers was not over yet, Zao Walking's performance became more and more surprising, and the next performance made everyone feel incredible.

Besieged for a long time, there is a shortage of food, ammunition, and everything in the Beishan position, but the most lacking thing is the problem of drinking water. Zao Walking Horse seems to know or feel this problem. Sometimes, it will come from behind Beishan Go around far away and get mixed into the bandit's horse herd.

What is Zao walking the horse doing among the bandit's horses?Go drink water. The bandits besieging Yiwu all have war horses. There are thousands of war horses, which is quite a large scale. All the horses are by the river, which is also for the convenience of drinking water for the war horses.

Zao Walking the Horse seized this opportunity. After mingling with the bandit horses, he not only drank enough water, but also lay down in the river, filled the two wooden barrels on his body, and took advantage of the enemy's inattention, and then Flying back with all four hooves, he spared the blockade and sent the water up the mountain.

The soldiers are completely speechless. What is the solution? The 36 tricks are fake?Or fish in troubled waters?A war horse not only knows tactics but also strategies?Have you also studied Sun Tzu's Art of War?

Everyone was shocked by the performance of Zao Walking Horse. Hu Qingshan, the supreme commander of the People’s Liberation Army in the Yiwu Theater, was also shocked. Only Squad Leader Yang, the owner of Zao Walking Horse, disagreed. (To be continued. Welcome to the starting point to vote for recommendations Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)


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