The beacon of youth

Chapter 608 Fighting Yiwu: The Misunderstood Horse and Muti

In order to get more credit in the battle, Ma Hemuti, the sharp knife platoon leader of the ()du li brigade, led the soldiers to touch it in advance with the help of artillery fire.

It is very risky to do this, because the route they are going to pass is in the middle of the positions of the bandits and the Yiwu defenders of the People's Liberation Army. Be cautious and cautious, but fortunately Gao Xiang's artillery battalion blew up the bandits' positions, and the bandits were all running and screaming like they were mourning, and they didn't have the energy to take care of them.

However, the actions of the two sharp knife platoons were discovered when they were close to the positions guarded by Hu Qingshan and the soldiers. There were no shells exploding on the side of the People's Liberation Army, so the soldiers were very vigilant. A soldier reminded his side monitor of:

"Squad leader, there are enemies approaching."

The squad leader was a little puzzled, the artillery fire was so fierce, even a fool would know that the large troops of the People's Liberation Army were coming, and the bandits who were a little bit smarter ran away, so how could it be possible to touch them?Do you dare to attack us at this time? ?Is this group of bandits who came up secretly out of their minds? They must have been kicked by donkeys. ..

But regardless of whether the enemy's head is faulty or not, or whether he was kicked by a donkey, he has indeed felt it, and it seems that there are quite a few people.

If you dare to come up, beat them back. Since the enemy wants to die, let's fulfill him. The squad leader ordered the troops to prepare for battle.

Ma and Muti were leading the soldiers upwards, spreading out a battle team, searching and moving forward in the rubble and ravines all over the place, getting closer, getting closer, and getting closer to the front of the position, but at this time, they could see the front of the position Many PLA soldiers emerged from various bunkers and fortifications one after another, all pointing their guns at them.It looked like he was going to shoot a few steps away.

Not good, Ma and Muti's heart tightened, they were frightened and shrank their heads back, and then rolled their bodies down, muttering: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous, his mother was almost killed by his own kill."

Ma Hemuti, the second son who wanted to do meritorious service, lay behind a pile of rubble and muttered and shouted:

"Hey, comrades on the opposite side, don't shoot, we are the People's Liberation Army, and we are here to support you."

This guy speaks mandarin fluently, but the soldiers on the opposite side can understand it very well.Although he called himself a member of the People's Liberation Army, Ma Hemuti had a typical face of an ethnic minority. Who knows if what he called was true or false, maybe it was a bandit pretending, so the soldiers told Ma Hemuti what he said. Act as if you didn't hear it.

Depressed that.Angry, Ma and Muti were so angry.Seeing the end of the land.Don't worry about getting up, the soldiers on the opposite side pretended they didn't hear his shouts, and he also understood that the strings in the heads of the soldiers who had been besieged for many days were very tight, and they regarded him as a The bandits are gone.

Hu Qingshan and the soldiers confronted the bandits in Yiwu for more than a month, during which time.Yilier, Abaidula and others tried their best to confront the People's Liberation Army. Of course, the soldiers would not relax their vigilance after a few words from Ma and Muti.

Just lying on the ground like this, how to beat the bandits, how to show off with San Niu Xiaocheng when you go back.How can you do meritorious service!Just as Ma and Muti were thinking wildly, the platoon leader Ning Erzi of the other platoon also crawled over and lay down with Ma and Muti.

The second son Ning is a scout. Regardless of his young age, he can be regarded as a veteran trained in the du li brigade. Who are the scouts? Those guys with enough insight can guess what's going on when they see Ma and Muti's embarrassment.

"Hahahaha" Erzi Ning burst into laughter, so happy that his nose burst into laughter. Ma and Muti are combat heroes of the Fifth Army. Competing with each other, this time it is considered a turtle.

Ning Erzi smiled and said: "Hey, Ma and Muti, what are you doing lying down here? Why don't you go up? It doesn't feel good to be treated as a bandit? Hehehehehe"

Ma and Muti were so angry that Erzi Ning wanted to vomit blood, he pinched Erzi Ning, then grinned and shouted: "Second son, don't talk nonsense with me, contact me quickly."

Ning Erzi knew that this time was not a joke, so he put on a straight face and shouted at the opposite position: "Hey, who is the other side? I'm Ning Erzi, does anyone know me there? Is Deputy Battalion Commander Hu there?" ?”

The shouting made a difference. Although the second son Ning had a low position in the du li brigade, he was well-known. Everyone knew that there was such a powerful figure in the reconnaissance battalion.

The soldiers on the ground also shouted: "Oh, is it really Platoon Leader Ning? Come quickly."

This is a relief, Ning Erzi, Ma Hemuti and others took advantage of the interval of artillery bombardment to bypass countless broken walls and finally arrived at the position guarded by the soldiers.

It has been more than 40 days, and this is the first time I have seen my own people. It seems that after a long time, the soldiers are laughing, dancing, laughing, embracing each other, and cheering constantly.

Compared with the clean military uniforms of Ning Erzi, Ma Hemuti and others, the soldiers on the battlefield seemed too friendly. The military uniforms, hats and shoes were torn, and their bodies were covered with mud and water. The colors can't be seen clearly, most of them still have injuries on their bodies, and their faces are full of exhaustion. It can be seen that they have been beaten very hard.

While the soldiers were laughing and laughing at each other, two commanders came over, Erzi Ning turned his head and looked, of course they knew each other, they were Hu Qingshan, the deputy battalion commander of the first battalion, and the deputy battalion leader of the supply battalion. Young.

These two people are the highest leaders of the Yiwu Theater of the People's Liberation Army. Ning Erzi took the horse and Mu Ti together to salute the two commanders, and introduced each other: "Report to Deputy Battalion Commander Hu, report to Deputy Battalion Commander Yang, and scout a row The second son of Changning, the cavalry platoon leader Ma and Mu Ti are ordered to come, please give instructions from the chief."

Hu Qingshan took a step forward and held the hands of the two of them: "Second son, Comrades Ma and Muti, I finally got you here. It's not easy. How many people did we travel here?"

Ning Erzi: "Reporting to Comrade Deputy Battalion Commander, our entire brigade has been dragged here, and the other Fifth Army has assigned a cavalry battalion to our brigade. Our two platoons are the first wave to arrive. Alas, since we know what happened to you Our brigade commander is so anxious that he is going to eat people. I heard people say that the staff officers and guards in the brigade have a lot of training these days. Hurry up, lest you will be eaten by bandits. Fortunately, we are not late."

In a hurry, Erzi Ning's report was a bit inconsistent, but everyone could understand that his words aroused laughter, and Lao Yang, who was standing with Hu Qingshan, almost kicked Erzi Ning: "What? Tell the bandits to eat us up, can the bandits eat us up? Can you say something nice, kid?"

Old Yang, it seems that the du li brigade has not been around for a long time, but it has a great reputation. Everyone knows that the supply battalion has a great veteran qualification. He didn't dare to say anything even twice, so he just trained him, who made him so old.

Two deputy battalion commanders and two deputy platoon commanders, the top commanders of these positions held a brief pre-war meeting together to discuss how to cooperate with the attack of the large troops.

The two deputy battalion commanders are of course Hu Qingshan and Lao Yang, and there is also a second platoon leader who can't get up and down the Beishan position, so we can only add Ning Erzi and Ma Hemuti to have a meeting together (the first row Long died in the initial stage of the bandit riot), but it is not too small, it can be a branch.

The deputy battalion commander Hu Qingshan’s opinion was that according to the battle rules of the du li brigade, the infantry began to attack after the artillery fire was extended.

The method is good, and it is in line with the tactics, but Ning Erzi and Ma Hemuti think that the two sharp knife platoons they brought in are no problem, and they will definitely cooperate with the large army to launch an attack. The two platoon leaders are worried about the physical strength of Hu Qingshan and others, so they stick to their positions After more than 40 days, the soldiers are already quite tired. Can they still rush up and run?

"If you can't run, you have to run. If you don't wipe out the bandits, I can't breathe. A platoon leader died. Captain Zhang of the work team was seriously injured. He also sacrificed many soldiers. What do I call me if I don't kill the bandits with my own hands?" The deputy battalion commander of the first battalion, I have no face to go back to see the battalion commander and brigade commander." Hu Qingshan insisted on his opinion.

There are two deputy battalion commanders on the ground, but Lao Yang is Hu Qingshan's deputy, so Hu Qingshan's opinion is also the opinion of the supreme commander, Ning Erzi and Ma Hemuti had to obey.

Outside the city, the People's Liberation Army brigade command post.

Brigadier Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde stood side by side. Li Yong glanced at the watch on his wrist and said to political commissar Wang Chengde: "Old Wang, it's 10 minutes, let's start."

The 10 minutes that Li Yong said was the time for the artillery battalion to launch a sudden fire attack. The artillery battalion had already fired more than a dozen rounds of unison, and it was estimated that thousands of shells had been fired. It was time for the troops to attack.

"Order artillery, extend fire."

"Order a battalion of tanks, a battalion of infantry, and the attack begins."

Brigadier Li Yong's orders were simple and powerful. The tank battalion and the first infantry battalion had been prepared long ago. The engines of the tanks and armored vehicles were always idling and igniting, beating as smoothly as a human heart. Brigadier Li Yong's order As soon as the order came, the instructor Li Yuming's car rushed out with a bang, the driver stepped on the accelerator, and yanked the joystick with both hands, the tank roared and began to charge.

All the tanks and armored vehicles of the tank battalion rushed out. The M4 in the front was the car of the instructor Li Yuming. Li Yuming used the communicator in the car to issue one order after another:

"Follow me, move forward at full speed, and wipe out all resistance." (To be continued.)

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