The beacon of youth

Chapter 611 The Desperado Who Fights Yiwu

() In order to suppress the bandits' offensive, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huo placed all the two heavy firepower platoons at the front, forming a firepower configuration with the front heavy and the rear light, which was almost all of the Fifth Battalion's possessions.

The first line of defense is full of machine gun platoons with more than 20 water-cooled Maxims and more than [-] heavy machine guns. This must be so powerful. They don't believe that the bandits can rush over. The Tuba Road, not to mention the West Route Army of the Red Army during the Western Expedition, but the ace combat unit of the First Field Army of the People's Liberation Army, a hard-core unit that rushed out of blood and fire, trying to tear their defense line apart with horseshoes?snort.

The bandit cavalry charged closer and closer, the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huo raised the shell gun in his hand, and he wanted to wait for the best time to give the bandit a fatal blow.

The fifth battalion's fortifications were temporarily excavated, very crude, and there was no trench in front of the position dedicated to defending the cavalry, but Wang Huo believed in his soldiers and the combat effectiveness of their fifth battalion.

Wang Huo, an old soldier, has fought too many battles. From the initial Eighth Route Army to the later People's Liberation Army, he has gone through countless battles, large and small. I think that when he was in the second regiment, the whole regiment only had more than 300 people and three soldiers. A heavy machine gun with insufficient ammunition is not the same as fighting a big battle!It's not the same as beating Hu Zongnan's Kuomintang Central Army!Now with such good equipment and so many good fighters, you can still let the bandits rush over!Not even that possibility. . .

Wu Yaya's brigade of cavalry rushed over, and the hoofs of thousands of horses beat the ground like drums on thousands of sides. The scene was shocking, but at this time, there was no sound at all from the PLA positions. They all pricked up their ears, waiting for the battalion commander's order to fire.

This is the quality that a well-trained army should have, and nothing will stop.The movement is like a landslide.

Less than 100 meters away, the battalion commander Wang Huhu, who was squinting his eyes, rang out the pistol in his hand.

"Papa papa" Wang Huo's shell gun fired three shots in a row, and the firepower of the fifth battalion exploded at once. The rifles, submachine guns, and especially the more than 20 heavy machine guns all fired.

The heavy machine gun is a very powerful infantry weapon. It has become a nightmare for infantry charging indiscriminately since the day it was born. Today, there is another opportunity to verify its violent power.

The shooting of one and two heavy machine guns can still be heard, and people know that there is heavy firepower firing.But more than 20 heavy machine guns firing together is a very terrifying scene. I only heard a sound explosion in the fifth battalion's position, and there was a bang sound, and the metal flow composed of countless projectiles was like a violent storm towards the charging bandits. The cavalry scraped past.

The bullet chain held in the deputy shooter's hand flowed like water, and a tongue of flame more than a foot long spewed out from Maxim's muzzle.Connected with the flame tongue is the light blue smoke from the gunpowder explosion, and the yellow bullets flow into the gun chamber along with the bullet chain.Then it turned into a somewhat blackened shell and burst out.After a short time, a thick layer was already covered around the heavy machine gun firing bunker.

"Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu" light and heavy machine guns and submachine guns were all firing, and the soldiers thought, these are the bandits besieging Yiwu, they are mutinous troops, and they must all be killed.Otherwise, the reputation of our People's Liberation Army has ruined them, and they deserve to be called the People's Liberation Army?Pooh.

The soldiers opened fire and shouted: "Let you rebel, let you be bandits. Come, let you know what the real main force of the People's Liberation Army is."

In view of the huge pressure of the PLA tank troops behind, Yi Lier and others made up their minds to tear apart the defense line of the PLA's intercepting troops during the second attack, and used horseshoes to blaze a trail of blood.

Yilier's thinking couldn't be considered wrong, but she didn't estimate the situation. He didn't expect the powerful combat power of the PLA troops on the opposite side. Light and heavy machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, and mortars. Ascension, bullets and rain are impenetrable, under the huge fire net, all living objects are wiped out.

Blood, minced meat, wailing everywhere, the dense bullets smashed everything that dared to rush up, the corpses of people and horses were mixed together, it was impossible to separate them, blood and flesh mixed together, dyed the ground under their feet into darkness Red, blood and soil merged together.

Blood flowed like a river, human and horse corpses covered the Gobi sand dunes, and the front of the position became a Shura hell. The firepower of the Fifth Battalion beat back the bandit cavalry head-on. In the words of the Fifth Battalion Commander Wang Huo: " Want to rush over us? Hmph, Huang Li made a wrong calculation."

It was like a group of hungry wolves met a group of more ferocious tigers. After killing and injuring countless people, the bandits were beaten back again.

Just when Wang Huo's fifth battalion stopped the retreating brigade of bandits, the attacking troops behind also fought fiercely with the bandits' covering troops.

When the bandit brigade withdrew, in order to ensure the safety of the main force, more than 1000 bandits who had no horses or were killed by horses were converted into infantry, and then used as a blocking force to contain the main attacking force of the People's Liberation Army. gain time.

This is a job of beating dogs with meat buns. Basically, there is no return. We all know that the PLA's attack troops are equipped with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, but these more than 1000 bandits don't even have any decent anti-tank weapons. Come to confront the armored forces, one can imagine the consequences.

But these more than 1000 bandits really carried out such an order, lying on the ground and preparing to fight the People's Liberation Army. This is unimaginable in the general Kuomintang army, and no one would do it, but the bandits with the Seventh Cavalry Division as the main force It is different from the general Kuomintang army, they can perform such tasks.

The Yiwu rebel bandits with the Seventh Cavalry Division as the main force still have combat effectiveness. Among the local troops of the Kuomintang, the Qingma Army's combat effectiveness is very impressive. It is their tradition to dare to go all out at critical moments. There are more than 5000 people in the Seventh Cavalry Division They are the remaining elites in the Fifth Army of the Qingma Cavalry, most of them are desperate people who dare to go all out, and they are also the last property of Ma Bufang's former Fifth Army of the Qinghai Cavalry.

The Qingma Army's tactics and weapons were not good, but they dared to fight their opponents desperately. The more than 1000 bandits who were left behind knew that they had no way out, and they also knew that it was useless to surrender to the People's Liberation Army.

These more than 1000 desperadoes dug fortifications, bundled piles of grenades, and prepared to use these temporarily bundled cluster grenades as weapons against the PLA tank troops. This was the only bit they could find Capital that can fight against tanks.

With the roar of motors and the shouts of large troops charging, the tank is getting closer and closer, and the huge steel figure is becoming clearer and clearer. There are puffs of blue smoke from behind the tank's buttocks. The armored troops of the People's Liberation Army A monster rushed over, followed by a large number of infantry.

The ground trembled, and the pupils in the eyes of the bandits guarding the fortifications instantly shrank to the size of pinholes, and their clothes were drenched with sweat under the pressure on their faces.

Lying in the simple fortifications, facing the rushing tanks, it is not easy for the infantry to hold on. This is the original Tsingma Army troops, which can hold their hearts steady when facing the armored troops of the People's Liberation Army. , if it is an ordinary bandit, it is very likely that they will be defeated in one face-to-face.

However, not only the troops from the [-]th Cavalry Division were left behind, but also a small part of the district and township self-defense force of the former Yiwu County Mayor Abdula. If you want to get scared, get up from the position and run after yelling.

Run, if you don’t run, you will be crushed to death by PLA tanks if you don’t run, think about the tragic state of being crushed into meat by tanks, these self-defense force members in the Yiwu area began to tremble from the blood, and the upper and lower teeth in their mouths Fighting non-stop.

There were not many fleeing bandits who got up from the position, probably less than 100 people, but the escape of less than 100 people brought panic to the entire position.

Several bandit officers gritted their teeth angrily. The county magistrate of Abedulah did not accomplish enough and failed. Not only was he himself incompetent, but the soldiers under him were so useless.

In fact, they were wrongly blamed. The Seventh Cavalry Division was born in the regular army and was once a direct descendant of the Qinghai Majia Army. It could stand up to the attacking troops of the People's Liberation Army. There is a set, but expecting them to fight against the armored forces of the People's Liberation Army is simply nonsense.

An officer of the Seventh Cavalry Division gritted his teeth and shouted, "Come on, kill these deserters."

The soldiers of the rebel Seventh Cavalry Division twisted their faces, turned their guns, and shot at their accomplices who were attacking the People's Liberation Army with them a few days ago.

There was a burst of gunfire, and blood flowers burst out on the backs of the ten fleeing bandits. These bandits who were hit turned their heads to look at those who shot, with expressions on their faces. It's very strange, as if I don't believe that the people behind me will really attack, but it's too late to think about anything at this time, life has already left them.

The deserters were killed, the position stabilized, and those who wanted to escape completely lost their minds. The bandit officer howled: "Brothers, fight with the Communist army. Light and heavy machine guns hit the infantry, and the death squad rushed up to blow up the tanks."

The firepower of the bandits on the position rang out, and the bullets hit the armor of the tank with a bang, and the small bullets drew white blades on the steel armor.

There are no anti-tank weapons in the bandit's team, let alone large-caliber anti-material rifles. Infantry light firearms simply cannot break through the protection of armored soldiers. Bullets hitting tanks and armored vehicles are useless, but inevitably, there are also Part of the firepower was called to the infantry of the first battalion, and Li Jiangguo and the soldiers of the first battalion suffered casualties. (To be continued.)

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