The beacon of youth

Chapter 614: Zhan Yiwu's Search Operation

Several main infantry battalions of the ()du li brigade were put into battle. In order to prevent fish from slipping through the net, the brigade commander Li Yong placed the most maneuverable reconnaissance battalion and cavalry battalion at the outermost periphery of the defense line, so that they could not stop Search forward and destroy or capture all suspicious objects.

Compared to the battle in the encirclement, this kind of task is very easy and not difficult. The soldiers can't cheer up, and a few guys are drowsy on the moving car.

The two battalion commanders kept muttering: "Oh, what task did the brigade commander assign? What's the use of walking around the outermost perimeter? The brigade commander said it was to prevent the bandits from breaking out, but the bandits were fast It's almost dead, what else can slip through the net."

Whispering to whispering, the orders of the superiors must be carefully implemented, not only must be implemented carefully, but also the work of explaining to the soldiers must be done, the reconnaissance battalion commander Zhang Jinsong yelled at his soldiers: "Hey, give me a fight!" Be alert, don't complain, don't talk nonsense, the brigade commander said that if there are bandits, there must be bandits, Li Liuzi, what's the matter with you boy, open your eyes for me."..

The soldier called Li Liuzi by the battalion commander Zhang Jinsong was holding a submachine gun and dozing off in an uncovered jeep. He didn't know why this kid could still fall asleep on the battlefield where people were screaming.

The soldiers around laughed, and Li Liuzi muttered a little embarrassedly: "Hey, Battalion Commander, you said that we have been bumped for more than two hours, and we haven't even caught a bandit's hair. Can I not be sleepy? Seeing others eat meat and we can't even drink soup, doesn't it make me feel uncomfortable."

"Li Liuzi, you're a bit of a kicker, you sleep when you don't see the bandits? Are you still a little vigilant? Let's see how I can fix you after the war."

Li Liuzi didn't care about their battalion commander's threat, and this guy continued to mutter: "What's the big deal, isn't it just going to the battalion headquarters to wash socks? It's not like I haven't been there before."

The reconnaissance battalion has a very traditional punishment method for soldiers who make mistakes.He was in charge of washing smelly socks for dozens of people in the battalion headquarters, but Li Liuzi didn't take this threat very seriously, and said that he had been there long ago. Annoyed, Zhang Jinsong wanted to say something, and a soldier shouted: "Battlemaster, Listen, what sound is it?"

Dozens of fast horses galloped over, and the riders whipped the horse's buttocks with the whip in their hands while looking back from time to time, as if there was something particularly terrifying behind them chasing them.

Oops, damn it.Isn't this the bandit who ran out? The soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion came to their senses immediately, as if they had been hungry for several days and suddenly saw a pile of meat buns.

Battalion commander Zhang Jinsong yelled at his soldiers: "Attention, go up to two platoons and surround the bandits. No one can let go, hurry up."

Dozens of small jeeps roared and rushed up.There were several soldiers from the reconnaissance battalion sitting in each vehicle.These jeeps were seized by the du li brigade from the Kuomintang regular army in many major battles. Only the battalion headquarters can be equipped with a few jeeps, and only the reconnaissance battalion. All of them are small vehicles of this kind.

The two platoons of the reconnaissance battalion immediately surrounded them, and the soldiers aimed at the panic-stricken bandits.Regardless of the fire, the gunshots rang out suddenly and suddenly, this is the unique fighting style of the du li brigade.They don't say that you don't kill if you hand over the gun, and you don't say that you should treat the prisoners preferentially. Everything will be done after the work is done. Beat the mother first. As for whether there are any prisoners, it can only depend on God's will.

The main weapons of the reconnaissance battalion are Tom-style submachine guns and Czech-style light machine guns. More than 200 soldiers surrounded them. Shivering in the rain, it was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over their heads in three or nine days. It was as enjoyable as it could be. Under the fierce firepower, countless pimples appeared on the bodies of the people and horses. Bloody bones, the battle ended a few minutes later, and five or six soldiers brought two half-dead prisoners to battalion commander Zhang Jinsong:

"Battalion Commander, just catch two alive, and wipe out the rest."

Zhang Jinsong frowned and looked at the captives captured by the soldiers. Damn, this is called alive. The two captives brought over by the soldiers were covered in blood. , Seeing the meaning, you may immediately roll your eyes, what kind of confession can such a prisoner ask.

"Will you guys still fight? If you don't know how to fight, get out and go to another row next time. Throw these two dead goods to me and continue to search and move forward."

The two so-called captives were picked up by the soldiers and thrown behind a small sandbag covered with camel grass to fend for themselves. Whether they live or not is not the concern of the reconnaissance battalion, but it is estimated that the possibility of surviving negligible.

Zhang Jinsong has no mercy when dealing with these capricious mutinous bandits, and he is considered clean even if he dies.

Amidst the scolding of their battalion commander, several soldiers rolled away smiling.

The instructor of the reconnaissance battalion persuaded: "Old Zhang, don't be angry. The soldiers are not entirely to blame for not capturing any prisoners. There is also a problem with your order. There are only a few dozen bandits. You go up to two platoons with a submachine gun. It would be nice to catch two breathable ones."

Reluctantly scratching his own brain, Zhang Jinsong sighed and said, "Cough, it's the same whether to grab or not to grab. Next time I won't give any order to capture prisoners. If there is one, let it go. If you don't pull them down, let's go."

Dozens of bandits were wiped out, and the reconnaissance battalion tasted some sweetness. The spirit of the soldiers came, and they drove fast, searching back and forth outside the encirclement of several infantry battalions.

The scattered bandits who broke through the encirclement really lifted the spirits of the reconnaissance battalion and the cavalry battalion. A small group of bandits who broke through the encirclement inevitably hit their guns, and each battalion also had great results.

That's enough, the two battalion commanders and soldiers are very satisfied, they know that because of the equipment, the combat effectiveness of the reconnaissance and cavalry battalions is not as good as that of the infantry battalion, such as heavy machine guns and mortars, these two infantry battalions There is no heavy fire reconnaissance battalion in China, so the reconnaissance battalion is indeed more suitable than the infantry battalion to perform search tasks.

As soon as the troops dispersed and broke through, there was no combat effectiveness. Since Yilier's last order, for more than 40 days, the extremely arrogant bandit brigade in the Yiwu area lost its ability to resist, and thousands of bandits seemed to come out of the sewer The rats scattered like birds and beasts, including the so-called elite Seventh Cavalry Division, the Qinghai Fifth Cavalry Army, the former Ma Bufang's direct line, have since been completely obliterated in the long river of history, and never turned up even the tiniest cavalry. of a wave.

The organized resistance of the bandits disappeared, and all the soldiers of the du li brigade could do was to capture prisoners everywhere on the battlefield. Although most of the bandits were killed, the prisoners were like water in a sponge. Once squeezed, there is always something.

Ten or eight are not too many, and three or two are not too few. He Cuihua, the trainer of the supply battalion, looked cold and looked like class struggle, and led the soldiers of their battalion to search around.

A large-scale bandit suppression battle wiped out five or six thousand rioting bandits and liberated a county town. As long as it is reported, it is a big credit, but what makes people angry is that there is no such thing as a supply camp in the credit. A large battalion of 3000 people has caught up with a regiment of other troops. After a battle, a single shot was not fired. What kind of battle is this called?

The soldiers of the supply battalion had been with He Cuihua for a long time, and they gradually got to know the temper of their trainer, and knew why she was angry. Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked around, and the soldiers thought, Even though we didn’t go to war, capturing more prisoners can be counted as some merit. In the future, when we brag with our brother troops, we can also say that our supply battalion also participated in the battle, and captured as many prisoners as possible.

Even worse than the supply battalion was the machine gun battalion. The entire machine gun battalion had no mission in the battle against the Yiwu bandits, not even the most basic task of capturing prisoners. More than 1000 soldiers followed the brigade headquarters to watch It's lively, this is the main battalion, it's just like the recruit battalion when he first joined the army, the battalion commander Wei Gang seems to have thorns on his buttocks, he can't sit still no matter what.

I went to the brigade headquarters several times to request missions, but they were all reprimanded by the brigade commander and the political commissar. It wasn't that Li Yong and Wang Chengde didn't want to give them the mission of the machine gun battalion, but that the ammunition for the high-shelf machine gun, the main weapon of their battalion, had not been completely resolved at this stage. It's very strenuous, so it's better to keep it until the most critical time.

The walkie-talkie in the brigade kept calling, all of which were the latest battle situation reported by the battalions. Li Yong looked at Wang Chengde: "Old Wang, the bandits who besieged Yiwu are completely finished. Look, we will tell the superiors soon." send a report?"

Wang Chengde: "Don't worry, just wait a little longer and wait for the final statistical results to come out."

"Old Wang, you continue to direct the next search operation at the brigade headquarters. I will go to the front to see the soldiers and see how Hu Qingshan and the others are doing."

Li Yong left, and hurried away with a guard platoon and company commander Li Jia from the brigade headquarters. He was worried about his soldiers and wanted to see how the troops suffered, especially Hu Qingshan, who had been besieged for more than 40 days. and his soldiers.

The war has been fought until now and we know that the overall situation is settled, and the bandits in Yiwu have no chance of turning over, but there is still a lot of messy work. The brigade commander Li Yong went to the front to see the casualties of the soldiers. As the political commissar, Wang Chengde It can only be at the brigade headquarters to direct the next finishing work.

Along with the brigade commander Li Yong, Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, and He Cuihua, the instructor of the impatient Baggage Battalion, went to the front.

Hu Qingshan, the deputy battalion commander of the first battalion, and Li Jiangguo, the battalion commander, led the soldiers to attack behind the tanks. In the first few kilometers, they encountered some small groups of bandits who dared to resist, but they never encountered them again. What resistance, the bandits seen along the way were either killed or crouched on the ground holding their heads and waiting for containment. (To be continued.)

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