() More than 500 bandits were picked out with bayonets by the soldiers led by Li Yong. They were picked up comfortably and soul-stirringly.

Of course, there must be some reason for killing more than 500 captured bandits. Li Yong's explanation is very simple. They want to riot, so they can only kill them.

Everyone knows the brigade commander's shameless face and has seen it a lot. The soldiers replied in unison: "Yes, the bandits wanted to riot just now, but we wiped them all out."

Li Yong also knew that he was a bit shameless, so he hurriedly continued to shout: "Comrades, since all the bandits have been wiped out, don't notify the political commissar about such a trivial matter. Comrades, do you think it's okay?"

The soldiers curled their mouths for a long time, and replied habitually: "Very well, there is no need to notify the political commissar."

Li Yong was very satisfied, look, how neatly the soldiers answered, and how resonantly the voices were, even the students who were frightened and crying shouted together, hehehehehe.

In fact, the students didn't want to yell. They hadn't figured it out yet, and they were forced to yell by the veterans around them. In other words, it was impossible not to yell.

The battle to eliminate the bandit riots is over, and there is still not a single shot fired. All of them were solved with bayonets.

In order to eliminate traces faster, Li Yong ordered the soldiers to dig a big pit to bury the bandit's corpse as soon as possible, so as not to worry about the political commissar.

After finishing all these things, Li Yong turned around to look at the female bandits who were still trembling aside, because they were women, and Li Yong didn't look carefully at the crotch, because we are civilized people, so I don't know that they are scared to pee. no.

"How is it? Is there any Eliel among you? Let me declare first that Eliel is very useful to us, as long as you say it, you can save a life, if not... you are useless, you all understand. "

Li Yong told these seven female bandits with his behavior that the useless concept is to be eliminated. The meaning of the PLA chief is very clear, and Ma Hemuti's translation is also very good. Tell me who Eliel is.But the eyes of six people involuntarily fixed on one person, a tall woman among them.

Brigadier Li was overjoyed, there is a door, there is a door, it is very likely that this guy is Yilier.Want to fish in troubled waters?Hey Hey Hey.

When Li Yong turned his eyes to her and stared at her, the woman biting her lip took a step forward.Said loudly in Chinese: "You devil. Don't look for it, I am Yilier, you killed me."

After Yilier and the bandit brigade dispersed, she brought about a hundred or so cronies with her when she came, and rushed left and right in the encirclement of the People's Liberation Army, but tried every means.He didn't rush out yet, and there were fewer and fewer people around him, and every time he rushed, some of his troops were lost. More than a hundred cronies died, and only a few close female horses were left.

To prevent the worst from happening.Yi Lier and several female horses changed into the same clothes, pretending to be ordinary soldiers, and prepared to get away with it if they were caught by the People's Liberation Army.

It did play a certain role at first, when she was caught, no one knew her real identity, the soldiers of the du li brigade treated women very favorably, and they just let him go back to Yiwu County with the captured bandits , and no one asked who he was at all.

At the beginning, Yi Lier was secretly happy, thinking that the People's Liberation Army was paralyzed, but unfortunately, she met Li Yong, a pervert, and Brigadier Li didn't care if they were women or not, if they didn't show their identities, they might all be shot on the spot. Not to scare them.

With more than 6000 rioting bandits, they besieged Yiwu for more than 40 days. In their dreams, they wanted to capture Yiwu, and in their dreams they wanted to enter Yiwu County. Today, they finally came in, but their identity has changed drastically. Yilier From a female bandit leader to a prisoner.

Oh, oh, that's great, is there really a big fish in the net? Wait a minute, don't get too excited, Li Yong stabilized his slightly excited mood, and said in a very calm tone: "He Cuihua, Li Jia, take this woman Search for me carefully, not letting go of a single hair, and the other six women will be pulled out for interrogation alone."

The two women went up, held down Yilier and searched carefully.

He Cuihua and Li Jia are different. Li Jia still has a little bit of sympathy for this woman named Yilier, and her actions are a little bit measured. He Cuihua is purely a thug among women. Li Jia took a few people and pushed the woman into a spare room, and searched her body carefully. In her own words, she didn't even let go of her underwear.

All the searched items were placed in front of Li Yong. After comparing the confessions of the other six women, it can be confirmed that this woman is Usman's daughter, Yi Li, a well-known gangster in Xin Jiang area. you.

Li Yong was happy, he captured Yilier, the battle to rescue Yiwu was successfully concluded, and the superior's task was successfully completed.

At this time, political commissar Wang Chengde also rushed to Yiwu County with the follow-up troops. I don't know if political commissar Wang Chengde really didn't know about the killing of hundreds of bandits, or he pretended not to understand on purpose. Anyway, no one asked about it. Including the political commissar Wang Chengde, it was as if nothing had happened this time.

The du li brigade with tens of thousands of people temporarily settled down in Yiwu County. The large supply station reserved during the Kuomintang period once again played a role. In the words of the soldiers, Chiang Kai-shek is sometimes good. Give us the People's Liberation Army It's still a pass to be a transportation captain, isn't it? Once again, it's a good time, otherwise, where would we find so much food and ammunition.

The soldiers are talking nonsense, but the supply station has indeed solved a big problem. Yiwu County is not big, and the local supplies are scarce. The daily consumption of large troops is a headache. There is no way to afford fu's ability. In fact, the local government has long been paralyzed.

A telegram signed by both Li Yong and Wang Chengde was sent out. The telegram reads as follows:

Corps and Second Army Party Committee

Our department wiped out more than [-] bandits who besieged Yiwu at noon today, killed the former county magistrate Abdula, and captured the bandit leader Yilier alive. The rest of the seizures are being further counted... ....

Li Yong, Wang Chengde

The telegram was sent out, and the detailed combat situation was compiled and handed in after two days. Li Yong spent a lot of space in the briefing to praise the troops guarding Yiwu, detailing the deeds of Hu Qingshan and the soldiers. During the report, I also praised the First Infantry Battalion as the assault echelon.

Just like the political commissar Wang Chengde said, Li Yong did this out of selfishness, in order to save some capital for the two chief officers of the first battalion to avoid punishment. As for how the superiors view it, it is beyond Li Yong's control.

The First Field Army Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is the headquarters of the Xinjiang Military Region

Commander Wang was carefully watching the telegram sent by the du li brigade, and he was still muttering: "Hmph, these little guys, are you trying to fool me! Annihilate more than 6000 bandits , killed Abadula, captured Yilier alive, captured seven of them, and all of them were women, and only captured seven prisoners after killing more than [-] bandits, how strange is the battle?"

There is also a chief in the headquarters who is also seriously watching the telegram in Commander Wang's hand. The chief who read the telegram with the commander laughed when he heard Commander Wang's muttering: "Beard, what's so strange, except A few were captured, and the rest must have been wiped out, it’s a very simple matter, what’s not easy to understand, they are all soldiers brought out by you, don’t you know the fighting style of the du li brigade?”

After thinking for a moment, Commander Wang also laughed loudly: "Haha, that's right, they are all soldiers brought out by Lao Tzu, and their temper is similar to mine. By the way, the political commissar, and one more thing, what about the situation of the first battalion of their du li brigade?" ?”

"What else can I do? People are boasting to them in the telegrams, so you just get confused for a while."

Commander Wang knew Li Jiangguo, and he was also very familiar with the First Battalion. The Du Li Brigade used to be directly under the Second Column and was under Commander Wang's direct line.

"That's right. That kid Li Jiangguo has always performed well. It's a pity to withdraw. Do as you say, and let's pretend to be confused for a while. Damn it, call them back, and the text will be written like this."

du li brigade, Li Yong, Wang Chengde

I received the call and learned that you have won another big victory. I would like to congratulate you. The requirements of the Corps are as follows.

One, the gangster Yilier is under your custody for the time being.

Second, after the war, your department temporarily rested in the Yiwu area, waiting for the next order from your superiors.

Third, in view of the performance of the First Infantry Battalion in battle, the superiors decided not to commend their contributions, not to pursue their mistakes, and to offset their merits and demerits.

Chinese People's Liberation Army One Field One Corps King

The day the telegram was received made Li Yong and others very happy. Who is Commander Wang!It's not a pass for Qiu, the tone in the telegram is very obvious, a bit protective of the calf, but it's finally passed, as long as the commander doesn't pursue it.

After the incident, the cadres and soldiers in the du li brigade who were familiar with Li Jiangguo congratulated them one after another, and some even said nonsense that the commander must be arrogant and did not let Li Jiangguo eat the board. Why?Because among all the cadres and soldiers of the du li brigade, the commander's favorite is Li Jiangguo, who is a popular person next to the chief.

Li Jiangguo is very eloquent. If he ranks second in the whole brigade, no one dares to say that he is the first. This time he is completely dumb, but Li Jiangguo also has his own reason. Shit fart, we should be the battalion commander and have to be the battalion commander. (To be continued.)

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