The beacon of youth

Chapter 62 Commentary

The wounded man in the reconnaissance platoon shook his head and said, "What am I? Don't mention me. Even the platoon leaders in our company don't know why the company commander is so good. I heard our platoon leader say that every time after fighting The company commander has to hold a tactical analysis meeting, and when the meeting comes, they are all stunned by the company commander, and no one knows where the company commander got so much information."

"You have all heard of the battle between Qinghuabian and Panlong Town. Our company commander analyzed in advance that we are close to each other. My home is in the Zhenwudong area north of Yan'an. I have not joined the army for a long time. The company commander said that we are the main force. To attack Panlong Town, there really was one later, how the company commander analyzed it, I don’t know, if I knew everything, I would be a company commander.”

Hu Xiaolian, who was standing outside the door, heard about these things for the first time. She didn't expect Dayong to have such a high prestige in the hearts of the soldiers. Seeing his hippie smile, I didn't think it was so powerful. Well, except when he was doing business, this guy and himself When he is doing things, he is capable, and every time he shows up frequently, making himself fascinated. In the future, if he has a chance, he must ask what is in his head, and he will ask when he is done. Thinking about it, my face turned red again.

Li Yong, who had not been back to the company headquarters for a long time, was lying on the kang in a daze when he suddenly heard someone calling for a report from outside. Li Yuming walked in and said that the teams of Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou had returned. Comrade came back, Li Yong hurriedly jumped off the kang and left.

When I arrived at the village, I saw that Li Jiangguo and Ma Quan were there. They were chatting enthusiastically with the instructor Wang Chengde and the soldiers on guard. Seeing Li Yong approaching, Li Jiangguo immediately pulled his neck and shouted: "Company commander, I heard that we are going here. We killed another regiment of the enemy in more than ten days. This time we lost a lot. Our first and second platoons led the enemy around in circles all day long. We didn’t fight a big battle. Hehe, we didn’t dare to fight. I didn’t get it back either, and if there is something good in the company, we can’t forget our two platoons.”

The leader of the second platoon, Ma Quan, came over to report: "The enemy didn't know why they stopped chasing them all of a sudden. He and Li Jiangguo couldn't figure out the enemy's intentions, so they didn't dare to act rashly. follow up."

Li Yong thought for a while and suddenly shouted: "Li Yuming, inform the platoon leaders and deputy platoon leaders of each platoon to hold a meeting." Then he said to Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou: "You guys go directly to the company headquarters, and the soldiers go back to the platoons. , the yard where you are stationed hasn’t been moved, just go back and sweep it.” Then he turned his head to Wang Chengde and said, “Old Wang, I guess the enemy wants to run away, let’s go back and check and see what to do.”

After a short time, all cadres above the spy company platoon gathered in the company headquarters. Instructor Wang Chengde made a summary of the battle and first praised the small teams of Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou. Without the success of the small teams to lure the enemy, we would not have won this battle. Regardless of the fact that the squad didn't directly participate in the battle, this time they beat Qingyang and they counted as their first achievement.

Then he praised the recruit platoon. The recruit platoon bravely participated in the battle when the company was short of manpower. With their wit and bravery, they successfully opened the gate of Qingyang, and then fought all the way to the end. The most desirable point is that this is some The new fighters who have just joined our army can have such a firm fighting will and fearless spirit, which shows that the four comrades in charge of training in the recruit platoon have contributed a lot, and it also shows the importance of our army's ideological work from one side.

Wang Chengde finally said: "This is a major victory since the establishment of our company. It has achieved greater results with relatively small losses. It wiped out a whole regiment of the enemy, liberated Qingyang County, captured more than 900 horses, and captured more than 700 horses. There are more than [-] enemy soldiers, all kinds of materials and ammunition are being counted, and by the way, six Type [-] heavy machine guns have also been seized, but the company commander said that Wei Gang has already snatched them."

As soon as Wang Chengde said that the heavy machine gun had been snatched by Wei Gang, everyone laughed. After everyone finished laughing, Li Yong began to comment on the battle: "As the instructor said, we have achieved greater success with smaller losses. Victory, for several reasons."

Due to the suddenness of the battle, we chose between two and three in the morning, and most of the enemies were still asleep when the battle started.

Around two or three o'clock in the morning is the time when people sleep the most soundly and also when they are the most sleepy. Li Yong's choice of attacking at this time is carefully prepared. During the first Gulf War, the Americans launched an attack on Iraq. It was three o'clock in the morning, and the Tomahawk cruise missile exploded at three o'clock three o'clock. At that time, the Iraqis were still asleep. When the Americans were attacking in the second half of the night, the Americans suddenly bombed Iraq on a large scale at ten o'clock in the first half of the night. As a result, the Iraqis were devastated and suffered heavy losses.

Second, the enemy was careless. When the recruits platoon seized the city gate, none of the enemy soldiers guarding the city gate was awake. The entire squad of soldiers were killed by the soldiers of the recruits platoon with bayonets, but we had no casualties.

The third tactical idea is correct. Our company destroyed the enemy's command system at the beginning, one regiment headquarters and three battalion headquarters. The enemy lost its command and became a mess.

Fourth, the soldiers of our army fought bravely, fought more with less and were not afraid, and overwhelmed the enemy with fearless spirit and revolutionary spirit.

Although we have won this battle, it does not mean that our actions are perfect. There are two main shortcomings and shortcomings in this battle.

- We didn't expect the reaction of the guard company of the enemy regiment headquarters to be so fast. I would like to ask comrades, what if we don't have mortars for the artillery platoon?What if there is no heavy machine gun?I didn't mean to find fault, because most of the companies in our field army don't have heavy machine guns and small artillery. What if they encounter this situation?Don't we still have to fight the battle?

If we use a little force to disguise as the enemy's skirmishers or ordinary people to ambush near the enemy's regiment headquarters before the battle starts, and attack immediately after the battle starts, the reaction time left for the enemy will be greatly reduced.

The resistance encountered by the two horses and long victories of the third platoon when accepting the enemy's surrender is the result of underestimating the enemy and being careless. The victory of each battle is based on prior preparations. If we make preparations for attack before accepting the enemy's surrender, we will Casualties will be reduced or avoided.

The above two points are the mistakes in command and have nothing to do with the soldiers. The first point is my responsibility, and the second point is the responsibility of the third platoon leader Ma Changsheng. In this battle, we sacrificed nine comrades and injured more than 30. If there were no mistakes in these two points, our casualties could be reduced by half.

After listening to Li Yong’s speech, everyone was thinking that exchanging more than 30 casualties for the enemy’s company commander is still not satisfied. Our company commander’s requirements are too high. We must be more careful in future wars, or we will be criticized Write check.

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