() There is a very important factor in Usman's plan, which is to make full use of the maneuverability of the cavalry, run away as soon as they can, and end the battle before the arrival of the large troops of the People's Liberation Army.

It has to be said that the plan of the Usman gang does have merits. In their view, the People’s Liberation Army in the Yiwu area has only one brigade, and at best it is only 7000 people, and their strength is 10,000+ people, which can fully control If the communist army eats it, as long as it can make full use of the time difference, it will withdraw after the fight. Even if the communist army wants to rescue them, they will not be able to quench their thirst. Whoever made the communist army's troops all infantry.

The surrounding area of ​​Yiwu is the Gobi Desert. If people walk on it for a short time, the inside of the shoes will be filled with sand. At this time, we can only stop and pour the sand out, otherwise, the thick skin on the feet will wear out bleeding blisters in a few minutes. Come on, once the blood bubble bursts, it will be a heartache. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for pure infantry to march in the desert, and the speed is far behind that of cavalry. It is precisely after seeing this that Usman has the courage to concentrate his strength and prepare to attack du li brigade.

The plan is good, and Yiwu's People's Liberation Army is just as they imagined, a lone army, but what about the lone army?Can their 10,000+ bandits eat up this lone army? . .

Although the intelligence of the bandits found out that the People's Liberation Army has a brigade, they don't know how many people there are in this brigade, and they don't know the difference between the weapons and equipment of the du li brigade and other troops. The troops are almost the same, and the general equipment and personnel are the same.

Usman and his men probably never imagined in their dreams that there could be more than 3000 personnel in a PLA brigade-level army, and the weapons and equipment are even more unmatched by ordinary troops. Even Yao Le, who is known for his cunning, Bosch and his wife Feng Mengli did not expect to encounter such a different kind of army as the du li brigade.

And such an intelligence system laid the groundwork for the subsequent failure.

Badashi, a little-known little place, is so small that few people except the locals know that this place exists.It is about [-] kilometers away from Yiwu County. Why is it approximate, because no one has actually measured it since ancient times, and the so-called distance is only the result of estimation. According to the old people, it is the time of running with a horse. to calculate.

There are no people here, no horses, no cattle and sheep, no felt bags that are very common for herdsmen, but occasionally a few groundhogs poke out their round heads from their holes.Standing on two hind legs like a human, the black eyes on the head are rolling around. Whenever there is a disturbance, these little guys will swish into the hole, and then they can no longer be seen.

Countless sand dunes are connected into one piece.On the sand dunes, clusters of weeds in the east and west sway with the wind, and can be clearly seen through the gaps in the weeds.The Badashi area, which was originally uninhabited, suddenly became lively.

In the dark night.Countless furtive figures were swaying, scattered or huddled together, and from time to time there were a few words of curses from people and the neighing of horses.

More and more people and horses crowded over. Fortunately, there were enough depressions between the sand dunes, and these depressions became hiding places for people and horses.As long as you deliberately hide it, even in broad daylight, you won't be able to see it from a distance.

The benefits of local snakes are reflected, no need to introduce.The group of people who came here was the Usman gang who did all kinds of evil on the land of Xinjiang. Relying on their familiarity with the geographical location, they found this excellent hiding place.

Amidst the noise and cursing, the sky gradually dawned, and Usman, who had arrived earlier, and his direct descendants occupied the best location.

The sand is yellow, golden and golden yellow, the sky is blue, and there are a few very small white clouds wrapped around like ribbons in the blue sky, which is very beautiful.

There is very little dust in the air, and as far as the eye can see, even the naked eye can see far away. At this time, the bandit leader Usman is standing on the top of a big sandbag, looking into the distance with a telescope. Seeing what he was still swearing, a horse came over and reported: "Report to the commander, the young master Sheldman has arrived with his troops."

"Well, it's not bad, I didn't waste my time, how about the other teams? How many teams have arrived?"

The Ma Bian replied: "Report to the commander, only one team, the young master, has arrived, and the other teams have not been seen."

"Hey, send out a few more groups of smart messengers, let the senior officials hurry up and pass on my orders, and say that the military law is not within the deadline."

Ma Bian agreed and ran down from the top of the sandbag.

Badashi is the gathering place planned by the Usman bandit gang. After receiving his order, all bandits, big and small, must rush here in the shortest possible time to participate in the battle to besiege the Yiwu Liberation Army. However, ideas and reality are still different. The difference is that apart from his confidants, other bandits rarely arrive on time. Although Usman is known as the Khan of Kazakhs, he has no good way to think about it. He still wants to use these people to work hard. No, no scolding.

While waiting anxiously, the time passed little by little, and various bandits arrived one after another. The small ones had 300 people, and the large ones had thousands of people. The area was full of smog, because they didn't know each other before they came here, and because they didn't agree with each other, in order to seize a better territory, there were constant fights between teams.

Eyes staring, knife against knife, he was about to shoot. Before he could face the PLA, he fought first. The noise of the bandits smoked Wu Si's full orifices. In order to stabilize the team, he announced an order From now on, all those who fight privately will dig pits and bury them alive, and they will not be shot so as not to alarm the People's Liberation Army. Then he will send his son Sheldman to lead people to check around.

After another day and night, the bandits under Usman's order were almost all there, and the rolling sand dunes were filled with personnel, horses, and various guns and ammunition.

After counting, the number of bandits who have arrived has exceeded 10, and there are people everywhere. Fortunately, the space in the sand dunes is as big as it is. Although there are many bandits, they can be accommodated. This is a very scary number. , 10,000+ bandits gathered together, the scene was chaotic, like a group of demons dancing.

In order to prevent leaks of news, Usman sent his cronies to patrol around the bandit camp continuously, and immediately arrested any suspicious people, and immediately eliminated those who could not be caught, so as to prevent any news from spreading.

The remote location does bring convenience to the gathering of the bandits. In addition, they hide at night and go out at night. After a few days, 10,000+ bandit nests have not been seen here, including the local villagers and the reconnaissance troops of the People's Liberation Army. Find their tracks.

There is a large grass-green military tent in the middle of Usman's direct lineage. This big tent is Usman's king's tent. I heard that in the Kuomintang army, it is a super-large model that only officers above the army can have.

In the king's tent, two young men with unruly looks on their brows were reporting something to Usman. These two young men were Usman's son Sheldman and his nephew Habulibari.

"Father, it's too chaotic. You didn't see that group of them. They don't have any discipline at all. They can fight each other for a small matter. Can you come forward to stop them and let them obey the rules. "It was Sheldman who spoke.

"Habli Barry, what's your opinion?"

"Uncle, my opinion is the same as that of my elder brother. I feel upset when I see them. I didn't see what they are capable of fighting with the People's Liberation Army. Fighting with my own people is quite lively."

"You two are too young. To put it nicely, they are heroes on our grasslands. To put it bluntly, they are a group of mobs, but what else can they do? The mob can also be used. How many of our descendants are there? Less than 1 people, the exact number is only 8000 people, how can we eliminate the Yiwu Communist Army and rescue Yilier? Are we using our own family resources to fight the Communist Army?"

Seeing that the two young men were silent, Usman continued to explain: "As soon as the battle starts, let them rush to the forefront, and we will go on when they have exhausted the strength of the PLA. Remember, we must keep Your own strength, and one more thing, the two of you should pay special attention to Yao Le Bosi's troops, how many people does Yao Le Bosi have? There are less than 2000 people, dare to fight against us, this time we besieged Yiwu's communist army , Find a way to make this old fox break its claws, and see what he will use to compete with me in the future, relying on his wife? A woman can't make any big waves without soldiers and horses in her hands."

Usman's explanation made Sheldman and Habuli Balimaosai suddenly realize that other people's lives can be used in this way. Dad is indeed the King Khan of our Kazakhs.

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, Usman asked the messengers to gather the bandit leaders from all walks of life for a meeting to study how to attack the People's Liberation Army.

Why did you choose ten o'clock in the morning? This is also a consideration. At ten o'clock, the leaders should have woken up, and the mutton in the cauldron is almost cooked. When the leaders come over, they will be drinking and eating meat. With wine and meat as the introduction, this group of guys must be able to make up their minds faster.

Usman has 10,000+ troops under his command, but only his 8000 to [-] troops absolutely obey his orders.

Why is this so, because the leader of the bandits is not only Usman alone, but also the number two character, Yao Lebosi. In the hearts of the big and small bandit leaders, Yao Lebosi's status is not much lower than that of Usman, and They also have a wife who can contact Taiwan and the United States. In the long run, Yao Lebosi's development potential is no worse than that of Wu Siman. Therefore, it is better to listen to whoever follows. Mainly. (to be continued..)

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