The beacon of youth

Chapter 64 The Pursuit Part 2

Li Yong found it funny watching the two quarreling, and then said: "There is something related to the comrades." After speaking, he took out a big bag under everyone's gaze: "There are some spoils here, everyone has a share , These were seized from the enemy's spare parts warehouse and officers' bodies, and many of them were brought back by soldiers from the dead. Don't dislike them.

"Binoculars, watches, pens, flashlights, and lighters, one for each person. The first row, second row, and third row have passed the watch once. This time, I will give you three more yuan. The platoon leader and deputy platoon leader will each have one yuan."

"One thing that needs to be explained is that you can't use a pen as a display. If you have time, you must learn to write as soon as possible. Comrades who don't know how to ask others for advice. There are also literate soldiers. Don't think that you can't let go of airs because you are a platoon leader. After every battle, you have to hold a summary analysis meeting like today. Each platoon should also come up with a summary of the battle, pros and cons, gains and losses, experience, experience, lessons and suggestions. Every time I finish writing, my instructor and I Check them all, and rewrite the bad ones until they are good."

As soon as Li Yong finished speaking, the room immediately became lively. Even Ma Changsheng, who had just been approved, was overjoyed. These old soldiers who were poor and used to it did not dare to think about it before. In the old army, only regimental commanders had binoculars. There are no leaders, let alone grassroots cadres and soldiers.

In the old army, when soldiers saw cadres with binoculars, needless to say, they must be the chief, just stand at attention and salute. If the cadres at the platoon level have more bullets and grenades, it is considered a high incense. With a few more Wowotou, no one will be afraid, but now that the secret agent even has a telescope when he is a platoon leader, the gap is really not that big.

Looking at the binoculars, watches, and pens in their hands, everyone couldn't put them down. At this time, Sun Quanhou, the leader of the platoon of supplies, stood up and said: "Commander, give me the binoculars, it's useless if I want them, or Leave it to the other comrades."

Li Yong looked at him and said, "Yes, cadres above the platoon of our company must wear binoculars. Let them be envious of the old troops, who stipulates that those who come from the cooking class can’t hang binoculars, and the cooking class is the same, as long as everyone has what you have in our company, you and your grandchildren can’t miss anything.”

After Li Yong finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter again. Lao Sun scratched his head in embarrassment and sat down. Li Yong said to Lao Sun again: "Your supply platoon is the largest platoon in our company, but it's not big enough. It needs to be further expanded. Through these few battles, everyone knows the importance of firepower. Seeing Gao Xiang's sluggish look, and seeing his virtue of not daring to argue with Wei Gang, this is why our logistics is not in place. It means that there are enough horses now, Lao Sun, you have to prepare some horses to carry the cannonballs, as long as you have enough cannonballs, Wei Gang will not be so arrogant in front of Gao Xiang."

Amid everyone's laughter, Sun Quanhou sat down in embarrassment, and Gao Xiang leaned over to Lao Sun and said, "Old Sun, our platoon depends entirely on you. If your platoon can bring us more shells, I will bow to you. You can also kowtow."

Lao Sun patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Lao Gao. It used to be the past, but now we need people and horses. As long as we have shells, we must bring more."

Don't look at everyone calling it old Sun Laogao, in fact only Sun Quanhou, the platoon leader of the supply platoon, is a little older, and the rest are only in their twenties, and they are all young lads.

Li Yong and everyone studied some small problems that should be paid attention to during the battle and march, and led the team out after dinner.

More than 300 war horses trotted out of the village under the cover of night. Zhang Jinsong led two squads at the front of the team, and Li Yong rode on horseback with the soldiers of the recruit platoon.

Li Yong still wanted to use a little time during the march to do more ideological work for the soldiers in the recruit platoon. After several battles, Li Yong deeply realized the importance of our army's ideological work. A good political worker can turn a coward Cheng Yongshi, from this point of view, it is very wise for ** to say that the branch should be built on the company.

The soldiers in the recruit platoon were very envious of the equipment of the old infantry platoon fighters, and asked Li Yong when they would be able to change into it.

Li Yong said as he walked: "Comrades, don't worry. This group of enemies is the last force in the Longdong area. After this battle, our company will have to rest for a while. Weapons and equipment are ready-made, and clothing can also be solved. Time It won't be long."

After two days and two nights of chasing, Zhang Jinsong ran back from the front this morning and said, "Company commander, there is a situation." Li Yong stopped the troops, and then went to the front of the team with Zhang Jinsong to observe carefully with binoculars.

I saw a faint smoke rising from the mountain valley in the distance, and it floated higher and higher and became one piece. Li Yong observed with a telescope and asked: "Jin Song, you mean this is the smoke from the enemy's cooking in the morning?"

Zhang Jinsong replied: "That's right, that's what happened. The enemy is cooking, company commander, what should we do?" Li Yong said to Li Yuming who followed, "Bring the troops here." Let your platoon advance covertly, and stop when you are 500 meters away from the enemy."

Li Yong used binoculars to observe the two squads that Zhang Jinsong led them to line up, and carefully touched them. They stopped behind a low-level dirt bag. Zhang Jinsong shook his arms backwards vigorously. Li Yong told the soldiers to get ready to fight, get off their horses and walk Not long after, Li Yong came to the back of the small soil bag where Zhang Jinsong was lying, and saw the enemy Huang Huhu 500 meters ahead, eating breakfast.

Li Yong said to Wei Gang who was directing the soldiers to remove the machine guns from the horses: "Move your heavy machine guns here and arrange them at intervals of five meters."

The soldiers of the machine gun platoon who heard the order nervously set up the heavy machine guns, and seeing the heavy machine guns set up, Li Yong said to Gao Xiang: "How is your small cannon?" Gao Xiang said: "Don't worry, company commander, everything is ready. "

Li Yong looked at the enemies who were eating in front of him and said, "Two shots per shot, start." Li Yong had just finished speaking, and with a burst of firing, the eight shells accurately landed among the enemies who were eating. The enemy was not prepared at all, and every time a shell hit a dense crowd, it knocked down a piece, and suddenly dead bodies were everywhere, pots and bowls flew around, and there was chaos.

An enemy officer lay on the back of the dead horse and cursed: "***, where did the artillery fire?" An enemy soldier pointed to the direction of Li Yong and others and said: "Regimental commander, the artillery came from behind!" Yes, is the communist army catching up?"


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