The beacon of youth

Chapter 641 Hard-Bone Troops

Usman was very happy with Habulibali's initiative to challenge the battle. It would be exciting to have such a "warrior" stand up when morale was low. However, there are some things that need to be carefully considered by him.

There are more than 2000 people under Habulibali, and they are not ordinary bandits. They are the elite subordinates of Usman's most direct line. These people cannot be easily used. If the direct lineage is consumed, the gain will not be worth the loss.

There are 10,000+ bandits together, why do they all obey Usman?They all regard him as the Khan of Kazakhs because he has seven or eight thousand elite forces under him. This is the core backbone of the bandits and the basis for Usman's survival. Without these direct descendants, who can listen to him? The so-called king of Kazakhs, you must know that Yao Lebosi and his Han wife Feng Mengli are staring at this position. Once the strength of the cronies is exhausted, the commander-in-chief of appeasement in Xinjiang will be done.

With so many worries, it is impossible for him to use his money to launch an attack hastily. Habulibali is full of blood and dares to rush when fighting. Usman is an old bandit who has been fighting wild geese all his life on the Xinjiang prairie. , There are so many ghosts.

Thinking of this, Wu Siman rolled his eyes and said, "Habulibali is doing a good job. I will hand over the Beishan position of the Communist Army to you. I will transfer two brigades to you, and you will be in charge of it." After the attack on Beishan is successful, the commander will have his own reward."

This is the advantage of being a big leader. With a single sentence, he transferred two bandit brigades to Habl Barry. In this way, Habl Bali had three bandit brigades in his hands, totaling more than 6000 people.

There are more than 6000 bandits, of which more than 2000 are direct descendants, and the remaining [-] are miscellaneous.The time with my uncle has not been short, and Usman's intentions, of course, Habuli Bali can understand.

Usman's intention was to use more than 4000 bandits of different brands to attack first, use these thousands of people to exhaust the PLA guarding Beishan, and then use more than 2000 direct descendants to occupy the position.

Using more than 4000 cannon fodder and the People's Liberation Army to fight for consumption, and finally use his own direct descendants to occupy it. The credit is still his own. The cunning Usman turned a bad thing into a good thing. Bandit, the abacus is very shrewd.

The battle has not yet been fought.One's own people first intrigue in the nest, always thinking of using others to fight and consume their opponents, and wait for the fruits of victory by themselves. This old tradition of the Kuomintang government and the army has never changed, so much so that even the bandits in Xinjiang have inherited this habit. .There is also a little bit of carrying forward.

Others may not understand it, but Yao Lebosi can see it clearly.The No. [-] figure of the Xinjiang bandits pondered secretly in his heart.This old bandit is really cunning enough, he is reluctant to spend his capital at all, it doesn't hurt to use someone else's son to die, it seems that I should pay more attention in the future, don't let this old guy get schemes.

There was nothing to say all night, and the bandits didn't launch any sneak attacks.The soldiers of the Independent Brigade were also happy to be at leisure. Except for some necessary observation posts, the rest of the soldiers relaxed and slept soundly. Anyway, the longer the time dragged on, the better it would be for the Independent Brigade.After another two days, maybe the main force will arrive. By then, hehehehe.

In the early morning of the next day, a strong smell of mutton wafted from the bandit camp, and the smell spread out with the wind, until it spread to the positions guarded by the soldiers of the Independent Brigade.

Oh, it smells so good to me, the soldiers on the battlefield were drooling, stretching their necks to look in the direction of the bandit camp. Although they knew they couldn't see anything, they just couldn't control their heads. It was as if I really saw the flames adding to the finger meat that was turned over in the cauldron.

"What do you mean? The bandits stew meat at home early in the morning? What do you want to do?" A little soldier asked their squad leader confusedly.

The squad leader secretly swallowed his saliva, stretched out his hand and shuddered on the little soldier's head: "What do you mean you don't understand? The bandits can't beat us, so they want to use this method to slander you to death, understand?"

Of course, what the squad leader said was nonsense, but senior commanders such as Li Yong and Wang Chengde didn't think things were so simple. Not only was the People's Liberation Army Independent Brigade marching a long distance, but the bandits who attacked Yiwu also came from afar. They are all facing the same problem, and the logistical pressure is not small.

The bandits, who were also under logistical pressure, uncharacteristically killed sheep and boiled meat in the morning. What did they want to do?Li Yong turned around and asked political commissar Wang Chengde's opinion: "Old Wang, what do you think of this issue?"

Wang Chengde snorted: "Hmph, it's nothing complicated. The bandits are putting all their eggs in one basket. They will fight us to the death after eating and drinking enough."

Li Yong nodded, the hero saw the same thing, the two thought of going together, yesterday was just a tentative attack by the bandits, it seems that the one who came today is the real guy.

"Order the troops to prepare for battle, order the first infantry battalion, reconnaissance battalion, and cavalry battalion to be ready for reinforcements at any time, order the supply battalion, and order the ammunition needed for the front line to be ready as soon as the battle starts, order the tank battalion and Artillery Battalion ready for attack."

Li Yong is making foolproof preparations. Judging from the signs, the attack intensity of the bandits today will definitely exceed that of the first day. To be sure, the first battalion, the reconnaissance battalion and the cavalry battalion that have no combat missions for the time being are organized to form a group. A strong tactical reserve force is easy to use once the front line is tight.

While the garrison troops of the Independent Brigade were preparing, there was also a tense scene at the starting point of the bandits outside Yiwu. The bandit leader Usman was gnashing his teeth and doing his battle mobilization:

"Brothers, the Communist Army in Yiwu City has only a few thousand people, while we have 10,000+ people. The firepower and landmines of the Communist Army yesterday brought us certain losses and taught us a lesson. Today, we must Assault the positions of the communist army by taking turns. As long as one person can charge up, we will be victorious. Brothers, today is the most critical day, and it is also the day that determines our victory, defeat, and destiny. Xinjiang will no longer be our world, we will lose our cattle and sheep, our wives (wife), and everything else. They talk about communism and wives, and they will share yours Property, share your wives, share everything with you, we can only continue to be the masters of Xinjiang if we win, brothers, for our prairie, for all these, let us dedicate our lives! Bless you, I children."

The words were very inspiring, and most of the bandits really didn't know or understand the policy of the People's Liberation Army. In their view, Usman was their King Khan, and what he said was true.

When agitating, he was full of reason, but his tactics were not so benevolent. Usman, who had finished mobilizing for battle, ordered his son Sheldman viciously to form a supervising brigade, and those who dared to retreat would be killed without mercy.

The independent brigade had breakfast like the bandits, and the quality of the food was good, but it couldn’t compare to the delicious mutton served by the bandits. The soldiers scolded as they ate: “Damn, beat the bandits to death quickly, let’s It’s better to grab all their food in the past, I haven’t eaten finger meat for a long time.”

The soldiers are telling the truth. The food in the Independent Brigade is pretty good, but they haven’t eaten meat for a long time. The troops have not seized anything in the past few months. The inventory of the supply camp, such as canned food, must be kept at the most critical time. In general, what we usually eat is the food distributed by the superiors, but in the [-]s, in Xinjiang, where the transportation in the northwest was inconvenient, you can know what the food and supplies distributed by the army are like, especially in the basics. A very thin field.

When the Independent Brigade fought against the Central Army before, every battle, big or small, had a very good harvest. The soldiers were also used to calling Chiang Kai-shek the captain of the transport brigade, but the later situation made the troops feel more and more aggrieved. In the future, the Central Army will fight against the Northwest Second Horse Team. Although the combat effectiveness of this Second Horse Team is no worse than that of the Central Army, they are not as wealthy as the Central Army. After several battles, the Independent Brigade has not captured a single hair, but just fished. Order the war horses, but the war horses have been transferred to the brother troops by the superiors again, so the independent brigade is busy in vain.

At any rate, the two horses in the Northwest were wiped out, the three provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, and Shaanxi were liberated, and the troops continued to enter Xinjiang to suppress bandits. Poor, some bandits are not even fully equipped with rifles, and basically no troops have been captured. This makes it very difficult for the independent brigade to take advantage of every battle. In the words of the soldiers: "His grandma's, We have to grab something anyway."

Just as the soldiers were about to snatch food from the bandits, there was a thunderous boom from a distance, boom, boom, and the sound was getting closer.

The commander on the ground picked up the binoculars in his hand and saw a black line drawn out by the cavalry of the bandit brigade. Wu Yaya couldn't tell how many people there were, and the striker sprinted with all his strength as a skirmisher.

The official attack of the bandits has begun, and their posture is much more fierce than yesterday. They put on a desperate look, and the smoke and dust raised by thousands of horseshoes are rolled up more than ten meters high. Looking at it, the bandits The cavalry is like a goblin coming from the clouds, with its teeth and claws, and pounces on the ground.

The formation is very powerful, the scene is very bluffing, are the soldiers afraid?Of course not, if you are afraid of fighting bandits, what is the hard-core unit of the field army, what is the hero brigade? Li Yong called his soldiers loudly on the walkie-talkie: "The bandits are coming up, comrades, are you ready?" (unfinished to be continued..)

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