() Yao Lebosi was secretly ruthless, he hated himself, hated himself for being incompetent, because of what?It is because his own strength is too small, why should Usman be the commander? Isn't it because he has seven or eight thousand elites under his command? face?It is entirely possible for the commander-in-chief to do it alone. At that time, he was the real king of Xin Jiang.

How can he, Wu Siman, a bandit-born idiot, compare himself to himself. He used to be an official in the national government, an official appointed by the president and the government, and a educated person with a background in education. Why would he listen to others at critical times? , because there are few soldiers in hand.

After Yao Lebosi made up his mind, he must develop his own strength, but at this stage, he had to use Usman, his thoughts and plans had to be kept in his heart, and he had to be persuaded by the commander and commander in short, to persuade Usman Fully dispel the mentality of fighting recklessly with the People's Liberation Army.

A force wanted to fight, and a force wanted to retreat. Just as Usman was hesitating, several bandit guards ran in quickly: "Report to the commander, there is a situation, we have seen the eldest lady." ..

"What? I saw Missy, where is she?"

"Reporting to the commander, it was on the ground of the Communist army, escorted by several soldiers of the Communist army, and a few of the girls' personal servants were all pushed out, and the Communist army kept talking and talking..... "

"What else to say."

"Report to the commander, several soldiers of the communist army are yelling through loudspeakers, saying that we are all cowards, and they are going to shoot Missy right away."

Wu Simanteng stood up immediately, and walked out in three steps in two steps, bringing a lot of guards and leaders.

Yao Lebosi and his wife Feng Mengli glanced at each other, there was nothing they could do, since Usman had left, we followed.But be careful not to be bombarded, so many people are crowded together, if the artillery of the Communist Army finds out, it will be broken, and it may be reimbursed after the artillery fire.

It is reasonable for Feng Mengli and Yao Lebosi to think this way. They believe that the secret agents of the military command will not be confused about this point. The weapons and equipment of the du li brigade are semi-public things. Everything is clear when you pull it out, there is no way to cover tanks and artillery, so.Feng Mengli's information can't be faked. The communist army in the city must have heavy artillery and tanks, but they haven't used them. This is one of the reasons why they insisted on retreating.

Was it Yilier who was pushed to the battlefield by the soldiers and shouted to be shot?And indeed.Why do soldiers do this?The Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army have never done such a thing, and of course the soldiers didn't want to do it.In fact, it is a bit embarrassing for the soldiers to do this when they are idle.But there was an order that had to be carried out, and it was the brigade commander Li Yong who came up with this trick. Brigadier Li Yong was not afraid of embarrassment, as long as he could solve the problem.

On the second day of the fight with the bandits, Li Yong felt something was wrong. Not only did he not launch an attack all afternoon, but he still didn't see any major movements in the morning of the third day.Only bandits were carrying out harassment-like attacks near the Beishan position, but it was only harassment in nature.

This made Li Yong very guilty, the bandits are not fools, you can know it with your ass.The large forces of the People's Liberation Army must be rushing towards the Yiwu theater at full speed, and there is not much time left for them, but what is the idea of ​​not launching an attack within the limited time?

After thinking about it, Li Yong, Wang Chengde and the staff of the brigade found the situation to be almost the same. The reason why the bandits did not attack was that they had lost the confidence to continue fighting during the two-day attack, and there were signs and possibilities of escape.

"Brigade Commander, let's fight hard to frighten the bandits." This is the opinion of the brigade commander.

"Damn it, that's called beating hard. I still have several main battalions that I haven't used, and they want to run away without using any means? It's too embarrassing." Li Yong muttered cursingly in the brigade headquarters. with.

Whispering back to muttering, we still have to think about the solution, and we have to think about it quickly. Before departure, the Corps and the Xin Jiang Military Region gave the du li brigade the task of attracting and entangled Usman and the Yaolebosi gang in this area, waiting for the main force Encircle and then gather and annihilate.

Judging from the current indications, the situation is imminent, and the bandits have plans to retreat. Once the bandits run away now, the plans made by the military region and the Party Committee of the Corps will come to nothing, and the task of the du li brigade will not be completed.

"Li Jia, where is the main force?" Li Yong asked anxiously.

The connection between the du li brigade and the main force has never been interrupted. Li Yong knows that the large force is on its way with all its strength, but he doesn't know where it is now.

"I just contacted. The troops are marching rapidly. According to the calculation of the main force, there are still more than 60 kilometers left." Li Jia answered Li Yong's question very clearly.

More than 60 kilometers, marching on foot in the Great Gobi, that is a one-day trip. It has to be said that the troops of the People's Liberation Army have such a speed. If it is other troops traveling so fast, it would have been lax. That is to say, du The li brigade must keep the bandits entangled in the Yiwu area for at least one day.

How to entangle?It took a lot of thinking. With the current strength of the du li brigade, regardless of the number of bandits, it would not be a problem to defeat or defeat them. The difficulty is how to wipe them all out.

The bandits in Xinjiang are different from those in the mainland. They have a large number of horses to ride, which forms a completely different method of warfare and tactics from the mainland. If the li brigade uses all its power, it will definitely scare the bandits away. By then, 10,000+ bandits will run all over the mountains and plains. How can they catch and eliminate them? No matter how powerful the du li brigade is, there are only more than 1 people. There is no way for more than 1 people to surround 10,000+ bandits with horses.

This is the problem. It is easy to defeat the bandits. The bandits have arms and legs. If they really want to run, who can stop them, but according to the mission requirements of the du li brigade, the bandits must be kept in this area. What should we do?

The bandits have their own characteristics, they run away if they cannot be beaten, and it is difficult to catch up if they run away. The maneuverability of the du li brigade is indeed very good, but with a force of more than 1 troops, they can only annihilate them at best.

What method can be used to keep the bandits from running away?Li Yong was thinking of a way all the time, if he didn't want to run away, he had to let the bandits and the du li brigade fight. It couldn't be like now, the two teams confronted each other outside the city, and then waited for the main force of the People's Liberation Army to encircle them. There are no such stupid bandits in the whole world, so if you want to prevent the bandits from slipping away from this area, you must mobilize two armies.

Li Yong, who had been thinking about it, finally came up with a crooked move, yes, isn't Usman's eldest daughter Yilier still in his hands, so he used this female bandit as a pawn to test Usman's endurance .

That's why the soldiers took Yilier out of custody, escorted her to the camp for public display, and threatened to shoot her to death.

Yilier is a very stubborn female bandit. After she was caught, Li Yong interrogated her several times, hoping to find something useful from her, but this female bandit leader was very stubborn. It is better for her to die early, and she can see Allah when she dies.

After a few times, Li Yong also lost confidence in interrogating Yilier. According to Li Yong's thinking, it would be best to shoot such a stubborn bandit, once and for all, and solve the problem completely. use.

It was still under the obstruction of the political commissar Wang Chengde that Li Yong did not shoot Yilier. Wang Chengde explained to Li Yong that Yilier was a well-known bandit leader. It is up to the superior to decide whether to kill or not to kill. Let's watch it first, and when the battle is over, it will be considered as completing the task. As for how the superior considers it, it is the superior's problem, which has nothing to do with our du li brigade.

Wang Chengde's method is indeed good. It takes all aspects into consideration and does not affect the policy. However, there is one thing that Wang Chengde has not considered. Everything is possible.

Li Yong had a very bad impression of bandits. According to his thinking, all bandits had the crime of being shot several times, especially the bandits in Xin Jiang area. Their methods of committing crimes were very cruel. The people who have been disturbed by them are in dire straits. Some grass-roots county and township government staff were killed, raped, robbed, men were disemboweled, and female staff members were stripped and tied to the tail of a horse and dragged to death. Such crimes are hard to describe. In order to solve the food problem of the troops, the grassroots government has also sent many work teams, and these work teams with weak armed forces have also become their targets. Many team members were killed by bandits, such as If Captain Zhang and the team members who came to Yiwu to form the county government were not protected by the two platoons sent by the first battalion, the consequences would have been dire.

Based on the above reasons, Li Yong doesn't have a good opinion of bandit leaders like Yi Lier. If there is no chance, let's just kill them. No matter what kind of man or woman they are, they will be wiped out. Brigadier Li's philosophy is that he wants to be a bandit and kill people. You must have the consciousness of being killed.

Since there is nothing to ask, and Li Yong has no intention of extorting a confession by torture, let this female thug also use her residual heat, drag her to the battlefield, and let his old man Wu Siman have a look, if he wants to save him, he will rush to attack , as long as there is a fight, the bandits will naturally be unable to withdraw.

In this way, the female bandit leader Yilier and her personal guards or girls were pulled to the position by the soldiers, and then they shouted in the direction of the bandits with their special big iron horns, what are they shouting?Li Yong's task for the soldiers is, as long as it can make the bandits on the opposite side angry, you can control what you shout, and you can't curse?You he nainai's. (Thank you for your support and tickets) (to be continued...)

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