The beacon of youth

Chapter 660 Red Willow Canyon

A not-so-large room was full of people. They all knew that the brigade commander was easy to talk, so when Li Yong wanted to interrogate the prisoners, a few more people squeezed in.

There was a group of women standing in the front, these women were the bodyguards of the former gangster Yilier, but this is all gone, the object of their allegiance was buried in an inconspicuous hill a few days ago Here, like those ordinary bandit corpses, they became the nourishment of the earth.

Li Yong inspected it carefully, and found that these confidantes of the eldest ladies who used to be the leaders in the bandit team no longer had the arrogance of the past, their hair was not combed, their braids were not washed, and their faces were dusty.

Damn, they didn't starve them, but it took only a few days to make it look like this.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. I don’t know the future, I don’t know the fate, I don’t know whether I will live or die. I live in fear all day long. Of course, my mental state will not get better. I can’t even figure out whether I should die. Who can care about combing their hair and washing their faces? .

Li Yong didn't talk too much nonsense, and he didn't want to explain any principles and policies to them. To deal with bandits, sometimes the most direct method is the most effective:

"Listen up, you guys. If you want to save your life, answer my questions honestly. Do you want to die? I'll ask someone to drag you out and shoot you right away. You don't have to wait a second. Killing you is easier than killing chickens. "

After a call, I don't know if these women can understand, Li Yong asked someone to translate it again, but the standing women are still silent, are they stupid or confused?

Brigadier Li Da did not have such rules when interrogating the captives. Anyone who wanted to watch was welcome. Driven by curiosity, San Niu and Xiao Cheng from the brigade also stood aside to watch.

Although Sanniu and Xiaocheng are young, they are both old men from the Independent Brigade, and they are veterans who have been recruited since the establishment of the spy company.They have a lot of qualifications, these two boys are also Li Yong's die-hard supporters, to use the modern term - hardcore fans.

The brigade commander dare not answer the question?Damn you, didn't you have a long life? These two boys took out the spirit of being Li Yong's guards before, walked behind a few female prisoners, and kicked them hard on their hind legs. .

"What about you, what's the point of pretending to be a prisoner, and answer the brigade commander's questions well."

Sanniu and Xiaocheng were wearing suede combat boots, which gave them a lot of energy.These two boys didn't have any intention of pity and pity. The women were kicked and kneeled on the ground with their legs bent.

Changing from standing to kneeling, the way the Independent Brigade interrogates the captives is also different from other PLA units, but the people in the room seem to be used to it.Only the guard company commander Li Jia's petite heart still trembled a few times, and Li Jia thought about it.Dayong and his gang are really ruthless.He is full of enthusiasm for his comrades, but he is merciless towards the enemy and prisoners. Hey, I think I was shot by this guy at the beginning, and I am really scared when I think about it.

Li Jia and Li Yong were serious in front of everyone, shouting at each other.But subconsciously just now, the brigade commander was replaced by Dayong. Who knows what this girl is thinking, anyway, it's hard to guess what a woman is thinking.

In order for the captives to tell the truth, their psychological defenses must first be destroyed.Brigadier Li Da appreciated Sanniu and Xiaocheng's approach very much. It is still easy for old people to use. Now the guards around him are much worse than Xiaocheng and Sanniu. These kicks are just as they were intended. Anyway, the political commissar is not in front of him. Let them kneel down and answer, and let the female bandits understand that in the eyes of the People's Liberation Army, bandits are pheasants and wild dogs that can be pulled out and killed at any time.

The troops of the People's Liberation Army are disciplined, and torturing prisoners violates regulations. Of course, political commissar Wang Chengde disagrees with them, but the premise is that the political commissar is not in front of him.

After being kicked by Sanniu and Xiaocheng a few times, it seemed that these women were kicked back to reality from the illusion, and one of them replied: "Sir—sir, commander of the army, we will explain all the problems."

Li Yong grinned, what the heck, doesn't he understand Mandarin? It was called Hanhua or Mandarin at the time, so he really didn't want to drink a toast, and he was fined.

Now that it is easy to speak, Brigadier Li asked a lot of messy questions, but there is only one core idea, where is the bandit's lair, this is the key link of the whole interrogation.

Li Yong believes that on the vast land of Xinjiang, bandits come and go with whistling whistles, their whereabouts are erratic, and it is very difficult for large troops to chase them down, but this does not mean that bandits have no weaknesses. Forever riding on a war horse, you need to rest.

Li Yong thought about the problem on the basis of comparing himself, which is called empathy. Li Yong pondered over and over again, the tactics of the Xinjiang bandits are somewhat similar to the Eighth Route Army guerrillas back then. Victory depends on what?

Of course, having an indomitable will to fight, having a strong guerrilla tactical thinking, and having advanced political and ideological work are all one of the conditions, but there is another condition that cannot be ignored, that is, the Eighth Route Army guerrillas have their own base areas. , With the support of the masses of the people in the base areas, this allows the troops to have logistical support and a steady stream of soldiers. Without the support of the base areas, the Eighth Route Army guerrillas will become water without sources and trees without roots, and they will not be able to achieve a great climate.

It is precisely because of such considerations that Li Yong believes that the bandits must have a lair that has not been discovered by outsiders. This lair can allow them to go back to recuperate when they are tired, and can heal their injuries when they are injured. Energy, ready for the next robbery, but where is the lair of this bandit?This is the main purpose of interrogating several close female bandits.

After a big search, not counting the gains of the main force of the bandit suppression force, the Independent Brigade itself captured many prisoners in the wilderness, but these prisoners were all peripheral members of the Usman gang. To put it bluntly, they were captured by Usman They are used as cannon fodder, and there is nothing valuable to be found from them. Therefore, Li Yong finally decided to focus on the guards of Yilier. These women are Us The direct lineage of the full lineage of the bandit gang.

As the eldest lady's personal girl, wouldn't she not even know the bandit's lair?Li Yong's method of interrogating the captives is very simple. If you say something, you can live;

The female captives who were caught had a deep impression of Li Yong, and shot their young lady to pieces, how could they not have a deep impression!They also knew that this young PLA officer did not lie to them, saying that he would definitely do so if he wanted to be dragged out and shot. Without Yilier, under the threat of death, they succumbed.

"Grand Army Commander (the customary name for the People's Liberation Army's large troops in remote areas at that time), we all talk about it."

Li Yong was very satisfied with the captives' answers. Isn't that right? What good is there to be tough? After careful interrogation, I really got a lot of useful things from these women. For example, the captives were interrogating In the book, a place name was repeatedly mentioned-Hongliu Canyon.

Where is Red Willow Canyon?Why do captives mention this repeatedly.

Hongliu Canyon is a natural pasture in the northeast of the Barkol Grassland. Every spring and summer, the water and grass are very lush. It is a paradise-like place that the shepherds dream of.

There is a stream between the two high mountains. Due to the effect of the water flow, after countless years of rainwater erosion, an impact plain has been formed in the middle of the two high mountains. Water is the source of life. With sufficient water source for irrigation, it is only in the great desert. The hinterland has formed a natural pasture like a paradise.

This is a large piece of lush water and grass land, a rare oasis in the desert, and a legacy left to mankind by our ancestors and nature. In addition to the lush water plants, there are many well-growing red willows in the canyon, hence the name Red Willow Canyon. .

After conflicts with the Mongolian tribes in the early years, Usman took the Kazakhs to wander around, and found this natural ranch in the desert by accident. When Usman found the Hongliuxia Ranch, he was so excited that he Most of the subordinates are family members, and it is not easy to fight. With the Red Willow Canyon Ranch, their worries about the future are solved.

Since discovering this large pasture favored by the heavens, Usman has brought the entire tribe back here, and regards Hongliuxia as his old nest and natural base. With this large base and fertile water and grass land, With countless flocks, Usman's tribe quickly recovered.

Hongliu Canyon is located in the hinterland of the great desert, and the vast desert is its natural barrier. The great desert with the title of the sea of ​​death has become the patron saint of the tribe.

From then on, Usman placed his family members here, let them graze cattle and sheep, and then led the young and strong people to haunt the desert and the Gobi, or rob business trips, or go out to fight in the desert, and only returned to Red Willow when he was resting. gorge.

Hey, Li Yong slapped the table fiercely. It turns out there is such a good place. If the captive didn't tell me, who would have thought of it?No wonder the pursuit and suppression troops of the People's Liberation Army have repeatedly failed, and this is the reason.

This is like a very solid rear base. The bandits rode horses to rob everywhere. They ran away when they encountered a strong enemy, and they attacked weak opponents recklessly. There was nothing to worry about. They were tired and injured. , If you are tired, you can go back to recuperate. What a fucking good place.

However, of course, one cannot listen to the captive's side story. After the interrogation, Li Yong immediately called the reconnaissance battalion commander Zhang Jinsong and the cavalry battalion commander from the Fifth Army, and told them about the interrogation of the captive.

The cavalry battalion commander of the fifth army was called here because the soldiers of the fifth army are all locals and are familiar with the geography. Cooperating with the reconnaissance battalion is beneficial to completing the task that Li Yong will entrust to them.

Thank you old guys for your tickets and rewards, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and I will eat mooncakes with you. (to be continued..)

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