The beacon of youth

Chapter 664 Please correct me

Since everyone wants the two chief officers of the Independent Brigade to express their opinions, let’s say so. It’s not the first time that Li Yong has been in the limelight on such occasions:

"Our brigade's opinion is to take advantage of the special geographical conditions of Hongliu Gorge to formulate an action plan to wait for rabbits to put strong pressure on the wandering bandits outside, so that they have to go back to rest, and our troops stationed there Waiting in Hongliu Gorge, catch him by surprise."

Li Yong's action plan was formulated based on the characteristics of both the enemy and us at the time. The advantage of bandits is that they can run fast. The advantage is our advantage, change from passive to active, since we can't run away from the bandits, let's not run, let them take the bait automatically.

Commander Luo Yuanfa and Chief of Staff Chen Haihan nodded frequently, and Chief of Staff Chen Haihan whispered to Commander Luo: "I know why the Commander likes him, he is capable, or sometime our Sixth Army will train a young Come out? Don’t get involved with their second army?? Don’t let them take up all the good things.”

Commander Luo Yuanfa knew that Chief of Staff Chen was deliberately joking with him, so he didn't bother to answer, so he made a concluding speech as if he hadn't heard it, which meant to formulate a complete combat plan with the opinions of the independent brigade as the core, and supplement the details .

Li Yong and Wang Chengde only proposed a specific direction of action at the meeting. There are still many details that need to be implemented. Pressure, but how to put pressure on the bandits?It is not something that can be done with words. It requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and the troops need to make specific actions.It has to be felt by the bandits.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and the final plan came out:

First, the large army will immediately begin to suppress the bandits. Even if they cannot catch them, they must be frightened, and the bandits must be made to feel great pressure.

Second, send a capable army across the desert to reach the Red Willow Canyon in advance, control the base camp of the Usman gang, and seal the news tightly.Wait until Usman and his men return before making a sudden move.

Chief of Staff Chen Haihan pointed to the wall chart on the wall and explained the key points to everyone. There are two key issues:

One is that the frontal pursuit and suppression troops must fight hard, and they must be serious, and they must really fight and chase.Tell the soldiers not to be afraid of hard work, not to be afraid of fatigue.Even if one more bandit is caught, it is a victory.If the bandits are not hurt, they will not go back to repair.

The second is that the interspersed troops must be a very tenacious army. They not only have to cross the desert known as the sea of ​​​​death, but also face the frenzied attacks of bandits. The bandits in Xinjiang have a strong revenge mentality.Knowing that the old nest is destroyed must be desperate, so what kind of troops to choose to fight and intersperse has become the key to the key.

Chief of Staff Chen Haihan is the Chief of Staff of the Sixth Army in charge of operations, and he is also a well-known commander in the entire field army.With quick thinking, rich combat experience, and vicious vision, he immediately pointed out the key points of the plan.

The bandit suppression force is going to be divided into two, who will intersperse?Which army is going to complete such a task?Commander Luo and Chief of Staff Chen turned their eyes to the commanders of dozens of divisions who were sitting there.

Wow, almost every commander raised their hands, dozens of arms swayed, they all wanted to win this task, and they all wanted to be interspersed troops.

During the war years, in our PLA troops, it is a fool not to grab a task. The more difficult the better, the more dangerous the task, the more you like it, the more credit you can make after the war. That was the atmosphere at that time. This is a very important issue in the People’s Army common phenomenon.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde raised their hands high like everyone else, and asked the Independent Brigade to complete this task, but no matter how high their mother's hands were raised, they were raised together with dozens of people, and the two chiefs who made the decision Can you see it? Why does it feel a bit overwhelming.

The troops sent to suppress the bandits are all elite divisions drawn from the First Field Army. Each division has its own glory, and they are extremely confident when fighting. Although these commanders are usually very modest, once it comes to the troops All honors are merciless, and the fight must be fought.

Army Commander Luo Yuanfa and Chief of Staff Chen Haihan looked at each other. Although they have already had a secret plan, they can't just go their own way. The choice of troops to complete the task must be convinced by everyone, and the superiors should be more reasonable.

Chief of Staff Chen still spoke. The chief of staff has a very important role in the combat meeting:

"There is only one mission, and you can send anyone to it. I believe you can complete the mission, but I want to hear your opinions on who is the most suitable one, talk about your strengths and plans, and choose the best one."

Yeah, Chief of Staff Chen's opinion is obvious, want to go?Yes, take out the plan, and whoever has the best plan will implement it.

Dozens of division commanders spoke next to each other, talking about how excellent their troops are, how brave their soldiers are, and how the reasons are sufficient. They talked in a hype, as if they couldn't do it if they didn't go to this mission. It's the same as it's done. At this time, no one will give you anything. The Big Brother army doesn't look like it at all.

In such a situation, the two chief officers of the Independent Brigade could only wait, because juniors like Li Yong and Wang Chengde could only wait for others to state their reasons, and there was nothing they could do in a hurry. things.

The two commanders of the independent brigade who came to the meeting sat in the corner and watched the excitement. While organizing the language, Li Yong also thought of crooked ideas from time to time. Hmph, I know you are old, you have participated in the revolution for a long time, and you are bullying our independent brigade. Is it a newly formed force?Hmph, we also have old revolutionaries. When we meet again that day, we will bring old Yang from our brigade here to compete with them.

Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, is a very old veteran of the Red Army. If you bring them here, you can really compete with these guys. When Li Yong was thinking of a way, the speeches of other troops were almost over. Chief of Staff Chen Haihan Pointing to Li Yong's nose and shouting:

"Hey, what are you two guys thinking about? Are you asleep? After everyone else has finished talking, tell me your reasons."

Li Yong stood up steadily: "Report to the Chief of Staff, am I waiting for the impassioned speeches of the leaders, and I am encouraging them."

The boy Li Yong's tone is not quite right. Everyone present is a smart person. When you think about it, you can understand what's going on. I know that it was the speech just now that bullied the two young men from the Independent Brigade. These two guys Is not satisfied.

Commander Luo and Chief of Staff Chen also found it a little funny, what do you think?If Li Yong and Wang Chengde were company-level cadres in an ordinary army, no one here could take them as dishes, but now, Chief of Staff Chen’s plan has not been implemented yet, who can finally grab the task? must.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me the reason for your independent brigade, the reason is sufficient, and you have a share in the mission."

Since this is the case, let's not be polite, Li Yong cleared up the thinking in his head, and then said a reason:

"Masters, I would like to talk about the difficulty of this mission first."

At the beginning, I would like to talk about the chiefs. Li Yong deliberately wanted to tease these seniors who rushed to the task, because their positions were not as high as Li Yong and Wang Chengde, and the chiefs were a little messy.

The commander of the Big Brother army didn't understand something, but he could only listen first. If he wanted to deal with these two boys, he had to finish the meeting and then listen first.

First, the troops had to run for a long distance. Hongliu Canyon is located in the hinterland of the great desert, which is quite a distance from the area where we are stationed.

Second, to cross the desert, the climate in the desert is not normal, the necessary logistical supplies are very important, sufficient water and food must be prepared,

Third, there must be powerful firepower equipment. An interspersed force must not only penetrate in, but also be able to keep a close eye on it. It must withstand the crazy attacks of bandits. It cannot be released, otherwise it will be an empty joy, and if it is not done well, it will cause heavy casualties to the troops.

The above points are the difficulties I mentioned. Next, I will talk about the advantages of our independent brigade.

First, our brigade of more than [-] people has fully realized mechanized marching. The mobility of the troops is very fast, and the distance of several hundred kilometers is not a problem.

Second, our brigade has an independent supply unit. There is a large supply battalion of nearly 2000 people, plus a large number of trucks accompanying it. The amount of food, ammunition and drinking water carried is much stronger than that of ordinary troops.

Third, the firepower of our independent brigade can completely make the bandits lose their confidence in attacking. In addition to the five infantry combat battalions and reconnaissance battalions in the ten battalions, there are also heavy artillery battalions, tank battalions, anti-aircraft machine gun battalions, and the fifth army. A cavalry battalion that came over (a platoon of Ma and Muti was too small, so Li Yong didn't mention it), was able to deal with various difficulties independently.

One last point, the Hongliuxia Ranch has been discovered by our reconnaissance troops. The reconnaissance battalion and the cavalry battalion went back and forth. They are more familiar with the marching route in the desert than other troops. The complete marching route map has been drawn. A reconnaissance platoon They are still staying there for surveillance. Based on the above points, I think it is most appropriate for our independent brigade to complete the interspersed mission. Please correct me, leaders.

First point out the difficulties in completing the task, and then explain his own strengths. Li Yong did not behave modestly with his brother troops like before, but revealed his family background. I just run fast, I am strong in firepower, and I am logistics Sufficient supplies, you want to go if there is a law.

Wow, the conference room is in chaos again. The dozens of senior commanders here have everything to say, and some say, damn it, it seems like they belong to the brigade when this kid says it. Correct me, correct me Shit.

Thank you guys for your support to Laoba, many "likes", Laoba has seen it. (To be continued..)

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