In order to put more pressure on the bandits, the chasing and suppressing troops let go of their hands and feet, and the head office also made up their minds, ordering the only two cavalry regiments in the Xinjiang troops, who can match the speed of the bandits, to attack. Don't be afraid of casualties. To rush up, let the bandits feel that the People's Liberation Army also has troops fighting with them.

Commander Luo's method is not complicated. When he finds signs of bandits, he will order the cavalry to go up and entangle them, and then the large troops will chase after them. Of course, they will entangle the enemy within the range of their own artillery.

After coming and going, the bandits hated these two PLA cavalry regiments who could run as fast as them.

It was another sunny day with bright sunshine, but another quarrel broke out in the camp of the Usman gang. It was a dispute between the leader of the bandit, Usman, and the number two, Yao Lebosi.

There were only two voices in the large tent, and when the number one and number two had an argument, others could only listen to it. Yao Lebosi’s opinion was that the team’s goal of concentrating on everything was too big, and they should be quickly broken up into parts. Just like how the Communist Eighth Route Army dealt with the Japanese back then, they hid their strength among the common people, in the Gobi Desert, and in the endless prairie, so as to prevent the team from being overwhelmed by the People's Liberation Army.

Usman's opinion is that the team must not be separated. Once the forces are separated, they will no longer have the ability to challenge the PLA. It is easy to disperse and difficult to concentrate. The strength of the 10,000+ bandits was concentrated, but these 10,000+ people only competed with the People's Liberation Army for a few days before they fell apart, and less than half of them could come back after being dispersed. The method of zero is extremely undesirable, and it is disturbing the morale of the army.

The dogs of the two gangsters who were leading the fight bit and quarreled.No one can convince anyone, and in the end, strength is the top priority, and Usman's opinion prevailed. No matter what, most bandits still act according to Usman's face, and Usman's elite forces have not been affected too much. In terms of loss, Yao Lebosi's right to speak is not as good as Usman.

Yao Lebosi left angrily, and took his wife Feng Mengli back to his big tent. When this guy entered the tent, he cursed:

"This old bandit, this idiot. Really think he can wrestle with the large troops of the People's Liberation Army?

Chiang Kai-shek's millions of troops have been defeated. With these tens of thousands of mobs, can he compete with the Communist Party for the world?How stupid. "

Feng Mengli had no choice but to comfort: "Sir, don't be angry. No matter how stupid Usman is, we must remember this lesson. Strength is the prerequisite. If Usman doesn't have seven or eight thousand elite men, why should he be the king of Kazakhs. Why do you become the commander-in-chief of appeasement in Xinjiang? Isn’t it because some of his subordinates have guns. If you want to have the final say on this land, the barrel of the gun is the root of everything.”

Yao Lebosi deeply agrees with Feng Mengli's opinion that developing one's own strength is the solution to the problem, but in the current environment, developing strength cannot be achieved in a day and a half, so.You can't get too stiff with Usman.

At present, there are more than 6 bandits under the banner of Usman. Most of these 6 people are die-hard loyalists.

Yao Lebosi was very resentful, and Usman was also very dissatisfied with him, the so-called chairman of the Xinjiang government.With Wu Siman's mentality of being a bandit all the time, he can only have his own voice in the bandit camp, and any government chairman, bullshit, must be under his leadership.

The eldest young master Sheldman suggested to his father in a low voice: "Father, Yao Lebosi is too shameless. There are only more than 2000 people who dare to fight for power with us. You give me an order, and I will take someone to do it tonight." , Eat up more than 2000 of his horses, what do you think?"

Wu Siman glared: "Stupid, Yao Lebosi is the chairman of Taiwan's government. If you kill him, how will you explain to Taiwan and the United States? Another point, once you kill him, what will happen to his wife, Feng Mengli? Feng Mengli has radio stations in direct contact with Taiwan and the United States, if they are all killed, how can we contact external forces? You have to think about this carefully, Yao Lebosi is still useful to us now, so we can’t kill them.”

Seeing that Usman disagreed with his opinion, Sheldman was a little anxious: "Father, some people in the team agree with Yao Lebosi's idea. They think that the People's Liberation Army has been chasing too fast recently, so it's better to disperse the retired troops, just like As in the past, use small units to deal with the People's Liberation Army."

"They're all a group of wimps who were scared out of their wits by the communist army. They didn't even see how many people the communist army could catch up with, they just ran away. I observed it these days, and the communist army caught up with the most people. It's just a few thousand people, can a few thousand people eat us up? What else are we doing, waste."

"Father, what do you think we should do?"

"I've thought about it a long time ago. It's not an option to keep running. We have to find a way to kill the communist army and let them know how powerful our warriors are on the prairie. Eat thousands of cavalry from the communist army. See What else do they use to chase us?"

Compared with the People's Liberation Army's pursuit troops, the biggest advantage of the bandits is that they are all cavalry. After decades of being the bandit leader, Usman still has a certain ability to observe. This guy is very keenly aware of the People's Liberation Army's pursuit troops The number of cavalry is not large, and it is mainly the thousands of cavalry of the People's Liberation Army that can pose a threat to them. This is one of the main reasons why Yao Lebosi must disperse the team.

The enemy and the enemy once again started a battle of wits and courage. The pursuit troops of the People's Liberation Army wanted to use the speed of the cavalry to delay the main force of the bandits in the battle, and then surrounded and wiped them all out. In one battle, a small number of cavalry units of the People's Liberation Army were eaten up, creating conditions for future guerrilla operations.

Usman's idea cannot be said to be wrong. Once the cavalry of the People's Liberation Army is eaten up, the threat posed to him by the pursuit troops marching on foot will be much smaller. But the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Still underestimated the tactical level of PLA Commander Luo Yuanfa and Chief of Staff Chen Haihan.

On this day, the cavalry of the People's Liberation Army rushed up when they saw the shadow of the bandits. Thousands of soldiers rushed forward screaming. Although the size of the troops was much smaller than that of the bandits, their morale was high.

This is a very common phenomenon. What is fought in a war is morale, and what the PLA troops lack most is the courage to move forward, no matter who the opponent is.

The actions of the People's Liberation Army made Us so angry that he almost gritted his teeth, and he understood it. There are only a few thousand communist troops who have been biting them all day long, entangled them all the way, and the battle has reached this level. , let him put the commander's face somewhere.

"Sheldman, are your men ready?"

"Father, the six thousand elites are all ready, just wait for an order and we will start attacking."

His daughter Yilier died, his nephew Habulibali died, and Usman's most capable general was left with only one son, Sheldman. In order to eat the cavalry of the People's Liberation Army, this old bandit also made up his mind. Let your son personally lead the attack.

6000 to [-] bandits, riding small steps on their horses, were at a distance from the large forces of the People's Liberation Army. Among them, more than [-] were concealed and ambush behind a small hill. They wanted to use sudden movements to eat up a few Thousands of People's Liberation Army cavalry who went forward, everything seemed to be ready, and they were waiting for the troops of the People's Liberation Army to come up.

This is the art of war that Usman learned from the Han people from somewhere, and he said that it is called waiting for work with ease.

Killing a deputy division commander of the People's Liberation Army made Sheldman burst into confidence. He thought that the troops of the People's Liberation Army were nothing more than that, that is, they relied on more people and more guns. Once he had a chance, he could defeat the troops of the People's Liberation Army. Humph , Let this coward like Yao Lebos also see how I, Sheldman, fight the war.

It was getting closer, and the PLA cavalry who were chasing after them were only a few hundred meters away from their hidden hill. The saber gleamed coldly in the sun, and the distance of a few hundred meters was very short for the cavalry.

Sheld violently spit out a mess of chewing grass from his mouth. Spitting out grass is a habit of this guy, and it is a signal to start an attack.

More than 6000 bandits, Bang Long, rushed out, divided into two cavalry teams of 3000 people each, like two black snakes that suddenly emerged, twisting their waists and pounced on them.

Sheldman was indeed one of Usman's go-getters, and he also had a certain way of fighting cavalry. The bandits attacking from the two wings were a threat to the two cavalry regiments of the People's Liberation Army that charged up, or a great threat.

The newly formed cavalry regiments are all young men selected from all levels of troops. Although their riding skills on horseback are average, their courage to fight against the enemy is unparalleled. The bandit's cavalry, and the movements of these two groups of cavalry are from the outflanking of the two wings, so the bandit's intention is understood.

After a few days of fighting, the bandits were anxious. The Usman gang wanted to use a carbine-returning tactic to eat up the two regiments of the People's Liberation Army cavalry.

The two regiment leaders are old bones who have led soldiers in the People's Liberation Army for many years, and they made a judgment in a few seconds.

"Comrades, the bandits want to fight us desperately, rush up, depress the enemy's morale, follow me."

The two cavalry regiments also divided into left and right groups, and went up to the two groups of bandit cavalry.

After the battle has reached this level, everything is false, and both sides have made desperate determinations. Not surprisingly, a fierce battle will break out in a few minutes.

There are more than 3000 people in the two cavalry regiments of the People's Liberation Army, and there are more than 6000 bandits on the left and right.

Thank you old guys, I have to continue to ask for "likes." (To be continued...)

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