The beacon of youth

Chapter 676 The Subdued Women

It felt really good to finally get rid of the pursuit of the People's Liberation Army. Including Usman, [-] to [-] bandits lay all over the ground when they camped in the desert, so tired that they didn't even have the energy to eat.

The temperature in the desert varies greatly, and the temperature at night is still very cold. Only a small number of bandit leaders have tents to keep out the cold, and the rest can only sleep in the open air.

The bandits who grew up in the desert and the Gobi environment had no complaints about all this. They also had their own way. After eating dry food and drinking a few sips of water, they took a piece of felt from the horse's back and wrapped it with their clothes. He wrapped himself tightly, then squeezed into the other side of the horse, and fell asleep relying on the horse's body temperature.

The felt made of wool is an essential tool for living in the wild to keep out the cold and moisture. The bandits wander in the wild all year round. Everyone has one. How long has it been?Whether it was a month or twenty days, they finally fell asleep without chasing soldiers. The bandits who had walked in the desert for a day fell asleep. At this time, even with a knife resting on their necks, they could not wake up.

Tens of thousands of bandits all look like this, snoring loudly in the sandy nest stretching for more than ten miles, this is a manifestation of extreme physical and mental exhaustion, if there is a bandit suppression force that can catch up at this time, it won't take much It is a pity that the pursuit and suppression troops of the People's Liberation Army do not have that ability. Even if they know where the bandits are camped, they cannot encircle them.

After sleeping until the next morning, many bandits who were still sleeping were woken up by their leaders kicking them with riding boots.

Without the People's Liberation Army chasing after them, the enthusiasm immediately relaxed. The bandits who set off again seemed loose and straddled, and the team was getting longer and longer. The bandit leaders at all levels had no good way to deal with all this, including Us full inside.Nor did they deliberately force the gangsters to maintain a high degree of vigilance, because they are safe.

The speed of war horses is much faster than marching on foot, but it is still incomparable with the mechanized troops of cars and armored vehicles. With the old bandits who are familiar with the roads leading the way, the bandit horses walked in the desert for nearly a day, and it took two full days. In the evening, I finally saw the figure of the Hongliuxia Ranch in the distance.

Ah, after running around for so long, I finally saw home again, and the whole bandit team cheered.Especially the six or seven thousand direct descendants who have fought with Usman for many years, tears of joy are about to flow down.

Going out to rob this time is quite different from the past. Not only did they not bring back any valuables, but they also lost part of their manpower.It's good to be able to come back alive, compared with those brothers who died.This satisfies them very much.

A large part of them came out from here.They are Usman's subordinates and clansmen, here are their parents, their wives, their children, and everything they looted.

Mountains, rivers, trees, moist air, and large grasslands made most of the bandits who had never been here very happy. Who would have thought that there would be such a treasure land in the desert.No wonder it turned out that Usman was wandering around with people who were able to appear and disappear without being caught. It turned out that this was the reason.

Usman introduced to the leaders with great enthusiasm: "See, this is our Kazakh paradise and the foundation of our existence. The cattle and sheep in the distance are our property. I promise to let the brothers drink in big bowls." Eat big pieces of meat."

Not to mention, in Usman's sight, I really saw people grazing on the grassland. Although it was approaching evening, most of the shepherds had already driven their flocks home, but there were always some who were too late to return home. The people of the tribe, they also want the flocks to eat the fat pasture before dark, so that they can get more fat.

Is there anyone grazing on the grassland in the distance?Of course there were, but these people were disguised by soldiers from the Reconnaissance Battalion of the Independent Brigade. In order to make the performance more realistic, they also selected some young women from the captive group to sing this big show with them.

Are the captives willing?Among the bandits who came back were their husbands and brothers. The People's Liberation Army was obviously digging a big fire pit for them to jump in! !The hearts of these women who were singled out are bleeding, but there is no other way. As women, what else can they do? The officers of the People's Liberation Army said that if they act honestly and cooperate with the soldiers, they can still survive, otherwise... ………….snort.

What is not mentioned below, but based on the performance of the People's Liberation Army in the past few days, one can imagine the end of non-cooperation,

A young soldier of the People's Liberation Army also told them that they should act honestly with the army, and they can live safely if they perform well. Maybe the leader of the army will show kindness and let them play tricks for the soldiers of the army (wife ), you can also give birth to a lot of children for the army, so that they will be members of the army in the future.

I don't know if what I said is true or not, but it seems to be very good, and I can definitely live as a wife for the soldiers of the army.

Five or so years ago, the status of women in some remote areas of our country was extremely low. They were part of the tribal property and could be plundered by each other. Every woman is the foundation of whether the tribe can become strong, because they will be born Children can have many, many children.

Sometimes, these women are not so serious about who they want to bear children for, and they don’t care much about who they want to bear children for. Women are born to bear children. They worship the strong. In the harsh living environment, only Only the most powerful men can make them live better. The soldiers of the Independent Brigade meet all the conditions of a strong man in their minds, so it is not very difficult to give birth to a child for the army.

It is not surprising that some young women think this way. The Independent Brigade has controlled the Hongliuxia Ranch for several days, and the methods they have shown are very cruel. But thinking about it, the army killed those who wanted to resist and make trouble The one who honestly cooperates is one who is not dead. The women in the ranch account for a large part, but the discipline of the People's Liberation Army is very strict, and they will never do anything to women.

Is there anything wrong with a man who can remain indifferent to a woman who is caught and can do whatever she wants?If the men of their tribe occupy a ranch, can they do what the PLA does?It may have been lying on the belly of a young woman and working hard like a bull.

A woman with such a mentality is very easy to subdue. Under the persuasion of the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion, she cooperated with them and acted with them. Of course, she put on a show for the bandits from a long distance.

Wangshan ran dead horses. Although the shadow of the Hongliuxia Ranch was seen from a distance, it would take some time to get close.

You can see your yurt and your women right away, let them get you a few big pieces of finger meat, the kind with soup and water, and then a few big bowls of kumiss, so you can eat and drink After a good night's sleep, the man's physical strength and majesty will return, and then he will pamper these women who haven't seen for a long time. Is such a day life.

What the bandits didn't expect was that quite a few of the women they missed were acting with soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. have.

It was getting closer and closer, and the war horses, like their masters, ran forward with joy. At this time, the independent brigade was fully ready to fight, with their knives unsheathed and loaded, and the eyes of the soldiers were wide open. Yes, put the figure of the bandit in the distance in the front sight of the muzzle of the gun.

At 2000 meters, 1000 meters, and 500 meters, there was no sound on the battlefield, and the soldiers held their breath, waiting for the commander to fire.

Stop, stop advancing, the bandit brigade in the sight of the soldiers suddenly stopped, stopped a few hundred meters away from the front of the forward position, and did not move.

what happened?Why did the bandits stop advancing? Did they find the lurking fighters of the Independent Brigade?Brigadier Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde also observed the situation in the hidden department.

This is very strange. The bandit brigade stopped for almost 10 minutes hundreds of meters away. In order to avoid the exposure frequency of the walkie-talkies, several infantry battalions at the front sent correspondents to ask for instructions.Li Yong only answered them with one sentence: "Tell your battalion commander and wait and see what happens."

In fact, the soldiers' camouflage was very good. All the trenches and bunkers were covered with grass. The bandits who were eager to return home did not notice anything unusual. It was Usman, the leader of the bandit, who ordered the team to stop.

Usman has been fighting on the desert grassland for decades. This old bandit has an extremely sensitive sense of smell and a unique sense of danger. This sense of smell and vigilance are the housekeeping skills that Usman has never encountered an opponent for many years. Although the soldiers of the Independent Brigade did not reveal anything, Usman just felt that something was wrong.

The eldest young master Sheldman ran over: "Father, we are almost home, why did the team stop moving forward? You see, the smoke is already rising from the yurts in the distance, and you can taste the fragrant kumiss after walking a few miles gone."

Usman raised his hand, signaling Sheldman to keep quiet, he was thinking about the problem.

No, why is Hongliu Gorge different from before, Wu Siman felt palpitations, and felt that the usually warm and pleasant Hongliu Gorge suddenly shrouded in a layer of murderous intent, yes, it was murderous intent.

Moreover, this murderous intent became more and more intense as the team approached. After thinking for a few minutes, Usman suddenly understood that something was wrong.

Hongliu Gorge is so quiet that it makes one's heart tremble. Except for the shepherd who has not returned home in the distance, there is no one figure in sight.

October is the historical military month, and the old bus also wants to ask for some "likes", and also wants to take a bubble and bow. (to be continued..)

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