() Wu Siman is an old bandit who has roamed the desert and grasslands for decades. On the surface, he gives the impression of being reckless, but this is all an appearance. In fact, this guy has a deep scheming heart.

After some repeated thinking, this guy thinks that the People's Liberation Army occupying the Hongliuxia Ranch cannot be the main force of the bandit suppression force. It is very likely that a small reconnaissance force that can move quickly is going around with them here in order to encircle the large force gain time.

Usman guessed right that the people who came here were indeed not large troops of the People's Liberation Army. The People's Liberation Army in the ranch was not small, with more than 1 people, but it was not too big compared to the bandits, and it was not the main force of the troops chasing and suppressing them. There is one link that Usman still hasn't considered, and that is the combat effectiveness of the du li brigade.

The reason why the du li brigade did not move was not because it was afraid that there were too many bandits, but because the size of the troops was several times smaller than that of the bandits. Surrounding 1 to [-] bandits, and the speed of the bandits is very fast, if one is not handled well, it will lead to a rout battle, so we must find a good time, and when we can attack, it depends on the brigade commander Li. The ability to seize opportunities on the battlefield of bravery. . .

It took a long time to suppress the bandits in Xin Jiang. It was more difficult than the Northeast and Southwest. The difficulty was that the troops could not catch up with the bandits. The bandits in Xin Jiang were the fastest running bandits, and the Northwest Field Army was in the PLA One of the poorest and least equipped field armies.

It seems to ask that if the Northwest Field Army can also be equipped with a large number of cars and armored vehicles like the Northeast Field Army, and use the method of making circles with the bandits and encircling them with a large depth, maybe one shot can solve the problem, but the premise is that the Northwest Field Army There are no or very few troops entering Xinjiang.

Usman, who thought he had figured out everything, rode a horse and shouted in front of the bandit team: "Brothers, don't be afraid, the Communist army in Hongliuxia Ranch is just a small group, and their main force is still outside the desert. What we need to do is to surround all the pastures, prevent a Communist scout from running away, retake our pastures, and retake our cattle and sheep.”

The situation has turned around. Now it is not the bandits who want to surround the bandits, but the bandits want to surround the People's Liberation Army occupying the Hongliuxia Ranch.Then eat it in one bite.

There is another sentence that Wu Siman didn't shout out, that is, not only to retake the pasture, cattle and sheep, but also to retake his wife.

The occupation of Hongliu Gorge made the eyes of the bandits red, destroying their homes and seizing their wives.There is no greater hatred, therefore.There is no need for Usman to encourage him.The bandits, big and small, were screaming and wanting to charge upwards.

The terrain of the ranch is a large impact plain that was washed out by the river between the two mountains. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although there are many bandits, it is impossible to attack from all directions at the same time. From this point of view, the du li brigade took the lead The terrain is cheap.

second.The bandits continued to march in the desert, exhausted physically and mentally, and they were far away from the teachers, while the soldiers of the du li brigade rested in the ranch for several days.It has been a wonderful few days to wait for work at leisure, and the physical and mental strength of the soldiers have been fully recovered.

The first attack on Usman took thousands of people, and they attacked from the east and the west at the same time. After mobilizing the light and heavy machine guns in the whole bandit team for fire support, countless horses rushed forward amidst strange screams.

This was a large-scale attack. Wu Siman didn't realize that the army occupying the Hongliuxia Ranch was actually his old opponent. He thought that the troops of the People's Liberation Army had been thrown away by him, and only a small number of scouts appeared here.

This is the unequal source of information. If you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. It would be foolish to launch an attack without knowing the strength of your opponent. But Usman is no longer in the mood to think about this, even if he knows that the PLA on the other side is very strong. An attack must also be launched, the wives have been taken away by the communist army, so what are you waiting for.

The running horse team is like a dark cloud, floating over from the sky pressing the ground, the sound of the horseshoes beating the ground is like hundreds of drums beating, the bandits on the horse grin their teeth, wishing they could rush up and snatch the robbery. All the soldiers who took them were hacked to death.

Li Yong knew that the bandits were going to do their best, so he ordered all the heavy machine guns and mortars of the frontline troops to be put into use, trying to inflict damage on the bandits as much as possible.

Groups of small cannonballs fell among the horses, followed by rumbling explosions, and then shattered shrapnel. The old bandits are not sure that they will survive.

Under the intensive firepower of light and heavy machine guns, mortars and a large number of submachine guns, the bandits withdrew after leaving a large number of corpses.

Wu Siman, who personally supervised the battle, was furious. He had no way out, even if there was a sea of ​​hell in front of him, he would jump down:

"Come here, organize a continuous attack for me. Anyone who dares to retreat without authorization will be shot. Sheldman, where are your troops? Anyone who dares to shake the morale of the army will be executed on the spot."

Wu Siman made up his mind to eat up the current PLA, and wanted to use continuous attacks to shake the confidence of the soldiers on the defensive position. The cavalry charged up wave after wave, but there was no doubt that they were all defeated. The soldiers on the ground fought down with fierce firepower.

The continuous attack lasted for more than an hour. The bandits launched a total of seven or eight large-scale attacks, but they all retreated. Seeing that it was getting dark soon, the charge of the horses would be affected as soon as it got dark.

Usman, who was in a rage, did not lose his mind. Several attacks caused a large number of casualties, but none of these casualties were his direct descendants, and his most elite men had not yet been used.

This situation also made some bandits feel dissatisfied, because the family members caught by the People's Liberation Army are from Usman, and they have no relationship with these outsiders. The out-of-town bandits who came to Hongliuxia, their own wife was still indifferent after being caught, anyone would feel alienated from this situation.

A confidant quietly came to Wu Siman's side, and said in a low voice: "Commander, the brothers from other places have a lot of grievances. They think that we should do our best to save the family, and it is unreasonable to let them work hard in front."

Wu Siman rolled his yellow eyes. He should have considered this situation a long time ago. It's time for the war to go to this level:

"Since they are dissatisfied, let these guys see the real strength of me, Usman, and let them know my capital across the prairie. Come here, and transfer the brothers from the old camp."

There are a total of 8000 direct descendants in Wu Siman's hands. During the nearly one-month battle, more than 1000 people were lost, and the remaining 6000 people are really reluctant to use them. But today's situation is special, so don't look at it It's not working.

There were more than 6000 people, more than 5000 were brought by the young master Sheldman, and only a guard of about [-] people was left for his father, Usman. The soldiers who came out.

"Brothers, you have all seen the situation. The communist army occupied our house. The brothers from outside rushed up several times but failed to go up. Some people said that if you save your own wife and use someone else to do it, then you are still not a man? So, I’ll give you one hour to break through the communist army’s positions and snatch all your wives back, otherwise, in a few months, they will have children for the Han, go, warriors.”

The eyes of these five or six thousand bandits are all red. They have been bandits for so many years, and they have always robbed other people's property and occupied other people's wives by themselves. It is deceiving too much.

This is the logic of the bandits. They are allowed to do anything wrong, and they can't accept it when it's their turn. But it is undeniable that these guys are very effective in combat, and their combat capabilities are much stronger than the previous bandits.

The equipment of Usman's gang is not good, but no matter how bad it is, there are still a large team of tens of thousands of people, and there are still some old things in it. In order to provide cover for these thousands of direct descendants, Usman almost deployed all the automatic firepower in the bandit team. Come over, besides a row of light and heavy machine guns, there are also a few very rare mortars.

These things are all precious. They are the wealth he accumulated after decades of painstaking efforts by Wu Siman. For those small mortars, he spent 10,000+ yuan to buy them from the Zhong Yang Army. I came back and used all of them today.

With the explosion of several shells, under the cover of machine gun fire, the bandit attack started again. Li Yong in the command post was constantly observing the situation on the battlefield with binoculars. Up to now, no battalion Or the platoon had difficulty reporting it to him, which meant that the battle was completely under control.

kindness?Just when everyone thought the bandits were at the end of their ropes, suddenly several shells exploded on the position, and the density tended to increase gradually.

This is new. It has been almost a month since we fought against the Usman gang, and we have never seen the bandits use artillery, even the small-caliber mortars most commonly used by infantry. Surprisingly came across.

Political commissar Wang Chengde, like Li Yong, was observing the situation on the battlefield. This old Eighth Route was very sensitive and felt that something was wrong. Old Wang hurriedly reminded the brigade commander Li Yong:

"Dayong, the situation has changed. The bandits are preparing firepower for our position. Listen to the firing of mortars and light and heavy machine guns. The firepower has never been so fierce. Are the bandits promising?"

You can learn a little bit by fighting against powerful opponents. After fighting with the du li brigade for such a long time, Usman has also learned a little bit of small tricks. Casualties, and then use people to occupy, this can reduce casualties. (to be continued...)

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