The machine gun battalion of the Independent Brigade has been idle for a while, almost more than a month, and has no tasks at all, just as the soldiers in their battalion said in their strange stories.

We watch people fight, just to watch the excitement. We sleep when people make meritorious service. Our machine gun battalion is better than the guard company in the brigade. It’s okay, it’s okay to sleep flat, and others can’t see it, but I have to go out, but what should I do if I meet comrades from the brother army when I go out?If someone asks, how many merits and advances has your machine gun battalion made?Has the brigade party committee approved it?You say, wherever we put our face, we can’t put it in our crotch, but if we put our mouth in our crotch, I still have my mouth to eat, not a fart.

The soldiers of the Machine Gun Battalion are talking strangely, anyway, they have two skins, and they can say whatever they want. Sometimes the other battalions deliberately tease them. Look, the men of the Machine Gun Battalion are here. What is your machine gun battalion? Baby, people are treasures, even bullets are treasures, or we will interrogate all the prisoners we capture in the future, so as to save the old men from being idle to death.

I feel ashamed to see people, but who is to blame for this?As the saying goes, if there is a raging soldier, there will be a raging nest, the battalion commander is incompetent, if the brigade commander does not come to the task, what can we little soldiers do!It’s impossible for more than 1000 people in the entire battalion to go to the brigade commander and say, hey, brigade commander, at least give us some missions for the camp. Didn't the brigade commander kowtow to shorten the chief's life? This can't be done.

These words are easy to say, but Wei Gang, the commander of the first battalion, feels even more uncomfortable. Who is Wei Gang?It is the old eighth road of the second column, the fourth brigade, the second regiment, and the old revolutionary who has fought bayonets with little devils.I think that Head Zhao picked him out of more than 1000 veterans back then. He is a fighting hero who never falls behind in every battle. He has never done anything like watching other people fight. Therefore, Wei Gang was so anxious that he jumped into the river. Yes, but the official senior level crushes people to death, and the brigade commander doesn't give the task, so what can he do.

If there is no battle, naturally there will be no meritorious service. How big is the celebration party after the Yiwu war.For such a big scene, many chiefs came, even the big red horse, by the way, Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, made a great contribution to the jujube horse, which was dressed in red and green.He also said that he would raise the horse until it died of old age, and that it was not allowed to retire.But such a scene is nothing to do with their machine gun battalion.This is simply unreasonable. Is our machine gun battalion the main battalion in the brigade?

Our machine gun battalion is not compared with the artillery battalion. The artillery battalion has credit. We admit that they fight well, and that kid Gao Xiang is not bad at commanding. We don't compare with the tank battalion.The tanks rushed fast, and they couldn't compare with the first and fifth battalions. They were all Big Brother battalions, but no matter what.Our machine gun battalion has more than 1000 mouths and can't even compare with a horse! ! !

With so many reasons, the soldiers felt that they couldn't hold their heads up in front of the fraternal troops, and they didn't have to walk hard. He, the battalion commander, couldn't hold his head up even more.

How many times have you been to brigade headquarters?I can’t remember clearly, anyway, it’s not the first time that the brigade commander and the political commissar have been trained. This thick-skinned, in the words of the soldiers, our battalion commander’s old skin can’t be pierced with an awl.

What is all this for?Or to get some missions, to make the Machine Gun Battalion fight a turnaround that will impress everyone. If not for this, we old Wei don't want to go to the brigade headquarters for training.

Finally, after arriving at the Hongliuxia Ranch, the opportunity came. Gao Xiang's artillery battalion was borrowed by his superiors, and he went to someone else's family as a wife. It's time for us to show our face.

Li Yong has decided to use the machine gun battalion, even if the anti-aircraft machine gun bullets of the machine gun battalion are not easy to get. According to intelligence, there are still 7 to [-] bandits who have fled into the area of ​​Hongliu Gorge. The [-] to [-] bandits are not one A small number, knowing that the old nest must be desperate after being occupied by the People's Liberation Army. They will desperately attack, desperately want to save their families, and fight desperately with the People's Liberation Army. The desperate mentality of the bandits is our The independent brigade has to make a big fuss.

The bandits in Xinjiang have a strong desire for revenge, and their family members are even more of their backs. They cannot be touched. Now that the situation is good, tens of thousands of bandit family members have become the possessions of the independent brigade. What is family?It was the bait, the bait for the big fish Usman.

Where is the anti-aircraft machine gun battalion located?They are arranged on the mountainsides on both sides of Hongliu Gorge, with a total of more than 60 anti-aircraft machine guns, more than [-] on each side. This is the hidden power in Li Yong's hands, and it is a unit that does not fire without orders.

At this point in the battle, everything was generally clear, except for a little episode, basically everything was carried out according to the original plan.

Li Yong's battle plan is to use the innate geographical advantages of the Hongliuxia Ranch to defend in advance, use powerful firepower to inflict a large number of casualties on the bandits, and then use armored forces to attack after smashing all the bandits' confidence to divide and encircle the Usman gang. Then eat it one bite at a time.

If you want to implement this plan well, you must meet several conditions. First, the bandits cannot run away. The Usman gang is used to guerrilla warfare. They will fight if they win, and run if they cannot win. It will become the second Yiwu, and it will be the second crushing battle. It will be difficult to find such a good opportunity. If you want to wipe out all the Usman gangs, you may have to wait until when. This is not Li Yong want to see.

How can we keep the bandits from escaping?The key lies in the family members. This is the difference between Hongliuxia and Yiwu. In Yiwu, the bandits have no worries and run away if they can’t beat them. But in Hongliuxia, you can’t see your mother-in-law lying on her belly. Other men don't care?Is that still a man?It's better to find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Why do the bandits believe that their women must have followed the People's Liberation Army?There is also a reason for this. In order to confuse the bandits, the reconnaissance battalion mobilized a considerable number of women to drive sheep and graze with them. Even Usman saw it. How could these bandits who live in Hongliu Gorge not see it.

Zhang Jinsong brought the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion just for acting, to make the bandits unsuspecting from a long distance, but he didn't expect it to have such an effect. It was an accident, but it was an accident that was good for eliminating the bandits .

The second condition is that Usman's elite direct lineage must be killed in this battle. If he does not wipe out thousands of his cronies, it will not be considered annihilation of Usman's gang.

But to implement the second condition well, you must show the enemy’s weakness first, so that Usman can feel that the People’s Liberation Army occupying the Hongliuxia Ranch has average firepower and not many personnel. As long as he works hard, he can eat up the People’s Liberation Army. The family members can be rescued. Judging from various battlefield situations, the independent brigade has achieved both.

[-] to [-] bandits are a very large team, just like a big meat bun, and Usman's elite is like a hard walnut in the meat bun. Only by smashing this hard walnut can the confidence of the rest of the bandits be shattered. Without confidence, there will be no morale, and the battle will be easier to fight.

In order to break through the frontier positions of the People's Liberation Army in one go, Usman finally mobilized his old troops and dispatched all his more than 6000 elite troops.

This is the fighter plane, and it is also the fighter plane that brigade commander Li Yong has been looking for all this time. It's time to smash the walnuts.

"Hey, Wei Gang, have you seen clearly?"

Wei Gang on the phone was very excited. Wei Gang is a veteran soldier who has fought more battles than brigade commander Li Yong. How could he not understand the situation on the battlefield.

"Hahaha, brigade commander, our old guards have seen clearly, this old man Usman couldn't help it, and took all his old books, how about it? Brigadier commander, it's time for our battalion to start."

"Okay, Wei Gang, we will eliminate the Usman gang in one fell swoop. I will give you half an hour to camp and strangle all the elite bandits. How the battle unfolds is up to you. Do you understand? Repeat it for me."

"Give our battalion half an hour to strangle all the elite bandits, and we will make our own decisions when the battle begins. I understand."

More than 60 anti-aircraft machine guns are placed halfway up the two mountains of Hongliuxia. This location is so good that you can use the power of the weapon condescendingly without affecting your sightlines. The two positions can also complement each other for crossfire , It was specially set up for the machine gun battalion.

God is helping our old Wei. He hasn't fought for so many days, even God can't stand it. Wei Gang almost jumped down from the mountain in joy.

"Listen to me, don't shoot without orders, let the bandits get closer, the closer the better."

Six or seven thousand war horses slammed violently on the narrow and long impact plain, one wave after another, non-stop. Unable to withstand the impact of the bandits, the riders on the horses died one after another, and the vanguard's cavalry was getting closer and closer.

The infantry soldiers beat and scolded: "What the hell, the bandits have given up their minds, and they will never end with us."

Several battalion commanders also arrived at the front line. The battalion commanders yelled: "Everyone is there, get grenades ready, the bandits are close to 40 meters and all drop bombs, blow the son of a bitch back."

40 meters is the best throwing distance of the grenade, and the commander is waiting for this opportunity.

Submachine guns and grenades, close combat gold is not exchanged, this is the most typical traditional style of play of our People's Liberation Army, the soldiers are also familiar with it, piles of grenades have been uncovered.

The frontlines fought fiercely, and the anti-aircraft machine gun battalion, which was the ace strike firepower, still didn't respond at all. Seeing that the bandits' horses were getting closer and closer to the frontline positions, the soldiers had already prepared grenades.

Although the update is very slow, it can be regarded as 200 million words, old guys, give Laoba a "like" to encourage. (to be continued..)

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