The beacon of youth

Chapter 690 To the starting point

The complete annihilation of the main force of the Usman gang shows that the large-scale battle against bandits is over. The sporadic bandits are dealt with by the local government's public security forces and militias, while the main combat force like the Independent Brigade can be freed. to do something that fits their identities.

Usman and Yao Lebosi, the No. [-] and No. [-] figures of the Xinjiang bandits, were not caught, which is a bit of regret in the victory of the Independent Brigade in the battle against bandits.

They all want to do things perfectly, and they all want to wipe out every single bandit, but how many perfect things are there in the world?It is already remarkable that the Independent Brigade can do this.

But this is all temporary. Only when you have soldiers in your hands can you not panic. How much can Usman and Yao Lebosi, who do not have many soldiers, sacrifice their lives for the Kuomintang government that is huddled in Taiwan?Just a few stray dogs.

According to records in the aftermath, Usman, who was chased in Xinjiang and had nowhere to go, had to flee to the Gansu area, and later settled in Haizidi. This time let the cunning old bandit run away again.

When they fled desperately to Qinghai, there were only three people left around this old bandit who once had 10,000+ soldiers. Usman, who had only three men and three horses, was discovered by the local garrison just after he escaped to a small town. This time he could no longer escape, and was captured alive by the soldiers who rushed forward.

Usman, who was hard to be caught, was finally captured alive by the local soldiers and civilians. Did he go up and catch him? Is there any difficulty? The actual situation is the same. In the end, there were only three Usmans who fled for ** months Under his subordinates, his son died, his daughter died, and the bandit leader whose cronies had all been wiped out was like a chicken that had been plucked. Usman, who had no soldiers, was no different from ordinary people.But it was just caught when he went up.

Commander Wang Zhen immediately ordered him to be escorted to Xinjiang for trial after hearing the news.

On April 29, 20, this heinous habitual bandit was executed together with Li Yingqi, the murderer who killed Communist Party veterans Chen Tanqiu and Mao Zemin, at a public trial of [-] people in Dihua.

Let’s talk about the second person Yao Lebosi. After breaking up with Usman, because he only had more than 2000 people, the attention of the bandit suppression troops was concentrated on the Usman gang. Once the main force of Usman was eliminated, the suppression The bandit troops immediately turned back and wiped out Yao Lebosi.

Yao Lebosi and his men were surrounded by local troops of the People's Liberation Army.The government chairman of the Taiwan Kuomintang government tied his wife Feng Mengli, who could not ride a horse, to a horse and broke through under the desperate cover of the guards. Except for Yao Lebosi himself and his wife Feng Mengli, only more than 30 cronies rushed out of the PLA encirclement, and the remaining 2000 people were wiped out.

Later, Feng Mengli used the radio to contact her.Knowing the exact location of Ma Kenan (transliteration), the deputy consul of the U.S. Consulate in Xinjiang, he and Ma met one by one.He fled to Tibet under the leadership of Baobula (the leader of the Mongolian rebel bandits. He once had a large-scale armed fight with the Kazakh tribe in Usman).

This is the final fate of Usman and Yaolebosi. The Kuomintang government, the army, and various forces under its command have constant internal factional disputes, and in the end they can only be defeated one by one.

In 21, Yao Lebosi and his wife Feng Mengli flew to Taiwan via Bangladesh, and once served as a member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang.Died in Taiwan on July [-], [-].

These are all things for later, and they are not the issues that Li Yong and others are thinking about. Sitting in the bumpy car, Li Yong's mind is thinking about other things.

The Independent Brigade started with a dozen or so people.From weak to strong, after the baptism of war, it has grown into an ace force with strong combat effectiveness. Is it possible for such a force to become a peasant warrior like a large army?

The fate of several corps under the command of the Northwest Field Army, which was later known as Yiye, was different. In June [-], the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China ordered that the First Field Army and its affiliated corps be revoked. The First Corps (Wang Zhen Corps) It was changed to the Xinjiang Military Region.

The Second Corps (Xu Guangda Corps) was reorganized into the Armored Forces Command of the Central Military Commission, the No.19 Corps (formerly North China Corps, Yang Dezhi Corps) entered North Korea to fight, and the No.20 Second Corps (KMT Uprising Troop) was reorganized into the Production and Construction Corps of the Xinjiang Military Region.

In addition, there is an Eighteenth Corps (former North China Corps, Zhou Shidi Corps, Whampoa first-year students, Hu Zongnan's classmate), which was assigned to Erye Liu Deng's men when they were chasing Hu Zongnan's remnants.

The Second Army of the People's Liberation Army to which Li Yong's Independent Brigade is affiliated has also become a nongken unit. If there are no major twists and turns, the Independent Brigade and the Second Army will be transformed into a nongken construction.

Afterwards, in order to make the troops feel at ease in the frontier, Commander Wang asked the government to solve the family problems of the soldiers. For this reason, he dispatched a large number of young female students from the mainland to Xinjiang to take root in the frontier of the motherland together with the veterans.

At that time, the slogan of these peasant soldiers was, "Dedicate your youth and life, and dedicate your life to your children and grandchildren."

Because of them, the population structure of the border area has been changed since then, and the frontier of the northwest of the motherland has been stabilized. It is no exaggeration to say that the Xinjiang Construction Corps has made great contributions to the country and the nation. History should never forget them. The Corps Long live the warrior.

The Xinjiang Construction Corps has made great contributions to the country and the nation. These are worthy of people's recognition. Their heroic deeds and hardships in the later period have also written a strong stroke in history. However, these are not what this book is about. The range can only be skipped and not mentioned.

But Li Yong really didn't want to stay in Xinjiang like this. It would be a pity that the fully mechanized independent brigade became a farming unit.

But, so what if you don’t want to be a farmer? The reorganization of troops is the general trend. It is the order of the Central Military Commission. How big a wave can a small brigade commander make?In other words, there were no disturbances.

The time has come to May of [-]. If the trajectory of history remains unchanged, the Korean War will start soon. The experience of the past few years tells Li Yong that history will not change easily, and the so-called changes are only in the past. A little change in an insignificant section, the change is nothing more than a trivial matter.

Enter Korea to fight?The main force is the frontier defense army in the Northeast, and the first to enter the DPRK is the Ace Thirteenth Corps (38th, 39th, and 42th Army) and the transferred [-]nd Army.

Yiye also had troops that entered the DPRK, but that was a matter of the [-]th Corps, and had nothing to do with the First Corps. Could it be that the higher-ups would take out a brigade from the First Corps to participate in the Korean War?It seems that there is no such possibility! !

Besides, even if there is hope in case, is it a good thing that the Independent Brigade participated in the Korean War?North Korea is different from domestic warfare. The Volunteer Army has to fight against the U.S. military, which has an absolute superiority in ground-to-air firepower, and the so-called Allied Forces. In the absence of air supremacy, they only rely on the dozens of anti-aircraft machine guns of the machine gun battalion to defend against the air?Fighting bandits with anti-aircraft machine guns is massacres. It is not enough to deal with the overwhelming number of American planes on the Korean battlefield.

Being a soldier of agricultural reclamation is reluctant, one is that there is no chance to go to North Korea, and the other is that there is no certainty. What about the future of the army?

Headache ah, the bumpy American jeep didn't make Li Yong feel even a little drowsy, the guard company commander Li Jia who was sitting in the same car with Li Yong was very strange, what happened to the brigade commander today?Why don't you feel dizzy when the car moves as usual.

In the past, I was the company commander to remind the brigade commander that he was about to arrive. Today is good. Dayong is so wide-eyed that he has no intention of sleeping. The army won a big victory and was ordered by the commander to return to Dihua , although the chief didn't say what specific tasks he had, but the benefits must be indispensable. Why did Dayong frown so hard when there were benefits?There must be circumstances.

The situation is true, Li Jia didn't ask, and Li Yong didn't want to talk about it, because it was useless to talk about it. First, it made people think that he was nervous, and second, it couldn't solve the problem.

There was nothing to say along the way, the independent traveling army went smoothly, there was no interference from the bandits, and the population along the way increased. The common people watched the rumbling troops approaching and pointed at the excitement.

The common people are used to seeing the People's Liberation Army marching on foot, and this is the first time they have seen such a fully mechanized army. It is strange and normal. Li Yong ordered the troops to slow down the marching speed, and be careful not to touch the people watching the excitement when they are concerned about their own safety. .

In this way, after a few days of marching, the Independent Brigade returned to Dihua, the capital of Xinjiang, and under the guidance of the soldiers who came to meet them, they returned to the station a few months ago, an abandoned large textile factory.

War is like this. When the Independent Brigade first arrived a few months ago, everyone was very new to everything. They felt that everything was different from the mainland. After a few months, the Independent Brigade, who had a certain understanding of Xinjiang, returned to the original From the beginning, everything seemed to be a dream.

Li Yong didn't know how others felt, he was in a trance anyway.

After setting up the troops, Li Yong and Wang Chengde immediately went to the Corps Headquarters to meet with Commander Wang and the heads of the Corps.

It’s been a while since I saw the commander. Unlike when I was in the second column, I was with the commander almost every day. Now the official position is getting higher and higher, but it’s getting harder and harder to see the commander. Once the troops are pulled out No matter how many days, besides, it is impossible for Commander Wang to keep a unit like the Independent Brigade under his nose.

Commander Wang looked left and right around Li Yong and Wang Chengde. Anyway, he felt good everywhere he looked, and he felt better than the troops of the brother army.

Several leaders in the Corps headquarters all know the commander's temper, his soldiers will never be better than others, they are all treasures.

On Monday, the old bus begged for "likes," or the same sentence, old guys, don't bother, praise is very useful to the old bus. (to be continued..)

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