The beacon of youth

Chapter 692 Big Problem

The commander wanted to come over for dinner, and the entire independent brigade was boiling. The independent brigade, which had always existed as a column directly under the team, was very familiar with the head. Therefore, the leaders of the corps have not been idle since they entered the camp of the independent brigade. say hello.

There are also people who are not familiar with Commander Wang. One is Jiang Tiexiong, the battalion commander of the tank battalion, and the other is Hu Xiaoling, the deputy captain of the health team. Jiang Tiexiong is old and can take things to heart, but Hu Xiaoling can't do it. The little nurse in the field hospital was surprised by what he saw.

"Sister Xiaolian, is that really Commander Wang of our Corps?"

Hu Xiaolian looked back at her in surprise: "Yes, it's Commander Wang of our corps. Everyone in the room knows each other. What's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing, I just feel that such a big leader is still a bit uncomfortable with us, and now I can't tell that he is the commander."

Hu Xiaolian: "What's good about you? Why can't the habits in the Kuomintang army be changed? The senior leaders in our PLA army are more airless. Is Mr. Peng old? He also had dinner with us."

There were only four female officers in the Independent Brigade. Among them, Li Jia and Hu Xiaoling were captives of the Kuomintang army and sometimes did not understand the actions of senior PLA commanders, while Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua had no sense of this at all, because They are used to it, especially He Cuihua, who is an authentic Tubalu, and has met many big chiefs.

Hu Xiaolian's words were still tactful, but He Cuihua was not like that. She glared at Hu Xiaoling:

"Learn if you don't understand, don't make a fuss about everything. The commander is the commander of our People's Liberation Army. What's the use of having so many airs? Your commander Hu Zongnan is not a small airs. What's the result? We didn't beat you Run around like a dog."

Hu Xiaoling is a little wronged, I am now also in the People's Liberation Army, why don't you, Commander Hu Zongnan, whether Hu Zongnan runs or not has nothing to do with me, but He Cuihua has always been very strong, and he often regards himself as a veteran, and his position is among a few women The tallest one, Hu Xiaoling was somewhat afraid of her, and she was just thinking about it in her heart.Did not dare to speak out.

Seeing that dinner was about to start, dozens of people filled the conference room of the Independent Brigade. Political commissar Wang Chengde was bombarding people. Why did he bombard people? Because they all wanted to sit at the same table with the commander:

"Hey. I said you guys don't make do with the commander's table. Come over here. Where should the brigade commander and I sit?"

There was laughter in the room.Commander Wang was also very excited and said to everyone: "Okay, don't squeeze, I will sit next to you for a while, so the head office will be fine."

A large pot of meat and a large bowl of wine were brought up by the cooking team. It was steaming hot, and the smell was so delicious that people almost bit off their tongues.Commander Wang looked around:

"Old fellows, are we a bit of a Liangshan hero? Eating a big piece of meat and drinking in a big bowl is really a fucking pleasure. Li Yong, you boy, hurry up and toast."

The commander told me to come over, so I quickly rolled over. Li Yong, who was shouting in a hurry, immediately rolled over and used a big bowl to have a drink with several leaders. Now, there is no enemy situation, and there are no combat missions. Dihua is surrounded by our troops. Today, everyone can open up and drink. It is not a violation of discipline if you drink too much.

There were only a few people sitting at the same table with several chiefs, besides Li Yong and Wang Chengde, there were Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, and Wang Huhu, the commander of the fifth battalion, who had squeezed in, and there was another indispensable figure from the supply battalion. Deputy battalion commander Lao Yang.

Lao Yang was sitting with Commander Wang. The two had known each other for a long time. The commander asked in a low voice, "Didn't Wang Enmao put you in the independent brigade for the elderly? Why are you messing around? I have read all the battle reports of the Independent Brigade, and you and that jujube horse made a lot of noise."

Lao Yang chuckled: "Commander, do you think I'm the one who lives at leisure? I don't care about pensions. I, Lao Yang, are no worse than them in fighting. The Independent Brigade is really good. I'm right."

Commander Wang asked a little curiously: "What kind of job does that kid Li Yong get you?"

"Hey, to tell you the truth, Commander, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, in charge of more than 2000 people, we are also officials."

Commander Wang, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, thought for a while and said, "The supply battalion commander of the independent brigade is Sun Quanhou, and the instructor is He Cuihua. It's quite lively when you two make do together. Oh, yes, you are really a good guy!" You have a good temper with that girl He Cuihua, you two didn't make any troublesome things!!"

Lao Yang almost spit out his drink: "What do you mean, I'm so unreliable? I'm the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, not the brigade commander of the independent brigade, so I won't give you trouble."

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would be here, He Cuihua, who they were talking about, also came over with a big wine bowl at this time, and he wanted to toast the commander and several leaders.

He Cuihua drank a large bowl of wine in a few sips. Commander Wang was very familiar with the people in the Independent Brigade. He knew that He Cuihua was a militia platoon leader. Although he was a guerrilla for several years, he had a lot of combat experience despite his young age. Because of this, he soon became the combat backbone of the independent brigade.

Commander Wang liked this soldier capable of fighting very much, so he hurriedly pulled He Cuihua over to sit with him and talk about family matters:

"What have you been busy with recently, girl? Hurry up and report to me."

"Commander, there are too many things to be busy with. I'm too busy fighting the war. I have to take care of the eating, drinking and drinking of the more than 1 people in our brigade."

"What are you going to do after the war?" Commander Wang suddenly asked a very strange question.

He Cuihua was a little dazed, what would she do after the war?What question did the commander ask, and can the battle be over?I really didn't think about it.

Commander Wang laughed again: "You girl, do you think so? The army is for fighting, so fight wherever there are enemies."

He Cuihua nodded her head blankly, yes, that's what happened.

"You girl, we really don't have many wars to fight. Most of the country has been liberated. Take Xinjiang as an example. The Kuomintang army revolted. There are not many bandits left by us. What will happen in the future? A war is going to be fought? Who are we going to fight with so many troops? Tell me, girl."

Sitting on the same table with Commander Wang, Li Yong pricked up his ears for how long, thinking in his heart, here we come, here we come, finally here we come, Commander Wang finally hit the point, others may not have thought of this, Li Yong knew that this was a big issue related to the future development and destiny of the army.

He Cuihua has long been used to the life of war, and she is not at all mentally prepared for whether she will continue to fight in the future, or in other words, she has never thought about this issue.

After thinking about it carefully, He Cuihua really said a few places where there are battles to be fought:

"Commander, hasn't Taiwan been liberated yet? We can prepare earlier. The goal of our brigade is to go to Taiwan, liberate the whole of China, and capture Chiang Kai-shek alive."

"Hahahahaha," Commander Wang and several chiefs laughed together, and one chief said with a smile:

"This girl, you are quite ambitious. Those who know that you are the instructor of a battalion, but those who don't know think that you are the head of the field army. The troops of our People's Liberation Army are too big. Taiwan has three wild troops to deal with it. If we want to capture Chiang Kai-shek alive, we will not be able to do it alone."

Nana, He Cuihua, who became anxious, suddenly thought of a place: "Then let's go to Tibet, yes, isn't Tibet also liberated?"

One of the chiefs replied again: "Hey, it's not our turn to go to Tibet either. It's enough for Tibet to have troops from the Second Field."

He Cuihua was really anxious: "Then what should we do? Our independent brigade is such a good unit that we can't just sit around and eat. We have to find some battles to fight, and the small ones are fine. Commander, give us an order quickly and go out." Just an opinion, who should we fight?"

He Cuihua's opinion is a bit funny, but Commander Wang, who loves to joke very much, is uncharacteristically not smiling at all, and mutters in his mouth:

"Yes, the Independent Brigade is a good army, a very good army, it's a pity not to fight."

Li Yong's heart jumped up in disbelief. Others didn't know what the commander was muttering, but Li Yong knew it well. The commander must be thinking about how to arrange the independent brigade in the future. According to the analysis of this situation, The Central Committee and the Military Commission must have passed down the order requiring troops to guard the border and carry out land reclamation to the Corps level, but it has not yet been announced.

"Li Yong, what do you think about this question? I asked He Cuihua just now what to do when the troops stop fighting." Commander Wang suddenly turned his finger on Li Yong again.

Li Yong's heart is now in a state of turmoil, what to do if you don't fight, if you don't fight, you can farm, but once you are arranged by your superiors to farm, you will be ruined, don't look at the dinner table, it is also the most critical time, you have to make something out of it Here are some convincing reasons:

"Commander, this is how I see it. Now, except for Taiwan and Tibet, the whole country has basically been liberated, and our original strategic goal has been achieved. However, it does not mean that we can rest easy after the whole country is liberated. The country should build a strong national defense force, and the composition of the national defense force is diverse, and there should be various arms and services. Our brigade is characterized by rapid maneuverability and strong firepower. According to this characteristic, our brigade is most suitable for serving as a strategic support force. If we exist, we can call it a strategic reserve team, that is to say, we can be likened to a fist held by the higher authorities, usually trained, pulled up at critical moments, and solved problems with one blow."

(It's about to be out of the list, please praise) (To be continued..)

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