The beacon of youth

Chapter 697 Gerda Living Buddha

In order to liberate Tibet peacefully and to save troops and people from suffering losses, the PLA sent a delegation for peace talks, hoping that the Tibetan army would put down their weapons and open the way for the PLA to enter Tibetan areas. The leader of the peace talks delegation is Geda Living Buddha of Baili Temple .

When it comes to Geda Living Buddha, there is still a history.

In August 1935, part of the Red Army's Left Army and Right Army went south (Red Fourth Front Army, which carried out Zhang Guotao's order), and was blocked and encircled by the Kuomintang Heavy Army Group on the border of Chuankang. They fought for several months and suffered heavy losses. Forced to retreat to the Ganzi area where the Tibetan people live.

At that time, the entire army was in a state of food shortage, and the troops could not even guarantee one meal a day. The situation was very critical, but even so, the discipline of the Red Army soldiers was also iron-clad, and they would rather starve to death than harass the local people.

The iron discipline of the Red Army and the fighting spirit of not fearing hardship or death, insisting that one will surely win, deeply moved the prestigious Geda Rinpoche in the Ganzi area. Geda Rinpoche said to everyone: "I have never seen Such an army, such a Red Army, how can it be invincible?"

Geda Living Buddha led the people in Tibetan areas to actively support the Red Army and raised a large amount of food for the Red Army. Only the Baili Temple where the Living Buddha was located took out more than 150 loads of food at a time, which helped the hungry troops to tide over the difficulties. , Geda Living Buddha met Boss Zhu Dezhu.

When the Red Army established the Soviet government in the Ganzi area, Zhu De, the commander-in-chief of the Red Army, recommended Geda Rinpoche as the chairman. At first, Geda Rinpoche was unwilling, thinking that he was engaged in Buddhism and had nothing to do with the government. Mr. Zhu enlightened him and said:

"The government established by the Red Army belongs to the people. It is a government for the poor and for the welfare of the common people. It does not conflict with the meaning advocated by Buddhism. If you don't want to be the chairman, who will be in charge!"

After Mr. Zhu’s sincere enlightenment, Geda Living Buddha finally agreed to serve as the vice chairman of the Ganzi Tibetan Soviet Government. During this period, Gerda Living Buddha established a close relationship with Mr. Zhu, Liu Bocheng and other senior Red Army generals, and the relationship was very deep.

Geda Living Buddha led the Ganzi Tibetan people to fully support the Red Army, which played a great role in the development and growth of the Red Army. In order to thank him for his support, the Red Army Command issued a special announcement to protect the Baili Temple:

The Chabali Lama Temple united with the Red Army to destroy Chiang.It should be protected, and no troops are allowed to garrison and harass, and those who violate it will be dealt with strictly, and this cloth will be cut off.

The Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants, xx, xx, [-]

Zhu De, commander-in-chief of the Red Army who established a deep friendship with Geda Living Buddha, said before leaving that we will never forget your help to the Red Army.Hope it still helps us in the future.

The Red Army went north, leaving behind a large number of wounded and sick (more than 400 people).Boss Zhu also left a photo of himself to Geda Living Buddha.

After the founding of New China.Geda Living Buddha saw the portraits of Mao Zedong and Boss Zhu from a friend, and only then did he know that the Red Army had succeeded in the revolution, and his old friend Zhu De was already the commander-in-chief of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

At that time, Xikang Province had not yet been liberated, and Geda Living Buddha, who was overjoyed, sent representatives to secretly bypass the Kuomintang blockade to pay tribute to the PLA.It is required to send troops to Xikang as soon as possible.

In the area where the Tibetan masses in Xikang live together, Geda Living Buddha is a banner. In April, the People’s Liberation Army sent representatives Tianbao (who was Zhou Enlai’s school boy during the Red Army. Tibetan name Sangji Yuexi) and Wu Zhong (the commander of the 52nd Division of the [-]th Army of the People’s Liberation Army) to Bai Li Lama Temple visited Geda Living Buddha and conveyed to him the greetings from Chairman Mao, Boss Zhu, Liu Boxeng, Deng Xiaoping, He Long and others, thanking him for his help to the Red Army back then.

Geda Living Buddha said to Wu Zhong and Tianbao, representatives of the People's Liberation Army: "Commander Zhu is really a great general. When the Red Army left, he told me that the Red Army would definitely come back in about 15 years. Today you really came back, exactly 15 years ago. , the commander-in-chief is amazing, he really wants to see Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, and wants to ask him why this old friend is sure that the Red Army will return after 15 years, is it like Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period can pinch and count."

Later, the Southwest Military and Political Committee was established, and Gerda Living Buddha was appointed as the Southwest Military and Political Committee, Vice Chairman of the People's Government of Xikang Province and Deputy Director of the Kangding Military and Political Committee.

In May, at Zhu De's suggestion, Geda Living Buddha was invited to Beijing to attend the Third Session of the First CPPCC of New China.

When Tianbao told Geda Living Buddha the news, he said to Tianbao: "I want to see Mao Zedong and Commander-in-Chief Zhu very much, but Tibet has not yet been liberated, and the desire to realize the reunification of the motherland has not been realized. Going to Beijing! I hope to go to Tibet first, to publicize the ethnic and religious policies of the PLA to my friends in the three major monasteries in Lhasa and to the Tibetan masses, publicize what I have seen and heard about the PLA, and persuade them to return to the embrace of the motherland, and wait for Tibet to be liberated peacefully In the future, I will go to Beijing to see ** and Boss Zhu."

Geda Living Buddha asked Tianbao to convey his request to Mr. Zhu and Boss Zhu to go to Tibet before the People's Liberation Army. Boss Zhu agreed to his request, but asked him to go there under safe and secure conditions, and return immediately if he found any problems. Remember not to do so. Take risks.

On July 7, Geda Living Buddha, as a member of the Southwest Military and Political Committee and vice chairman of the Xikang Provincial Government, led a group of more than 10 monks and representatives from Ganzi to publicize Mao Zedong's ideas and ethnic and religious policies by means of preaching scriptures, The People's Liberation Army has strict discipline, and the deeds of the people who have committed no crimes have spread to the vast majority of Tibetans.

While the Second Field Army of the People's Liberation Army was tensely preparing to march into Tibet in the southwest, the war on the Korean peninsula had been fought for more than a month, and the time has entered July.

In the hottest season of the year, after a few rains, the pasture on the prairie grows fat and strong. The Independent Brigade of the First Field Army of the People's Liberation Army in Xinjiang is preparing for the battle and is also nervously watching the situation on the battlefield.

As usual, Chief of Staff Chen Haihan of the Sixth Army still went to the Independent Brigade from time to time to chat with Li Yong and Wang Chengde. Li Yong also joked to his old comrade-in-arms that you are a staff officer of the Sixth Army The chief is not the chief of staff of our independent brigade, why come to us all the time if you have nothing to do?Do you want to report to your superiors and demote the chief of staff of the army to the chief of staff of the brigade?This is too bad.

Chief of Staff Chen, no matter what the two of them said, he should come and discuss the situation with the two of them, and said that this was agreed by Commander Luo Yuanfa, because Commander Luo had a very strange theory. The chief of staff said that although Li Yong's words are not very reliable, sometimes the nonsense he utters is very accurate. It is very useful to listen to what he is talking about. and Wang Chengde talked about the mountains together.

Commander Luo Yuanfa and Li Yong were friends because of a fight, and they had conflicts before. Li Yong said in his heart, this Commander Luo Yuanfa is really powerful, but I am not talking nonsense, because I know too much and dare not say it.

As the saying goes, one cannot be in danger unless one is prepared. No matter what plans the superior has, it is always right for the combat troops to do a good job in training. The Independent Brigade continues to carry out various tactical training. The anti-aircraft machine gun battalion has prepared all the ammunition. It is said that even the spare parts of those classic tanks will be dispatched from the rear immediately.

This is great news. If the maintenance parts are not in place, at least one-third of the equipment in the tank battalion cannot be pulled. This is the result of digging out all the potential for maintenance. Jiang Tiexiong, Li Yuming and Li Yong It was reported that if it continues to be consumed like this, some of the immobile tanks can only be dismantled and used as supplementary spare parts.

Li Yong was in a hurry at the time, and he said to Li Yuming and Jiang Tiexiong, don't look at these old tanks that are broken, they were bought back by our soldiers with their lives, and they must not be dismantled and scrapped until there is no replacement product, the solution is up to him, Commander What the members promised will surely come true.

In addition to the problems of the tank battalion, Li Yong also devoted a large part of his energy to Xiaocheng's engineering company and Sanniu's maintenance company. Both the engineering company and the repair company have expanded to more than 500 people, and the Corps has also supported part of the equipment. Li Yong's request to Xiaocheng and Sanniu is that there will be more and more technical equipment in the army. They must improve their maintenance capabilities, make a good technical reserve, and recruit useful talents. Trucks, tanks, and artillery demand roads. No matter what method is used, it is necessary to ensure that troops can pass quickly when there are missions. It is necessary to make plans for special terrains such as bridges, rivers, grasslands, passes, and mountains.

The mechanized troops have powerful combat effectiveness, but they also have very high requirements for logistics. Without a good engineer and repair troops, sometimes it will be difficult to move an inch. There was nothing to do, the wheels of the car were stuck in the mud, and the so-called mechanized soldiers could not outrun the light infantry of the People's Liberation Army.

The Korean War progressed smoothly under the attention of Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others. After crossing the [-]th parallel, more than a dozen divisions of the People's Army attacked like a rainbow.

However, the Li Chengwan army in South Korea was defeated one after another. The Korean Democratic Party he had spent so much effort to form was as vulnerable as paper in front of the People's Army.

Another month passed, and it was August of 4000 in a blink of an eye. The Independent Brigade had not fought for more than three months. This is a rare three months. The life is going very well. The veterans who were injured in the previous battles have also returned to the army. Under the attention of Commander Wang, the logistics department of the Corps has also dispatched various parts and components needed by the independent brigade tank battalion, and the total strength has reached [-]. The combat effectiveness of the independent brigade of more than [-] people has reached the highest peak since its formation. (It's the end of the month, I hope you guys will continue to support me, give me a few more likes, and stay on the list until the end of the month, thank you, it's really important.) (To be continued...)

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