The beacon of youth

Chapter 699 1 It's Too Late

Under the urging of the Chinese side, North Korea sent two regiments of troops back to defend Incheon, but such a small force had no chance of winning at all when the U.S. military corps attacked on the ground and the firepower of the navy and air force was suppressed.

With strong industrial production capacity and the baptism of World War II, the combat experience and weapons and equipment of the US military have reached the point of perfection, and the cooperation between the landing force and the navy and air force is extremely tacit.

Aircraft carried out carpet bombing, and naval guns covered infantry assaults.

The sailors operating the guns on the warships were proficient, and the bombing points of the shells were extremely accurate. The unlimited supply of ammunition allowed them to squander at will, and they could fight whatever they wanted, whatever they wanted.

The pilots on the carrier-based attack aircraft even participated in the Second World War. They were old vultures who drank countless tons of aviation fuel (they sucked too much pure oxygen at high altitude and high speed, so that their brains became bald. Vultures), who even dared to conduct a dive attack with napalm dozens of meters in front of the attacking troops.

With a large corps of more than 7 people, more than 200 warships, thousands of large-caliber naval guns, and hundreds of carrier-based fighter jets, such strength made the People's Army of the two regiments unable to arouse the will to resist.

An ancient Chinese saying goes that the highest state of war is to fight against the enemy without fighting. The U.S. military does not understand the ancient Chinese tactics, but it interprets all these very well. Every battle must use absolute superiority. , so that the opponent does not dare or feels unable to resist and give up.

In one of the most typical battles in World War II, the Iwo Jima landing battle, the total strength of the attacking troops of the United States was five times that of the Japanese army, 27 times that of the navy, and 32 times that of the air force.

Under the blow of overwhelming force, the two regiments returned by the Korean People's Army were quickly wiped out, and Incheon fell.

Incheon in the rear fell.The entire army in front was shaken, and all the soldiers of the People's Army knew that it was the last moment. They all took the lead and fought hard. They knew that there was only one way to survive if they took Busan, and there was a chance to turn the situation around. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. .

The battle was brutal.In order to conquer Busan as soon as possible, the soldiers of the People's Army launched wave after wave of charges to the heavily guarded Busan position so that they could turn around and deal with the U.S. landing forces in Incheon.

Attack, keep attacking, People's Army soldiers fight the enemy with their flesh and blood.But with little effect, most of the attacking troops fell in the ground-to-air fire network composed of heavy artillery and aircraft.The corpses of the soldiers piled up like a mountain.Blood flowed like a river.

What is the war over?After all, what is being fought is a country's overall strength. Compared with the powerful United States, North Korea, which is still in the agricultural era, may not even be able to talk about the power of half the continent of the United States, so there is no talk of confrontation.

In the early days of the war, the People's Army had some weapons supported by China, and the heavy equipment relied on the Soviet Union.The momentum of the attack is very fierce, but after several months of fighting, the equipment is almost consumed, the tanks and artillery of the front-line combat troops.There was also a sharp decline in the number of aircraft.

After fighting for several months, more than half of the old soldiers and equipment of the People's Army were lost, and the newly replenished soldiers and weapons were far from meeting the needs of the war. The difficulty of attacking Busan, which is heavily guarded, can be imagined.

At this time, frightening news came from the rear. The Korean People's Army High Command hoped to hold back the U.S. troops in the Seoul and Suwon areas and failed to complete the task. In the hands of the U.S. military, Seoul and Shuiyuan have all fallen. The People's Army's retreat has been completely cut off, and ammunition and supplies can no longer be delivered.

It's over, everything is over, Busan's attack is hopeless, and the back road has been completely cut off. Every day should not be heard, and the land and the earth are not working.

But it was too late. As soon as the People's Army's offensive momentum loosened, the Eighth Army of the U.S. Army guarding Busan was keenly aware of the change in the battlefield situation. Dongjiang, advancing northward.

Thinking of the enemy as stupid, in fact, this person himself is stupid. The US military commander who just finished World War II has a clear view of the battlefield situation. Walker, the commander of the US Eighth Army, is not only not stupid, but also a very strategic commander.

Walker first commanded the troops in Busan to use solid fortifications and powerful firepower to massacre the vital forces of the People's Army. When he realized that the People's Army could not hold on, he decisively ordered the troops to attack. The opportunity to grasp was extremely subtle.

Behind the buttocks was the pursuit of the Eighth Army of the United States, and the Tenth Army of the U.S. Landing Force was in front of it.

But it’s too late to regret. If we could have followed China’s advice earlier and used heavy troops to deploy defenses in Incheon, the battlefield would likely be in a different situation. Also, if the U.S. landing troops had just occupied Incheon, they would have ordered the frontline troops When the troops retreat, most of the main force can still withdraw.

But these are all assumptions. The actual situation is that the People's Army did not listen to China's opinions seriously. After the successful landing of the U.S. Army in Incheon, it did not retreat in time. When it is completely cut off, it is ordered to retreat across the board.

The People's Army ran out of ammunition and food, and their morale was low. It was impossible to withdraw all the large troops. In desperation, they had to break up into pieces, avoid the main road, and disperse to break through.

It has reached the level of dispersal and breakthrough, which means that the organized battle of the People's Army has ended. Artillery, tanks, cars, and weapons and equipment have been abandoned all the way. When the 10,000th parallel is withdrawn, there are only 3+ troops left. To be destroyed is to be captured.

During the entire Korean War, the U.S. Army's Incheon landing operation was the most rewarding and the most captured. Tens of thousands of people's soldiers were captured. This is also the reason for the repeated stalemate over the issue of captives in the later negotiations.

(The condition of China and North Korea is that as long as the war ceases, the two armies will release all the prisoners, no matter how many, they will all be returned. However, the U.S. military believes that they have many more prisoners than China and North Korea. You suffer, so you have to exchange them in a one-to-one ratio)

In September, Dihua, the capital of Xinjiang, was filled with a peaceful atmosphere. The war on the remote peninsula was far away from here. The cadres and soldiers of the Independent Brigade of the First Corps of the People's Liberation Army were still training and living as usual, with happy faces and flowers everywhere.

For unknown reasons, the Corps headquarters held another meeting of senior commanders. Vehicles of various styles were parked outside the headquarters. Most of the good things captured were also supported by the Kuomintang by the United States, and then were given to the People's Liberation Army by Chiang Kai-shek, the captain of the transportation team.

The soldiers in charge of security were suspicious, my good guy, it seems that the heads of the entire corps above the division and brigade are all here, is there something big going on?But it's not right. Since the Usman gang was wiped out, the vast Xinjiang region has been calm, and the life of the military and civilians has been very stable. If chickens don't bark and dogs don't bite, what big things can happen.

However, some soldiers said, you all know shit, there are many things we don’t know, I heard a little gossip recently, saying that it is possible for our corps to collectively turn into a peasant corps and take root in Xinjiang In my life, I also heard that our commander raised a lot of conditions with the central government because of this matter.

The security forces of the Corps are all well-informed guys. A soldier asked in disbelief: "Are you talking nonsense? Where did you know what the commander said? Be careful that the security department came to you investigation."

"Investigate, just investigate. I'm not a KMT agent. Besides, it's not a secret. You should inquire about it. There are many people who know about it."

The previous soldier asked somewhat embarrassedly: "Haha, I was wrong. If you have any news, you should notify us first. Don't make us scratch our hearts like cats."

Somewhat a little proud, the soldier who spoke said in a low voice: "I heard it from our fellow villagers. This is not a military secret, so he just told me a little bit. The condition that our commander made with his superiors is that If you want the army to take root in Xinjiang for a lifetime, you must solve the problem of the wives of the soldiers. How can you take root without a wife? Xinjiang is an area inhabited by ethnic minorities. Their living habits are very different from ours, and the possibility of intermarriage is extremely rare. Besides, even if girls from other ethnic minorities are willing to marry us, there are not so many, we are a big army."

Wow, the soldiers who heard the news were all surprised, weren’t they?

"Damn it, the commander's job is really difficult. If I were the commander, the hair on this head would be all gray in one day."

Some soldiers also asked, how can we fix it?The superiors let us take root and we will take root, but it would be too miserable to be single for a lifetime. Besides, when we are old and dead in the future, who will defend Xinjiang?

The soldier who knew the news said triumphantly: "Hey, you don't have to be afraid, the commander has considered this matter, maybe the superior will bring you your wife from the mainland, and then you will be waiting to enter the bridal chamber as a groom." .”

While the soldiers of the security forces of the headquarters were talking nonsense, the senior commander of the First Corps in the large conference room didn't think about wives or wives, because there were more important things waiting for them.

The chief of staff pointed to the map on the wall and explained:

"The situation is very fast. According to the news just now, a large corps of the US Army carrying heavy weapons has successfully landed in Incheon on the side of the People's Army, and captured the Seoul and Suwon areas by camera. That is to say, the Korean People's Army on the front line has been cut off. back way."

There is less than a day left, please, I bowed, I bowed, anyway, I was too tired to click "Like", the old bus felt a little annoying, but there was no way, it would be too unfair to be fucked on the last day Hurry up. (to be continued..)

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