After listening to Li Yong's explanation, Zhang Jinsong and the deputy platoon leader also sat down happily. At this time, some people were anxious again. Li Yong also knew that they would be anxious. Only the eight veterans who were not assigned tasks stood up and said: " Company commander, what are we doing?" According to the idea of ​​the instructor Wang Chengde, the five combat platoons still lack fifteen squad leaders, and these eight veterans should be the squad leaders.

But Li Yong didn't think so. He thought that these twenty veterans were all treasures in his hands. In the future, the expansion of the army would depend entirely on them. It would be too wasteful to let them be squad leaders.Seeing their anxious looks, they hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. The eight of you are the company's combat staff officers, and your rank is the deputy platoon level. You will assist me and the instructors in their work."

After hearing this, everyone in the room was dumbfounded except for the instructor Wang Chengde. Why?Because Li Yong and Wang Chengde discussed this matter first, otherwise he would be confused, the army only has a staff officer at the regiment level, why do we have a staff officer in our company?Seeing everyone's appearance, Li Yong hurriedly said: "Everyone, don't guess. The regiment leader told me and the instructor before leaving that I can make decisions on our company's own situation. That's it. The eight of you are fighting in a company. Staff officer, this is the end of the meeting, everyone go back, pick out the personnel tomorrow morning, and then you will lead the training."

Everyone sees that since the company commander said so, let's go. The army has been crushed to death by the first-level officials since ancient times. Our PLA troops must obey orders and obey commands.When they walked out of the yard, some soldiers said: "Do you think our company commander is stupid or smart? You say that if he is confused, the training plan he made even admires the instructors. You say he is smart, but he made mistakes in our company. I have eight staff officers. I have been in the army for several years. Let alone met, I have never heard of it. Let alone our army, even the Kuomintang and the little devils do not have staff officers in the company. Our regiment does not have eight staff officers. A staff officer." A soldier next to him said: "The instructor did not object, it seems that this is what the two of them discussed, so let's not worry about it."

The current spy company has 230 nine people, which is enough to stand up to two companies of other troops, but only 25 people can wear military uniforms, and the company commander Li Yong is also dressed in common people's clothes, so the weapons and clothing at the current stage have become the spy company urgent problem to be solved.

After everyone left, the instructor Wang Chengde was very upset. Li Yong, the company commander, knew too much. If you said that he read some military training methods and stories about the Red Army from books, it would be understandable, but these How did he know the battlefield situation, including the brother's battlefield situation?These are all newborns, and there is no way there is any book. He is only 19 years old. Could it be that he can tell fortunes?Impossible, we ** people are materialists and don't believe in any gods and Buddhas, but how to explain the phenomenon on him?I really can't figure it out, ask him these questions, this kid is either talking nonsense or being sloppy, forget it and talk about it later.The next morning, the yard of the Secret Service Company was bustling, why?The platoon leaders and deputy platoon leaders of the five combat platoons were busy robbing soldiers.

Seeing this situation, Li Yong hurriedly said: "No snatching is allowed. The first row will be picked first, then the second, third, fourth, and fifth rows. Only one can be picked at a time." While watching the excitement, I kept shouting that this one is good, that one is good, this body is good, hurry up and pick this one, and there is a body over there that is also good, hurry up and grab it.After being in a mess for half an hour, the five rows were finally sorted out.

The entire spy company was divided into six parts, and the company commander Li Yong stood in front of the team and said: "Okay, comrades, take your team to train well, and now I emphasize one issue, that is, new comrades who do not have guns have to increase the weight on their bodies." , As for how to increase it, it is up to your platoon leader. Whether it is a sand vest or sand leggings, any method will do, but it must be added. The amount can be increased a little. Comrades may ask me why I do this? I can tell you now, because we are soldiers, fighters, and we will carry guns, ammunition, food and water on our bodies in the future, and our PLA is mainly mobile warfare. We will often run around during the war, what should we do if we can’t run? The only way to do it is to be a prisoner. The physical strength of a soldier is not born, but trained. If we don’t practice now, we will suffer. The company commander doesn't have a gun, and I have to train with weights just like everyone else, do you understand?"

When the soldiers heard that the company commander had to train like them, and that the training would be good for the future marching and fighting, of course they were all enthusiastic.In this way, half a month has passed. These recruits have trained well, and their mental state and discipline have been greatly improved. It can be said that they have almost never fought in battle, but new problems have emerged. It is also an old problem, that is, the food, the troops still have enough to eat, but the amount of exercise is too much, and the non-staple food can't keep up. Li Yong trains like a soldier every day, and he feels that there is no oil in his stomach. After discussing with the instructor Wang Chengde, Yong brought the reconnaissance communication platoon leader Zhang Jinsong and the deputy platoon leader over.

Zhang Jinsong went to the company headquarters and said loudly: "Company commander instructor, what's the matter?" Wang Chengde said to Zhang Jinsong: "Jingsong, you two have also seen it. We have carried out intensive training for half a month. The combat effectiveness of the troops is It is a good thing that we have made great progress, but our food is not good, the soldiers have no oil in their stomachs now, it will not work after a long time, and the body will suffer from problems."

Zhang Jinsong: "Instructor, if you don't tell me, I know it. I don't have any oil in my stomach. I've been thinking about this issue for the past two days." Li Yong hurriedly said: "Jin Song, if you have any ideas, let me know. "Zhang Jinsong grinned and said: "Company commander, instructor, our platoon is a reconnaissance and communication platoon. This reconnaissance and communication can't always practice individual combat skills, but also skills related to reconnaissance and communication. More than 20 people were taken out for field training, and hunting is one of the training subjects, so that even if the troops are trained, we can also provide food for our company.”

Li Yong and Wang Chengde looked at each other and laughed loudly: "That's why we came to you. It seems that you have already prepared in your heart, so let's do this. Leave tomorrow morning, bring dry food, and you and the deputy platoon The leader makes it himself, but we must pay attention to the fact that there are no casualties. In addition, we do not have many bullets, and we try not to shoot for unnecessary trouble. Another thing is that when you are training, you should also pay attention to whether there are caves nearby and what kind of caves are there. How many caves are there? Is there anyone living nearby? It’s good that only you and the deputy platoon leader know about this, don’t tell the soldiers why I will tell you after finding the cave, but it must be kept secret.”

Zhang Jinsong answered "yes" and was about to leave. Li Yong held him back and told him to wait a while and had other things to do. Li Yong then asked Li Yuming to find the platoon leaders, deputy platoon leaders and eight veterans who had no task of leading troops. After everyone came, Li Yong said that everyone should sit down and drink some water first. After everyone sat down, Li Yong said: "The instructor and I came here to discuss something with you. Everyone has seen it. Even now, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, the quality of training and combat effectiveness are not mentioned, but there is one thing, we have no weapons, no clothes, do you think there is any solution?"

The twenty veterans looked at each other, and Ma Quanyou, the leader of the second platoon, said: "Company commander, our army is different from the Kuomintang. We don't have the habit of using weapons. You see, the weapons in our hands are all taken from the hands of little devils." , Even if we go back to the regiment now, there is no way to solve it, and the regiment does not have so many weapons, and we need at least 200 more rifles."

At this time, Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth platoon, said: "Company commander, let alone weapons, even clothing is not easy to solve. Now the Kuomintang has blocked us, and the cloth from outside cannot be brought in. The clothes of the troops rely on the homemade cloth woven by the local people. Even our Both Vice Chairman Zhou and Boss Zhu have weaved cloth. The homespun cloth weaved at home is quite strong and durable, but the output is too low. Even if we have such a shortage, there are more than 200 sets, which is really enough. Our column has a quilt factory. Our place is not too far away, there can be more than 50 miles of mountain roads, but at least the clothing must be approved by the brigade department. Even our regiment has no right to give us clothing. Besides, even if the brigade department agrees, there are probably not so many clothing factories. Clothing, I have been to their place, there are personnel and machines, but there is no fabric, this is really difficult."

Li Yong looked at it: "What other comrades have any ideas? Tell them." Another veteran said: "Company commander, this is probably the case, and what we know is similar to what the two of them said. If you want to solve the problem of weapons , The old way of our army is to fight. Our company only has twenty rifles and a few hand grenades, so we can only fight small battles, come one by one, capture a little after each battle, and gradually arm ourselves.”

Li Yong looked at the other veterans and reminded him without saying a word: "Comrades, we can't just look at ourselves, we can't keep our eyes on the problem inwardly, our PLA is poor, we have to look out at the problem, We are poor but the enemy is not poor, we have to find a way from the enemy.” When everyone heard Li Yong’s words, even the instructor Wang Chengde said: “If you have any good ideas, company commander, tell them quickly, don’t be fooled.”

Li Yong smiled and said: "The problems we encounter now are not only ours, but also the main force of our field army. When the war began, the main force of our field army was only more than 2 people. After the local troops replenished and captured the prisoners of the Kuomintang troops, we The main force of the field army will also increase substantially.”

Everyone laughed when Li Yong said this, and Li Yong understood why everyone laughed when he thought about it, and said quickly: "Don't laugh, I'm not a prisoner. I escaped from the Kuomintang. I joined the army voluntarily. I was caught by Li Jiangguo, because I saw that he was wearing the gray uniform of our army and didn’t resist. How can this be considered a prisoner? Li Jiangguo, don’t you think so?”

Li Jiangguo hurriedly said: "Our company commander is right. If he is as wise and powerful as our company commander, if he resists, I will definitely be caught by him. How can I still be caught?" After hearing this, everyone laughed even harder. The instructor Wang Chengde said next to him: "You have done so bravely, can't you count as a prisoner? You can continue to talk."

Li Yong went on to say: "It's almost May now, but our main force, including our own single uniform, has not been resolved, so I estimate that the main force of our field army may have a big action, and the intention of the action should be consistent with the troops' intentions." It's about logistical supplies."

These veterans heard this and understood that their company commander was about to predict again, but could the company commander's prediction be true this time?Only the instructor Wang Chengde had a flash in his heart. He knew that Li Yong would not say that if he was not sure. The enemy's logistical supplies in the northwest battlefield have two major parts. One is Yan'an, where more than half of the enemy's supplies for attacking northern Shaanxi are located. The second is Panlong Town. Most of the frontline supplies for the enemy's mobile forces attacking us in northern Shaanxi are here. The enemy's advance base, we can't move Yan'an at present, so I guess our headquarters chief's next idea should be here, which is Panlong Town.

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