The beacon of youth

Chapter 70 Raising Food

After listening to Li Yongxin's announced establishment, the 800 veterans returning from the headquarters were completely shocked. More than [-] people all had the same steel helmets, leather shoes, backpacks, new military uniforms, and all automatic firepower equipment. I've seen such a team, but I've never even heard of it.

The company commander Li Yong also told them to take the bullets casually, as long as you think you can recite them, so each veteran secretly took an extra [-] bullets in his backpack in addition to the [-] bullets that the spy company is equipped with as standard. The method, the soldiers who are used to being poor know the difficulty of running out of bullets at a critical moment. When did the ** army become so rich?

Li Yong submitted his application for joining the party to the instructor on the night after the reorganization of the spy company. This is Li Yong's second application. The first was handed in in the previous life. Looking at the application in his hand, Wang Chengde said : "Dayong, even if you don't pay, I have to remind you. You understand the party better than us, and you should have been a member of our party long ago. Let's discuss your admission to the party at the branch committee tonight." question."

At the discussion meeting that night, Li Yong's joining the party was expected by everyone and no one raised any questions. Li Jiangguo, the first platoon leader, said: "If our company commander is not a party member, who else is a party member? Take me as an example. His understanding is far worse than his." When Li Jiangguo said this, it was time to be very serious.

The next day, under the banner of the party that the instructor Wang Chengde launched, Li Yong secretly decided in his heart that he would give his whole life to our party. A person's life is only a few decades, and he will do a great cause under the leadership of the party. It's not in vain to live again this time.

The special agent company rested in the Zhenwudong area for a period of time, and then the troops headed north. This time, it was determined that they would join the main force. After the artillery platoon, the supply platoon, and Wang Huo's five platoons were broken, the four squads of the reconnaissance platoon searched and advanced more than 300 meters around the troops, and Zhang Jinsong led the avant-garde squad to the front.

Li Yong's destination is Jingbian County, the easternmost part of the Trilateral Division, because Li Yong knows that the main force of the Northwest Field Army is now fighting the enemy in the Yanchi and Anbian areas. , Jingbian is the place where the main force must pass.

There is another reason, the special agent company can bypass the Dali River by going to Jingbian, otherwise it would be troublesome for the special agent company without river crossing equipment to cross the Dali River. It was much slower than the special agent company marching on horseback. There was no need to hurry and tire the troops. After more than ten days of marching, the special agent company finally arrived at Jingbian County at the foot of the Great Wall.

The Trilateral Division is a part of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and is the northernmost division. The most densely populated areas are Dingbian, Anbian and Jingbian. The three counties are all close to the Great Wall. From west to east, they are Dingbian. Anbian, Jingbian.

After arriving at Jingbian, a shadow in Li Yong's heart became more and more serious. The Northwest Field Army, which had regained Longdong and the three border divisions, had obvious intentions to go east along the Great Wall. .

Yulin used to be called Yuyang, also known as Tuocheng.Although it is located in the Fortress, due to its proximity to the Wuding River and the Yu River, the terrain is open, the soil is fertile, the climate is mild, and the products are abundant. It is known as Little Beiping.

It is adjacent to the Great Wall in the north, the Yellow River in the east, Wuyan in the south, and Ningxia in the northwest. Horses are good at fighting, soldiers and civilians are mixed, and their lives are paid, so Yulin has been a military city in history.

This Yulin is known as the largest fortress in the northwest. There are more than 22 personnel. Although it is a miscellaneous army of the Kuomintang, it has lived in Yulin for more than 22 years. Most of the officers and soldiers bring their families and property.

After the Long March of the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, and after our party established base areas in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, most of the landlords and rich peasants went to Yulin. Deng Baoshan is not a simple character, she is very good at defending the city.

At that time, because our army had no experience in attacking fortified cities, there were few firearms, and there was a serious shortage of food. Therefore, the Northwest Field Army's attack on Yulin in history ended in failure. This is also one of the defeats that the People's Liberation Army has always been unwilling to mention in the history of war.

Li Yong, who is a latecomer, knows these things very well, but what is the use of being clear, he is just a small company commander, and the senior commanders can't even see him, let alone make any suggestions. Now he can only do his best Just do what you can within your power.

After arriving at Jingbian, Li Yong ordered the special agent company to send out all the staff except for the health team, cooking squad, and logistics platoon to guard the house, and to raise food for the upcoming main force.

The Northwest Field Army is the most difficult unit in the history of our army, and it was the most difficult before and after the Battle of Yulin. The army's combat effectiveness has declined due to lack of food. To raise food in the Jingbian area, we have to travel far from the Great Wall to the Suiyuan Province in the north.

As long as it is edible, buy everything back, spend all the oceans seized by the spy company in several battles, and grab the riches of the landlord if it comes across, this is no way, the spy company only has a few thousand yuan The food shortage of the main force is too great.

Because the spy company is all cavalry, they acted very quickly. In a few days, they not only bought back a lot of food, but also brought back a lot of cattle, sheep and livestock.

On this day, Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance platoon leader, came back and reported: less than two hundred miles north of the Great Wall, there is a big landlord named Liu Chengwan. This big landlord not only has a thousand hectares of grain fields, but also has countless bodyguards. Not only did he ignore the notice, but he also threatened the people around him not to sell food to our army. His arrogance was very arrogant, and the local people were very afraid. He asked for instructions on what to do when he came back.

After listening to Zhang Jinsong's report, Li Yong thought to himself: If you are unlucky, I will use you to practice for the reorganized spy company.

Let Li Yuming inform the troops to assemble, the logistics platoon and the cooking team and health team will stay, and the rest of the company's main force will go out as a whole.

The people in the supply platoon were a little unhappy when they saw that they were left again this time: "Why do we always stay here? Although we are called the supply platoon, we are also a fighting force and cannot be the same as the cooking team and health team."

Li Yong saw that the soldiers in the rear row were a little unhappy, so he smiled and said: "You take care of your home, there are still plenty of battles, and I will let you go next time."

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