The beacon of youth

Chapter 701 It's Not Me

Although Xinjiang is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Li Yong and Wang Chengde have discussed it together long ago. Only by leaving here can the risk of being disbanded be reduced. There is no way around it.

He was very reluctant to part with the leaders at all levels and his old comrades in arms, but there was no other way. Wang Chengde, the political commissar of the brigade, had heard about the news that the troops were going to take root in agriculture.

Since you don’t want to stay in Xinjiang, you have to go. How to go is a big problem. You can only mobilize troops if necessary. Otherwise, who will transfer troops here and there. There is a war in North Korea, but it’s too far away, so keep it close The troops are not mobilized, just an independent brigade?The superiors will not be so stupid. Besides, there are several major field armies across the country. There are too many troops. The independent brigade is a bit famous in the field. An independent brigade is only more than 1 people. The troops sent to North Korea are fighting the national war. It depends on the personnel A lot of independent brigades are not enough.

When there is no choice, going to Tibet is also a good way. In Li Yong's memory, in the second half of [-], there was indeed a unit in the Northwest that cooperated with the [-]th Army in entering Tibet. I can't remember which unit. It's clear, but it seems to be cavalry, and the scale is not too big (Qinghai cavalry detachment).

As a matter of fact, Commander Wang and the heads of the corps had already made up their minds about which troops to send to Tibet, but the plan must be brought out for everyone to discuss, and the best way is to convince everyone.

The large map on the wall of the conference room was immediately changed from the Northeast Frontier Map to the full map of the area around Tibet. The Chief of Staff of the Corps briefly introduced the situation and asked everyone to state their reasons. Whoever has a good reason will be allowed to go. It is fair. compete.

Li Yong thought about the independent brigade's competitors in his mind. After thinking about it, he felt that although there were more than a dozen troops at the first level of the corps division, there were not many who could distinguish themselves from the independent brigade.The corps has eleven division-level troops, which seem to be quite a lot, but there are only two that can run fast. One is an independent brigade that has been fully motorized, and the other is an independent cavalry division that has not been formed for a long time. It was formed by the two cavalry regiments who suppressed the bandits together with Li Yong and the others. Although they were called divisions, there were only two regiments, and the total strength was only 4000 to [-]. The combat effectiveness was incomparable to that of the independent brigade.

Thinking of this, Li Yong's heart is somewhat at a loss.The order is very clear. The First Corps to be stationed in Xinjiang sent a division-level unit. Therefore, the arguments in the room were all commanders at the division level. Those army commanders, political commissars, and chiefs of staff responded Watching the fun from the sidelines as if they had nothing to do.

Division commanders and political commissars are all vying to talk about the advantages of their troops.Say their own reasons, each is very good.It seems that they are not sent.There is no way to liberate Tibet.

Li Yong felt a little funny when he heard it. How can this group of people deal with it? They always want to go somewhere to fight. If this is put in decades, maybe someone will be dragged to see a psychiatrist, but At that time, it was almost like this, and the commanders of the People's Liberation Army basically followed this way.Hearing the war is happy.

Finally it was the turn of the Independent Brigade to state their reasons, and Brigadier Li Da stood up and talked eloquently:

"Commanders, comrades-in-arms, my opinion is that our brigade should cooperate with the Second Field and Eighteenth Army in the task of liberating Tibet."

As soon as Li Yong finished his sentence, the venue was blown up, and all the commanders at the division level quit. What is it that belongs to your independent brigade, and your independent brigade is the king of heaven?It's still his mother's Jade Emperor, isn't Lao Tzu's army the main force?Is this little recruit going to rebel?

There was a full minute of confusion, and finally the chief of staff of the corps spoke. Let Li Yong explain the reason first, and then argue.

I have become a brigade commander, and I am still called a recruit by these veterans. I shouted and shouted, and Li Da had no choice.

But you have to be humble. The commanders of divisions and above in Yiye are basically from the Red Army. It seems that there is nothing wrong with calling Li Yong a recruit:

"Gentlemen, let me tell you the reason for our independent brigade to go to Tibet. So far, our brigade has fully realized the marching of motorized troops, which is the so-called mechanized troops. All the heavy artillery has also been drawn by mules and horses. Truck towing, strong maneuverability, this is our first reason.

Second, our brigade has strong firepower. In addition to infantry, the whole brigade also has tank battalions, heavy howitzer battalions and anti-aircraft machine gun battalions. Although I want to explain in particular, the scale of the tank and howitzer battalions organized in our brigade It is no smaller than a regiment of other troops, and it can also be called a tank regiment and a howitzer regiment.

Thirdly, our brigade has a strong logistical supply capability. Our brigade has a supply battalion with more than [-] personnel and more than [-] trucks. It is the largest battalion in our brigade and can carry a large amount of ammunition and food. It is no exaggeration to say that our brigade's continuous combat capability is much stronger than that of ordinary troops in the absence of logistical supplies. Based on the above points, I think it is most suitable for us to send troops to cooperate with the [-]th Army to enter Tibet . "

After the reasoning was finished, the audience was silent. Usually, Li Yong and Wang Chengde are very low-key people. They never talk about how powerful their troops are in front of everyone. This light shocked everyone.

Damn it, the Independent Brigade is really a wealthy landlord. According to the usual saying, there is a tank regiment, a howitzer regiment and a car transport regiment in their brigade. If this is the comparison, who can compare with them.

Discussions continued, but Li Yong and Wang Chengde sat there complacently and said nothing. It was useless to be envious, and even more useless to be jealous. Our equipment was not issued by the superiors, so you can just be jealous.

If you don't accept it, you can't accept it, but there is really nothing you can do about Li Yong and Wang Chengde. What the independent brigade offered was real money, hard currency.

Several commanders of the corps exchanged glances with each other, and the happiest one was Commander Wang, who was smiling from the corners of his eyes and brows: Look at our soldiers, they insist on winning.

Commander Wang's expression was noticed by a chief beside him, who coughed: "Hey, I said Beard, can't you bring out good soldiers! Hurry up and assign tasks."

But no, almost forgot the serious business, Commander Wang knocked on the table: "Calm down, now I'm announcing an order, as decided by the Party Committee of the Corps, to send the Independent Brigade of the Second Army as the entry-Tibet force to cooperate with the Second Army and the Eighteenth Army. Liberate Tibet, everyone applauds."

The commander's decision is the final decision. This is the decision. The debate is over. These guys have everything to say, some scolding, and some congratulations. For example, Commander Zhao of the Fourth Division of the Second Army. It was established by himself as a special agent company of his second regiment, and he is also very happy that the army has come to this day.

Li Yong heaved a sigh of relief. The task was accomplished. The troops will definitely leave Xinjiang. The future direction is still unclear, but they can only take one step at a time. Li Yong is not a god, he just knows some historical facts Incident, who can understand the future of the army that has never appeared in military history! ! !

The mission has already been determined, and the chief of staff of the corps will introduce the situation:

"Don't just be happy. Going to Tibet is not an easy task. Originally, the mission had nothing to do with our first field. It was because the troops of the second field encountered difficulties in entering Tibet. That's why we sent troops to cooperate."

"Chief, can you tell me what the difficulty is?" Li Yong hurriedly asked.

"The situation is like this. The main difficulty encountered by the Second Field is the food problem. The tens of thousands of troops of the [-]th Army of the planned entry into Tibet have stagnated in Xikang. According to the feedback from their army commander Zhang Guohua, as long as the food is guaranteed , then any difficulty can be overcome, otherwise it can only delay the time of entering Tibet, there is no other way.”

To say a thousand words and ten thousand is still the problem of food. The commanders of the First Corps have a deep feeling for food, because the old Northwest Field Army has no food for eight out of ten days, and the feeling of fighting hungry is too uncomfortable.

At this point, Commander Wang took over the conversation:

"I'm here to give you another news. Geda Living Buddha, the representative we sent to the peace talks, was killed half a month ago. He died a terrible death. According to our intelligence personnel, he was poisoned to death. This shows a The problem shows that people don’t want to engage in peace talks at all, Geda Living Buddha is the vice chairman of Xikang Province, and also a good friend of our Boss Zhu, who helped us a lot during the Red Army period.”

The chief of staff pointed to the map and continued to explain: "The total strength of the Tibetan army is [-] generations (equivalent to regiments). In order to prevent our army from entering Tibet, about ten generations of the main force were arranged in the Qamdo area in an attempt to use Geographical advantages drove our troops back into Tibet. In view of the performance of the above-mentioned enemies, the Southwest Military Region decided to launch the Battle of Qamdo with the [-]th Army of the Second Field Army as the main force, and wipe out the main force of the Tibetan army.”

"Most of the main force of the Tibetan army is cavalry, and our Eighteenth Army of the troops entering Tibet are all infantry. In order to prevent the enemy from running away at the first hit, the superior decided that we should deploy a capable force to carry out a roundabout, interspersed and encircled. Go behind the enemy, and when the battle is launched, attack the enemy head-on when they are defeated, and wipe out the Qamdo defenders. This is the task that your independent brigade will perform, understand?"

Li Yong and Wang Chengde stood up together and replied: "Please rest assured, chief, and promise to complete the task."

"Confidence alone is not enough. Detours are not a trivial matter. You must know that you have to pass the Jinsha River, the Lancang River, and the Hengduan Mountains along the way. The difficulties are not small. I don't doubt the combat effectiveness of your brigade. The most difficult It is very likely how your equipment marches." It was Commander Wang who spoke. (to be continued..)

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