The beacon of youth

Chapter 705 Old Warrior

When Li Yong said the name of Commander Wang, the fellow grabbed Li Yong's hand fiercely: "But Wang Zhen of the Second Front Army?"

"That's right, our commander used to be from the Red Second Front Army, and the commander-in-chief back then was Boss He Longhe."

After hearing the names of the two chiefs, the man who was captured by Ning Erzi's reconnaissance platoon as a spy trembled all over his body, and said in a trembling voice: "Comrade, I will wait for you, but I will wait until you come back. "

Li Yong tentatively asked: "My fellow, who are you? Why did you follow the troops quietly."

This "spies" reported himself: "Comrade, I am a wounded person who fell behind during the Red Army's Long March. I wandered all the way here, and I have been looking for our troops. After more than ten years, I finally look forward to you."

After finishing speaking, this fellow was wailing loudly, and the incident broke out. This fellow said that he was once a wounded and sick person who fell behind in the Red Army. It was hard to tell from the tone of his speech that it was a lie, but he wanted Li Yong to do it because of these few words. It is not so easy to believe that he is real, but how can we find out whether he is real or not.

Li Yongmeng, who turned his head around a few times, suddenly remembered a person, yes, why did he forget him: "Come on, go and inform the deputy battalion commander of the supply camp, Lao Yang, and ask him to come over immediately."

Lao Yang is an authentic old Red Army who has gone through the Long March and knows a lot of things. Let him confront this so-called wounded and sick person, and he should be able to figure out the truth.

The marching sequence of the baggage battalion was not far from the brigade headquarters. After a short time, Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander, and He Cuihua, the curious instructor, drove over in a jeep.

Li Yong greeted him and told Lao Yang about the situation. Lao Yang was also very excited, because the environment he lived in was very harsh and many Red Army wounded and sick were forced to be abandoned.But few survived, with no medical treatment or medicine, and the brutal pursuit and killing of the Kuomintang army and local warlords, which made the wounded and sick of the Red Army far away from the base areas extremely difficult, and falling behind meant death.

Lao Yang carefully looked at this person up and down: "Name, position, age, old unit number, battles you have experienced, and the name of your leader back then. From the commander to the company commander, you must say it."

My name is Zhou Daxing. I am a deputy squad leader of the Red Sixth Army of the Second Front Army. I am 34 years old. My leader is……………………………….

The fellow who said his name was Zhou Daxing began to tell his experiences one by one.In the end, Zhou Daxing said: "I have been looking forward to your return. I have been waiting for fifteen or sixteen years. My hair has turned gray. I hope you will come back. Nothing else, I ask you to return to the team."

Back in front of Li Yong, Lao Yang, who had never shown any emotion in front of others, was also very excited: "The brigade commander and the political commissar are true. What he said is true. I checked with him carefully. The troops back then The serial number and the battles that have been fought are all correct, as well as the name of the troop commander. Although I can’t know all of them, most of them are correct. It seems that this person is our own comrade, yes, I dare to guarantee it with my life.”

In fact, without Lao Yang's proof, Li Yong can also know that this man named Zhou Daxing is a wounded and sick member of the Red Army living in this area, because such a stroke was written in the later history of our army, although there are not a few words, Or it can only be called a light sketch, but Li Yong is very fortunate to have seen this experience.

Zhou Daxing, a former wounded and wounded member of the Red Army, found the interspersed troop of the People's Liberation Army (the 52th Regiment of the [-]nd Division of the [-]th Army) when he liberated Tibet, and put on his military uniform again to lead the interspersed troop. Unfortunately, When the troops crossed the snow mountain on foot, they suffered a heart attack and died on the top of the snow mountain after rescue failed.

This is a tried and tested veteran, and also a veteran who dedicated everything to the army. He was a sacrificed veteran in history, but unexpectedly, the Independent Brigade ran into him here.

It seems that history has been slightly adjusted because of the arrival of Li Yong. This old soldier named Zhou Daxing did not meet the interspersed troops of the [-]th Army, but met the marching team of the Independent Brigade by accident. Also tracked all the way over.

Now that our independent brigade has met, this fate destined by God has to be changed. Of course, Li Yong does not want to see this old soldier die. The interspersed troops of the army will also sacrifice themselves on the Daxue Mountain due to overwork because all the troops march on foot, but the independent brigade is different. This old soldier can't die.

After being confirmed by Lao Yang, he was undoubtedly his comrade. Li Yong held on to this veteran soldier: "Old Zhou, you have worked hard, and our large army has returned. If you have any requests, just say it. satisfy."

"Hahahaha, request? There is only one, return to the army, return to my own old army, and find the Sixth Army of the Red Second Front Army."

The Sixth Army of the Red Second Front Army? ?Hearing this old soldier say that he was looking for his own old army, or the Sixth Army of the Red Second Front Army, the old soldiers who knew the inside story all laughed, or the kind of laughter with an open heart, like brigade commander Li Yong, political commissar Wang Chengde, Fang Xin, chief of staff, Lao Yang, deputy battalion chief of the supply battalion, and He Cuihua, etc., laughed out loud anyway.

The old soldier was dumbfounded by the laughter, what's so ridiculous about it, what's wrong with looking for the old army and the old chief.

Political commissar Wang Chengde came over and said to Zhou Daxing: "Let me introduce, my name is Wang Chengde, and I am the political commissar of this marching army. You are right to find the old army and the old chief, but I want to tell you something. After the Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, it was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, the Second Red Army was reorganized into the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, the Second Red Army under the Second Front was reorganized into the [-]th Brigade, and the Sixth Red Army was reorganized into the [-]th Brigade After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the First Army of the People's Liberation Army was established on the basis of the [-]th Brigade, and the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army was formed on the basis of the [-]th Brigade, did Comrade Zhou understand?"

Zhou Daxing nodded his head like a rattle: "I understand. The Second Front Army was first reorganized into the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and later changed into the current People's Liberation Army. The Sixth Red Army I belonged to was the 120th Brigade of the 359th Division. It is the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army."

Including brigade commander Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde, the soldiers forming a circle were looking at Lao Zhou with smiling eyes, looking at this veteran soldier who had gone through many hardships.

Lao Zhou is a veteran with rich experience in the battlefield, and his brain is also very good. The eyes of the soldiers reminded him of one thing. What did the young brigade commander say when he introduced the troop number to him just now?Which army are they in?

Their brains seemed to open up all of a sudden. They said they were the independent brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army, so that means that their old troops had arrived! ! !

"Oh, you belong to the Second Army, the former Red Sixth Army." Lao Zhou was so excited that he was about to jump up.

Political commissar Wang Chengde further explained to Lao Zhou that most of the Sixth Red Army’s old roots were in the main divisions of the Second Army (4th, 5th, and 6th divisions), and the Independent Brigade was a newly formed unit of the Second Army. There are less than 100 old people transferred from the army. If he wants to see his old comrades-in-arms, he can only go back to the military headquarters. However, the army is currently performing an emergency mission, so he can't go back for the time being.

Lao Zhou patted his chest and said loudly: "I didn't say anything, since I found my own unit, I will do it with you, Comrade Brigadier, I have been in this area for more than ten years, and I am very familiar with the terrain and geography. Troops lead the way."

Li Yong was very excited. The troops are now performing interspersed missions. What is the most important thing for troops to intersperse?It is the correct course of action. If you want to ensure that the troops arrive in time and do not go wrong, you must make two guarantees. One is to have a detailed geographical map, and the other is to have a good guide. Both are indispensable. .

The Independent Brigade has no shortage of maps. It has been prepared long before the operation. What it lacks is a good guide. This time, Zhou Daxing, who was born in the Red Army, came and took the initiative to lead the troops!Our independent travel is really fucking lucky. We can get whatever we want, and when we want to sleep, someone will give us a pillow.

Li Yong looked at Wang Chengde, the political commissar, and at Fang Xin, the chief of staff, and they both nodded in agreement:

"Comrade Zhou Daxing, on behalf of the Independent Brigade of the Second Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, I approve your request to return to the army and temporarily appoint you as the instructor of the Engineer Company of the Independent Brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army. Welcome."

Why is it temporary, because this Zhou Daxing, like Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, is too senior, and the specific appointment will be decided by the superior after being notified, and it can only be a temporary position in the independent brigade.

Zhou Daxing, the 34-year-old deputy squad leader of the Red Army, touched his heels: "Comrade Brigadier, I will definitely complete the task."

The appointment was made, and Zhou Daxing, who was caught as a spy, became the instructor of the engineering company in a blink of an eye. The fate changed really fast enough.

Li Yong squinted his eyes and followed Lao Yang to see the lively He Cuihua: "What are you still doing, go back quickly and prepare a new military uniform for Lao Zhou. By the way, there is also a shell gun and a hundred rounds of bullets."

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first echelon walking at the front of the independent brigade, said to Xiao Cheng, the engineer company commander beside him: "Well, the fellow who was captured by the second son just now is now the instructor of your company. Why are you still watching me? Go pick up people." Ah, do you still want to leave your instructor there?"

Xiaocheng agreed and jumped into the jeep of their engineering company. The little jeep made a straight turn and drove towards the brigade headquarters.

Li Jiangguo, commander of the first battalion, looked at the jeep going away, and muttered to himself: "A new instructor from the old revolution has arrived, Xiaocheng will be taken care of in the future." (To be continued...)

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