According to the marching route formulated in advance, with Lao Zhou as the guide, the independent brigade was like a tiger descending the mountain, pounced forward all the way, and the world was turned upside down wherever it went.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first echelon of the avant-garde, ordered the troops to replenish supplies at any time when possible. The news from the Southwest Military Region's enemy industry department said that the troops of the [-]th Army were already digging wild vegetables and eating gophers. From this situation, at least two points can be analyzed. First, there is a lack of food wherever the troops go. Second, The troops of the second field encountered the same problem as the first field, and the supply was not smooth, so try to save as much as possible.

Li Jiangguo's method of replenishing supplies is not complicated, that is, he ordered the troops to find trouble with the big landlords, chieftains, chieftains, etc., and let them open the granary. Store grain in the granaries, and distribute a portion of the grain from the landlords and headmen to the common people.

Li Jiangguo didn't consider whether it would be considered a violation of discipline to continue doing this. The usual practice of our independent brigade is, what the hell, do it first. This style is both curious and enjoyable.

Li Yong, the brigade commander, agrees very much with the style of the vanguard battalion. Li Jiangguo is the guy he wants, and he understands the mood of the brigade commander very well. The commander of the first echelon is not bad.

This is the reason why brigade commander Li Yong employs people. There are many commanders in the independent brigade who can fight, but not many can be flexible. For example, Wang Huhu, the commander of the fifth battalion, is good at fighting and doing mass work, but Let him do what Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, may not be able to do it. There are still individual differences between people.

After passing the Dangjin Pass, go forward for more than 100 kilometers.After leaving Gansu, the front is the Qaidam Basin and the Great Desert of Qinghai Province. The troops bypassed the edge of the Great Desert and rushed all the way to Qinghai Lake. After arriving at Qinghai Lake, the convoy turned south again. Yankala Pass.

There is a distance of several hundred kilometers from Qinghai Lake to the Bayan Har Pass, and the marching convoy of the Independent Brigade will have to walk for one to two days. Taking advantage of this period of time, Li Yong introduced some information about Bayan Har The simple situation and knowledge of the mountains, so that the soldiers have a simple understanding of the plateau and snow-capped mountains.

As for how the brigade commander Li Yong knew these things.The soldiers don't think about it, they naturally think that our brigade commander will definitely know, why?Because he is our brigade commander.

Bayan Har Mountain is located in the west-central part of Qinghai Province.In Mongolian, it means "rich blue mountain", which is part of the Kunlun Mountains, and the west is the Hoh Xil Mountains.To the east is the Minshan Mountains.It is also the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The main peak is more than 200 meters above sea level, and the altitude of the mountain pass that the independent brigade will pass through has reached more than 800 meters. It is really in mid-air.

This is the only way to enter Tibet. Princess Wencheng entered Tibet through this mountain pass. Bayan Har Mountain has a continental cold climate.The air is thin and the climate is cold. It snows for eight months of the year, and the warm season is relatively short.There are only about three months. Even in the hottest summer, the highest temperature is only ten degrees, and the lowest temperature in winter can reach minus 35 degrees.

The troops stopped before crossing the mountain pass, at a small place called Bison Valley. Li Yong ordered the troops to do a final overhaul of vehicles and equipment. Crossing the mountain pass is no joke. At this height, the plains Those who come up will be overwhelmed when they exercise vigorously, and the power of the engine will be halved.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first echelon of the avant-garde, has a way. This guy asked the new engineer company instructor, Lao Zhou, to give lessons to the soldiers, talk about their difficult conditions in the Red Army, and encourage everyone.

Lao Zhou didn't refuse at all, and told Li Jiangguo that their former instructors did this, mobilizing the soldiers before each battle. Unfortunately, both his instructor and company commander died.

The next morning, the troops set off. Not long after they left Bison Valley, the fog that had been bothering the convoy dissipated, and the plateau in front revealed blue sky, white clouds and snow-capped mountains in the distance. The sunlight on people looks very warm.

In the sunshine, on both sides of the road the convoy was driving, we saw beautiful white pagodas and colorful prayer flags, and some Tibetan people were grazing.

The blue sky, white clouds, snow-capped mountains, crystal-clear rivers, and flocks of sheep dotted at the foot of the snow-capped mountains all looked so beautiful and beautiful. The Tibetan people grazing also saw such a large-scale army, and they were far away. Some hid, because they didn't know what kind of army it was, let alone what their purpose was.

The soldiers didn't care what the masses thought. They would naturally know the discipline of our People's Liberation Army when they had more contacts in the future. Now they are concerned about how to pull all such troops from the Shankou area.

The convoy climbed higher and higher, the roar of the engine became more and more serious, and it was climbing up like an old cow with a heavy load. After passing [-] meters, it reached the snow line, and the temperature dropped suddenly. It was suddenly cold, but luckily the troops had been prepared for a long time, and all kinds of cold protection measures were well prepared. The low temperature and lack of oxygen could only cause a little trouble for the marching team, and had no effect on the advance of the troops.

The soldiers took all this for granted. They went up the mountain by car, fed and clothed warmly, and there were engineers to clear the way at any time along the way. Look, the tanks of the tank battalion on both sides of the road were already ready, and if there was a problem with the vehicle, it was towed immediately. In this way, what problems can there be, and what kind of mountain passes can't be crossed.

Lao Zhou, the instructor of the engineering company, felt very novel about all this. He never expected that Yamaguchi, who had felt so sad during the Red Army period, seemed to be able to deal with it easily in front of the independent brigade. More than 800 meters seemed nothing special. Hey, I think back then If our Red Second Front Army also had such equipment, how many fewer people would die! !

Lao Zhou, the instructor of the engineering company, was thinking about his own thoughts when he passed the mountain pass. He recalled how many comrades fell on the Daxue Mountain. The brigade commander behind him, Li Yong, had also been paying attention to the situation of the first echelon of the avant-garde. Li Yong, an old Red Army soldier in Daxing, knows that if there is no such unit as the Independent Brigade, what Lao Zhou will find is the team of the [-]th Army of the People's Liberation Army marching on foot, and he will have a heart attack because of leading the troops on the Daxue Mountain sacrifice.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first echelon, reported that the avant-garde troops passed through the mountain pass area smoothly, without casualties and equipment losses, and everything was fine.

That's great. Li Yong slapped his thigh fiercely. There are no casualties, which means that there is nothing wrong with Lao Zhou who marched with the army. This old Red Army soldier who found the army again should be able to survive, and the independent brigade can also have an excellent commander. .

"Order the troops to strengthen vigilance after passing the mountain pass and expand the search area." The order of the brigade commander Li Yong was quickly passed on, and the area where the independent brigade was going to perform its mission was getting closer and closer, so it was necessary to maintain a high level of alert.

After the last supply battalion passed the mountain pass, Li Yong finally felt relieved. At this moment, a message came from the reconnaissance platoon at the front of the avant-garde first echelon. A team of unknown circumstances approached. It is cavalry, about a company in number.

The first infantry battalion is the vanguard battalion of the independent brigade, and the one placed in front of the first battalion is a platoon of the reconnaissance battalion. The tip of the knife is the first reconnaissance platoon of the combat hero Ning Erzi.

More than 100 soldiers and more than a dozen jeeps searched and moved forward in front of the large army. The motors of the jeeps roared cheerfully. Five or six soldiers in each car were vigilantly annotating the surrounding scenery. It can be seen that the mountain pass just passed did not bring them even the slightest burden.

The platoon leader Ning Erzi, who was used to this kind of work, knew that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, so he asked the soldiers to cheer up and not let go of any rats around them, but wiped out all the ones that threatened the march of the troops.

A soldier suddenly shouted: "Platoon leader, platoon leader, look, there is a situation in the distance."

Looking in the direction of the soldier's finger, sure enough, there is a large cloud of smoke billowing in the distance between the sky and the earth.

The soldiers who fought countless times with the Majia Army in the Northwest and the bandits in Xinjiang were very experienced, and they seemed to know that there should be cavalry troops approaching, and the smoke and dust were picked up by the hooves of the horses.

"Become a combat team, ready to fight."

While preparing to meet the enemy, the platoon leader Ning Erzi also passed on the situation to the large troops behind.

The team in the binoculars was getting closer and closer, and gradually a man and horse appeared in the smoke and dust, and when they got closer, the knights on horseback could gradually be seen clearly.

All the cavalry running from afar were wearing khaki military uniforms, and the red stars on the military caps above their heads were clearly visible.

Wearing a khaki military uniform and a hat with a red star, is this the same as the clothes on my father? Ning Erzi suddenly understood a little bit, and the horse team running over was probably a brother army of the friendly army.

Putting down the binoculars in his hand, Erzi Ning ordered in a deep voice: "Don't shoot casually, the opponent may be one of our own."

At the same time, the other side also saw Ning Erzi, a vanguard unit exploring the way in front of the independent brigade, and the speed of the running horse team also slowed down.

On one side were cavalry, and on the other side were more than a dozen jeeps, both of which were moving forward rapidly. Soon, the two teams met face to face.

The galloping horses snorted whitely, kicked and stamped and surrounded them in a semicircle. More than 100 soldiers reined in and looked at Erzi Ning and the soldiers in their platoon with vigilant eyes.

The old bus has just arrived home, and work is very stressful, so there is no way to update it in time. I bow to the brothers, sorry. (to be continued..)

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