The beacon of youth

Chapter 723 The head was kicked by a donkey

The behavior of the Ninth Generation Ben of the Tibetan Army was defined as an uprising by the Southwest Military Region of the People's Liberation Army. Gesang Wangdui, the head of the Ninth Generation Ben, was also a little surprised. Is the People's Liberation Army so magnanimous to act out of nowhere! !

The magnanimity of the People's Liberation Army is not expressed by words, but by behavior. Since the Ninth Generation was defined as an uprising, the attitude of the Independent Brigade of the People's Liberation Army stationed with them has obviously changed. When it comes to soldiers, everyone is very polite when they see them, especially the political commissar Wang Chengde, who comes to Jiudaiben almost every day to explain to them the policy of the PLA, the significance of marching into Tibet, and the principles of national unity.

But there is one exception, that is the brigade commander Li Yong. Li Yong's thoughts are very simple. The whole country is liberated. After all, for his attitude, political commissar Wang Chengde even criticized him in private.

Shortly after Jiudaiben was identified as an uprising, another telegram sent by a high-level PLA was sent to the brigade headquarters of the Independent Brigade and asked them to forward it to Jiudaiben. The telegram is as follows:

Gesang Wangdui, head of the regiment, and transferred to the ninth generation of all officers and soldiers

You are well aware of righteousness, and resolutely hold high the banner of righteousness, and stand on the side of the people, so that the garrison areas can be liberated peacefully, and the lives and property of the people will be saved from unnecessary casualties and losses. Progress, with your exemplary behavior, call on the vast number of Tibetan army officers and soldiers to stand in the big family of the Republic, actively assist the PLA to liberate Tibet smoothly, so that Tibetan compatriots can get rid of imperialist aggression and oppression as soon as possible, and gradually build Tibet into a paradise of happiness and well-being , and consolidate the southwestern frontier defense.

Liu Bocheng, chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Committee

It was a telegram from Commander Liu Bocheng, a small copy of the Ninth Generation of the Tibetan Army.Commander Liu was alarmed, and he personally sent a telegram to express his condolences. The officers and soldiers of Gesang Wangdui and Jiudaiben were deeply moved, and they called Commander Liu Bocheng back, thanking the commander for his concern, and sent a telegram to the whole country to revolt. The telegram is as follows:

Under the long-term oppression of the imperialist and extremely reactionary authorities, the Tibetan people have suffered deeply and cannot escape. The purpose of the People's Liberation Army marching into Tibet is to bring the Tibetan people back into the big family of the People's Republic of China.Customs and customs are all handled according to the requirements and needs of the Tibetan people, and an ethnic autonomous government has been established. Therefore, we resolutely left the reactionary camp and returned to our own big family.Cooperate with the People’s Liberation Army……………………………………………… Struggle for national liberation, for the liberation of present.I hope that all officers and soldiers in Tibet will cooperate with the PLA as soon as possible. What we see now is that the discipline and policies of the PLA are the same as what we have heard in the past. I am very happy in my heart. The path we are taking is the only correct one. .Work hard to learn new knowledge and strive for the cause of the people.

Dadang (ninth) generation (regiment) Kelsang Wangdui and all officers and soldiers

Inspired by the leaders at all levels, the Nine Generations, who had laid down their weapons, staged an electrified uprising, not just an electrified uprising.The head of the regiment, Gesang Wangdui, also took the initiative to contact all the forces he could contact to publicize the principles, policies, style and fine traditions of the PLA, and how the PLA cares about the suffering of the common people.

Under the influence of Gesang Wangdui and other uprising officers and soldiers, the people in the local Tibetan areas dispelled their misunderstandings about the PLA, and the relationship between the troops and the masses gradually became harmonious.

On this basis, the influence of the People's Liberation Army is growing. Gesang Wangdui, the head of the regiment who has done a lot of work, has also brought a very prestigious local living Buddha Katang to come, and has established a good relationship with the People's Liberation Army. Sang Wangdui went to lobby the Tibetan army in various places, and successfully persuaded more than 500 Chaya militiamen to surrender to the People's Liberation Army.

A Jiudaiben revolted, and he inspired many people with his actions, saving the Independent Brigade a lot of trouble. The big thing mentioned here is not military, but doing mass work. With the testimony of the Jiudaiben officers and soldiers, It was much better than simply talking about the truth, which made Li Yong see the wisdom of the decision made by the head of the Southwest Military Region.

One of the sixth generations of the Tibetan army in the Yushu area was wiped out, and the other nine uprisings. However, the task of the independent brigade has not yet been completed. When they set off, the task assigned to them by the higher-level party committee was to conduct a large-scale detour and intersperse to block the enemy after the battle of Qamdo. On the way to escape, strive to wipe out the defense forces of the Qamdo Tibetan Army in one go.

On the second night after the announcement of the Jiudaiben Uprising, the orders from the Southwest Military Region and the [-]th Army arrived. The Battle of Qamdo was about to start, and the Independent Brigade was ordered to advance at full speed. It must arrive at the designated position before the battle started, and block the way for the enemy to escape.

After receiving the order, the Independent Brigade bid farewell to Nine Generations Ben, who had just declared an uprising. The large force set out, and the smoke and dust rolled away all the way. The head of Nine Generations Ben Gesang Wangdui came with his people to see him off, and deliberately asked the Independent Brigade what he needed They help, they can fully support.

If you want to help, it really reminds Li Yong of something. What is the current independent brigade lacking?The supply of weapons, equipment and food is sufficient, and the establishment is fully staffed. If there is a shortage, the most urgent need is a local guide. The entire independent brigade has only half of the local soldiers, that is, to lead the way to Doka for the first battalion. Suo Lang made a mistake, and the rest were all foreigners.

Looking at the nine generations of officers and soldiers who were opponents a few days ago, Li Yong was not polite. The army is in urgent need of employing people. Guide, there is a big gap between the map we have and the actual road conditions."

After a few days, Gesang Wangdui, Li Yong and others also got to know each other well, knowing that this young brigade commander was not easy to talk to, seeing that Li Yong wanted something from him, he knew that he should behave:

"The chief of the army, this matter is easy to handle. I will transfer a platoon for you from my army, all composed of local people, and it will be temporarily under the command of your department. What do you think?"

In fact, there is a reason why Li Yong believes so much in the officers and soldiers of Gesang Wangdui and Jiudaiben, because in the history of the People's Liberation Army, there was a regiment of the Tibetan Army Jiudaiben introduced, and this is the only Tibetan army regiment in the People's Liberation Army. The head of the regiment, Gesang Wangdui, is also a well-known Tibetan commander of the People's Liberation Army. The officers and soldiers of the Nine Generations made great contributions in the suppression of bandits, counter-insurgency, and self-defense counterattacks against India. With Li Yong's absolute trust in the Nine Generations Edition, these are all things to come, so I won't mention them for now.

Having said that, Gesang Wangdui followed the People's Liberation Army wholeheartedly and did not hit the smiling faces. Li Yong completely accepted the regiment leader of the Nine Generations.

With the soldiers of the Nine Generations leading the way, the marching speed of the Independent Brigade was obviously faster than before, and the soldiers pointed directly at the area ordered by the head of the [-]th Army to arrive within a time limit—Leiwuqi.

Leiwuqi is only [-] to [-] kilometers away from Qamdo City, and it is also the only way to return to Lhasa from Qamdo. Commander Zhang Guohua of the [-]th Army’s combat intention is that the independent brigade should reach Leiwuqi first, occupy the commanding heights, and wait for Qamdo After the enemy was defeated, they grabbed the defender's buttocks from behind and wiped them out in one fell swoop.

In the second half of [-], on the southwestern border of the motherland, both hostile sides were preparing nervously. In order to achieve true independence, the Tibetan separatists tried to use the natural barriers of the Jinsha River and the Hengduan Mountains to prevent the People's Liberation Army from making great strides. go ahead.

The Tibetan Army’s contingency agency sent the second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth generations of the main force, the militia Rajdaiben (small regiment) militia Zhenbola Guards, The militia Kalon guards, with a total of more than 1000 people, are deployed on the frontal defense line of more than 700 kilometers along the Jinsha River and the depth of more than [-] kilometers from Yichang to Qamdo.

The force of more than 1 people is deployed on a frontal defense line of more than 1000 kilometers and a depth area of ​​more than 700 kilometers. On average, there are only a few people per kilometer of defense line. With such a loose defense line, the Daza government still has to fight the People's Liberation Army. Army commander Zhang Guohua and political commissar Tan Guansan really don't know where the Tibetan army found the courage to have their heads kicked by donkeys?

On the afternoon of October 1950, 10, after full preparations, the No.6 Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched an attack on the Tibetan army in six areas at the same time, and the Battle of Qamdo officially started.

On October 10, one day after the battle started, the People's Liberation Army broke through the defense line of the Jinsha River. The attacking troops of the People's Liberation Army, who were accustomed to fighting on foot, knew the moment they set foot on the opposite bank that the so-called natural danger of the Jinsha River by the Tibetan army could no longer be defended. Can't stand them anymore.

With artillery fire, smoke, bullet rain like a swarm of bees, and shouts like a sea tide, the attacking troops of the [-]th Army rushed towards the defensive troops of the Tibetan Army like Mount Tai.

The Eighteenth Army is the main combat force of the Second Field Army of the People's Liberation Army. From the Red Army to the Eighth Route Army and the People's Liberation Army, from the snow-capped mountains to the Central Plains to break through, it has fought numerous vicious battles and major battles. It has been a arduous campaign for more than 20 years, and it has been a bloodbath for thousands of times. Killing, training an invincible iron army, the defensive troops of the Tibetan army were vulnerable to such an iron army, and the two armies were defeated as soon as they came into contact.

In Qamdo, the chief executive's mansion, the chief executive Lalu is answering the phone in his combat headquarters. The content of the calls one after another is similar, and they are all asking for reinforcements.

The veins on Lalu's head were exposed, and this guy was holding the phone receiver in his hand and yelling loudly: "Listen, you have to stand up to me even if everyone is dead. Didn't you say that the People's Liberation Army is nothing special? Isn't it the same thing that can be blocked? He also said that there is a natural danger in the Jinsha River, and the Communist Army will not be able to survive for 100 years. Why can’t it stand up now? Let me tell you, I have no reinforcements here, and I don’t have a single soldier.” (The old bus has been very busy recently, after this It will get better after a while) (to be continued...)

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