The beacon of youth

Chapter 73 The Old 2 Regiment 2

Sun Quanhou smiled and sat on the stool no matter what others said, but he didn’t make a sound, but his heart was as beautiful as eating honey, hum, what’s wrong with coming out of the cooking class?Didn’t those who came out of the cooking class still wear shell guns and binoculars? How many platoon-level cadres in your combat unit have such ones, but none.

The Northwest Field Army has the smallest number of troops among the major field armies, and its weapons and equipment are also the worst. Sometimes officers and soldiers are not distinguished, and cadres at the platoon and company level still carry submachine guns. Equipment such as the secret service company may not be counted among other field armies. What, but in the Northwest Field Army is simply a different kind.

If these words were placed on Li Jiangguo, this guy would definitely yell out loud, but Lao Sun's character is unassuming, he just sits there without saying a word, enjoying everyone's envy, um, what a tiger What's the use of it, this feeling is not bad.

Li Jiangguo deliberately took out a cigarette at this time, then took out an American-made lighter from his pocket, pressed it with his thumb, and a burst of blue flames burst out, he took a sharp puff on the cigarette Then he blew a few smoke rings at the cadres of the Second Regiment beside him.

This time the whole venue became even more chaotic. Li Yong felt funny watching Li Jiangguo's actions, which was too showy. A few people who were very familiar with Li Jiangguo came up and snatched his lighter, and Li Jiangguo shy away from the crowd. Hiding back and forth.

These battalion and company cadres Li Yong didn't know any of them. When Li Yong was captured, the troops responsible for luring the enemy were drawn and formed, but they all knew the instructor Wang Chengde and the platoon leader Li Jiangguo.

Instructor Wang Chengde used to be an officer in the political department of the regiment headquarters, and Li Jiangguo was a platoon leader in the security company. The people who came to the meeting knew both of them very well. Even the relationship with the cadres is good. Seeing him showing off like this, no one is polite to him. Several people went up and held Li Jiangguo there and grabbed him.

When the spy company was first established, more than 20 people were selected from their various companies. At this time, they all went to report to their old leaders what happened to the spy company during this period.

Seeing that everyone was in a mess and the meeting place was filled with smog, Captain Zhao knocked on the table: "What are you shouting about? Let's see if you can grab what you can. The equipment of the spy company is not from the superior, it is from others. You seized it yourself, why are you jealous, you can get some back if you have the ability."

After the group leader spoke, the venue immediately fell silent. Looking at the staff of the secret service company, the group leader Zhao asked, "Why are there so many people in the secret service company? How many platoons do you have? How many people are there now?"

Instructor Wang Chengde replied: "Reporting to the head of the regiment, our company now has nine platoons with 820 and [-] people."

As soon as Wang Chengde finished speaking, the meeting place that had just calmed down immediately became chaotic again. Even the leader Zhao was a little confused. This guy has more than 800 people in nine platoons. Is this still a company?Didn't they say that there are more than 400 people, when will it become more than 800 people, these two people will become soldiers again?The personnel can surpass our two battalions, and the spy company is a bit too big.

Head Zhao thought for a while and said, "Tell everyone about the establishment of your company, so that everyone can hear how you have so many people."

Wang Chengde explained the establishment of the spy company in detail, and now the venue was even more chaotic. The spy company not only had a large number of people, but also had twelve heavy machine guns and twelve mortars, which were ridiculously powerful.

Seeing that everyone was in a mess, head Zhao said to Li Yong who had been silent all this time with embarrassment: "I said this, Da Yong, do you see how much blood you have, not too much or too little? Come on, the eyes of this group of people are red, if you don't bleed at all, these boys may not let you go, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it when the time comes, you see we can't even hold a meeting now. "

After saying this, Commander Zhao himself felt a little embarrassed. It was obvious that he was asking for something from a company-level unit below. It was a bit shameless for him to be the commander.

Li Yong understood in his heart what the leader wanted them to bleed. Hearing what the leader said, everyone remembered that the backbone of the spy company hadn't said a word yet. As soon as everyone came in and greeted the familiar soldiers, everyone Forget about Li Yong, the company commander, they don't know anyone, and if they want to attack the secret agent company, the landlord and rich man, the company commander has to speak up.

It's still the head of the regiment who is powerful and has a good head. This sentence gets the problem to the root.

Li Yong smiled and replied: "This regiment leader, our company still has hundreds of [-]-style rifles. Doesn't our regiment have three battalions? Each battalion is given [-] rifles, and each rifle is equipped with [-] bullets."

The cadres of the Second Regiment did not expect Li Yong to be so generous. This shot was [-] rifles, each with a hundred bullets. You must know that each soldier in the Second Regiment now has dozens of bullets at most, and the few are only a dozen. There are all kinds of models in a mess. The Type [-] was the best rifle of that era, and now it can solve a big problem.

The venue was silent for a while, and then a cadre said: "Commander Li, we are all a family, so we won't say thank you. We will let these weapons show their power."

Li Yong replied: "It's nothing. Our special agent company is also part of the second regiment. Aren't all of you here here are your fighters. If you give it to you, you will give it to yourself."

Just after Li Yong said this, a cadre said a little embarrassedly: "Commander Li, you see that you are quite generous in your shots. A battalion has a hundred rifles, but what about our guard company and reconnaissance company? We are also very poor. of."

As soon as the cadre finished speaking, there was a lot of laughter in the meeting room, and head Zhao also smiled and said: "Oh, it's a bit shameless, and I didn't take anything seriously."

Li Yong also smiled: "Forget it, I didn't think about it carefully. The guard company and the reconnaissance company each add [-] rifles, and the bullets are still [-] for each rifle. In addition, you will be given [-] submachine guns for each of the two companies. Play two hundred."

The two company commanders were delighted to hear that there were ten submachine guns in addition to fifty rifles. They really didn't open their mouths in vain. The spy company did have goods.

Li Yong thought for a while and said to Commander Zhao: "Commander, how many heavy machine guns does our regiment have? How many bullets does each heavy machine gun have?"

Commander Zhao said: "Not counting that your spy company has only four heavy machine guns in the whole regiment, each with only [-] bullets, brave, compared with your spy company, our regiment is really poor."

Li Yong: "Regiment commander, do you think this will work? Our regiment does not include our company and there are eleven companies. Our company still has six [-]-type heavy machine guns that were seized and were useless. In addition, the original four in the regiment The reconnaissance company can’t use heavy machine guns, and each of the remaining ten companies has one, and we will bring [-] bullets for each heavy machine gun.”

As soon as Li Yong finished speaking, the venue cooed, and the cadres of the second regiment happily said to Li Yong: "Oh, Company Commander Li, you have become our great benefactor, and now the firepower of our regiment has been greatly strengthened."

Commander Zhao is also very happy. The whole regiment has ten heavy machine guns and 20 extra rifles. The firepower of the whole regiment has been greatly enhanced. Just expand the troops from more than 800 people to more than 2000 people. Now my regiment has more than [-] people. I don’t know about other columns. It must be the regiment with the largest number of people in the second column, and it is also the regiment with the most powerful firepower.

Li Yong was also very excited when he saw that everyone was happy. His efforts were not in vain, and he could solve some problems for the troops, and then said: "We even arrived a few days earlier than the main force. Yes, it’s not too bad. We got hundreds of thousands of catties of grain and a large number of livestock from the Suiyuan area. These grains will be handed over to the headquarters of the field army tomorrow morning, but we are somewhat selfish and have left some for our regiment. To keep more means more than 1 catties, and some pigs and sheep.”

As soon as Li Yong finished speaking, the venue became more enthusiastic. The cadres of the second regiment gathered around and said to Li Yong, "Company Commander Li, since we arrived in Longdong, we have hardly seen any meat. The rice is also a dry meal, so there is no guarantee." Count, when you say there are pigs and sheep, I can stretch out a small hand from my throat, and if there is a piece of meat, I can grab it without chewing."

The Northwest Field Army went west to Longdong to fight, recovered a large area of ​​lost ground, and dealt a heavy blow to the Kuomintang troops who came from Qinghai and Ningxia. The food transported from Shanxi could not keep up, and the troops were hungry and full, and it is common for them to be hungry.

As the saying goes, "There is food to gather troops." Food is the guarantee and prerequisite for the development of troops. This means that the troops of the Eighth Route Army can maintain high combat effectiveness under such circumstances, and other troops have long since disbanded. So, both cadres and soldiers were overjoyed when they heard that the spies had brought back a lot of food, and they almost threw Li Yong and Wang Chengde up and cheered.

Commander Zhao was very happy. The special agent company had solved a big problem. The personnel, weapons, ammunition and food had been replenished, and the combat effectiveness of the entire second regiment had more than doubled.

Seeing the chaotic meeting place, Captain Zhao patted the table and said, "Everyone be quiet, now I will announce the order from the headquarters of the wild division."

Everyone heard that the head of the regiment was going to announce the order of the headquarters. It was very strange. How did the order from the headquarters reach the regiment?In the past, the head of the regiment announced all orders from the brigade headquarters. The unit at the regiment level was too small, and there was no need for the headquarters of the field department to issue orders if there was anything to do.

Zhao Jin looked at everyone's strange expressions without explaining, then took out a telegram and read: The Second Column merged with the Fourth Brigade and the Second Regiment. The relatively small number of troops held back the enemy's vital forces, effectively cooperated with the main force in operations, and ensured the smooth flow of the main force's supply line. I hereby reward and inform the whole army. The headquarters decided to upgrade your special agent company to a special agent battalion.

Northwest Field Army Headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army


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