The beacon of youth

Chapter 732 Overfulfilled

At the last moment, Mu Qia took all the three generations of books that he had painstakingly worked on, and was about to retreat from the way in. He and the chief manager Lalu both believed that as long as they could escape the encirclement of the People's Liberation Army, they could find a way to survive. I won’t go back to Lhasa anymore, and I will be able to deal with the communist army for a while when I go to fight guerrillas. They all know that the majority of the communist army’s troops are infantry. It's just a joke.

What he didn't expect was that the opponent had already been prepared, and the People's Liberation Army had already blocked the escape route, and the three generations of Ben lost all their casualties with a head-on beating.

Mu Qia's heart went cold. He had fought many battles, but he had never seen such firepower. The death of the children was not as good as the weeds in the earth, it was too worthless.

One back-and-forth operation wiped out all the three generations of Mu Qia's old foundation. You know, this is the soldier Mu Qia brought out with all his efforts, and it is also the most effective Tibetan army on the Jinsha River defense line. Mucha, who was used to leading soldiers, wanted to die, crying and shouting in front of Lalu.

"Damn, what are you crying about? If you die, you die. Are there still few of us who die? Gather the team immediately and charge me one more time. You will lead the team to rush there. I will reward you if you don't go up. Kill you, go quickly."

Lalu doesn't care what Mu Qia thinks, isn't it just that hundreds of people died, what's the big deal, as long as he can survive, he can have whatever he wants in the future, children are like barley in the field, die It doesn't matter if a batch can grow another batch next year.

When it was time to die, Lalu desperately forced Mucha with a gun and asked him to personally lead people to attack the PLA positions. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that this was purely courting death.Facing the storm-like firepower of the People's Liberation Army and rushing forward is like committing suicide, the thick leg that Mu Qia wanted to hug tightly wanted his life.

It's too late to say anything regretful at this time, so I have to bite the bullet and say it. Lalu is very good at playing with people's hearts, which is unmatched by the three generations of Ben Muqia. Order Mucha to lead the team to charge in person?The reason is not complicated, because almost all of Mucha's acting regiment suffered casualties, and Mucha no longer had the strength to challenge Lalu, so Lalu wanted to make use of this acting regiment leader who can lead troops.See if you can rush out, it's better if you can rush out, it's okay to die.

When death is imminent, they are still fighting each other and fighting each other.There was no credibility at all, which was a common phenomenon in the upper class of the Tibetan army at that time.It is also a common phenomenon in the national government.

Mu Qia, whose heart was already so cold, didn't cry to Lalu anymore.If he dies, he will die. Anyway, his soldiers are all gone, and he will be useless when he returns to Lhasa alive. No one will treat him like before.

The third generation Ben Muqia made up his mind and prepared to lead people to charge in person, but things did not go as he thought.He had no chance to show his loyalty to his master for the last time. The PLA Independent Brigade, which firmly held the initiative on the battlefield in its own hands, had no patience to continue playing with them, and the general offensive was about to begin.

Almost an hour has passed since the start of the battle.Under the powerful firepower of the People's Liberation Army, a large number of Tibetan soldiers were killed and wounded, with corpses lying all over the field. He returned to the brigade headquarters and observed the situation on the battlefield with political commissar Wang Chengde.

"Old Wang, what do you think? Do you want to start now?"

Wang Chengde, the political commissar, laughed: "Dayong, you are the brigade commander. You have the final say on commanding and fighting. If you see the opportunity, you will strike. Don't hesitate."

With the approval of the political commissar, Li Yong, the brigade commander, loudly issued a combat order on the walkie-talkie in the brigade headquarters: "Blow the charge, and the general attack begins."

All the charge horns of the whole brigade were gathered, and the buglers lined up, standing on the highest point of the terrain, and with all their strength, they blew the charge horns in their hands extremely loudly. From time to time, water droplets condensed from the breath dripped down from the horn.

The moment the charge horn sounded, countless figures jumped out of the PLA positions. Several infantry battalions, reconnaissance battalions, and machine gun battalions of the Independent Brigade, including the lonesome supply battalion, all rushed out, even the supply troops were there. Under the leadership of the instructor He Cuihua, some personnel were transferred to form a combat brigade, and rushed down the valley with the infantry. The engineering company, repair company, and guard company of the brigade directly under the brigade, except for the necessary guards, the rest waited All out.

The assault troops of the Independent Brigade started to charge like a mountain torrent. The submachine guns in the hands of the soldiers shot out fire dragons during the charge, killing all the Tibetan soldiers who were not dead and who wanted to resist. The soldiers knew that the brigade commander did not like prisoners.

The behavior of the top commander of a unit is very influential. The interests and fighting style of the soldiers are very similar to those of the brigade commander Li Yong. They are not interested in capturing prisoners. This makes the surrounded Tibetan army bad luck. There were dead bodies everywhere, some were suddenly killed by submachine guns, and some were stabbed to death with bayonets. The brigade commander said that the soldiers thought it was very classic. The dead enemy is the best enemy.

Twenty or ten minutes later, the gunfire gradually subsided. Li Yong, Wang Chengde and other independent brigade commanders knew that the organized resistance of the Tibetan army had stopped, and the independent brigade once again firmly grasped the victory.

From Xinjiang in the northwest, I trekked all the way, experienced thousands of mountains and rivers, and overcame difficulties unimaginable to ordinary people. Up to now, I have finally successfully completed the task assigned by the superior. Not only did the independent brigade arrive at the designated place on time position, and wiped out the fleeing enemies.

In fact, the task assigned by the superiors to the Independent Brigade was to let them occupy Leiwuqi after the Battle of Qamdo, block the enemy's escape route, and then wait to encircle the enemy with the main force. If the Tibetan army blocked it, the task would be considered complete. To eliminate the enemy, the attacking force of the [-]th Army should be the main force, and the independent brigade only needs to cooperate.

But the plan didn't change quickly, Li Yong didn't want to just block the enemy, would it be okay if he didn't eat the fat that was put in his mouth?That is not the style of our independent brigade, so the independent brigade not only blocked the fleeing Tibetan army, but also wiped out all the enemies completely and cleanly, which can be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

Not long after, Fang Xin, the chief of staff, reported the post-war statistics. According to the battle reports of each battalion, the Independent Brigade wiped out more than 200 enemies in this battle, of which more than [-] were captured, and the rest were all killed. All the Tibetan troops who escaped from the Jinsha River defense line were arrested.

Counting from receiving the order, it has been almost a month today. During this month, the Independent Brigade has been marching, planning, supplying, and other preparations endlessly, all of which are for today's This victory, now, the victory is finally handed down.

The victory of the battle comes from the pre-war preparations. With careful planning and sufficient logistical support, victory is a matter of course.

The captured captives were brought over, and the soldiers in charge of the escort reported that although there were not many captives, there were big heads in them. Lalu, the chief executive of Qamdo, and the third generation of Ben Muqia were all captured alive. It is strange that they were captured There is also a very strange fellow among the prisoners. This kid has a head of yellow hair and blue eyes.

With a head full of yellow hair and blue eyes, damn it, the Chinese must not look like this. After listening to the reports from the soldiers, Li Yong also became interested. He wanted to personally interrogate these unusual and special prisoners.

However, there was one more thing that had to be done first. It would be best if the political commissar was not present for the interrogation of the captives, because with political commissar Wang Chengde present, there would be many tricks that could not be used.

"Old Wang, my opinion is this. I am in charge of cleaning the battlefield. You take some people to occupy Qamdo as soon as possible. We must return Qamdo to us in its entirety."

Li Yong came up with an idea to send political commissar Wang Chengde away. The old Wang is a man, and he can't be fooled by easy reasons. However, Wang Chengde couldn't believe Li Yong's opinion today. The battle had just ended, and rumors were flying all over the city of Qamdo. , the order may be chaotic to what extent. Maintaining law and order and restoring stability is an important task of the army. Such work really needs cadres like Wang Chengde to carry out it. In addition, Qamdo is the first Tibetan city occupied by the army. The implementation of various policies also requires a major cadre to grasp the direction. To be honest, Wang Chengde is more suitable for this kind of work than Li Yong.

Qamdo is only a few tens of kilometers away from Leiwuqi, and the independent brigade, which is all mechanized marching, should arrive soon. Wang Chengde also knows the importance of occupying Qamdo as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll take someone to Qamdo right away, but, Dayong, you must pay attention to the captive policy and don't mess around."

"Good political commissar, I know everything, I must pay attention to the captive policy."

Political commissar Wang Chengde led the two battalions away to carry out the task of occupying Qamdo. It was to maintain order, and it could also be said to take over. Anyway, there would be a lot of messy things, and Lao Wang would not have the time and energy to do it anytime soon. No matter what is captured.

Seeing the political commissar Wang Chengde's back getting farther and farther away, Li Yong took a long breath: "Li Jia, tell the troops to bring all the prisoners here, and let me see what kind of people are fighting against us with all their hearts."

Hearing Li Yong's yell, Li Jia's petty heart was raised again, because she didn't know if Dayong had some bad intentions again. You know, this guy used to treat the prisoners mercilessly.

In the army, it is the official rank that kills people. On the three-acre land of the Independent Brigade, Brigadier Li Da has absolute authority. Li Jia, the company commander of the guard, has a limited role, and she can only quietly remind remind. (To be continued..)

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