Li Jia tapped the buttons with her slender fingers, and the Independent Brigade delivered the news to the [-]th Army responsible for liberating Tibet amid the sound of ticking radio waves.

There was no mention of Ford in the telegram, and the 27-year-old British intelligence officer disappeared into the long river of history without splashing even the slightest wave. puzzle.

In the Eighteenth Army's military headquarters, Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan were looking at a telegram in their hands, which was sent by the Independent Brigade of the Northwest Crossing Troop.

It has been a while since the Independent Brigade of the First Corps was assigned to the command of the Eighteenth Army. It's just a human hair, and the two units at the upper and lower levels can only communicate through telegrams.

The expressions on the faces of the two first-level army commanders with a ten-year age difference are very exciting, especially the army commander Zhang Guohua, who is like a tiger in the army, can't tell what it's like in his heart at this moment:

"Damn it, the Independent Brigade moved too fast. Before we could encircle them, the enemy was dealt with. I said, Comrade Commissar, should I praise them? Or criticize them?"

"Whether it's criticism or praise, there must be some reason, let's talk about it." The political commissar was still as usual tepid.

"My Comrade Political Commissar, my old Brother Tan, are you really confused, or you still look at me as a joke? Of course, the reason for praise is because they won a big victory, but there are also plenty of reasons for criticism. They don't obey orders and act privately. Isn't that reason enough?"

"Enough, but it also depends on the result. What is our purpose? It is not to completely wipe out the enemy. Although the Independent Brigade said it was suspected of acting without authorization, they also completely eliminated the remaining Tibetan troops that fled. For me The army has laid a solid foundation for the next step of liberating Qamdo and marching into Tibet. From another perspective, it can also be said to be good at capturing fighter opportunities. Is there anything wrong with fighting such a battle?"

Commander Zhang Guohua: "What does the political commissar mean?"

Political commissar Tan Guansan: "Order the entire army to commend and reward the independent brigade, and order them to quickly occupy Qamdo to prepare for the army's entry into Tibet."

Qamdo City, Temporary Headquarters of the Independent Brigade.

"Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, Commendation Telegram from the [-]th Army." Li Jia, a part-time communications platoon leader, took a telegram to the headquarters of the Independent Brigade that had just entered the city.

After Leiwuqi cleaned up the battlefield and resolved the troubles, the large troops of the Independent Brigade set out to take over Qamdo City, tens of kilometers away.The so-called troubles that brigade commander Li Yong said can't be explained too clearly, everyone just needs to know it in their hearts.

The city of Qamdo is not big, but it is stuck on the main road of transportation into Tibet. The geographical location is very important. The political commissar Wang Chengde took a step ahead and brought two infantry battalions there.There are more than 2000 people in the two infantry battalions, and there are many people.But as soon as they dispersed in Qamdo, it was obvious that the troops were not enough.Just when Wang Chengde felt that the troops were not enough, the guard soldiers came to report, and the brigade commander arrived with a brigade.

The brigade of the Independent Brigade, carrying all the heavy equipment and the aftermath of the war, drove over with a murderous look, and the troops went in silence.Like a tiger entering the forest, there is no sound.

The common people hid because they didn't understand this army, and those recalcitrant elements who refused to do anything were overwhelmed by the momentum of the army, and the market was calm.

Li Yong gave orders to the security forces along the way.All those who dared to resist found one and killed one, without asking for instructions or reporting, the squad leader leading the patrol could make decisions on his own.

After the chaos, Qamdo City needs great rule, and great rule needs to be resolved with an iron wrist. Otherwise, some people will think that the People's Liberation Army is weak and deceitful. The city of Qamdo is still chaotic, and lawbreakers are ready to move. The reason for the order to reach the squad leader level is because Abnormal situations may happen at any time when they lead the team on patrol. The battle will be over long ago after asking for instructions level by level, and the troops are likely to suffer losses, and the last thing Brigadier Li Yong wants to see is to let the soldiers suffer losses.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde in the headquarters met again, and also saw the telegram sent by the head of the [-]th Army brought by Li Jia.

Wang Chengde, the political commissar who had read the telegram, laughed: "Dayong, it seems that the head office of the 52th Army is satisfied with our work, and has not held us accountable for launching the battle without permission. In this way, the 53nd and [-]rd Divisions The guy is going to eat and suffocate."

In the original combat plan of the 52th Army, the independent brigade was to block the fleeing Tibetan army, and the two main divisions (53nd and 52rd divisions) of the 53th Army, which were waiting to chase from behind, encircled the enemy from two strategies. , and then wiped out in one fell swoop, but what people did not expect was that the independent brigade did not wait for the troops behind, but acted alone, relying on the strength of one brigade to eat up all the fleeing Tibetan troops. The battle was won, but Wang Chengde, who understood the style of his army, also knew that he would definitely offend the [-]nd and [-]rd divisions. These two main divisions of the [-]th Army chased them all the way from the Jinsha River. After making countless blood bubbles, the troops only wanted to destroy the enemy and make meritorious service. Now it's all right, they can't get a single piece of merit, so it's strange if they don't get angry.

Li Yong spread his hands together: "If you can't eat, you can eat. Fighting opportunities are rare. Winning the battle is the real skill. Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan have issued commendations. These guys have to hold back when they are angry. Let's go down!" In the first stage of work, we will act according to the orders of the military command, and do our best to prepare for the army to enter Tibet."

It is easy to handle things with someone. After the brigade of the Independent Brigade arrives, Wang Chengde, the political commissar, will take over the overall work, restore order, stabilize people's hearts, and a lot of issues such as urban security. In this field, Wang Chengde's work The experience is much stronger than that of Li Yong, and Brigadier Li is also happy to relax.

The command of the [-]th Army sent an order to let the independent brigade do the early preparations for the army to enter Tibet. Li Yong was still thinking in his head, what is the most urgent need for the army to enter Tibet, think about it I also understand that the [-]th Army is one of the main forces that are most capable of fighting in the second field. The commanders and fighters are tenacious in combat and have rich combat experience. He does not need to worry about fighting. There are many problems plaguing the army at present, but the most important The most important thing is food, and food can determine everything.

In order to prepare food, a lot of effort was spent from the [-]th Army itself to the Southwest Military Region. For this reason, the start of the campaign was deliberately postponed. The logistics department was busy for a long time before the [-]th Army was given the first phase The food is mobilized in place, but the food can only guarantee the start of the battle on time. After the battle is over, the marching army still needs a lot of food to support it. Li Yong may know this better than anyone else, because he knows that logistics is very important for an army. The importance of logistics work is always a shortcoming in the army, this is true for the first field, and the same is true for the second field.

The occupation of Qamdo is just the beginning. The distance from Qamdo to Lhasa is long and the road is treacherous. The materials consumed by the tens of thousands of troops along the way is an astronomical figure. At this point, while political commissar Wang Chengde was busy with various tasks, Li Yong led the troops to start large-scale food collection in the Qamdo area.

At that time, the status quo in the Qamdo area was that poor people did not have much surplus food at home, and even if the troops bought it at a high price, they could not get much. The Independent Brigade did not focus on collecting food for them.

Fortunately, a large number of officers of the Tibetan army, including Lalu, the general manager of Chamdo, were killed by the People's Liberation Army. All the properties of the number one landlord and countless small landlords under him were confiscated. , don't want it for nothing, besides, it is also what the troops need most at present.

Of course, Li Yong and the Independent Brigade and others are not selfish at all. Most of the seized food is confiscated and is waiting to be handed over to the large troops of the Eighteenth Army. All of my own pockets are used to fund the future development of the Independent Brigade, which is also the consistent practice of the Independent Brigade.

Sun Quanhou, the battalion commander of the supply battalion, He Cuihua, the instructor, and Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander, were all stunned by the gold and silver items seized by the troops. able to gather so much wealth.

Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua yelled, they got rich, they got rich again, they didn't expect that the landowners in Qamdo were so rich, it was really a big problem to solve, but Lao Yang, the deputy battalion commander who knew more about all this, didn't know what to do. raised and said:

"What is this? Where the people are poorer, the landlords are richer. I have seen places even worse than here. The landlords' homes are filled with silk and satin, and the common people can't even wear trousers."

Not to mention that Sun Quanhou and He Cuihua took the baggage troops around to collect and scrape. After the independent brigade entered the city, Qamdo gradually calmed down. Li Yong took advantage of this rare free time to visit Hu Xiaolian of the health team.

The battle with the Tibetan army in Leiwuqi was a one-sided victory, and the casualties of the independent brigade were not large, so the work of the two captains, Hu Xiaolian and Hu Xiaoling, was not too busy. Li Yong settled down and ate with the two women in the health team A meal is regarded as a relaxation for myself, and it is regarded as a solace after the war. Of course, it is impossible to make out with Hu Xiaolian, a wife-to-be.

When Li Yong was free, Wang Chengde, the political commissar, was too busy to touch the ground. There were too many problems that he needed to deal with. A clean source of water is a huge problem, and neither can be dispensed with.

After a day and a half of intense work for nearly two days, the soldiers on guard outside the city sent back news that a large force of the Eighteenth Army had arrived.

The old bus would like to wish his brothers New Year's greetings first. Happy New Year. The old bus is a hard worker. During the Chinese New Year, he has to run around outside. It is estimated that he will be home in the third day of junior high school.Let me also talk about the British Ford. The deaths of Ford and Geda Living Buddha are complicated and confusing. The final conclusion changes again and again, and it may always be an insoluble mystery. (To be continued..)

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