() The two chiefs who are very curious want to visit the du li brigade to see why a troop that came out of a poor place can make such a large scale.

The chief wanted to inspect, so of course he had to do his best to receive them. Li Yong and Wang Chengde took Army Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan to the Du Li brigade's station on the second day.

As soon as they arrived at the du li brigade's site, the eyes of the two army chiefs became even more surprised. They were both veterans who had led troops for many years and could not rub the sand in their eyes. The mental outlook and weapons and equipment of the du li brigade were refreshing. Especially the rows of cars parked near the barracks made Commander Zhang and Political Commissar Tan tremble.

Cars are a good thing. With these iron guys, the maneuvering speed of the troops will have a qualitative leap. For example, if the Eighteenth Army has so many cars, the soldiers will not be tired. Can't keep up with the enemy.

The hearts of the two chiefs who came to visit were full of enthusiasm, but there were also a lot of questions that followed. The troops of tens of thousands of people, more than a main division of the Eighteenth Army, all use motorized marches. The number of cars is not a small number. Besides, cars alone are not enough, and there are also a lot of fuel and maintenance parts. Wouldn't a field send all the cars of the field army to facilitate their missions?impossible.

It's no wonder that the two chiefs had doubts. Seeing the weird du li brigade, no doubts are new. It seems that they know what commander Zhang and political commissar Tan are thinking. Li Yong introduced to the two chiefs that all the du li brigade Most of the weapons and equipment, including cars, etc., were seized by themselves in battle, and they were not distributed by their superiors. Besides, it was impossible for their superiors to distribute such equipment.

Army Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan believed in Li Yong's introduction.As senior commanders at the first level of the army, they knew the environment the Northwest Field Army was in at that time. Surrounded by the enemy several times, in the barren Northwest, it was a great victory to survive. What kind of cars can be distributed? Simply put, the field army does not have that ability.

We all know that equipment that can increase the speed of troop maneuvering is a good thing, but those who get it are capable people, otherwise.It's useless to think about it, the reason is not complicated, only by winning the battle can you seize good things from the enemy's hands. From the equipment of the enemy, it can be seen that the du li brigade has fought a lot of battles.And basically wins.

At this time, Army Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan had a feeling of admiration for Li Yong and Wang Chengde, regardless of the young age of the two chief officers of the du li brigade.But he insisted on getting it.

Did not say.Seeing that the two leaders were happy, they continued to take the tour, but along the way, the faces of the two chiefs became more and more surprised, and then they couldn't close their opened mouths.

Battalion-by-battalion visits, every time you go to a battalion, the battalion commander and instructors will come out with the troops to greet them. Battalion commanders and instructors with an average age of only 27 or 1000 years old are common in the People's Liberation Army.For example, in Erye, there are many battalion commanders and instructors in this age group, but each infantry battalion has more than [-] people, so it is not ordinary to comment on it.

Commander Zhang Guohua whispered in his heart, damn it.There are more than 1000 people in a battalion, which is almost catching up with the size of my previous regiment, and the number of heavy machine guns and mortars is also so large that it makes people tremble.

This is not over yet, the infantry equipment is just an appetizer that the chief has seen. When he saw the heavy howitzer battalion and the tank battalion, Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan were speechless. He couldn't help asking in a questioning tone: "Is this also your tank battalion and artillery battalion?"

Li Yong smiled, and reported with a little pride: "The chief of the report is the tank battalion and heavy howitzer battalion of our brigade, and they are also the most important firepower strike units of our brigade."

Jiang Tiexiong, the battalion commander of the tank battalion, and Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, both introduced the situation of their battalions to the two army chiefs. After the introduction, the two leaders who came to inspect petrified.

Is this still called camp?These weapons, equipment and personnel are enough to be the size of a regiment. A brigade-level force is equipped with artillery regiments and tank regiments. Du li brigades are not ordinary cattle.

Army Commander Zhang Guohua let out a sigh of relief and said, "I finally understand why you didn't catch any prisoners. With such firepower, it's hard to beat you. It's hard for these Tibetan troops to survive."

Commander Zhang is very young, only in his thirties, at the age when he is very aggressive in his work. The more he looks at the mental outlook of the du li brigade soldiers, the more he likes them. Once he likes them, he has the meaning of tolerance, so I do it for them Why did not catch the prisoner found an excuse.

Li Yong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the meaning in the commander's words was very straightforward, this was to cover them, with such an excuse, the matter of the captives was completely brought to an end.

After making a big circle in the du li brigade, while feeling the property of the brigade, it is also considered as the head inspecting the next-level unit. After Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan returned to the [-]th Army, Political Commissar Tan smiled. asked:

"Why, do you like this army? You, the army commander, took the initiative to cover for them, without a single prisoner? It's not as simple as they said."

Army Commander Zhang Guohua laughed loudly: "That's right, I just fell in love with it. Comrade Political Commissar, it's over if there are no prisoners or no prisoners. Should we hold an enlarged meeting to study the next stage of work deployment?"

Political Commissar Tan nodded: "It can be seen that they are a very capable team. Given that their battalion-level troops are too large, I mean, the work meeting in the afternoon allowed the battalion commander and the du li brigade to All the instructors participated, what is your opinion?"

The enlarged meeting of the Eighteenth Army is to recruit commanders above the group to study and work together. If the meeting is held according to such regulations, only the brigade commander and the political commissar can participate in the du li brigade. Although the chief of staff is also qualified, But there must always be one left to host the work at home.

Commissar Tan and Army Commander Zhang Guohua wanted to hold an enlarged meeting attended by commanders of more than one regiment. In view of the fact that the battalion-level troops of the du li brigade were too large, it was also to show respect for the newly arrived troops. The battalion commander and instructors were also authorized to attend. , but once the decision is made, another problem arises.

The du li brigade is different from other troops. It doesn't have a regiment-level organization at all. Instead, ten battalions are set up directly under the brigade, which is a total of ten battalions. Come on, the commanders of the Du Li brigade who came to the meeting seemed to have an unusually large number of people, so many that the commanders of the 20th Army all looked sideways.

The Eighteenth Army is the main combat force of the Second Field. Except for some units directly under the military headquarters, it is organized into three divisions and nine main regiments. More than 20 division heads and political commissars came to the meeting. There are quite a few people, but they At a glance, the du li brigade who came to the meeting like them had no fewer people than them, and there were more than 20 people here, and all of them were young people in their twenties (battalion-level commander of du li brigade) Only Jiang Tiexiong and Sun Quanhou are over 30 years old).

It was the first time for a battalion-level commander of the du li brigade to participate in the work conference hosted by the head of the army. It was a new thing. In addition, they were only in their twenties. ran over.

The size of the two troops is very large. Although they live in the same city, the distance between the battalions and the military headquarters is not too close, so the battalion commanders and instructors of the du li brigade came here by means of transportation.

The commanders of the du li brigade had the same means of transportation, all four-wheel-drive jeeps. In this way, more than a dozen small jeeps were parked outside the military gate of the [-]th Army one by one. The open space outside the department occupies a large area.

Although it is said that they are all troops of the People's Liberation Army, the du li brigade is always a latecomer, newly dispatched from the field. In the eyes of the commanders of the [-]th Army, they are new faces and new faces.

The style of the clothes is the same, and the red star on the hat is the same, but some careful people found that the cattlemen of the Du Li brigade who came to the meeting each wore leather shoes, the kind of high-level shoes that can only be equipped by the ace army of the Kuomintang. Waist combat boots, and no one wears leggings.

Wearing leggings is an old habit and a tradition of the army, but this tradition has been subverted by everyone in the du li brigade.

The Liberation War has entered the [-]th year, and most of the country has been liberated. The conditions of the major field armies have been improved to a considerable extent, and cars are no longer rare items. It can be said that a battalion-level commander can It is still impossible to get one, not to mention battalion-level commanders, and many regiment-level cadres of the Eighteenth Army came here on horseback.

Those who are not afraid of not knowing the goods are afraid of comparing goods. The du li brigade did not show off, but some habits revealed inadvertently made those veterans a little unhappy. Several commanders of the [-]th Army were together Mutter:

"Damn it, du li brigade guys are too awesome, isn't it just a small battalion commander, what's wrong with walking a few steps? And everyone drives a car to the meeting, isn't our army commander a bit too used to it?" We are watching them, and the battalion commander and the trainer are also in a meeting with us, so how can I explain this to the boys under me when I go back?"

There was a bit of jealousy in the whispered words, and the muttering was the muttering, but no one dared to question the decision of the army commander and the political commissar. After Li Yong's arrival, the commanders at all levels of the du li brigade followed behind Li Yong and Wang Chengde, Together with the members of the Eighteenth Army, they walked into the specially prepared conference room in a panic.

The commanders at all levels who came to the meeting, together with the personnel from the military department, filled the large meeting room. After a rough estimate, there could be more than [-] people.

More than [-] people in the meeting sat on one side, and there were more than [-] people on each side.

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