The beacon of youth

Chapter 741 An Alternative Combat Conference

Li Yong's age surprised many people, and this was because Brigadier Li looked a few years older than his real age.

Looking at the green faces of everyone in the Independent Brigade, the veterans of the [-]th Army felt as if they had passed away, as if they had returned to the era of blood boiling more than ten years ago.

Commander Zhang Guohua's voice sounded again in a timely manner: "How is it? You look stupid! Let me tell you, Brigadier Li Yong of the Independent Brigade is only 22 years old this year, and he is a well-known brigade commander. The brigade commander of the hero brigade that the boss knows."

Speaking of Li Yong's age, not to mention the seniors of the 22th Army, those who came to the meeting from the Independent Brigade also suddenly remembered, isn't it, our brigade commander is only [-] years old.

What Li Yong did made it easy for people who often come into contact with him to ignore his real age. Today, including political commissar Wang Chengde, everyone remembered that the brigade commander, like He Cuihua, was only in his early 20s.

The war years trained people, and the iron-blooded career made these young people mature prematurely. What appeared on their young faces was a fortitude and tenacity that did not match their age.

Under the direction of the army commander Zhang Guohua, a staff officer with a stack of materials in his hand briefly recounted the process of the independent brigade marching and fighting all the way from the northwest. Basically, the independent brigade reported to the army after each battle Ministry's report.

The content reported by the Independent Brigade to the [-]th Army is actually not very detailed. Some of them even laid ambushes, for example, in order to raise food, they attacked the local chieftains and rich men. Battle course.

Political Commissar Tan Guansan also said at the moment when the staff members closed the materials: "You have all heard that the independent brigade traveled no less than us, and the road conditions were no worse than ours, but why did the independent brigade arrive early and enter the battle in time? ?You all know the situation of our army. In order to raise enough food, the superiors delayed the start of the campaign. Even so, the troops often fought hungry. Do you still remember?"

A few questions from Political Commissar Tan made the people who came to the meeting from the [-]th Army silent. What happened in the army was their own experience. How could they forget it? Even now, although the situation has improved, some soldiers still suffer from Suffering from night blindness, from this point of view.The combat effectiveness of the Eighteenth Army has been declining, especially its night combat capability.

In the ranks of the People's Liberation Army, no matter which field army it is in, night combat is one of the specialties of the army, especially the [-]th Army.But what about now?Many soldiers in the troops who like to fight at night suffer from night blindness, and their eyes are completely dark at night.Facing this circumstances.The commanders at all levels were helpless and unable to think about it. They really answered that sentence, a clever woman can't cook without rice.

Seeing that everyone was thinking about the problem, Commander Zhang Guohua said again: "Let me remind you one more thing, the non-combat attrition of the independent brigade is very small, so small that it can be ignored."

Recently.The [-]th Army suffered serious attrition, of which combat attrition was only a small part, and most of it was non-combat attrition, which illustrates a problem.It shows that most of the wounded and sick of the [-]th Army were included in the list of wounded and sick because of illness, rather than being wounded or sacrificed in battle.

"Comrades, there is no need to be arrogant. Although we are a big brother army, there are still many places where we can't compare with rising stars like the Independent Brigade. I have a suggestion. I ask Brigadier Li Yong of the Independent Brigade to introduce their experience to us. Do you like it?" Okay?" It was the mature and prudent Political Commissar Tan who spoke.

Speaking of this level, the people who came to the meeting of the [-]th Army have also changed their minds. Although it is very uncomfortable that they did not win the battle, it is nothing. No matter what, the enemy is still wiped out. In the words of the political commissar, it is the People's Liberation Army It doesn't matter who fights the troops.

There was a round of applause, and the veterans in the twenties were using this method to prove their mood at this time, but the applause also forced Li Yong to stand up.

In terms of combat experience, Li Yong is not as good as these seniors. In terms of ability to grasp the battlefield, Li Yong may not be an opponent. Come out one two three.

From another point of view, it is not a bad thing to share your experience and lessons with others. Li Yong is no longer that fledgling young man. Yong was often named and spoke by Commander Wang, so he was used to such occasions. Under the instruction of Commander Zhang and Political Commissar Tan, Li Yong said:

"Comrades, our brigade has been interspersed all the way. There are basically no non-combat actors. It is not easy to do it under the conditions of plateau anoxic food and vegetable scarcity and changing climate and environment. What does it rely on? It relies on the strength of our brigade. Logistical support capability, each combat battalion in our brigade has a supply platoon specially set up for supplies, and there is even a logistics battalion in the brigade. As our instructor He Cuihua said, our logistics battalion has nearly 3000 people. It is the largest battalion of our brigade, plus the baggage personnel in each battalion, the whole brigade has more than 4000 logistics personnel. The total strength of our brigade is more than 4000, and the actual number of combat soldiers is just over [-]. Nearly one-third of the personnel are auxiliary personnel. Of course, this does not mean that they cannot fight, but let them focus on supplies. It is precisely because of such logistics support capabilities that our brigade can Make some achievements."

Brigadier Li Da’s speech shocked the seniors of the 4000th Army. What surprised them was not the size of the independent brigade’s [-]-odd people, but the proportion of logistics personnel in the [-]-strong army. It's a little too much, someone muttered to themselves.

Even if they didn't object, Li Yong could still guess what some people were thinking. Brigadier Li Da told everyone an uncomplicated truth in simple language.

"It's like an artillery unit. Although it is said that the more artillery the better, there must be a considerable supply of artillery shells that can be consumed by them in order to exert their due combat effectiveness. On the contrary, the number of artillery no matter how It's useless."

Seeing that everyone present at the meeting was listening carefully, Li Yong went on to say:

"The continuous combat capability of an army depends on its logistics. To some extent, it is more important to pay attention to logistics than to combat. The combined total strength of Nakano (Second Field) and Huaye (Sanye) is 60, while that of the Kuomintang is 80. These 80 troops are not miscellaneous, but elite combat forces in the Kuomintang army. The enemy is aircraft, tanks and artillery , and there are a large number of cars that can maneuver quickly. Although our Huaye and Zhongye have developed a lot compared to before, they are still far behind the weapons and equipment of the Kuomintang army, but the final result is that we won Why is there such a result? This is certainly a victory won by our commanders and fighters, but our logistics supply capability is much better than that of the Kuomintang army. It is also a reason that cannot be ignored. Our total strength is 20% less than that of the enemy. million, but we have millions of migrant workers supporting us, such strength is something that the Kuomintang army does not have.”

All of you here are basically witnesses of the Huaihai Battle. When Li Yong talked about the Huaihai Battle, he couldn’t help but nod frequently. The victory of 60 against 80 is of course the result of the heroic fighting of the frontline soldiers, but on average, each soldier has four or five The support of a migrant worker in the rear is also very important. It can be said that these two points are indispensable. In addition, there is another detail of the Huaihai Campaign that most people do not know. Chief Liu Deng deliberately removed him from the combat position and asked him to specialize in logistics work. It was precisely because Chief of Staff Li Da led millions of migrant workers to provide huge support to the front that the Battle of Huaihai was successfully won. No one can erase the fact.

Chief of Staff Li Da has been with Chief Liu and Deng for many years, and has indirectly or directly commanded all the big and small battles in the middle and the wild. Using such an indispensable figure in logistics can also show how much Chief Liu Deng attaches importance to logistics.

When the [-]th Army's combat meeting came here, it seemed to be a meeting on how to strengthen the logistics work of the troops. Dozens of participants at the meeting were thinking carefully in Li Yong's speech. Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan also Having achieved my goal, the two groups of people at the meeting became familiar, and the old seniors and the young independent brigade commanders were still smiling and exchanging their souvenirs.

The two groups of people who were cross-eyed just now sat together, and they didn't look at each other badly anymore. He Cuihua, who was very angry, became a favorite this time, because they were all exchanging souvenirs with each other, and their hands were strange. The one with the most weird gadgets is of course He Cuihua, the butler of the independent brigade.

A veteran commander of the [-]th Army said with emotion: "Isn't it? At that time, we ate white flour steamed buns and stewed meat. What did the Kuomintang army eat on the other side? What did they eat? Fucking moldy pancakes. They were still air-dropped by planes.”

Another commander continued: "Moldy pancakes? That's still good. On the Kuomintang's position opposite our regiment, they couldn't even eat moldy pancakes. Every time an aircraft airdrops, we use firepower to target the airdrop site. Blockade, in order to be able to shoot a bag of moldy pancakes, they can't do it without paying more than a dozen people's lives. Later, we don't need to call for guns and don't kill them. At night, as long as the steamed buns are placed on the , the Kuomintang troops on the opposite side came to surrender in rows and companies.” (To be continued..)

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