The beacon of youth

Chapter 749 Dragon of Light

The soldiers who chased after them did it smoothly, and shot one by one when they saw that they were still alive. Seeing that the squad leader told them to stop, they asked nonsense if the squad leader had any relatives with the spies.

The squad leader replied angrily: "Your family has relatives with them. There are only a dozen or so dog people. We have to catch a few alive and ask the chiefs to ask for confessions. If they are all killed, how can we go back and do business? Our battalion commander can't kick them." Kill me! What are you still doing, go find it quickly."

The squad leader was really in a hurry, dozens of soldiers from the two squads rummaged around, not to mention, they really found two survivors from the pile of dead people, these two guys didn't have any gunshot wounds on their bodies, It's possible that he was knocked down and fainted, or fainted by fright. The squad leader is happy, thank God, and finally caught two alive.

Fighting and chasing took about 10 to [-] minutes in total. At least they caught two living people, and it was not in vain. At least it was a battle. This made the soldiers who hadn't opened their doors for a long time feel good. On the way back, there was constant laughter. The soldiers got the two living people into the car, slapped them awake first, and then tied them with ropes. A dozen jeeps turned around and went back.

It didn't take much time, the two dizzy captives were brought to Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first echelon. Li Jiangguo frowned at the two guys, and asked the squad leader who brought them back:

"What's the matter? After chasing for so long, you got two idiots back? How can I ask for a confession?"

The squad leader was wronged enough: "Battalion commander, who said they are fools? The Tibetan army's spies are just like the scouts in our army. They are all singled out. They can't be fools. You can interrogate them carefully and you will be able to ask some questions." something."

Li Jiangguo scratched his head, thinking about it.The squad leader who led the team was right, the spies couldn't be fools, even if they were short-sighted, but why did the eyes of these two guys who were brought back stare straight, as if their mother hadn't woken up.

Suddenly, I remembered another thing. When we set off, the brigade commander specially transferred Suo Lang Pingcuo of the communication platoon here, just to make it easier for him to interrogate the prisoners. What does captive mean.Why did you become so stupid.

After a while, Suolang Pingcuo, who is as talented as an independent traveler, came. After listening to Li Jiangguo's introduction, Suolang Pingcuo was a little embarrassed, because he also had such an experience when he was caught in Yushu: "Report to the battalion commander. These two people are not fools. They were frightened by the fierce attack of the People's Liberation Army."

Damn.It turned out to be scared.Why didn't you say it earlier, Li Jiangguo finally understands, it's easy to handle, tell them our PLA's policy, and say that we don't kill prisoners, they can relax.

Suolang Pingcuo muttered for a while.He explained to the two prisoners the policies of the People's Liberation Army that he knew and knew. Not to mention, it really worked.The eyes are not straight anymore, and it seems that they have slowed down.

Since he was not a fool, he began to interrogate. The time of our PLA is precious, and we have no time to grind our teeth with them. Li Jiangguo sat imposingly behind a table that was temporarily prepared, and interrogated with his mouth wide open. His posture was similar to that of a big chief:

"Name, age, position, mission, who is in command, who is the direct supervisor, why did you spy on the PLA's march, what specific intentions are there, etc. A lot of questions."

When Suolang Pingcuo translated Li Jiangguo's question, one prisoner opened his mouth and was about to answer, but before he could finish a sentence, another prisoner suddenly yelled at him, murmuring that he didn't know where he was going. Shouting something, the prisoner who wanted to answer immediately closed his mouth again, bowed his head and remained silent.

Li Jiangguo stared at the garden, slapped the table with his hand, and turned around to ask Suolang Pingcuo, what the hell do you mean? Why didn't this guy want to talk anymore? What was that guy yelling just now?

Suolang Pingcuo replied cowardly, and reported to the commander... Li Jiangguo impatiently taught, don't call him the commander, we all call comrades in the People's Liberation Army, you can call the battalion commander if you are not used to it, tell me quickly, What was that guy shouting just now?Why did the one who wanted to answer stop talking.

After following the People's Liberation Army for so long, Suolang Pingcuo had already made up his mind: "Report to the battalion commander, this is the case. One prisoner wanted to answer, but the other threatened him not to speak, and said that his whole family was in Lhasa. If you surrender all the bosses, your family will not be able to live, and you will be punished. They also said that since the PLA has a policy not to kill prisoners, let’s pretend that we don’t know what to do and say nothing.”

Li Jiangguo sighed, hey, the brigade commander was thoughtful enough to send Suolang Pingcuo here, or I really don’t understand what the prisoners are thinking, our PLA has a policy not to kill prisoners, but that has to be implemented flexibly , What's the use of not killing the good ones, and keeping the stubborn ones who want to sing against us?In the words of the brigade commander, it is a waste of food to keep.

Li Jiangguo was muttering, but his hands were not idle. Commander Li Daying stood up from behind the table, stretched out his hand to open the leather holster in his waist, and pulled out a delicate and unique pistol.

Li Jiangguo is no longer the same as before, with a battalion gun on his body and wandering around the world. The pistol in the waist of Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, is very delicate. There is no difference between the head of the battalion commander, we are the head of the battalion commander, and we are treated as the head of the battalion commander. It is also in line with our status to get a small gun.

Like brigade commander Li Yong, Li Jiangguo's small pistol has more decorative functions than combat functions. It has not been used for a long time, and it is considered open today.

After a few steps, Li Jiangguo put a pistol to the prisoner's head, and pulled the trigger with a bang. The bullet entered the prisoner's head as soon as it was fired from the barrel, and then A big hole burst out from the back of the head, blood and brains fell all over the place, and some of Li Jiangguo's body was inevitably stained, but Li Jiangguo continued to go back behind the table to interrogate the captives, and said in a serious manner: "The guy who threatened you was killed by Lao Tzu, now you can rest assured to explain, Suolang Pingcuo, continue to ask."

He didn't care, but he frightened the captives, not to mention the captives, even Suolang Pingcuo, who was in charge of translation work, was frightened enough. Suolang Pingcuo is still confused. He doesn't know whether the People's Liberation Army will not kill the prisoners policy! !If he didn't, all the friends he had contacted in the past swore that the People's Liberation Army did not kill prisoners, just like the Red Army back then, but the army he joined was also the People's Liberation Army, why killing people was as easy as killing chickens.

Sitting behind the table with Li Jiangguo are the second battalion commander Ma Quanyou and the reconnaissance battalion commander Zhang Jinsong. Because Li Jiangguo is the commander of the first echelon assigned by the brigade, these two people are now in the mood of watching the excitement Watching Li Jiangguo interrogate the captives, they are also very familiar with Li Jiangguo's way of doing things. All the cadres and soldiers of the Independent Brigade are like this.

Ideas can only be ideas, so Suolang Pingcuo had no choice but to cheer up and cooperate with Li Jiangguo to interrogate the captives. The Thunder-like method really worked, and the interrogation went smoothly this time. The colors are all accounted for.

According to the prisoner's account, they were all sent by the Daza Regent of Lhasa. There were several batches. He didn't know the exact number of people, but at least there were more than 100 people. He doesn't know more about weapons, equipment and personnel.

After detaining the captives, Li Jiangguo said to Ma Quanyou and Zhang Jinsong: "The situation is obvious. Daza, this old guy, is still not giving up. He wants to find out our strength so that he can decide how to fight us."

Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, said nonchalantly: "Peace is achieved by strength, not by words. They are easy to deal with if they don't give up. My hands are itching. According to our old rules, give them a hard time first." Yes, what do you think."

Li Jiangguo, Ma Quanyou, and Zhang Jinsong are the veterans who joined the army during the Anti-Japanese War. They are the old members of the Independent Brigade. They have fought countless battles. They are all courageous and fearless. There is no such thing as “dare” in their dictionary, and the proposal of the second battalion commander Ma Quanyou was quickly agreed by the three of them, and a battle plan came out.

The battle plan of the avant-garde first echelon is that since the old guy Daza wants to find out our situation, our avant-garde first echelon will give him a quick attack, occupy Lhasa with a sudden movement, disrupt the enemy's action plan, and strike first. Strong, destroy the forces that dare to resist.

Just do what you say, the decision of Li Jiangguo, Ma Quanyou and Zhang Jinsong is the highest decision of the first echelon. Two and a half battalions of nearly [-] soldiers set off overnight. Go to Lhasa.

In order to better conceal the troops' attempts, the commander Li Jiangguo ordered troops at all levels to shoot down anyone who found spying or unknown intentions, and no one was left alive.

Forced marching day and night means that the independent brigade has a large number of cars that can be used, otherwise I really don't know how to ensure that the physical strength of the soldiers does not decline.

The cars were talking, and Li Jiangguo ordered the troops to turn on all the headlights of the cars, so that the troops could advance under the light of the lights. The bright beams of light flashed in the night sky on the plateau, and more than 100 cars meandered to let the troops march. Turned into a dragon of light, this dragon of light is advancing towards Lhasa, stretching out its sharp claws to their opponents, as the old Chinese saying goes, the dragon is the master of killing.

There was a burst of gunshots at regular intervals around the march of the troops, and after a while, someone would come to report, saying how many more people were killed, what kind of people they were, what weapons were in their hands, etc. According to the judgment of Li Jiangguo, Ma Quanyou and others, they must be spies sent by Lhasa, there is no doubt about it. (To be continued..)

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