The beacon of youth

Chapter 755 The Budding State

In view of previous experience, the entry ceremony of the Independent Brigade was very grand. Infantry, artillery, and tank soldiers entered one after another. The more courageous ordinary people quietly came out to watch, first children, then adults, and finally the onlookers more and more.

Li Yong understands that the Independent Brigade has been honored by the old Red Army. When the Red Army passed through the Tibetan area more than ten years ago, it left a deep impression on the local people. The strict military discipline made the people call this army Bodhisattva soldiers. According to word of mouth, even many people in Lhasa know that although the nobles have repeatedly advertised that the People’s Liberation Army is a communist army and wants to “communist” and share wives, people have a scale in their hearts because they know that the People’s Liberation Army is the former Red Army. The Red Army will not engage in "communism" and co-wives, and those nobles are also afraid of it.

The people in Tibetan areas are too poor, even the capital Lhasa is the same. The eyes of people walking out of dilapidated mud houses are full of confusion. Tibet’s productivity under the serf system is extremely low. Possessed, left to their own is very pitiful.

Li Yong knows that spiritual numbness is worse than material poverty, just like Mr. Lu Xun described in "Mr. Teng Ye". However, breaking the spiritual shackles is not a matter of a day or two. , this is a long-term project.

The city entry ceremony was finally finished. Unlike other cities, Lhasa did not have so many houses enough for troops to garrison. You know, Lhasa has a population of less than 10, and a full-staffed independent brigade is a whole There are more than 4000 people, it is really a bit overwhelming.

There is no way, those who have a house live in a house, and those who do not have a house have to live in a tent. Fortunately, the tents of the independent brigade are relatively thick.It is a second-generation product specially produced to deal with the severe cold. In addition, the troops are used to crawling and rolling on the ground. Although the conditions are difficult, they can still persist.

Lhasa has been stationed, but things are not over. After the station, the work is complicated.After completing the ceremony of entering the city, Li Yong invited all the top nobles and monks in Lhasa to express to them the PLA's propositions and ethnic and religious policies. The main points are as follows:

One, Tibet must be recognized as part of China.Second, the borders between Tibet and India, Nepal, Bhutan and other countries must deploy the People's Liberation Army.Third, Tibet must sever all ties with imperialism.

Not many words.But what is revealed between the lines is an unshakable determination, and the three conditions use three "must" as the affirmative vocabulary of the tone. [

This is also the condition that the Living Buddha Geda negotiated on behalf of the People's Liberation Army. Unfortunately, the Living Buddha Geda was killed in Qamdo, so the negotiation was once stranded, and the Living Buddha Geda was killed.It was also a predisposing condition for the Battle of Qamdo.

Li Yong didn't negotiate with them in a negotiating tone at all, but directly told these bosses that this is the policy of the People's Liberation Army, which must be strictly implemented, and those who dare to resist and violate it will bear the wrath of the People's Liberation Army.

Li Yong's eyes were surprisingly bright when he said this. The eyes of the young Liberation Army brigade commander were like two sharp swords, examining those in power side by side.The eyes of the leaders who came to discuss the matter flickered, and on the surface they expressed their agreement with grace, but what they thought in their hearts was another matter.

Of course, Brigadier Li Da did not blindly fight with them. After introducing the policies of the People’s Liberation Army, he said: “Tibet has been a part of China since ancient times. , since Princess Wencheng entered Tibet in the Tang Dynasty, intermarriage between the mainland and Tibet began, and the exchanges gradually increased. You speak with your conscience. Who can say that you don’t have Han blood in your body!”

Li Yong's question made many people bow their heads in shame. Many of the nobles in Tibet are descendants of Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng. In addition to the later rule of Yuan, Ming and Qing, a considerable part of the high-level Tibetan nobles It is an indisputable fact that people have mainland ancestry.

Li Yong didn't want these noble gentlemen to turn the corner all at once.They are people with vested interests, and of course they will not let go of their rights easily. If it weren't for the superior's policy, he would have wanted to shoot all these people, and then everything would be happy.

Now it seems that it is impossible to shoot all these aristocrats, but Li Yong also has his own method. He introduced to the high-level officials of the Tibetan Kaxag "government":

What our People's Liberation Army upholds is freedom of religious belief, but there is also a condition. Whether it is officials, monks or civilians, they must strictly implement laws and regulations. Therefore, the armed forces must be in the hands of the "government". Private soldiers must be disbanded and their weapons surrendered.

Tibet has always been governed by the unity of politics and religion. Some of the people discussing matters are representatives of monks. Among them is a handsome young lama in his teens who was specially introduced by the regent of Dazha.

Finally, I saw the famous grandma, but the current grandma is still a handsome monk. The fourteenth grandma was born in 16, and was only [-] years old in [-], so she is not just a young monk.

Li Yong looked deeply at this handsome young lama in his teens, and was unsure what to do for a while. Brigadier Li was different from others, but he knew what the prostitutes did later. According to Li Yong's thinking, One shot and everything will be fine, it will save a lot of trouble in the future, but after thinking about it, it still doesn't work.

** is one of the two pillars of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism (the other is the Panchen Lama). It has a huge influence both among the monks and the people. ** At the beginning ([-] years) or on the surface, he supported the central government『 For the government, the rebellion will happen in [-], and if he is killed now, there will be big troubles.

Damn, it's really tricky, if you kill him, you can't, if you don't kill him, there will be big troubles in the future, Li Yong feels confused for a while and doesn't know what to do.

Li Yong looked at the 16-year-old young lama, and his heart went straight. He didn't know what this PLA officer who looked a few years older than him was thinking, why his eyes were fixed on him, and he didn't move His eyes fluctuated, as if, as if the PLA officer's hand was still pressed on the leather holster around his waist.

Tibetan Buddhism stipulates that, after the previous emperor passed away and before the new emperor took office, during this period of free time, a prestigious living Buddha will temporarily act as an agent to perform various activities, that is, the regent, the old prince Dazha has not yet resigned, So Li Yong knew that Mao Zedong had not yet been in power. [

This is a young lama who has not yet been in power. Li Yong has thought of more than 100 ways to kill him, but he can't do it yet. The policies and regulations of the superiors on the peaceful liberation of Tibet make Li Yong feel dizzy. However, how to implement policies correctly is not Li Yong's strong point. Fortunately, there is Wang Chengde, a political commissar by his side, who can share most of the burden for him.

Stationing in Lhasa is only the first step, and the future work is still very complicated, but Li Yong has also considered it. The independent brigade is a combat force, and it should not have much to do with them in terms of economy, construction and united front. Political commissar Tan Guansan was in charge, and the central government also sent a chief named Zhang Jingwu to lead a delegation to Tibet to preside over the work. Therefore, their independent brigade only needs to be well armed.

Thinking of this, Li Yong felt a little more relaxed. We are a fighting force, so we just fight. In the next few days, the whole brigade will implement martial law throughout Lhasa. The first step is to disband the Tibetan army and collect weapons.

The main force of the Tibetan army was wiped out by the People's Liberation Army in Qamdo, but Lhasa still has about 4000 to [-] people. The independent brigade was the first to attack the few remaining surrogate regiments.

The People's Liberation Army has a bodhisattva heart in dealing with ordinary people, and it is merciless towards the independent brigade of armed personnel. This is also an old tradition. The independent brigade, which has just gained a foothold, suddenly surrounded several replacement regiments of the Tibetan army. Li Yong, the brigade commander, led the team himself, and the time given was half an hour. All soldiers had to put down their weapons and hand over their guns within half an hour. If it took more than half an hour, they would all be wiped out.

In the history that Li Yong knew, the Eighteenth Army did not completely disband the Tibetan Army after it entered Tibet, but continued to retain their establishment, but some of these retained Tibetan Army troops participated in the later Rebellion is a disaster for a while.

Since there has been a slight deviation in history, Li Yong doesn't mind using his own strength and means to nip trouble in the bud.

Even if the rebellion after a few years cannot be completely eliminated, we must do our best to reduce the scale of the rebellion. This is the true psychology of Li Yong's determination to solve the armed forces of the Tibetan army. Brigadier Li Da is also walking a tightrope in doing so. Well, he was grasping a time gap, and he had to finish off the Tibetan army before the main force of the Eighteenth Army arrived, otherwise, everything would still be uncertain.

The besieged Tibetan army was very angry, including the Kaxag "government" sent envoys to ask the PLA why they did this, which would destroy the peace of the whole of Tibet.

Li Yong sneered secretly in his heart, fuck you, what is breaking the peace, we have already said that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, I confiscated all your guns, and see who dares to break the peace.

Brigadier Li Da believed in a truth, it is only effective if you have the strength to speak, otherwise you will be talkative, no matter how much you shout, I am determined to disarm you.

Unmoved, Li Yong ordered the troops to prepare for battle. Tanks, heavy artillery and various light and heavy machine guns were all marked to shoot at Zhuyuan, waiting for the order to fire.

Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion, specially seconded Zhou Daxing, the instructor of the engineering company, and asked Zhou Daxing to shout to the opposite side, ordering the Tibetan army to put down their weapons and surrender.

The old Red Army Zhou Daxing was very excited, because since he was enlisted for the second time, he has always lived a proud life and fought enjoyable battles, and it is the same today. After arriving in Lhasa, Lao Zhou thought that there was nothing wrong with him , because I am the instructor of the engineering company, I don't have many chances to win battles.

Lao Ba continues to ask for a few likes, thank you guys for your support. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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