The beacon of youth

Chapter 757 The Boer Project

In 6 (the ninth year of the Republic of China), Burr, the director of the British Far East Intelligence Agency, came to Lhasa secretly to implement the so-called m-[-] Burr plan. His public identity was the chief executive of the British Empire in Sikkim.

** (Thirteenth) regarded him as a distinguished guest, sent his private secretary as a representative to receive Boer and presented a Hada, and chose the Regent's Villa near Norbulingka as Boer's residence.

The main purpose of the Ball Plan was to destroy the unity of the Han and Tibetan nationalities, prevent Tibet from restoring normal relations with the interior of the motherland, ensure the colonial interests of the East India Company in India, and eliminate threats from the East.

The first thing Burr did was to create ethnic conflicts, further worsen the relationship between Tibet and the mainland, cater to some separatist forces in the upper class of Tibet, attempt to establish the dream of a big Tibet, and instigate the Tibetan army to attack Qinghai, Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu, Xikang and other places , using this method to force the Han-Tibetan peoples to split.

In order to realize the above-mentioned plan, Boer and the government discussed increasing taxes, expanding the new army, and expanding the original Tibetan army from 5000 to 5000.

In order to successfully implement the Ball Plan, the British Far East Intelligence Agency and the British Empire "government" invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in Tibet, so that the new army uniforms compiled and trained later were also British styles. In order to solve the problem of weapons "drugs", by The British assisted in building a machine factory, which was later changed to a printing factory due to low production efficiency, and the required arms and weapons were completely supplied by the British.

The ultimate goal of the Ball Plan was to separate Tibet from the territory of Greater China and become a colony of the British Empire in the Far East, just like India. However, due to the firm opposition of Tibetan monks and people, the Ball Plan was not fully realized.

At the height of the British Empire, British strategists thought.India, which is many times larger than the British mainland, is the best colony of the British Empire. It is the vegetable basket of the British Empire and the jewel in the crown of the British king. In order to permanently own the colony of India, all crises must be eliminated in the cradle. China The Tibet region has a natural geographical advantage over India. Only by permanently controlling Tibet can the long-term interests of the British Empire in the colony of India be ensured.

It is precisely because of the understanding of the above history.Li Yong knew that the British foreigners in Tibet were basically the executors of the Ball plan, and they were spies with ulterior motives for China's Tibet region. They should not have the slightest kindness and softness towards these people, so There is a measure of direct execution without trial. [

Li Yong's reasoning is very simple, I will kill you all.Look at how the Boer plan is still being implemented. Apart from these dozens of foreigners, there are also some local collaborators who were shot. Most of these collaborators are local nobles. Brigadier Li's handling method is not complicated. , Like those spies, kill them all.

On the outskirts of Lhasa, the howling wind blows.A group of people were tied together, and the soldiers with submachine guns were in groups of two, dragging this group of people with different appearances and different accents like dead dogs, and pressing them one by one on the cold ground.

His arms were tied, his legs were kneeling in the dust, behind him were soldiers holding guns with cold faces, and there were a large number of onlookers outside. Even fools knew what was going to happen here.

This is to shoot criminals, and among those who will be shot are foreigners with yellow hair and green eyes.There are also natives, but the same fate awaits them.

There was no previous arrogance anymore. Among the tied up personnel, some had dull-eyed and stupid eyes, and some collapsed on the ground with their legs drooping like noodles, and some were yelling.

The contents of the yells were also different. Several foreigners with faces obviously different from the locals yelled in several languages: "What are you doing? You are barbarians, you are beasts. I want to sue."

Standing in the cold wind with Li Yong were many officials from the local Kaxag "government". These people were invited by the Independent Brigade to watch the execution of prisoners.

Imitating the memory of his previous life, Li Yong pulled these criminals in several cars, and hung a temporary wooden sign on his chest.The name of the person was written on the sign, and the name was marked with a big cross with a red pen. After walking around the streets and alleys of Lhasa several times, I remember that there was a very fashionable term at that time-parade.

From an ordinary soldier in the second column to today's head of the first brigade, from the Northwest to Xinjiang, from Urumqi to Lhasa, several years of bloody career, several times on the line of life and death, countless battles, Li Yong almost Forgot all the memories of his previous life. Today, when he saw the criminals being paraded through the streets, and saw the scene like an old movie, Li Yong thought in a daze that he was still a time traveler.

The old prince Dazha, who was bowing his waist, seemed a little unbearable, and walked a few steps closer to Li Yong's side to persuade him: "The chief of the army, this is a bit too cruel, our Tibet is the place where Guanyin Bodhisattva enlightened, you do this It's blasphemy."

Li Yong glanced sideways at the old prince Daza. On the surface, this old guy was kind and kind, like a good old man, but actually there was a ruthlessness in his bones.

Daza's former regent, Rezhen Living Buddha, was a member of the Kuomintang and a good living Buddha who defended national unity and national unity. After Daza took office, he regarded the People's Liberation Army as a serious problem. He actively expanded his troops and deployed the main force of the Tibetan Army on the front line of the Jinsha River, hoping to use natural dangers to prevent the People's Liberation Army from entering Tibet.

Li Yong, who is familiar with this period of history, would not know Daza's insidiousness, but considering the environment and policies at that time, there was no way to do anything to him. Seeing Daza begging for these people who were about to be shot, Li Yong sneered a few times : "Since the old prince is pleading for them, bring the guys who shouted the most fiercely here, and let me ask them what they have wronged."

Several guys with green eyes and big noses, dressed in local Tibetan costumes, were brought up, as if they had caught a life-saving straw. No right to deal with us, we will sue your 'government'."

The shouting was in Tibetan and English. Zhou Daxing and Suolang Pingcuo, who knew the local language in the independent brigade, were there. They translated the content of the shouting to Brigadier Li Da. In fact, with Li Yong's half-baked English ability, he understood There is nothing wrong with these words. [

From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, there was a very strange phenomenon in Great China. Foreigners who walked on the land of China were as proud as masters, while Chinese masters were regarded as low-class pariahs and had to live bent like slaves. This has created a habit of foreigners, whenever there is a conflict with the locals, they have to shout to find the "government", and those officials will vent their anger on the people in order to calm their anger.

Li Yong was almost pissed off, and returned to the diplomats. Thanks to their yelling, the soldiers don't care whether they are foreigners or locals. Since the brigade commander wants to ask, just get them over, and call them out with a few gun butts. The loudest guy knelt down in front of Li Yong.

Looking at several guys who tried to calm down but were actually trembling, Li Yong kicked each of them with his feet in combat boots: "Diplomats? Are you that kind of diplomats? When will our country and the "government" Have you admitted that you are diplomats? How many spies who carried out the Burr plan dare to say that they are diplomats? It is shameless."

When Li Yong revealed the Burr plan, these guys all fell to the ground, because they knew that even in accordance with international practice, the spies and intelligence personnel of the other party would be shot if they were caught.

Daza's complexion also changed. He knew Boer and had a relationship with him. He was one of the insiders. Boer had returned to China before the PLA entered Tibet, and thus escaped the fate of being shot.

He no longer dared to chatter and persuade him. According to the rules of the People's Liberation Army, cooperators would also be shot. Daza didn't know if he had entered the sight of the People's Liberation Army. Seeing the vicious methods of the PLA chief, once he knew that he would He has been in contact with Berr, and he may have to peel off his skin if he is not dead.

They wiped out several Tibetan regiments in Lhasa, arrested spies, and restored normal production and living order. The turbulent Lhasa city returned to calm. things.

Lhasa has been completely controlled, but the task of the Independence Brigade is not yet over. The city with nearly 10 people is already the largest city in Tibet, but this largest city in Tibet is still a bit small for the Independence Brigade, with more than 1 people Soldiers, there are a lot of weapons, equipment and supplies, and the space they need is not small, which is a very worrying problem. It has been almost half a month since we arrived in Lhasa, and there are still quite a few soldiers stationed in tents, which is not good. matter.

Use part of the manpower to maintain the city's law and order, and most of the rest are invested in the construction of barracks. It is useless to wait and rely. The experience of the Fifth Ninth Brigade) in opening up wasteland in Nanniwan is very similar.

Stones, wood, and various tools had to be prepared in advance, so the pressure was not small. Li Yong also asked the Kaxag "government" of Tibet to provide support while doing it himself.

The officials headed by Daza and Mao Zedong were very disgusted with the clean-up operation of the Independent Brigade a while ago. Li Yong and others were equivalent to depriving them of their armed forces, but they could only endure it if they were angry, and they had no guns He doesn't speak harshly. Although he is not satisfied with the Independent Brigade, he has no choice but to pretend to support it.

Brigadier Li Da, an official of the Kaxag "government" who is duplicity, knows very well in his heart that in Li Yong's mind, he did not treat them too much as a dish, saying that asking for support is to give them face, but the actual situation is that not I have to give too.

Thank you for your support, old guys, the update will be better after this period of time.

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