The beacon of youth

Chapter 762 The Field of Hope

Beside the bonfire, Li Yong's belly was full of meat. He didn't know what animal meat it was, but it was guards anyway; After drinking a few bowls of broth, I felt very energetic. My mother, everyone said that Tibet is a barren land of bitter cold. From my point of view, it seems that this is not the case. Tens of thousands of brothers live a very good life.

Long story, full of warmth and lust, riches and silk touch people's hearts, what do you do after eating and drinking enough?Molesting and molesting Li Jia, the company commander of the security guard, the beautiful woman?I can only think about this matter. Li Yong doesn't have the guts yet. Brigadier Li Da has nothing to do. Hu Xiaolian, the wife-to-be, is not considered to have made a mistake.

If there is nothing to do, Brigadier Li is talking nonsense in his heart. The troops have to go to the new area to carry out work. There are many things, and the whole brigade is very busy. But Li Yong pushed out a lot of work, and most of them were pushed to the political commissar Wang Chengde and the chief of staff. Li Yong's reasoning was, hey, you can do everything yourself without being exhausted?

Wang Chengde and Chief of Staff Fang Xin have nothing to do. Li Yong’s behavior is not a day or two. It’s like this when the independent brigade was established or called the independent regiment before. They gave a name they didn't quite understand called letting go of power, saying that letting the political commissar and chief of staff let go can make the army more democratic, which is also a characteristic of the army.

Both the political commissar and the chief of staff knew that Li Yong, the brigade commander, was talking nonsense. This guy just wanted to be lazy, but he got used to it after a long time, so he had to let him go.

The health team of the independent brigade has grown stronger, in addition to being equipped with more medical equipment and medicines.The staff will reach almost 200 people, which is enough for a small and medium-sized hospital according to the scale of future generations.

Such a large health team is the only one among the first-level combat troops of the First Field Brigade. Everyone is not familiar with the troops of the Second Field Brigade. The size of the health team is not an exaggeration to call it a field hospital.

There is no way to do this. The independent brigade has to fight and act alone many times, once injuries occur.The price to be paid if the treatment is not timely will be very high, so when Li Yong set off from Xinjiang, he not only asked the brother troops to support part of the engineering equipment, but also brought a large amount of medicines and medical equipment. With the support of Li Yong, Li Yong's operation of fighting the autumn wind went very smoothly and gained a lot.Now it seems that the decision at that time was very wise, in the very closed environment of Shigatse.It would be a shame to have a disease that cannot be cured.

Hu Xiaolian and Hu Xiaoling, the chief and deputy captains of the health team, are busy with each other.They are not as leisurely as Brigadier Li Da. Marching on the plateau, it is not easy to ensure that the soldiers do not suffer from physical problems. The requirement of the brigade is that the combat effectiveness of the troops should not be reduced due to altitude sickness, and the soldiers' health must be guaranteed. The team is duty bound.Fortunately, I was mentally prepared when I was about to leave, and I brought enough medicines so that I would not be in a hurry.

Recently, the Independent Brigade has no battles to fight, and there are no wounded in the army.Those who came to the health team were all sick soldiers. These guys probably saw that there were many female soldiers in the health team. Although they were not feeling well, they were still laughing and talking nonsense. Now when they saw the brigade commander coming, they all hurriedly stood up Salute and say hello to the Brigadier.

Li Yong let out a long sigh, it seems that it is the same in any age, these boys stare straight at the sight of female soldiers, Brigadier Li next to him looked at these sick soldiers, and asked if it was true sick?Damn it, you didn't deliberately come to the health team to pretend to be sick just to see the beautiful female soldiers! !

The soldiers blushed when asked by the brigade commander, and groaned and said that there was no such thing. The brigade commander was guessing nonsense, and an old soldier imitated Li Yong's colloquial saying that the brigade commander was slandering them.

When there was no war, Li Yong, the brigade commander, had no airs at all. He often called his brothers and brothers with the soldiers and talked wildly. Booing, let the brigade commander tell everyone what kind of place they are about to arrive in Shigatse.

Shigatse, which is located in Houzang, is far away from the inland mountains and rivers. There are more than [-] people in the brigade. None of them have been to Shigatse. Even the Tibetan Suolang Pingcuo has never been here, but everyone takes it for granted that the brigade commander You will know that this is also the habitual impression that Li Yong has left on the soldiers over the past few years. In the words of San Niu and Xiao Cheng, our brigade commander can do everything except not having children.

Of course, Li Yong has never been to Shigatse, but it’s still the old saying, haven’t you eaten fat pork and seen fat pigs running?He sat down, took a tea mug handed over by the soldier beside him, took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and was ready to start talking. The soldiers were used to the brigade commander's expression, knowing that Li Yong was about to chat again, they gathered around Listen attentively in a circle.

"Comrades, Shigatse is not easy. It is the most beautiful and rich place in all of Tibet, and it is also a field full of hope. It was the army commander and political commissar who specifically approved the garrison because they saw that it was not easy for our brigade to fight all the way from the northwest. Others The troops can’t come if they want to come. Speaking of Shigatse, it’s really amazing. The area under the jurisdiction of our brigade has snow-capped mountains, rivers, and large tracts of the most fertile pastures. It produces the most famous “Ghee Gangba” in Tibet. "Sheep" is so delicious. Apart from the pastures, I think there are large tracts of primeval forest and arable land, such as highland barley, wheat, millet, apples, walnuts, etc., which are all famous in Tibet and even the whole country. Yes, there are also all kinds of inland vegetables that can be grown here, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, leeks, Chinese cabbage, and so on. I don’t need to mention animals. We saw a lot along the way. I didn’t eat less at the dinner just now, I had a lot of meat in my stomach, hehe, I don’t know what the guards and those boys roasted, anyway, I’m full, everyone can rest assured, we will The day can't be wrong."

When Li Yong and the soldiers were talking about the mountains, they were surrounded by health team members. They also wanted to hear what the brigade commander had to say, and they were also concerned about how to live in the future.

Most of the fighters in the Independent Brigade are farmers and have a deep affection for the land. They also know the difficulties the troops are facing at this stage. Several veteran soldiers were very excited when they heard that Shigatse has a lot of arable land. One soldier said:

"Brigade Commander, as long as there is land, we are not afraid of anything. Our brigade is full of strong laborers. When we reach the land, we will open up wasteland and cultivate more land. Tighten our belts to survive the spring and summer. In autumn, I don't believe that the food we planted is not enough to eat. .”

Li Yong patted the soldier on the shoulder in relief. An old soldier is an old soldier, and he knows how to solve difficulties for his superiors:

"Well said, this is also one of the ideas of our brigade party committee. However, winter is coming soon, and the most important thing for us now is to solve the problem of how to live."

A member of the health team suddenly interjected and asked: "Brigade Commander, although the health team brought a lot of medicines, it is not an option to sit and eat like this. Our brigade is far away from the main force, and the road is very inconvenient. Even if the superior wants to provide us with supplies in the future." It's not easy either."

It is indeed a difficult problem. It is very difficult to supply the independent brigade. If the materials are transferred from the mainland, they must first arrive in Qamdo, then from Qamdo to Lhasa, and then from Lhasa to Shigatse. According to the logistics capabilities of the field army at that time, this is simply a problem. Difficult task.

The topic turned to logistics again. Even if the troops can open up wasteland and cultivate land in order to solve the food problem, what about medicines and ammunition?Never let the soldiers grow out of the land! !

The Southwest Military Region also realized the seriousness of the problem, so the 53rd and 54th divisions of the 52th Army, the main force entering Tibet, used two divisions to build roads on the line between Qamdo and Lhasa. Only the [-]nd Division, the Independent Brigade and the directly subordinate troops entered Lhasa.

To be honest, Li Yong has been thinking about such a question in his head, and he already has a certain idea. Today, when he is asked by a soldier, he might as well say it:

"Haha, everyone has seen wild animals, and I can tell you another news. The Shigatse area is not only rich in wild animal resources, but also has a large number of wild plants. Many of these wild plants have medicinal value, which is our traditional medicine. In the future, your health team may have to work harder, we not only need to use western medicine, but also use traditional Chinese medicine as a supplement, as long as we work hard, everything will be there."

A timid girl passed the message: "Brigade—Brigade Commander, we are running out of salt water. Without salt water, there is no way to disinfect the wounded soldiers."

Li Yong looked back and saw that the person who was asking the question was Hu Xiaoling, the deputy captain of the health team.

Hu Xiaoling was the first woman Li Yong knew, and the two had a close relationship for a period of time. It was because of Hu Xiaoling's help that Li Yong escaped from the KMT's field hospital. Under the circumstances, Li Yong developed a closer relationship with Hu Xiaolian, the daughter-in-law of a fellow villager.

Seeing Li Yong come to the health team today, Hu Xiaoling, the vice captain, was also very excited. She also quietly came behind the soldiers to listen to the broad sea and sky of Li Dashan.

Alcohol should be used to disinfect the wounded, but alcohol is too difficult to obtain, and it is very inconvenient to transport, so in many cases, salt water is used for disinfection, but from what Hu Xiaoling said, there should not be much salt water. (Thank you for your support) (to be continued...)

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