Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander who successfully took over the entire city of Shigatse, was leading a large group of monks and lay officials to explain various precautions. A row of Changning's sons suddenly ran a few steps and lay down on the ground, putting one ear on the ground and listening carefully. .

The monks and lay officials in Shigatse surrounding Zhang Jinsong were stunned by the strange behavior of this PLA soldier. What does this mean?

They didn't understand, but Zhang Jinsong, an old scout, knew exactly what the second son Ning was doing.

"How is it, second son?" Zhang Jinsong called out in a rough voice.

The second son Ning suddenly jumped up from the ground: "Battalion Commander, our brigade is coming, the front must be the tank battalion, that's right."

Ning Erzi has very rich combat experience and is a well-known scouting hero in the whole brigade. The news he heard cannot be wrong.

As if to confirm that the news he had heard was correct, a few minutes later there was a faint rumbling sound and blue smoke from the exhaust vent in the sun. Familiar, yes, this must be the arrival of the main force of the brigade, and the front must be the tank unit.

"What are you still doing in a daze, prepare to welcome you." Zhang Jinsong's loud voice could be heard for two miles.

As the ground trembled, the tank unit of the Independent Brigade was getting closer and closer, and finally, the huge steel body finally came into people's sight.

The tank unit of the Independent Brigade has grown from scratch, from weak to strong, and has experienced many unimaginable difficulties. It can be said that every vehicle and every component is captured by the soldiers from the enemy. With the hard work of the brigade commander Li Yong and the soldiers, they have grown into the most powerful assault force in the whole brigade today, and they are the trump cards among the trump cards.

After World War II, tanks and other armored weapons have been normalized in various countries.It is regarded as standing equipment, but in China in the [-]s, there were still very few established armored units. The tank battalion of the Independent Brigade can be said to represent the highest level of the Chinese Army. There is no difference between eyes and artifacts, the only difference may be that they are real existences, artifacts that can be seen with eyes and touched with hands! ! !

The earth was trembling, and the hearts of the monks and lay officials in Shigatse who came to welcome them were also trembling.Every time the tank tracks sounded "galala", their hearts also trembled.

The covers on the tank turrets were all lifted, and the tank soldiers exposed half of their bodies, looking around curiously at the large crowd who came to greet them.

Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion standing on the first car, looked around and muttered indiscriminately: "Damn it, Lao Zhang really has a way. It's just that he came half a day earlier than us, so he put the These soil turtles are very obedient."

This is Li Yuming's heart.Because he saw the scene where Zhang Jinsong was carefully surrounded by the local officials who came to greet him.

It looked like being surrounded by stars holding the moon in the middle.Zhang Jinsong grinned triumphantly, and Li Yuming suddenly had the urge to play a prank.

The front tanks rumbled over, and the turrets on the tanks rotated slowly. With the rotation of the turrets, Heihuhu's muzzle and Gaoping dual-purpose machine guns pointed at the large group of people in the front.

Only a few tens of meters away, the welcome crowd felt the great pressure of being there.Under the dark muzzle and machine gun, the heart was beating violently, and the courageous ones could still stand although their calves were weak, and a few of the timid ones ran away.

It's too - it's too scary, if you don't run, you might be crushed to death! !That's the common thinking among short-circuited officials.But—cocoa's tanks of the People's Liberation Army can't really greet their own people.

The monks and lay officials were not stupid either. Some people who hadn't run away when the tanks approached bravely stood behind Zhang Jinsong, as if the figure of the PLA soldier in front would definitely protect them.

The fact is indeed the case, Zhang Jinsong guessed Li Yuming's psychology all at once, damn it, Li Yuming is too showy, heh, he deserves a beating.

The tank came to a sudden stop only a few meters away from Zhang Jinsong. Li Yuming jumped down from the slight back and forth shaking of the vehicle body, stood in front of Zhang Jinsong and raised his hands in salute, and reported in a serious manner: "Comrade battalion commander, The Tank Unit of the Independent Brigade has been ordered to come, please give instructions."

Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion, and Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, have similar positions. There is no relationship between superiors and subordinates, and there is no need to ask for instructions. The salute is a joke. Of course, there is also a reason for respect for a veteran. Zhang Jinsong is not very old, but he is a real senior.

"Have you had enough trouble? When you've had enough trouble, quickly pull the troops away. After a while, the brigade commander and the political commissar will come to see how you end up. I think you want to be scolded." Of course Zhang Jinsong didn't have any instructions to say, just A little reminder to this somewhat excited tank battalion instructor.

Sure enough, the brigade commander and political commissar were the most powerful. Li Yuming shrank his neck, hurried back into the car, and drove away with his tank troops amidst the roar of the engine.

The shocking armored force was just a prelude, and then more and more troops came over, so many that people couldn't figure out how many people there were in the People's Liberation Army. Anyway, they were too dazzled to count. He muttered to himself, luckily he didn't fight against the People's Liberation Army, otherwise he must have died miserably.

The army crossing the border is like a division of tigers and wolves. The momentum of the troops coming one after another makes people breathless. The independent brigade is a real field force of the People's Liberation Army. At the level, several prominent figures in Shigatse quietly asked Zhang Jinsong when the head of the army would arrive, and Zhang Jinsong replied with a smile, don't worry, he will be there soon.

Finally, after a few infantry battalions passed by, the brigade headquarters finally arrived. A long line of more than a dozen small jeeps slowly drove over. People with sharper eyes could see that the equipment of the soldiers on the vehicles was obviously different from that of other troops. , everyone is a pair of guys with one long and one short, and some cars have long radio antennas. Zhang Jinsong turned around and introduced: "See, that is our brigade commander and political commissar."

Zhang Jinsong's introduction was very vague, he only said that the brigade commander and the political commissar had arrived, but these monks and lay officials were in a dilemma. The brigade commander and the political commissar are the chiefs of the People's Liberation Army, and the chiefs must be older people, but no matter how they looked at them, they couldn't understand What an older officer.

Never mind, welcome now that you're here, the sobbing horned trombone rang again, and a group of People's Liberation Army soldiers came over amidst the low tone, the first one was just in his early twenties, but it was obvious that A person with the highest status.

The 22-year-old Liberation Army brigade commander is full of heroism, his black eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky, and his neat and well-fitting military uniform looks extremely smart and capable. Does he look silly? ?Zhang Jinsong poked a Chinese-speaking official next to him, and said in a low voice, "The one at the front is our brigade commander."

Only then did the official holding the khata realize that this young, outrageous officer was really the head of the People's Liberation Army.

A few pure white khatas were wrapped around the necks of Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others, and a basketful of auspicious words were said. Li Yong greeted these local officials with a smile on his face. A gust of spring breeze can melt the snow-capped Himalayas and turn them into the galloping Yarlung Zangbo River.

The officials gradually let go of their worries. The chief of the People's Liberation Army is really good. Don't look at the battalion commander who arrived first as fierce, but now the chief of the army is kind.

Of course, if there are red faces, there must be bad faces. Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion has been tossing hard enough, so Li Yong also left the impression on the local officials that the head of the People's Liberation Army is easy to handle.

Of course, those around Li Yong are all troops directly under the brigade headquarters. Zhang Jinsong, Xiao Cheng Sanniu, and the old soldiers who are familiar with his temper all pouted. Seeing that the brigade commander is really good at pretending, in Zhang Jinsong's words That is to say, our brigade commander has an amiable face.

The welcome ceremony was both warm and brief, and no matter how warm the surface is, it will all depend on how the troops will behave in Shigatse in the future.

The main force of the independent brigade is stationed in Shigatse. With the combat effectiveness of the whole brigade, it is not difficult to control the whole region. What is difficult is how to live in the future, how to develop the local economy, and how to solve the problem of feeding tens of thousands of troops. top job.

There is still a part of the supplies for the independent brigade, and it is not a problem to eat for the time being, but it is absolutely impossible to sit and eat, and it is impossible to wait for the logistics supply of the field army. The food is transported from the inland to Qamdo, then from Qamdo to Lhasa, and finally from Lhasa to Shigatse, all the way down. Not only is the journey long and protracted, but it also consumes a lot of energy. Some people have calculated that on average, each logistics soldier transports food from the interior to the Lhasa area, and his own consumption is greater than the materials to be transported.

Therefore, we have to find a way based on ourselves. Fortunately, the Independent Brigade came from one field, and the other field was a field army known for its poverty. The soldiers were accustomed to hardship and experience.

Procuring food is a meticulous and cumbersome job. Li Yong put most of this work on Wang Chengde, the political commissar, and he himself devoted his energy to how to strengthen the border defense. You know, Shigatse is a border area, and the independent brigade should be optimistic. country gate.

It is not easy to produce food, there is no mass base, there is no old liberated area, the language, customs, and living habits are different, and the local people are not rich, and the pressure on each dispatched work group is great. (Thank you everyone, I am ashamed ) (to be continued..)

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