The beacon of youth

Chapter 768 1-Year Planning

Build a house with such fine wood! !What a luxury, Brigadier Li thought as he walked, these timbers should be very valuable in future generations! !Pity.

Behind the north-facing wall is a row of brand-new wooden beds. In the middle of the room is a stove for heating and boiling water. The mud on the newly built stove is not yet dry. Flowers bubbling.

The temperature inside the room is obviously much higher than outside. The heat that is constantly emitting is mixed with the fragrance of freshly felled wood. Take a sniff with your nose, and you will find an indescribable comfort. If you close the door properly Once done, hang a thicker door curtain inside, and there should be no problem in winter.

Although such a wooden house is still very simple, it is much better than sleeping in a tent. Li Yong came to see the engineer company camp not too far from the brigade headquarters. The company commander Xiaocheng reported solemnly:

"Brigade Commander, building a house is no problem, as long as there is wood, many people in our company are carpenters and are serious craftsmen. The difficulty is that there is no glass, so there is no way to dig the windows facing the sun. We had to make a solid wooden wall, and once the door was closed again, the light in the room was very dark, even in broad daylight, the room had to be lit."

Glass is indeed a small problem. Because it is fragile and difficult to transport, it is considered a luxury in Tibetan areas. Usually, only those leaders and nobles can afford it. Ordinary people can only look at it. Li Yong waved his hand: "I'll come up with a solution for these, you just need to build a house, but the engineer company can't just think about itself, but also help the brother troops, no hiding and no ambush."

Xiao Cheng replied with a smile: "Brigade commander, don't worry, I have already sent out personnel, and a few people have gone to each battalion. It is considered a technical guidance without salary."

Hear what Xiao Cheng said.Li Yong was a little relieved. Xiao Cheng, the company commander, did a good job. He was proactive in his work, and he could think of things for himself as a brigade commander. When it came to building a house, he had to be an engineer. He was called a professional.

Li Yong also has his own advantages in building houses. The Independent Brigade has a surprisingly large engineering company. The company commander Xiaocheng and the instructor Zhou Daxing are both quick-tempered and good at their jobs.With the guidance of engineers, the battalions and companies have no technical problems. The engineering companies not only completed their own barracks within the specified time limit, but also took care of most of the work of the brigade headquarters.Li Jia, the company commander of the guard, also made a special trip to express his gratitude to Xiaocheng and the engineers.

Later, the whole brigade knew about the fact that the engineer company helped the guard company work, but the other units didn't say anything.brigade?It's the head office, and it's close to the engineers. Of course, it's a bit affordable. The company commander is still a big beauty. It's also right for the engineers to help. Only the health team quit.Captain Hu Xiaolian expressed her anger. Captain Hu angrily came to the engineering company and asked Xiao Cheng what the boy meant:

"Xiao Cheng, there are many lesbians in our health team. There are many girls, and we are not very good at building houses. What, you don't know or don't see it?? Or don't you think of us at all? Is it from our health team? Girls are not pretty enough?"

Xiao Cheng was dumbfounded. He has been so busy recently that he really forgot about the medical team. If there are more than 1 people in the whole brigade, Hu Xiaolian can't be offended by anyone, because offending Captain Hu is just uncomfortable. By the same token, Hu Xiaolian has not been a soldier for many years, but she is a real old man in the Independent Brigade, a veteran who joined the army when she started her career.

Back then, the independent brigade, which was still a secret service company, was short of doctors and medicines. In order to treat the soldiers' injuries, Hu Xiaolian led the health team to do everything possible, and even went to charge with the combat troops in person. Hu Xiaolian led people to save the lives of many veterans in the Independent Brigade, including San Niu, the current company commander of the repair company.

Xiaocheng and Sanniu have a very good relationship with Hu Xiaolian, they are at the level of best friends, and Hu Xiaolian is also the eldest sister of Xiaocheng and Sanniu. The eldest sister is powerful, how can Xiaocheng not be afraid.

"Xiao--sister Xiaolian, sister-in-law, I haven't forgotten, hehe, haven't you been too busy recently, so I went late, don't worry, I guarantee that the room of your health team is the best in the whole trip."

Hu Xiaolian snorted a few times noncommittally, turned around and left, without even looking back, she just threw a sentence from a distance: "I think you still have a little conscience."

The engineering company of the Independent Brigade is a very impressive company. Not to mention the equipment, the number of personnel alone has reached an unprecedented 700 people, which is more than one battalion of ordinary troops, and almost enough for two battalions. The scale is large, and it is also the largest company-level unit in the entire field army. The independent brigade passed through the Great Northwest all the way, and the engineering company was always the vanguard. He is a very good guy, with his eyes above the top, and he is also a celebrity in the brigade, but today he is bored.

The company commander of a company with more than 700 people was frightened into such a situation by the captain of the health team. He was still on the site of the engineering company, and the soldiers who didn't know the inside story didn't understand.

Some soldiers murmured quietly: "What's the matter? Why is our company commander so angry that he is scared like a grandson by a woman."

Those who know the inside story say, what do you know, kid!Our company commander and Captain Hu of the health team have been together since they were soldiers. It is a lifelong friendship. Can Captain Hu not be angry if the health team's affairs are not handled well?

Thanks to the efforts of the engineering company, the house of the health team was quickly built, the anger of the team leader Hu Xiaolian and others was calmed down, and the company leader Xiaocheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight days have passed, and the independent brigade who came to Shigatse has gradually gained a firm foothold. Whether it is hunting or raising food, coupled with the construction in full swing, they are moving forward steadily. In ten days and a half months, the house problem can be basically solved, and the troops will not be allowed to live outside in winter. This is good news.

There is a house, although it is simple and much better than a tent, but a house alone is not enough. Apart from food, there are many supplies that the army is in short supply, such as salt, etc., plus coal for heating. It is very large, with more than 1 people. The materials needed for cooking and heating are daunting. Although Li Yong asked the troops to cut down wood to build a house, he still refused to use this precious tree species as fuel. Fortunately, there are not only coal mines but also salt mines in Shigatse, and these two most in-demand materials can be mined locally.

After finding out that there are coal and salt reserves in the local area, Li Yong was very happy. It seems that Shigatse has come to the right place. With these two good things, the independent brigade can only tighten their belts to live a tight life, even if there is no field army logistics supplies , It will not be a problem to persist until next autumn.

The plan of the Independent Brigade is to carry out large-scale land reclamation and grazing in the spring of the coming year. It is still the old way, to make enough food and clothing by yourself, and then buy some from the local people, and supplement the logistics of the field army. People's food problem is solved, and before that, they can only live by reserves.

There are wood, coal, salt, abundant wild animals and fishery resources, and a large area of ​​arable land. If the plan is well planned, the life of the independent brigade seems not to be sad, but the brigade commander Li Yong thinks even more Too many, the Independent Brigade is a combat force, not a commoner who came to Shigatse. Apart from gaining a firm foothold and surviving, there are also the most important combat tasks. There are still many head-scratching questions.

Grain can be cultivated, wood can be mined, even coal and salt can be obtained locally, but what about weapons and ammunition?Ammunition is a one-time consumable. Not to mention fighting, even daily training is a big expense, and soldiers will not be planted from the land! !

The industrial base of Shigatse in the closed post-Tibet is almost zero, and it is no less than nonsense to want to produce by yourself. What should we do?The reason is very simple, if the troops do not train, their combat effectiveness will decline, but where do the ammunition needed for daily training come from?The supply battalion has a part of the reserve, but after the reserve is exhausted..., rely on the logistics of the field army to guarantee it?The logistics unit couldn't even effectively supply food for food, not to mention ammunition, and Brigadier Li was so worried that he couldn't sleep all day long.

The solution was thought up by human beings. After racking his brains, Li Yong finally thought of his own repair company. Recently, the repair company has expanded rapidly. Although the number of people is not as strong as that of the engineer company, it has reached nearly 400 people. Ordnance repair is no longer a problem. The maintenance of all weapons, vehicles and large-scale equipment of the Independent Brigade is basically completed by the repair company. In other words, the technical reserve of the repair company has reached a considerable level.

After several years of training, the repair company has a certain technical reserve. According to the existing technical capabilities, as long as there are equipment and materials, it is still possible to produce simple rifles and pistols.

Sanniu, the company commander of the repair company, was called over by Li Yong. Sanniu was the first soldier Li Yong recruited from near Yan'an. Like Xiao Cheng, he served as Li Yong's bodyguard for a long time. You need to be the company commander of the repair company.

Straight to the point, Li Yong opened his mouth and asked, "San Niu, can your company tinker with weapons and ammunition, not only for repairs, but also for production, are you sure?"

Because there was no preparation at all, San Niu froze for a moment, which song did the brigade commander sing today?Why ask whether it is possible to produce weapons and ammunition?

Brigadier: "Are we going to war again? Great, who are we going to fight?" San Niu's tone was full of uncontrollable excitement. (to be continued..)

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