The beacon of youth

Chapter 774 Distant Eyes

No matter what, Brigadier Li Da finally persuaded the army commander and political commissar with his sharp tongue. The two chiefs not only agreed to hand over all the equipment to the independent brigade, but also agreed to choose Shigatse as the site of the factory. Li Yong fully achieved his goal. the goal of.

In fact, Army Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan are not wrong either. The Independent Brigade is a subordinate unit of the [-]th Army no matter how noisy it is. There is no difference between building a factory in Shigatse and Lhasa. Even ability cannot escape the palm of the Tathagata Buddha.

At this time, Li Yong also felt a little bit like an arrow. The reconnaissance battalion and the two guard platoons were manned enough, and they rushed in when they came to the mint. In an instant, the inside and outside of the mint were full of soldiers with weapons in their hands.

This guy frightened the director of the mint to death. It would be a lie to say that he was not afraid. How many people would not tremble when the muzzle of the black gun was pointed at his head? When he saw the soldiers, he would not even look at him. At a glance, it was only when I went straight to the sealed machine that I realized that the People's Liberation Army simply didn't have time to take care of him, so I just did what I should do! !

The return to Shigatse was much slower than when we came here. With the help of the mint worker master, several large trucks were full of machinery and equipment with butter. Li Yong was very happy, this is still the army Biggest gain in months.

Since the Independent Brigade entered Xinjiang, they have spent most of their time fighting bandits, and the valuable seizures have dropped sharply. It is difficult to meet big business that can make a fortune like before. The last time there was a big harvest was to wipe out Us in the Hongliuxia Ranch. When it was full of bandits, the rest of the time was wasted all the time. Li Yong was anxious, and so were the soldiers, because the entire independent brigade was used to fishing around, and felt uneasy if they hadn't made any money for a long time.

Li Yong is not very familiar with machinery and equipment.But even if you are not familiar with it, you can understand that what was brought back was a whole production line, a whole production line, all of which are good treasures. Because of the underutilization that year, the equipment did not have much wear and tear. Reproduction provides convenience.

The journey went smoothly, full of excitement, Li Yong and the soldiers returned to their hometown Shigatse, the political commissar Wang Chengde and others had already known the news.A large group of people went out a few kilometers early to meet.

When the convoy showed up, both sides cheered. Even Wang Chengde, the political commissar, cheered together with everyone. Don't look at what Lao Wang sometimes talks about in a serious manner. The benefits of coming, if you meet something good, don't start.He should stop messing around in the independent brigade.

The machinery and equipment were handed over to the repair company as they were, not to mention that they were brought back by the reconnaissance battalion.The receiver has to be a repair company.People are the real bosses.

San Niu and the hundreds of soldiers in the repair company are happy. The so-called laymen watch the fun and the experts watch the doorway. These experts understand how precious a complete production line is better than the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion.

Li Yong told Sanniu that from today onwards, the weapons factory will be officially listed.You are the company commander of the repair company and also the factory director of our [-]th Army weapons factory. This is also the opinion of Commander Zhang Guohua and Political Commissar Tan Guansan. The repair company is responsible for the specific operation and production of the factory, and the brigade only gives guidance. Opinion.Do not interfere in any way, that is to say, Li Yong completely handed over the power to Sanniu and the hundreds of soldiers in the repair company. You can do whatever you want. As the leader of the brigade, what Li Yong wants is the result.

Li Yong is adhering to the management model of streamlining administration and delegating power to power. Not all work is done by the top commander. Let the subordinates do what should be done. The top leader has decision-making power in commanding the entire army to fight, but Li Yong does not think he is better than Sanniu when it comes to repairing ordnance, so Brigadier Li Da only gives Sanniu a few reference opinions, that is, simplify first and then difficult, step by step


If the artillery cannot be produced, we will produce ordinary firearms. Because the raw materials cannot be produced, we will produce bullets and grenades first. There is always hope in the production of these consumables for daily training! !

I hope that there will be as much pressure as there is. The soldiers of Sanniu and the repair company also felt tremendous pressure while being happy. To a certain extent, not only will the Independent Brigade's future ammunition supply depend on them, but even the [-]th Army will rely on them. The whole army is also very likely to have high hopes for them, and there is only one reason, it is too difficult to supply troops from the interior.

Resupplying troops entering Tibet is a very difficult task, let alone in the [-]th year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, even decades later when the road to Tibet was repaired, it was a headache, and sacrifices were made every year on the road to Tibet The auto soldiers in China do not know themselves, and it will be completely solved only after the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is fully paved.

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway runs from Xining in Qinghai to Lhasa in Tibet, with a total length of nearly 4000 kilometers. Most of them operate at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, and the highest altitude exceeds 100 meters. Km, started construction in 21. After five full years, it was not fully completed until July 40, [-]. Although the mechanization capacity of construction can be greatly improved after the [-]st century, the country is also in a period of peace. But casualties are still unavoidable. More than [-] railway workers died due to work after the whole line was completed. Not to mention the first stage. In the first stage, an average of one road construction soldier died every kilometer from Xining to Golmud. The price was extremely heavy.

Li Yong knew very well in his heart that the supply of supplies to the troops entering Tibet depended on the sacrifice of life and death by the logistics soldiers. This difficulty would not be completely resolved until the entire railway line in Lhasa was completed. Thousand and six years, there are still 56 years before the current [-] years! !

In the 56 years, too many things happened in New China. Li Yong's head was a little messed up after thinking too much, so he simply stopped thinking about it and recognized the reality.

In a flash, more than half a month has passed since the Independent Brigade was stationed in Shigatse. During this half-month period, more than 1 people from the whole brigade were dispatched, and they were extremely busy, fishing and hunting, cutting down trees, and raising food , Building camps, etc., are in full swing. At the same time, we must maintain law and order, consolidate border defense, combat bandits, publicize the party's policies to the local people, and finally prepare for the establishment of the first weapons factory in Tibet. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. All kinds of work are extremely complicated.

However, no matter what, everything is on the right track, and all work is being carried out in an orderly manner. The lazy brigade commander Li Yong threw a lot of work to the political commissar Wang Chengde and others, and he himself got into the war room I don't go out of the house all day, I don't know what I'm tinkering with.

Everyone was very puzzled, wondering what the brigade commander was getting nervous about again.

Li Yong didn't get nervous. He was looking at the whole map of the northeast border area. The current Shigatse is in peacetime. According to Li Yong's estimation, there is at least five years of development time. There will be no battles to fight.

Not being able to fight for five years in a row made Li Yong really restless. In peacetime, political commissar Wang Chengde would have to take care of construction. He really didn't have any interest in that aspect, so he had to go to the war room Researching where there is still war, and at this stage there is only North Korea where there is war, Li Yong's eyes are getting farther and farther away.

North Korea, as the name suggests, is explained in Chinese as a country with a bright future.

North Korea is a peninsula-type country. The south is rich in rice and the north is rich in mineral deposits. The total area is about 21 square kilometers (about 11 in the south and about [-] in the north). Because of the special geographical environment, this peninsula country has been constantly fighting in history. In modern times, it has become a bridgehead for various powers to occupy the Far East, and the story begins here.

The beautiful North Korea already had a written history in BC, and its culture has a long history, but the splendid civilization and special geographical location not only did not bring good luck to this country, but also caused frequent wars. In the various dynasties it developed, The time without war is short.

Therefore, the kind-hearted Korean people yearn for a day without wars and aggression by foreign powers. In order to achieve this simple wish, the king of North Korea even issued an order not to allow the country and the people to produce gold and silver, for the sake of the powerful countries around them. If the interest in this country can be reduced a bit, if there is no interest in occupation, of course there will be no aggression and war.

However, can this country be brought to peace without producing gold and silver?Can there be no war?The answer is of course no, because - they are too naive.

In [-], Tsarist Russia and Japan fought on the small peninsula in order to compete for the right to rule the country. As a result of the war, the two sides each delineated their own spheres of influence, thus dividing the unified Korean peninsula into two halves. .

The Korean peninsula has always been within the sphere of influence of the great China, but China was poor and weak in [-], and the Qing Dynasty was precarious and unable to manage the small countries around it. Since then, the kind-hearted Korean people have suffered a lot. .

After the Meiji Restoration, Japan’s national strength grew rapidly. It changed from an agricultural country to an industrial country, from the chaos of the shogunate period to a unified country. The national strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Defeated Tsarist Russia and completely turned North Korea into its own colony, which was under the jurisdiction of Qizhi Province.

(The Meiji Restoration in Japan was in the same era as the Reform Movement of [-] in China, but it is a pity that knowing the success of the Restoration, the Reform Movement of [-] in China ended in failure)

After the end of World War II, Japan was defeated, and North Korea became the sphere of influence of the United States and the Soviet Union. Due to the difference in time and space, it has become impossible for the United States to completely occupy North Korea and prevent the Soviet Union from entering North Korea by force. (To be continued..)

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