The beacon of youth

Chapter 78 Battle of Yulin

The troops of the Northwest Field Army left Jingbian and continued eastward for more than three days. On this day, they arrived at Hengshan County, south of the Great Wall and east of Jingbian. Nothing has changed, and my own arrival has not changed history.

Later, I thought about how the trajectory of history could be easily changed. I was just a battalion-level cadre in this world, so my hopes were too high.

At the meeting of the battalion headquarters, Li Yong asked all the platoons to prepare for the battle, especially the explosive kits and ladders, and the troops had to practice various techniques for field battles during the march.

After a short rest in Hengshan, the Northwest Field Army, which had marched continuously, came to the vicinity of Yulin, and the battle against the outer positions of Yulin began immediately. Li Yong's second column was in charge of attacking Sancha Bay, which was only about [-] miles away from Yulin. The main force attacking Sancha Bay was Li Yong and his Second Vertical and Fourth Brigade.

There is a regiment defending the enemy in this Sancha Bay. Dozens of large bunker groups have been built on the flat desert.

The strong wind blew the yellow sand and beat people blindly. Gunshots, gunfire, and explosions of grenades rang out together. The fourth brigade's attack began. The second regiment was the main force of the whole brigade. A group of ferocious large bunkers.

Li Yong's special agent battalion was waiting for orders as the regiment's reserve team. In the past, when the second regiment fought, because one battalion was reserved as a reserve team, they could only use two battalions to attack. This time there was a special agent battalion. All the three basic battalions of the army were taken out and used the front-line attack positions, and the attack strength has been greatly strengthened.

The second regiment now has four main battalions. Li Yong's special agent battalion has more than 800 people, which is equivalent to two battalions of other troops. The reserve team is also more than other troops, and its weapons and equipment are better than other teams. This is why the brigade headquarters made the second regiment the main attacking force.

Hearing the fierce shouts of the attacking troops, and the red flags appearing and disappearing in the yellow sand, Li Yong felt his blood boil, but he also knew that fighting was not easy. Our troops were born in guerrilla warfare and lacked firearms. The tough battle is still in the process of learning, and the tuition paid is the blood and lives of the soldiers. Li Yong, who used a telescope to observe the battle situation, couldn't sit still, and brought Li Yuming and several soldiers from the police squad to the regiment headquarters.

Commander Zhao saw Li Yong walking in and asked, "What's the matter, Dayong? Can't sit still? Your battalion is the reserve team of our regiment, and you can't be used until the last moment."

Li Yong said: "Regimental Commander, our regiment's suppression firepower is not enough, and the attacking troops will suffer heavy casualties. I will bring two platoons up. One of our platoons has 32 light machine guns, and the two platoons have [-]. The mortar platoon is brought over to carry out fixed-point clearing of places where our firepower cannot reach. We do not participate in the attack, but only serve as fire cover for the attacking troops. I only bring three platoons here, and the other troops are led by instructors and serve as reserve teams. , can’t delay your order, do you think it’s okay to do this?”

Head Zhao thought for a while and said to Li Yong: "Okay, let's do this, remember, don't join the attack lightly, our regiment has not yet reached the critical moment, and your battalion is the last card in my hand."

Li Yong said, "Don't worry about the commander." Then he turned to Sanniu and Xiaocheng and said, "Let the first, second and artillery platoons run over."

Not long after, Li Jiangguo, Ma Quanyou, and Gao Xiang ran over with the troops, followed by twenty people from the police squad. Sanniu and Xiaocheng secretly said to Li Yuming: "Squad leader, the instructor explained , if there is something wrong with our battalion commander, he will want our heads."

Li Yuming said in a low voice: "Needless to say, if something goes wrong with the battalion commander, I don't need the instructor to find me, and I can solve it myself. What's the use of us as a police officer?"

Under the watchful eyes of the head of the regiment, Li Yong led the troops to run up, and arrived at the forefront of the attacking troops ten minutes later, only to see an attacking force of our army suppressed by machine gun fire from the enemy bunker on the flat desert. start.

Several big bunkers were built on the soil bag less than 100 meters away in front. The locations of these bunkers were well chosen, and the terrain was not very high, but they happened to block the advancing route of the attacking troops. It became a crossfire, and fire snakes were constantly sprayed out from the holes of the guns. Our army's attacking force was a company, with only one heavy machine gun and a few light machine guns, which could not fight the enemy, and the firepower was intermittent.

Li Yong climbed to the side of the company commander of the Sharp Knife Company. The company commander turned around and saw that it was Li Yong who hurriedly said, "Li Battalion Commander, why are you here? Isn't your battalion a reserve team?"

Li Yong did not answer why, but asked the company commander, "How is it?" Yes, the explosives can’t be sent up, it’s all a desert, the terrain is too flat, there are no terrains and features that can be used, and there is no terrain and features that can be used from the front, and there are no terrains and features that can be used on both sides. He died halfway, and there are already more than ten casualties."

Li Yong discussed with the company commander: "Do you think it's okay to do this? I will suppress the enemy's firepower for you, and you will do the blasting. I'm not afraid of casualties in my own troops. Our regiment leader said that we will not do it until the critical moment." Let's go up."

The company commander said happily: "Battle Commander Li, there is nothing wrong with this, as long as you can suppress the enemy's firepower, leave the other matters to our company, and you can just take charge of the command, Commander Li."

Li Yong turned his head and said to Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou: "Have you seen the big blockhouses in front? Bring all the light machine guns of your two platoons over, and block one hole with two light machine guns, and block all the holes. Isn’t the enemy’s machine guns very powerful, this time let them see what firepower is.”

After receiving the order, the 32 light machine guns in the first row and the second row immediately set up and fired together at the sound of Li Yong's password. The salvo of the 32 light machine guns was spectacular, and every two machine guns fired continuously at a hole. .

The magazine capacity of the Czech light machine gun is [-]. A good shooter can shoot six to seven bursts with three bursts. The accuracy of the Czech type is very good, but the disadvantage is that the magazine capacity is small, and frequent replacement of the magazine will cause damage. As a result of the interruption of firepower, Li Yong can overcome this shortcoming by using two Czech guns to block a gun hole, but this tactic can only be used by the special agent company in the second regiment, and other companies cannot come up with such a machine gun. open fire.

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