Li Yong was very annoyed that he only traveled more than 20 kilometers in more than an hour. How long would it take to reach the destination at this speed? This is still the speed at night without the air strikes of the United Nations aircraft.

The time without enemy air strikes is too precious, so I have to take advantage of the night to drive a little longer, and maybe it will be like during the day, maybe the whole day can only be cats in the woods and caves to defend against the air.

I was afraid of what would come, the more thirsty I was, the more I ate salt, but when Li Yong was anxious and slowed down, the convoy stopped, and a few people who looked like female soldiers of the People's Army stopped them.

"Who are you? What department are you in? What is the number of the unit?" Seeing Li Yong and his party, the leading female soldier opposite asked in fluent Mandarin.

The female soldier's fluent Chinese made Ning Erzi very stunned. You know, he had exhausted his tongue to communicate with the other party just now. In order to let the other party understand, he even made a lot of gestures that he thought were very simple. Can speak Chinese, not only can speak, but in terms of fluency and standards, it is not much worse than Ning Erzi, whose hometown is in Shanxi.

Damn, I played Lao Tzu like a monkey.While Ning Erzi was depressed, he also wanted to lose his temper.

Li Yong smiled, and didn't care about why the other party didn't answer his question:

"Hehe, don't you understand who we are? Of course we are a volunteer army. The troops coming from the rear can't be the enemy, right? As for the number of the troops, we have to keep it secret for the time being. Comrade, can you let us go there? ".

"I have seen a lot of volunteers, but none of them are like you." Another female soldier spoke.

Ning Erzi was even more depressed.It seems that these female fighters can speak Chinese, and it is no worse than his Chinese. The second son Ning, who couldn't help being angry, said loudly:

"Since you can speak Chinese, why are you pretending to be dumb? I've already killed you for the sake of being women."

"It's up to you? Do you want to kill us? Tell you. As long as you dare to shoot, our people will arrive immediately. There are many volunteers nearby."

Li Yong understood that these female fighters had doubts about their identities, and that's why they confronted Ning Erzi for so long.

"Hehe, little comrades, why do you doubt our identities. There must be a reason? Say a lot of words, so we can prove it to you. How about it? How about my proposal?"

Li Yong is not very old, but when he speaks, he speaks one comrade at a time, which is a bit of a leader's posture. In fact, the rank of Li Dali's brigade commander is indeed the leader of everyone here.This is true.

Several female fighters also felt very puzzled.It is impossible to say that these people are enemies. Although the visibility is not very good at night, there must be at least a few hundred people in size, and they are fully armed fighters. If they are enemies, how can there be so many fighters? Afraid of their limited number of female fighters?

But if you say they are not enemies, you have never seen a volunteer army dressed like this.I have seen a lot of volunteer troops, and none of them are like these hundreds of people.How can they be dressed in the same style as the enemy?This is too strange.

The Independent Brigade is a very bullish force in the Northwest, and the guard company and the reconnaissance platoon are the elite of the Independent Brigade. The soldiers have a higher spirit. In addition to the helmets on their heads, many of them wear cantaloupe on both sides of their necks Grenade, this dress and habits really look like the United Nations Army.

"Whoever believes that you are a volunteer army, show the proof." A female soldier shouted.

Li Yong also felt that it was not easy to handle. There must be proofs, but can these girls understand?The few of them are just sentinels on duty. Their rank is too low. Even if they can understand Chinese characters, they will not understand the format and style of documents. To put it bluntly, they cannot understand the order of their superiors. Well, it's impossible for Li Yong to let them see the orders of the superiors.

There was a stalemate, both sides had no confidence in each other, Brigadier Li Da thought for a while and finally came up with a stupid way:

"Several little comrades, do you think this is good? Send someone to our army to ask. If the enemy disguised themselves, they would not have found so many people who can speak Chinese. This method works for you. no?"

The leading female soldier's eyes lit up, yes, this is really a good idea, no matter how many enemy spies come, it is impossible for hundreds of people to speak Chinese, that would be too ridiculous.

At her signal, a girl ran over quickly with a big gun on her back.

Everyone heard the same conversation between Li Yong and them. It was a bit funny and weird to see a North Korean girl to identify whether they were Chinese.

The guard company and the scouts are clever ghosts with good brains, and they are all extremely articulate. Basically, they can't wait to talk to the female soldier without asking her, and some even talk nonsense.

"Hey, North Korean sister, we are real volunteers, soldiers of Chairman Mao, here to help you fight the war, why don't you believe it."

"Come and see, how are we not like the Chinese? You guys are not like the Koreans, and the Chinese language is better than us."

"Hey, little girl, we are in a hurry, so don't make trouble. Didn't you see that we have so many people? It's not easy to deal with you?"

The female soldier was a little dazed, and the young man from Qing Yishui was on the opposite side. Such teasing made her a little bit embarrassed, and she ran back with a flushed face, and reported to the leading girl in a low voice: "Yes, yes, yes , they are all Chinese and should be volunteers.”

Gritting her teeth, the leading girl slung the big gun over her shoulder, walked up to Li Yong in a few steps, raised her hand in salute, and shouted: "I'm sorry, sir, we made a mistake."

"During the war, you should be vigilant. What's your name? You did the right thing. What's the specific task?"

"The head of the report, my name is Jin Yingzi. I am the leader of the third company and first platoon of the second regiment of the Sinuiju garrison of the People's Army. I am responsible for the security and patrol tasks in this area. We have a total of twelve people, all of whom are deployed in this area."

Li Yong heard a lot of information from her words, she was indeed a female soldier of the People's Army, and a platoon leader, but the garrison in this place is too pitiful, there are only twelve people in a platoon, and they are all female soldiers, see Things are not going well for the People's Army.

One day the clouds dissipated, and since it was clear that it was his own people, everything would be easy. Li Yong asked the girl named Jin Yingzi to provide a guide for the small troops so that the troops could pass quickly.

Jin Yingzi smiled wryly and replied: "Chief, it's not that I don't want to help you, you'll understand when you go over there."

There was a sharp turn in front of the lot guarded by Jin Yingzi and several other female soldiers, blocked by a hill several hundred meters high, and nothing could be seen behind. Seeing Jin Yingzi talking like this, Li Yong knew there must be a reason. The second son hurried over with a few, and came back after a while:

"Brigade Commander, the road ahead was bombed. There is a big crater. There are more than 100 fellow North Koreans who are repairing the road. I think it will be difficult to repair it in a while."

The road ahead has a zigzagging detour, and you can see it when you turn the corner. There is a big crater in the middle of the road. Li Yong walked over to have a look. The depth of this big crater is three to four meters, and the width It is even more frightening five or six meters, lying in the middle of the road, there is no way for the convoy to pass.

This is a crater created by a heavy bomb dropped by an airplane. There are only two ways to get past it. One is to wait for the road to be repaired so that the convoy can pass through. The other way is to give up the car and go around on foot.

Of course, it is impossible to give up the cars. These cars are treasures seized by the soldiers of the Independent Brigade from the enemy. Besides, there are a lot of ammunition and supplies in the car. Without a car, what can be used to carry it?Rely on the soldiers to carry it with them?That's how much you can bring, so the car must never be given up.

Another way is to wait for the North Korean fellows to repair the road before leaving. However, Li Yong is a bit stupid when he takes a closer look at the North Korean fellows who built the road. It's too hard to see. There is not a single young man in it, either an old man or a woman, and there are a few children in their teens, who are trying to add earth and rocks to the large bomb crater.

Rely on them to build roads?Then we have to wait until the year of the monkey?Jin Yingzi seemed to see Li Yong's doubts. From the mouths of the soldiers, he also knew that the young volunteer officer in front of him was a very high-ranking brigade commander, really the chief.

"Chief, the young men are all on the front line. We have suffered a lot. There is no other way. We can only rely on the elderly and women in the rear. However, you don't have to worry, our women and the elderly will definitely be able to repair the road."

Cut, just blow it up, the road can be repaired by old people and women, and it will be almost daylight when it is repaired, and then the American plane will come and blow it up again, maybe the road repaired overnight will be pulled down again, what will the convoy do? ?Should I wait to be bombed or…………………

Here came the problem. The crater from the heavy aerial bomb blocked the entire highway. Li Yong looked at his watch and saw that the time pointed to eight o'clock in the evening, which was the best time for the volunteer army's logistics troops to pass. Li Yong and his small convoy were not the only ones walking on the road, there might be a large army waiting to pass through. It would be bad if they were messed up by American planes while waiting.

There is no air supremacy! ! !Damn, the American grandma's plane is too arrogant.

But lamentation is not enough. To use Chairman Mao’s words, if you have the conditions, you have to go, if you don’t have the conditions, you have to go. If everything is ready, it’s not a war, it’s a trip.

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