The beacon of youth

Chapter 808 Wild Wolf Team

This guy speaks good English, although he is yellow.

The cave is not big, it can be seven or eight meters deep. In order to resist the cold and make it more concealed, a curtain made of white cloth was hung at the entrance of the cave.

The mountain is full of snow, and the entrance of the cave is covered with a white cloth. It is difficult to find a small cave that can hide more than a dozen people tens of meters away.

The concealment effect is good, but the temperature in the cave is too low, even if these people are equipped with good equipment, they are shivering from the cold.

The person called Officer Nick just raised his head to look at the guy who spoke, and then lowered his head to look at the map in his hand. His eyes were indifferent, like the cold wind outside the cave.

Nick, whose face was blackened by carbon fire, is in his 30s. If it weren't for the blue eyes, he wouldn't be able to tell whether he was a yellow or a white man. The only thing that stands out is that his nose is bigger than the people next to him. A little and a little higher.

Nick was born in the No.80 Second Airborne Division of the U.S. Army in his early years. He experienced the entire World War II, from the tropical rainforest of the Philippines to the banks of the Rhine, leaving his footprints. Because of his bravery in combat, he was promoted from an ordinary soldier to the rank of captain.

After the outbreak of World War II, the U.S. military and the Allied forces suffered from the fact that intelligence was not as good as that of the German army. In order to make up for the shortage as soon as possible, the United States established the Strategic Service Bureau. In [-], shortly after the end of the war, the Strategic Service Bureau was renamed the Central Intelligence Agency.After more than half a year of hard training, Nick completed all the studies required by a professional spy and was sent to perform the mission.Just when the Korean War broke out, Nick was honored to be the head of the Wild Wolf Team of the US Far East Intelligence Agency. work.

Except for him, all the members of the wolf team are Koreans. These Koreans call him Sir Nick respectfully in front of them, but they call him Yankee or barbaric Yankee behind their backs.Nick knew all this, of course, but it didn't matter.As long as he can complete the task, ask him to do anything.

In Nick's view, Koreans with small eyes generally have the same appearance, and it is difficult to tell who is who.Only a dozen or so core members can remember their appearance, which is already the limit that a well-educated beauty officer can do.

Everyone knows it's hard to be here, and he, Nick, is also a human being. If it wasn't for the damn war, if it wasn't for the lying South Korean president, how could he still be nesting in this unlucky cave in the cold night? The destination of the mission is Japan, it is Japan.It was an extremely beautiful place, a heaven-like existence.I can't think about these anymore, I feel hot all over when I think of them.Still think about it now, this is a cave closest to the road. Chinese people and vehicles often pass by on the road at the foot of the mountain. The troop numbers, weapons and equipment, firepower equipment, personnel size and tasks to be performed by the North Koreans and North Koreans.

Everything has to be investigated, but it is too dangerous to do so. Those bigwigs sitting in the heated room behind only know to use their mouths, and they will work hard in the ice and snow. Can those officials and lords It is clear that for such a task, their wild wolf team has lost more than a dozen members.

The night in North Korea belongs to the Chinese. This sentence is not wrong at all. In order to avoid the bombing of the United States Air Force, the entire road is much busier at night than during the day. According to reconnaissance, another convoy is driving from the direction of China. coming.

Just when Nick was thinking wildly in his mind, the curtain was lifted, and a gust of cold wind that penetrated into the bone marrow got used to it as the curtain was lifted. Nick shivered Lingling, He looked at the two guys who just came in with good eyes.

The two guys who just rushed in were wearing the white clothes that ordinary North Koreans wear every day, and a white cloak with a hat around their shoulders. They shook piles of snowflakes from their bodies while stomping their feet and breathing.

While shaking their upper and lower teeth, the two guys reported: "Mr. Nick, we both lay down for more than three hours, and finally found a Chinese convoy. There were several jeeps in front of the car. It was full of fighters, and there were trucks behind them, but the trucks were covered with tarpaulins, and it was impossible to see what was inside, what should I do?"

A small convoy of more than a dozen vehicles is not worth calling the air force to blow up. Besides, it is night, even if the air force is called, the arrogant guys of the air force will not come, wait until daytime?

But the convoy went far away during the day. This is the territory of the North Korean army and the Chinese. Their wild wolf team can only track the prey they found with their legs, but they can't catch up with the car.

After thinking about it, Nick finally decided to use the members of the wolf team to shoot directly. First of all, he must find out the intention of the Communist Army convoy and the cargo it carries, and then decide which method to take, whether it is blasting or assassination. Important, you can also call the air force for support. You know, they just made a great contribution a few days ago. If there are one or two more such achievements, he can go to Japan for vacation. The beautiful vacation is too tempting, maybe wait for the vacation When it's over, the damn war is over, and that's a godsend.

Under the leadership of Jin Yingzi, the convoy went more and more smoothly. It seems that no matter where it goes, it is best to have local snakes to cooperate, and North Korea is no exception.

As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. The situation of Ning Erzi and Jin Yingzi is similar. They marched together for several hours, and the two became friends from the beginning of fighting and bickering.

It was almost dawn again, and the one-night march not only did not make Jin Yingzi relax, but even made him more vigilant. Ning Erzi looked at the North Korean girl who was holding the rifle tightly in his hand a little strangely.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. This area is not peaceful. Our Second Defense Regiment has encountered spies several times. They are all trained South Korean spies. They are very difficult to deal with." Jin Yingzi knew that Ning Erzi was in Staring at her, he introduced it casually.

He really came here as he said, and just as Jin Yingzi finished speaking, a few people suddenly appeared tens of meters ahead, gesturing to stop the car.

The jeep stopped with a squeak, Ning Erzi and Jin Yingzi jumped out of the car suspiciously, and looked around at the people who blocked the car.

Two of the four were dressed in volunteer army uniforms, and the other two were dressed in people's army uniforms, carrying Soviet-style submachine guns and Mubing grenades, looking fully armed.

The leader hurriedly came over to talk to him: "Comrade, some of us are wounded who have returned to the team after recovering from injuries. We want to give you a ride to the front line. Can it be convenient?"

The wounded returning to the team want a free ride? ?Ning Erzi, who was born as a scout, would not just believe what other people said, especially if he was in a foreign country, he had to be more careful.

"Which part are you from?" When were you injured?

"Hehe, comrade, are you quite careful? Two of us belong to the [-]th Army, and two of them belong to the Second Army Corps of the People's Army. They were wounded in the second battle. No, the wound has healed. We want to go back to the old army. "...

The fluent Chinese spoken by the visitor made Ning Erzi unable to find any faults. Although he had doubts, it was not easy to refuse, because the weather is too cold now. It's not human.

The second son Ning thought again, even if there was a problem, so what, they only had four people, and there were more than 200 people on their side, could they still not be able to beat these guys?

"It's okay to want to take a ride, come on quickly, but our car seats are tight, you get on one car each, hurry up, we have to hurry."

Ning Erzi had a lot of minds, so he divided the four wounded in four jeeps into four jeeps, so that even if something happened, it would not be a big problem for each soldier in each car to subdue one.

It's hard for people to say anything, it's very convenient to get a ride. If you emphasize that four people must sit in one car, it means that there is no silver 300 taels here.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon immediately understood the intention of their platoon leader, and after allowing a few wounded to ride, they immediately assigned a soldier to report to the brigade commander Li Yong.

Li Yong was also a little surprised, did the wounded get a ride?Damn, wouldn't you be targeted by enemy agents as soon as you arrived in North Korea? ? ?However, it is also very possible that it is his own comrades, which is really difficult to deal with.

That's right, the four wounded in the car were the agents of the South Korean Wild Wolf team. They were ordered by Team Leader Nick to spy on the convoy, trying to figure out whether there were high-value targets in the convoy.

Why do the four secret agents insist that two are the volunteer army and the other are the people's army?The reason is also very simple, because only two of the four can speak Chinese, so the two agents who can't speak Chinese had to be dressed as wounded people of the People's Army.

What they didn't expect was that this group of Chinese people was very vigilant. Even if they agreed to give them a ride, they didn't let their guard down. It was a typical mistrust to separate four people into four cars.

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